Learners and Teaching Context Pinetree Secondary School is the high school in School District 43 that we have chosen to describe the types of learners and teaching context for our lesson plan assignment. Pinetree Secondary is located in Coquitlam, BC, and has an enrollment of about 1,300 students (Pinetree Secondary School, 2012). Business class sizes at Pinetree have typically 20 to 25 students per class. The neighborhood surrounding Pinetree Secondary School consist of a variety of housing ranging from mobile homes, subsidized condominium developments and co-op housing to very exclusive family homes (Pinetree Secondary School, 2012). Therefore, the students that attend Pinetree Secondary come from high, medium and low socioeconomic status. Pinetree Secondary School is a truly multicultural school. Approximately fifty percent of the students that attend Pinetree were born outside of Canada and speak a different language other than English and some of the students are new immigrants (Pinetree Secondary School, 2012). There is a broad range of linguistics and culture diversity at Pinetree. The major cultural groups within the school include Persian, Chinese, Korean and Canadian (Pinetree Secondary School, 2012). Based on this, roughly seventy percent of students in each classroom are EAL learners. At Pinetree Secondary the majority of students are well motivated academically and many are expected by their families to attend university following graduation (Pinetree Secondary School, 2012). Regardless of the large range of diversity, the most outstanding feature of Pinetree is the positive attitude and acceptance of diversity including sexual orientation and ethnic background (Pinetree Secondary School, 2012). LLED 360 Lesson Plan Template Teacher’s Name: Michelle Fahlman, Rheanna Faedo, Veronica Lo, Edlynne Venkataya Grade Level: 10 Subject: Marketing 10 Lesson Topic: How to give an effective oral presentation? Rationale -Students are in the Marketing 10 class. -Developing student presentation skills in smaller group settings to help build confidence for larger audiences and for future presentations. -The ESL students will be grouped with the native English-speaking students to enhance their learning on effective oral communication skills. Prescribed Learning Outcomes (e.g., Science, Gr 9, B3, p. 95) Describe and evaluate the marketing mix for a variety of products (Marketing, Gr 10, Business Education 8-10, pg. 44). Student Learning Objectives (SLO’s, SWBAT) 1) To understand the importance of giving an effective business presentation. a) Presentation delivery: tone of voice, body language, etc. b) Visual display: directions have been followed, information is neatly displayed, and presentation is organized logically. c) Audience manners: showing respect for your peers when they are giving a presentation. 2) Students will develop and prepare the skills to a give effective oral presentation in front of an audience. 3) Students will work in a group of peers with whom they do not normally work with and develop teamwork skills. 4) Students will increase their confidence in presentations by having two opportunities to present and receive feedback. Required Vocabulary and/or Language Strategies Introduction/ Hook 5 min. **Note: This lesson will be taught over two classes. 1) Presentation 2) Sandwich Feedback Teacher Activity -Show the below YouTube video: http://www.howcast.com/videos/217966How-to-Give-an-Effective-BusinessPresentation -This video uses humor to hook students, by offering several steps, tips, and facts on how to give an effective presentation. Student Activity -Watch video -Start thinking about what makes a good presentation Time 5 Min. Body/Development (Modelling, Guided Practice, Independent Practice, Application of Strategy) 45 min. **Note: This lesson will be taught over two classes. Teacher Activity Student Activity Day One 1) Zwiers (2008) activity Think Pair Share, pg.154. Have students think individually on what makes a good presentation/or what make not so effective presentation. Students will be able to use their computers for this activity. 1a) After student Think Pair discussion, asks upon students from each pair to share an idea of what or what not makes an effective presentation. Students will be first be thinking individually and then they will pair up to discuss ideas. Time 20 Min. Students will participate in class discussion. 2) Zwiers (2008) Modeling with thinkalouds pg.47, and teacher modeling of presentation skills, pg. 240. Will hold a short PowerPoint presentation demonstrating the skills of an effective presentation, while doing this the teacher will be modelling the desired behaviour of the students. Additionally, modeling the thinking process out loud. (i.e.: pay attention to my eye contact, I am making sure to look at different students around the room while presenting) Observing and taking notes from teachers lecture. 10 Min. 2a) Check in with students to see if they are following along and are understanding (i.e.: teacher will have a question period and will include their own experiences in order to prompt student discussion). Students will be give time to ask questions or share experiences after lecture. 5 Min. 3) Zwiers (2008) developing oral presentations skills pg. 240. Explain to the students that in tomorrow’s class they will be presenting a short 2minute presentation to a small group of their peers. This presentation can be a presentation about anything that interests (i.e.: a book they have read, a movie, a trip). Students will listen to lecture. 10 Min. 3a) Give the students the remainder of the class to start developing ideas for their short 2-minute presentation. Student will work independently or with a small group of peers to begin brainstorming ideas for 2minute presentations. Day Two 1) Provide agenda for class activities, explaining to students they will have 5 minutes to practice their presentation Students will listen to class lecture. 10 Min. individually, next they will be put into assigned pairs to give their formal presentations, and the pairs will provide sandwich feedback to one another. 1b) Explain to students what sandwich feedback is (i.e.: one positive comment, one constructive comment, and another positive comment on their presentations). 1c) Explain to students that once they have completed their presentations and sandwich feedback in pairs, they will then form a group with another pair, so each student can then have another opportunity to practice their presentation to a larger audience. 2) Zwiers (2008) think pair square pg. 158. Allow students time to rehearse their presentations individually. Students will rehearse their presentations individually 2a) Prior to class teacher will have formed pair encouraging students with peer they don’t normally work with in order to get them out of their comfort zone. ESL students will be paired with native English speaking peers in order to encourage academic language building. Students will get into their assigned pair, and formally give their 2-minute presentation to one another. Students will also provide sandwich feedback to peer once they have finished presenting. 2b) Have students form their own group of four with current partner to present to a larger audience. Closure 10 min. Teacher Activity Students will find another pair to form a group of four in order to present their presentation to a larger audience. Student Activity 1) Provide positive feedback to students on their performance. 2) Ask the students to write an exit slip on how they felt during their presentations (i.e.: what they did well at, and what they can improve upon). * Exit slips have already been taught to students at the beginning of school year. 3) Homework: Read the chapter on Marketing Mix from student textbooks for class tomorrow. 5 Min. 10 - 15 Min. 15 Min. Time 10 Min. Students will reflect on their experience with presentations in writing an exit slip. Extensions/ Modifications/ & Early Finishers Assessment Materials Day One 1) If students are finished their presentation preparation before class is over, students can use the rest of class time to start working on their 2-minute poster board presentation. Day Two 2) Students can also start to read the Marketing Mix chapter in their textbooks, to get a head start on the next lesson. Exceeding expectations – Student actively engages their audience by using the presentation skills, visual displays, and audience manners in their 2-minute presentation. Visual display shows all of the required evidence plus extra effort and creativity is shown. Meeting expectations – Student may not have demonstrated all of the presentation elements discussed in class Not yet meeting expectations – Student was not adequately prepared for the presentation or the visual display element. 1) 2) 3) 4) PowerPoint presentation List previously formed pairs Q-cards Paper LLED 360 Lesson Plan Template Teacher’s Name: Michelle Fahlman, Rheanna Faedo, Veronica Lo, Edlynne Venkataya Grade Level: 10 Subject: Marketing 10 Lesson Topic: What is a Marketing Mix? Rationale -Students are in the Marketing 10 class. -We have a class of 30 students, in which we would divide them into 5 groups of 6 for class discussion and the homework assignment. -The ESL students will be grouped with the native English speakers to enhance their learning on new marketing concepts. -We plan on introducing the concept of the marketing mix after about the 3rd or 4th week into the course as the students should be first introduced to the overall concept of marketing and familiarize themselves with the terms. -This lesson plan should be on a Friday so students have ample time to go to the grocery store to complete the homework assignment. This lesson plan is also to be used throughout 2 classes, as students will require more time to develop an understanding on the key concepts of the marketing mix. Prescribed Learning Outcomes (e.g., Science, Gr 9, B3, p. 95) Describe and evaluate the marketing mix for a variety of products (Marketing, Gr 10, Business Education 8-10, pg. 44). Student Learning Objectives (SLO’s, SWBAT) 1) To understand the concept of the marketing mix: why is this concept important in marketing a product? 2) Identify the 4 P’s: Product, Price, Place and Promotion and understand how these 4 P’s are used to determine a product’s unique selling point. Required Vocabulary and/or Language Strategies 1) Marketing Mix 2) Product 3) Price 4) Place 5) Promotion Introduction/ Hook 5 min. Teacher Activity -Show the below YouTube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmQndanKkRI&feature=related -This video uses humor to hook students, by displaying successful promotional campaigns. The objective is to encourage students to begin thinking/ talking about marketing. Student Activity Time -Watch video 5 -Start thinking about what goes into marketing a product Min. Body/Development (Modelling, Guided Practice, Independent Practice, Application of Strategy) 45 min. Teacher Activity 1) A know, wonder, learn (KWL) diagram will be applied in a strategy to connect to and build background knowledge. This strategy will provide a “good read on what students already know, what they are interested in, how they think, and how they communicate” which can make or break the rest of the lesson. (Zwiers, 2008) Students will be given time to respond to what they know, wonder, and want to learn about marketing mix. Students will be provided with post-it notes, to encourage participation, and to give ESL learners time to reflect and ask questions. 1a) Prepare a poster board with three columns: know, wonder, and learn. Explain the activity and pass out post-it notes to students. 1b) Have a class discussion about what students know, wonder, and want to learn in this unit. Students will record their answers and put the post-it notes on the poster board. 2) After the KWL, provide a brief definition for marketing mix and the 4 P’s. These definitions will be presented by PowerPoint slides. Ask the students if they have any further questions. Provide each student with the Activity handout (attached). Student will be presenting this activity to the class in Lesson 2 along with the homework assignment (2a and 2b). 10 min. Teacher Activity 1) Ask the students what they have learned (from the KWL Activity done 15 Min. If the students have any questions, they would ask at this time. Students will answer the following questions to the real world example: a) Describe this product. b) What is the price of this product? c) Where is this product sold? d) How have you seen this product advertised? 3a) Provide them with magazines and advertising flyers to help answer the 4 questions. Time 5 Min. 3) Group Activity: Arrange the class in groups of 5 (by numbering them off 1 to 5, all 1s are one group, all 2s are one group, etc.) and provide each group with a real world example of a product (i.e. Mars chocolate bar, Coca Cola, Doritos Chips, Oreo Cookies, Special K Cereal and Nature Valley granola bar). The size of the product can be viewed on the PowerPoint slides. Work with the ESL students to ensure that they understand this task. If not, explain in greater depth. Closure Student Activity 20 - 25 Min. Student will use the magazines and advertising flyers to create a collage by cutting out pictures and words that best describe the 4 questions illustrated above and paste on a piece of paper. Student Activity Time 10 Min. in the beginning of the class). Summarize the marketing mix and the 4Ps 2) Homework: a) On the Activity handout, have students outline the placement of their product in grocery stores. Remind students that they will be presenting their products and their homework assignment to the class in Lesson 2 (Monday). Extensions/ Modifications/ & Early Finishers Assessment Materials Student will go to 1-3 grocery stores and write notes on where their product is placed in the grocery stores (i.e. in the back aisles, or by the cashier). Please list all the locations in the grocery store. b) In order to better understand the Students need to provide at least 3 promotion of their product, ask the reasons on why their product is student to draw the layout of the store. placed there. 1) Have the student look through the magazines and/or advertising flyers and complete the activity shown above for 1- 2 products and/or services. 2) Ask the student how services and products differ in their advertising approach. 1) In the KWL activity towards the end of class, what were the students answer to what they learned in class? 2) Evaluate the questions asked in class. In-depth? Shallow? 2) Did the students work in teams effectively? 1) Poster Board 2) Sticky notes 3) Pens/Pencils/Markers 4) Magazines/ advertising flyers 5) Scissors 6) Glue 7) Paper LLED 360 Lesson Plan Template Teacher’s Name: Michelle Fahlman, Rheanna Faedo, Veronica Lo, Edlynne Venkataya Grade Level: 10 Subject: Marketing 10 Lesson Topic: Group Presentation: Marketing Mix Rationale Prescribed Learning Outcomes (Marketing, Gr. 10, Business Education 8-10, pg. 44) Student Learning Objectives (SLO’s, SWBAT) Required Vocabulary and/or Language Strategies Introduction/ Hook 5 min. -Students are in the Marketing 10 class. -We have a class of 30 students, in which we would divide them into 5 groups of 6 for class discussion and the homework assignment. -The ESL students will be grouped with the native English speakers to enhance their learning on new marketing concepts. -We plan on introducing the concept of the marketing mix after about the 3rd or 4th week into the course as the students should be first introduced to the overall concept of marketing and familiarize themselves with the terms. -This lesson plan is applicable after the Lesson Plan 2, where the students are assigned a product and complete the assignment about how the marketing mix applies to their product. Students have also been taught presentation techniques in Lesson Plan 1. Describe and evaluate the marketing mix for a variety of products 1) To be able to effectively communicate the marketing mix concept with the product given to the groups in Lesson Plan 2. 2) To be able to demonstrate improving presentation skills, for example, eye contact, voice projection, etc, which was discussed in Lesson Plan 1 -presentation skills (covered in Lesson plan 1) - peer evaluation(handout provided) Teacher Activity -Show the below YouTube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AykYRO5d _lI Student Activity -Watch video -Students Tim e 5 Min. get reminded about different aspect of presentation skills that will help prepare for their own presentation . Body/Developmen t (Modelling, Guided Practice, Independent Practice, Application of Strategy) 40-46 min. Teacher Activity Instruct students to get into their groups to discuss and prepare for presentation Student Activity Time Student get into their assigned groups to prepare for presentation. 10 Min. Student groups will start presenting their materials to the class. 30 -36 Min. Each student will be evaluating another group, so teacher will handout a peer evaluation (see attachment) Each group has 5-6 minutes to share their product and findings from Lesson 2 Class Handout. 1) Order of presentation: number each group from 1 to 6 2) Evaluation of peers: a) Group 1 evaluate Group 2 b) Group 2 evaluate Group 3…etc c) Group 6 evaluate Group 1 Teacher will evaluate each group presentation using the same rubric as the peer evaluation. Closure 10 min. Teacher Activity Student Activity Time Students will complete the peer evaluation sheet Ask students the following questions: 1) How did it feel to present amongst your peers? 2) what are the benefits of working in group setting? 3) what are challenges of working in group setting? Homework due the next day: Student will write a 1-2 paragraph reflection of their presentation experience (noting the benefits and challenges of working in a team, presentation skills, how it felt to present to their peers) Extensions/ Modifications/ & Early Finishers Assessment Materials 10 Min. Student will respond to these questions asked before the end of class to summarize today’s class. Student will complete their presentation reflection - student can work on their presentation reflection assignment that was assigned for homework 1) Did the students use concepts from Lesson Plan 1 to help them execute their presentation? 2) Did the students work in teams effectively? 3) How effective was the peer evaluation for each group? Did the students evaluate their peers appropriately? Peer evaluation handout References Pinetree Secondary School. (2012). School District 43. Retrieved from http://www.sd43.bc.ca/secondary/Pinetree/Pages/default.aspx Zwiers, J. (2008). Language for academic thinking. In building academic language: Essential practices for content classrooms. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.