Business Essentials Unit 11: Marketing Mr. Archambeau O Obbjjeeccttiivvee : You are marketing executives for Coca-Cola. You will present your new Coke product to sales executives at Coca-Cola. It is your job to inform them about the product and to get them excited to sell the new brand using the components of the marketing mix that we discussed in class. The marketing mix consists of 7 Marketing Functions: Product, Price, Distribution, Promotion, Selling, Marketing Information Management, and Financing. Create a presentation to help sell your idea to the Coca- Cola executives (entire class). Your presentation will consist of: 1. PowerPoint slide presentation 2. Scripted 30 second television commercial 3. 3-D model of the new Coke product POWERPOINT PRESENTATION PPrroodduucctt : Create a brand name, a product logo, and tell why you chose the brand name. Create a graphical representation (picture) of what your product looks like. Describe the physical features of your ORIGINAL product (what does it taste like?—BE DESCRIPTIVE). Google your product name to make sure there is no other existing product with the same name. T Taarrggeett M Maarrkkeett : Once you have an idea about this product, define the ideal consumers for this product that Coca-Cola should be targeting. These consumers need to be defined by both demographics (facts about the consumers: age, education, gender, income level, family status, employment status, etc.) and psychographics (lifestyles, activities, opinions, entertainment choices, etc.) Business Essentials Unit 11: Marketing Mr. Archambeau PPrriiccee : Select a price for your product based on comparison with two other similar drinks marketed by different companies. Give your product price as well as theirs, and explain the reasoning behind your product price. Will your price be higher or lower than competitors and why? This may include creating different sizes and packaging with different prices for each. D Diissttrriibbuuttiioonn : Research Coca Cola’s distribution channels and explain in detail how you will get your product from the manufacturing plant to the consumer. What kind of arrangements will you make with the bottling company? Note at least one potential distribution problem and your plan to correct that problem. PPrroom moottiioonn : Describe how you will promote this product to consumers. Choose 5 methods of advertising (using AT LEAST THREE CATEGORIES) to showcase during your presentation. Provide rationale as to why you chose the particular ads you created and in what type of media you will place these ads. Keep in mind the target market you defined – make sure the ads appeal to this consumer and the ads are placed in media vehicles that they will see. Print Media Newspaper Magazine Direct-Mail Outdoor Transit Broadcast Media Radio Ad TV Ad Online Ad Webpage Banner Ad Specialty Media Blimp or Hot Air Balloon Tee-Shirts Each advertising method will be evaluated on the following: Creativity and Effectiveness of reaching the target market. Business Essentials Unit 11: Marketing Mr. Archambeau M Maarrkkeettiinngg IInnffoorrm maattiioonn M Maannaaggeem meenntt : Describe how you will go about conducting product testing—in-house employees or outside consumers? What incentive will you offer either one of these groups to participate in testing? Where will outside consumer product testing occur (on site, malls, supermarkets, malls)? Describe how your presence on Facebook or Twitter (pick one type of social media) will help you know what customers want. What information will you provide to consumers and what information will you solicit? How will this information help you in business decision making? ONE-MINUTE COMMERCIAL Write and submit a one-minute scripted television commercial for your product. You will need to practice to achieve your minimum time of 30 seconds. All three members must participate. Group members must act out the commercial. One member may serve as narrator. Be creative. Remember the following: Minimum 30 seconds in length Feature product name Describe product qualities Have a clear central message (creatively show why the consumer should buy the product) Use your 3-D product model in the commercial Pitch to your target market Use of background music is optional and MUST NOT DROWN OUT SCRIPTED DIALOGUE. 3-D PRODUCT MODEL Create a 3-D model of your product so that we know what it looks like. Your packaging must bear your product logo and brand name. Business Essentials Unit 11: Marketing Mr. Archambeau Coca Cola Marketing Mix Grading Rubric Evaluation Item PowerPoint (Product): brand name logo reason for name physical features (taste) original product PowerPoint (Target Market): demographics psychographics PowerPoint (Price): product price, 2 competitors, explain price PowerPoint (Distribution): explain distribution channels, explain one problem PowerPoint (Promotion): 5 methods of advertising (use 3 categories) PowerPoint (Marketing Information Management): describe product testing describe use of social media describe benefits of social media PowerPoint (TV Commercial): written script minimum 30 seconds product name product qualities clear central message Use of 3-D product model Pitch to your target market PowerPoint (3-D Product Model): contains product brand name contains product logo Bonus Points: Business Attire (5 Points Maximum) Penalty Points: Late Project, Plagiarism, Inappropriate content, Filler Words Total Points Comments: Not Demonstrated Attempted 0 1-4 0 Basic Good Excellent 5-9 10-14 15-20 1-4 5-9 10-14 15-20 0 1-2 3-5 6-8 9 -10 0 1-2 3-5 6-8 9-10 0 1-3 4-7 8-11 12-15 0 1-3 4-7 8-11 12 - 15 0 1-6 7-12 13-20 21-25 0 1-2 3-5 6-8 9-10 Points Earned + /125