Analysis of Food Based Nutrition Programmes to Improve Maternal and Child Nutrition through Sector Specific Approaches James Levinson Training on Comparative Review of the Nutrition Situation and Policies in Selected Countries and with particular reference to Bangladesh 27 March to 6 April 2014 Conceptual framework for analysing the causes of malnutrition Malnutrition, death & disability Outcomes Immediate causes Underlying causes at household / family level Inadequate dietary intake Insufficient access to FOOD Disease Inadequate maternal & child CARE practices Poor water, sanitation & inadequate HEALTH services Quantity and quality of actual resources – human, economic & organisational - and the way they are controlled Basic causes at societal level Potential resources: environment, technology, people UNICEF Methodology, application and targeted beneficiaries (1/2) Project name/Country/ Location Integrated Horticulture and Nutrition Development Targeted beneficiaries • Landless households ( < 0.50 acres land) Peri urban locations in 15 districts Bangladesh Thirty schools in peri urban locations Nutrition Education/Nutrition Information • Integrated horticulture Community based nutrition education programmes for school/adolescent children, household women. Nutrition training for peri urban and urban school teachers of govt/public schools, elders, NGO workers and government stakeholders. development • Growing household and group gardens and planting nutritious vegetables, fruits, mushrooms and herbs Bangladesh Integrated horticulture and Nutrition Development Farming/Food systems/Food learning initiative • Schools with minimum land area of 3 decimal for the nutrition garden and access to water; adolescent females in 8th and 9th grades • School nutrition gardening as part of practical science learning and planting selected nutritious vegetables and fruits Integrating in nutrition curriculum : Nutritious cooking demonstrations Innovative games and nutrition education aids for school children. 3 Study results Bangladesh: Integrated Horticulture and Nutrition Development Project (IHNDP) Environment of growing horticulture produce - limited land available within immediate courtyard vicinity or on roof tops. Participants able to grow vegetables, fruits, mushrooms and herbs mainly for consumption. Equipping women with the knowledge, technology and skills to process foods for value addition, prepare nutritious foods for consumption and thereby improving dietary quality. Attempt - diversify the food habits of the target groups, promote the consumption of horticulture foods as a sustainable solution to the problem of micronutrient malnutrition. 4 Fish, meat, egg and milk consumption by landless households Leafy vegetable consumption by landless households 70% 120% 60% 100% 50% 80% 40% Project 30% Project 60% Control Control 20% 40% 10% 20% 0% None 1-3 times 4-7 times 0% None 1-3 times 4-7 times 5 Initiation of Complementary Feeding by the Landless 70 60 % 50 40 Project 30 Control 20 10 0 <5m 5-7 m Over 7 m 6 Impacts on nutrition Prevalence of underweight by period of intervention 25 23.2 20.4 20 15.9 15 10 <-2SD 9.5 <-3SD 5 2.3 1.9 0 baseline FS PI Decline in rates of malnutrition under five years demonstrated evidence of project impacts on nutrition 7 THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND ATTENTION