5.3 Dynamic Offset Test Bench

Pranav Kumar Cherupalli
B.E., Osmania University, India, 2004
Submitted in partial satisfaction of
the requirements for the degree of
A Project
Pranav Kumar Cherupalli
Approved by:
__________________________________, Committee Chair
Thomas W. Matthews, Ph.D.
__________________________________, Second Reader
Perry L. Heedley, Ph.D.
Student: Pranav Kumar Cherupalli
I certify that this student has met the requirements for format contained in the University
format manual, and that this project is suitable for shelving in the Library and credit is to
be awarded for the project.
______________________, Graduate Coordinator
Preetham B. Kumar, Ph.D.
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Pranav Kumar Cherupalli
Comparators are widely used in mixed-signal systems. They are an essential building
block of any analog-to-digital converter architecture. Regenerative comparators are
typically used in high-speed analog-to-digital convertor designs. This particular
architecture has two main characteristics that make it differentiable from the other
architectures. First is the positive feedback during the regenerative phase to achieve high
gain and the second is the cancellation of the memory of previous comparison results
during the reset phase.
A behavioral model of any circuitry block is always helpful, before creating the actual
design, to understand the tradeoffs during system design. Verilog-AMS provides an
extended capability to model any analog or digital block, so as to seamlessly integrate the
behavioral block into the actual design consisting of a combination of analog and digital
blocks. A mapping between the analog and digital domains enhances the (re)usability of
designs for mixed-signal blocks. Since Verilog-AMS actively supports the mixed-signal
approach, the interchange of digital and analog blocks is straightforward. This work will
result in a behavioral model for a regenerative comparator written in Verilog-AMS.
The project presents the behavioral model of a regenerative comparator written in
Verilog-AMS. The model is simulated using the time-windowing function to find the
sensitivity of the comparator to pre- and post-clock inputs. The key specifications
described in [3] by Thomas Matthews will be used to compare Verilog-AMS behavioral
model circuit simulation results with analytical results.
_______________________, Committee Chair
Thomas W. Matthews, Ph.D.
Behind every achievement lies an unfathomable sea of gratitude to those who actuated it,
without whom it would never have come into existence.
It is with my deepest gratitude and honor that I convey my thanks to Dr. Thomas W.
Matthews, for his exemplary guidance, unending support and for giving me an
opportunity to work under his guidance. I am very indebted to Dr. Perry L. Heedley for
patiently reviewing my work as the second reader and for providing his valuable support
to make this project successful.
I would like to extend my gratitude to Dr. Dennis Dahlquist for his guidance and
contribution to the project. Special thanks go to Rajdeep Mukhopadhyay of National
Semiconductor Corporation for his help during the initial phases of the project.
I would like to thank my parents, Venugopal and Mallika, and brother, Hari, who have
been a constant source of my energy. Last but not the least; I thank all my friends who
implicitly or explicitly helped in the success of this project with their constructive
criticism and encouragement.
Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................ vi
List of Tables ..................................................................................................................... ix
List of Figures ..................................................................................................................... x
1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Motivation .......................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Regenerative Comparators ................................................................................. 2
1.3 A High-speed CMOS Comparator ..................................................................... 3
1.4 Project Objective ................................................................................................ 4
1.5 Report Organization ........................................................................................... 5
2. VERILOG-AMS MODELING ...................................................................................... 6
2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 6
2.2 Language Basics ................................................................................................. 7
2.3 Model Descriptions ............................................................................................ 8
2.4 Test-bench Design Components ......................................................................... 9
2.4.1 Stimulus Generator ................................................................................ 10
2.4.2 Output Evaluator .................................................................................... 11
2.5 Analog Modeling Development ....................................................................... 11
3. COMPARATORS ........................................................................................................ 13
3.1 Comparators ..................................................................................................... 13
3.2 Linear Model .................................................................................................... 13
3.3 Mathematical Model......................................................................................... 16
4. REGENERATIVE COMPARATOR VERILOG-AMS MODEL ............................... 22
4.1 Macro-Model .................................................................................................... 22
4.2 Voltage Limiting Diodes .................................................................................. 24
4.3 Voltage Controlled Current Source .................................................................. 25
4.4 Input Signal Limiting ....................................................................................... 26
4.5 Tweaking the Model ......................................................................................... 28
5. SIMULATION RESULTS ........................................................................................... 29
5.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 29
5.2 Simulation of the Comparator Model ............................................................... 29
5.3 Dynamic Offset Test Bench ............................................................................. 33
5.4 Servo Loop Test Using DOTB ......................................................................... 34
5.5 Simulating the Design ...................................................................................... 37
5.6 Automating the Simulation Environment......................................................... 38
5.7 Interpreting Simulation Results ........................................................................ 39
6. CONCLUSIONS .......................................................................................................... 51
6.1 Accomplishments ............................................................................................. 51
6.2 Future Work ..................................................................................................... 52
Appendix A Source Code for Behavioral Model and Test Bench ................................... 53
Appendix B Verilog-AMS Functions and Operators....................................................... 70
References ......................................................................................................................... 74
1. Table 1 Verilog-AMS Built-in Mathematical Functions ............................................ 70
2. Table 2 Verilog-AMS Mathematical Operators ......................................................... 72
3. Table 3 Verilog-AMS Built-in Analog Operators. ..................................................... 72
4. Table 4 Common Verilog-AMS Analog Event Types. .............................................. 73
1. Figure 1.1 Block diagram of a typical Clocked Comparator ........................................ 3
2. Figure 1.2 Schematic of a high-speed CMOS Comparator [7]. The SR Latch is the
circuitry on the right with outputs labeled Q and Q-bar. .............................................. 4
3. Figure 2.1 Reference Diode Model and Equation. ....................................................... 9
4. Figure 3.1 Schematic of a typical regenerative comparator. ...................................... 14
5. Figure 3.2 Two cross-coupled current sources represent the cross-coupled latch pair.
..................................................................................................................................... 15
6. Figure 3.3 Model used for practical comparator [3]. .................................................. 17
7. Figure 3.4 Difference-mode half-circuit (τ = RCp )................................................... 17
8. Figure 3.5 Comparator Impulse response and windowing function [3]. .................... 20
9. Figure 4.1 Initial Macro model of a regenerative comparator. ................................... 23
10. Figure 4.3 Regenerative comparator with differential voltage inputs. ....................... 26
11. Figure 4.4 Step response of the model at various clock edges ................................... 27
12. Figure 4.5 Updated Voltage Controlled Current Source (VCCS) schematic, by adding
additional diodes and additional pull down resistance. This entire cell replaces the
single gm-cell in the Figure 4.3. .................................................................................. 28
13. Figure 5.1 Circuit schematic used for simulation ....................................................... 30
14. Figure 5.2 Simulation of the comparator model with clock rate of 100MHz. ............ 31
15. Figure 5.3 Simulation of the comparator model with clock rate of 10MHz. .............. 32
16. Figure 5.4 Dynamic offset test-bench block diagram. ................................................ 34
17. Figure 5.6 Phase difference between inputs for servo loop test. ................................ 37
18. Figure 5.7 Servo loop test simulation reconstructed output after 60 runs. X axis is
clock to input phase and Y axis is effective input voltage. ......................................... 38
19. Figure 5.8 Effective inputs at 1 MHz for reset tau value of 1ns and regeneration tau
values of 0.3, 0.8, 1.0 and 1.2ns respectively. ............................................................ 40
20. Figure 5.9 Effective inputs at 10 MHz for reset tau value of 1ns and regeneration tau
values of 0.3, 0.8, 1.0 and 1.2ns respectively. ............................................................ 41
21. Figure 5.10 Effective inputs at 25 MHz for reset tau value of 1ns and regeneration tau
values of 0.3, 0.8, 1.0 and 1.2ns respectively. ............................................................ 42
22. Figure 5.11 Effective inputs at 50 MHz for reset tau value of 1ns and regeneration tau
values of 0.3, 0.8, 1.0 and 1.2ns respectively. ............................................................ 43
23. Figure 5.12 Effective inputs at 80 MHz for reset tau value of 1ns and regeneration tau
values of 0.3, 0.8, 1.0 and 1.2ns respectively. ............................................................ 44
24. Figure 5.13 Effective inputs at 100 MHz for reset tau value of 1ns and regeneration
tau values of 0.3, 0.8, 1.0 and 1.2ns respectively. ...................................................... 45
25. Figure 5.14 Effective inputs at different frequencies obtained from the servo loop test.
..................................................................................................................................... 46
26. Figure 5.15 Magnitude plot using windowing function for the behavioral model. .... 48
27. Figure 5.16 Phase plot using windowing function for the behavioral model. ............ 49
28. Figure 5.17 Magnitude and Phase plots using windowing function for the
mathematical model. ................................................................................................... 50
Chapter 1
1.1 Motivation
Comparators are used in analog-to-digital converters (ADCs), data transmission
applications, switching power regulators and many other applications [1]. They are
critical components in analog-to-digital converters. Regenerative comparators in
particular are important for many high-speed applications, especially Flash ADC’s, where
their sampling speed and comparison time are key metrics. In many of these systems it
would also be advantageous to simulate an analog system at higher levels of abstraction
to understand the different realizations before undertaking the final IC design. Spice is a
common computer-aided design tool used to simulate analog or RF circuits. There are
three potential drawbacks of using spice in a mixed-signal application. First, a detailed
circuit simulation is possible only after the entire circuit is specified. Second, it takes a
longer time to simulate, if the circuit gets complex. The last one being, spice requires
files specific to the technology being used to fabricate the circuitry that contain very
specific information about device behavior.
Therefore, the use of spice for circuit
simulation requires detailed information that may not be available in the early stages of
the design. Verilog-AMS can overcome these problems [2] and provide better design
reuse capabilities over other modeling languages.
The usage of behavioral modeling for mixed-signal circuit designs has been a topic of
research interest [4, 5] because complete transistor-level simulations are often not
practical due to the enormous simulation time that would be required [6]. Usage of
behavioral modeling lets designers easily explore different system-level architectures at
the early design stages and thereby rapidly perform changes to the actual circuit designs.
Hence the design of behavioral models reduces the time to market and helps to ensure
that the design is likely to perform as desired on the first silicon produced.
1.2 Regenerative Comparators
A conceptual block diagram of a clocked comparator is shown in Figure 1.1. A change in
the clock state changes the first stage from a stable reset state to an unstable regenerative
stage [7]. Hence the clock edge corresponding to the start of the regenerative state
initiates the comparison. The digital output is updated and latched when the first stage
output reaches a sufficient level to activate R-S latch. The output remains latched until
the next comparison is made. If (VP –VN) >0, the output is high or a logical “1” and if
(VP – VN) < 0, the output is low or logical 0.
Regenerative comparators use positive feedback to accomplish the comparison of two
signals. The regenerative comparator is also called the latch because it is bi-stable. The
simplest form of latch consists of a cross-coupled MOSFETS with positive feedback, as
will be shown in Section 1.3. The operation of latch can be broken down to two modes.
The first mode disables the positive feedback and applies the input signals to the drains of
cross-coupled MOS devices. The second mode enables the positive feedback and
depending on the relative values of inputs, one of the outputs will go high and the other
will go low. A two-state clock is used to enable or disable the positive feedback. A
second clock phase may be used [7] to control the connection of subsequent stages. The
time domain response characteristics of the latch are important to understand the
operating speed of the comparator.
Figure 1.1 Block diagram of a typical Clocked Comparator
1.3 A High-speed CMOS Comparator
A high-speed CMOS comparator [7] is shown in Figure 1.2. The comparator consists of
three blocks, an input pre-amplifier stage, a regenerative latch stage and SR latch. The
architecture uses two non overlapping clocks Ρ„1 and Ρ„2 for the reset and regenerative
mode. During the reset mode, when Ρ„2 is high, the transistor M12 is on and the nodes “a”
and “b” are connected together by a positive resistance, of M12. During the regeneration
mode, after falling edge of Ρ„2, each output “a” and “b” nodes is pulled up to the positive
supply or down towards the ground as the small difference established in reset mode
regenerates to a full scale voltage. At the end of the regeneration process the SR latch is
driven to fully complementary digital outputs based on the regenerative outputs, and
remains in that state during the subsequent reset mode.
Figure 1.2 Schematic of a high-speed CMOS Comparator [7]. The SR Latch is the
circuitry on the right with outputs labeled Q and Q-bar.
1.4 Project Objective
The objective of this project is to develop a behavioral model for the regenerative
comparator using Verilog-AMS. A model for the comparator will be developed and
discussed, and its functionality is verified using the time-window function as presented
by Matthews [3]. The implications of the time-windowing function in the frequency
domain will be discussed. The model will be developed in Verilog-AMS using a
difference mode half-circuit model of regenerative comparator. The dynamic offset test
bench [12] will be used to characterize the dynamic offset of the comparator model. The
resulting offsets will be compared to an analytical model as a way to verify the
performance of the comparator model. Mentor Graphics ® tools will be utilized to
simulate the model.
1.5 Report Organization
The project report is organized as follows: A brief introduction to Verilog-AMS
modeling, followed by the detailed working of a Regenerative Comparator, there upon
create a Verilog-AMS model for the regenerative comparator, and finally introducing the
reader to Dynamic Offset Test Bench (DOTB) with simulations results using the DOTB
and interpretation of simulation results.
Chapter 2
2.1 Introduction
Analog behavioral modeling deals with creating and simulating models based on a
desired external circuit behavior. Models can be as complex as necessary to provide the
designer with the necessary information on which to base architectural and circuit-level
design decisions. Before starting to write a behavioral model, it is important to decide
which parameters to model so that the block is not too complicated and yet is useful to
evaluate the design tradeoffs. One of the biggest advantages of using modeling is the
simulation speed gained by removing transistor-level circuit blocks that are slow to
simulate and replacing them with behavioral models that are simpler. Verilog-AMS is the
upcoming modeling language for analog and mixed-signal system in this front. AMS
stand for Analog and Mixed Signal. Verilog-AMS is the extension of two languages,
Verilog-HDL and Verilog-A. It combines the capability of these two languages and adds
additional capability to allow the description of mixed-signal components. Hence it’s a
true mixed-signal language, interacting with the analog and digital sections by an
Application Program Interface (API) between the analog and digital simulators [9].
Verilog-AMS substantially provides strong event-driven constructs and features to create
behavioral models for mixed-signal blocks. This is very important, because most of the
analog and mixed-signal models used in high level simulations are naturally written using
event-driven constructs. Unlike the Verilog digital language, the Verilog-AMS language
cannot be used for synthesize analog blocks and will predominantly be used for modeling
and verification only.
2.2 Language Basics
It is important to understand some of the Verilog-AMS language basics before
understanding the modeling features. Verilog-AMS has ability to model a variety of
disciplines, the most common of which are electrical, magnetic, thermal, kinetic and
rotational [10]. Integrated circuit modeling primarily uses electrical discipline, which is
expressed as voltages and currents. The disciplines are defined in a file called
“disciplines.vams” which is included during simulation. Apart from the disciplines, there
are three basic modeling styles: Conservative, Signal-Flow and Event. Conservative
modeling uses both voltage and current to model a system. The Signal-Flow modeling
utilizes only voltage (potential) to model systems, typically for high-level modeling
where there is no need to express the functionality using current. The third style is Event
based modeling, which only evaluates based on events. Verilog-AMS allows any
combination of these modeling styles. For this project, we will be utilizing a combination
of Conservative and Event modeling style.
The syntax of the model file starts with a module declaration with a module name and pin
names. Parameter declarations follow, which can be passed from module to module
without editing the model file. A branch statement can be used to provide a name to each
branch where components share the same nodes. The “analog begin” line is where the
analog behavior begins. This is the section where the voltages and currents from outside
pins are sensed, checked for signal crossings, mathematically conditioned, then pushed
out of the circuit or stored in a file. The Verilog-AMS simulator utilizes a continuoustime kernel to evaluate the analog signals. Practically, this means that every analog signal
in the “analog begin” block is executed at every time-step of the simulator, and stops the
simulation time until the execution of the step is completed. This limits the language
from the usage of ‘delay’ and ‘wait’ statements. The event statements, defined by using
‘@’, have been modified to remove any blocking compared to Verilog-D HDL event
2.3 Model Descriptions
The analog behavioral descriptions are mathematical mappings which relate the input
signals of the module to the output signals in terms of large-signal, time domain or
frequency domain behavioral descriptions. These descriptions use the “contribution
operator” <+ to assign values to analog signals [9, 10]. It is important to note that the
contribution operator is a concise description of the behavior of the element in terms of
its terminal voltages and currents. This simple way of representing the behavior of a nonlinear complex system, is shown for a diode in Figure 2.1.
The behavior of the diode can be defined in the Verilog-AMS language as shown in
Equation (1), where $vt() is the Verilog-AMS system task that returns the thermal
𝑖𝑑 = π‘–π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘ (exp (
𝑉(𝑛1, 𝑛2)
) − 1.0)
Figure 2.1 Reference Diode Model and Equation.
𝐼(𝑛1, 𝑛2) < + π‘–π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘ ∗ (exp ( 𝑉(𝑛1, 𝑛2)/$𝑣𝑑() )– 1.0);
2.4 Test-bench Design Components
This project also required the development of a test-bench, also using Verilog-AMS
components to test the comparator behavioral model. The basic components required to
develop any such test-bench are the stimulus generator, the design under test, and the
output evaluator. The stimulus generators consist of signal generators, voltage sources,
currents sources, resistors and capacitors. The design under test would be the regenerative
comparator. The output evaluator would be a model that extracts the needed information
from the output node of the design under test and make appropriate changes to the input
or flag the user about the output generated. The functionality and purpose of the specific
test-bench for this project is further explained in Chapter 5. The design of various blocks
that are used in the test-bench, excluding the design under test, will be outlined in the
following sections.
2.4.1 Stimulus Generator
The stimulus is merely a variable dependent on time, frequency or some other domain
depending on the type of design under test being tested. Verilog-AMS stimuli are always
a function of time because the Verilog-AMS compiler divides the signal constructed in
time steps. The stimulus generators used for this project were a sine wave generator and a
clock signal generator. The sine wave generator uses the simple sine wave equation
shown in Equation (2).
𝜐 = 𝐴 ∗ 𝑠𝑖𝑛(πœ” 𝑑 + πœ‘ )
Furthermore, to be used as signals in Verilog-AMS, the math function outputs must be
passed as voltages or currents to variables that are declared as type electrical. Hence, the
Verilog-AMS code for the sine wave generator would look as shown in Equation (3). The
equation has variables: “ampl”, “freq”, and “phase”. The equation also has `M_TWO_PI
which is a constant value defined with a value equivalent to 2*π, and $abstime is a
simulator internal task to define the current simulation time.
𝑉(π‘œπ‘’π‘‘π‘π‘’π‘‘, 𝐺𝑛𝑑) < + π‘Žπ‘šπ‘π‘™ ∗ sin( (`𝑀_π‘‡π‘Šπ‘‚_𝑃𝐼 ∗ π‘“π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘ž ∗ $π‘Žπ‘π‘ π‘‘π‘–π‘šπ‘’) + π‘β„Žπ‘Žπ‘ π‘’) (3)
The clock generator for the test-bench uses a Verilog-D code to generate an always
running clock with a parameter value to change the frequency of the clock. Verilog-AMS
has several math functions that can be used to easily implement the stimuli. The list of
these math functions are presented in APPENDIX B.
2.4.2 Output Evaluator
The output evaluator monitors the input and output of the device under test and modifies
the input to the device under test when put under a closed loop. The evaluator can also
just function as an output information storing point. The output evaluator in the project is
a combination of integrator and difference circuit, further discussed in Chapter 5.
2.5 Analog Modeling Development
The process of developing a Verilog-AMS behavioral modeling requires a good
consideration of how the analog simulator will interpret the model and intuitive
understanding of the model. The analog simulators essentially use Newton-Raphson
method to solve for non-linear electrical components. If the equations used in the model
are not continuous, the simulator may not converge on to a solution. These discontinuities
should be anticipated and avoided to minimize non-convergence. When modeling an
ideal discontinuity, it is easy to block the regions of discontinuity using the
$discontinuity() simulator function. Common desired analog effects such as continuous
and smoothly shaped signals can be achieved by carefully studying what is needed and
then taking a macro-model approach to creating a model [11]. Modeling can start from a
simple top-down functional model to a detailed bottom-up model that closely resembles
the transistor circuit.
It is also important to consider the limit of simulator time-step and frequency where there
are fast transitions (<1pS), or high pole frequencies (>100 GHz). It is possible that just
one circuit block with a high frequency oscillation can have a dramatic impact of slowing
down the complete simulation. The model should be carefully analyzed and the time-step
should be controlled for each block using the $bound_step() simulator function.
Threshold detection and time window controls help improving the wave-shaping
accuracy. The above said are some of the specifics which caused some trouble in the
initial stages of the project.
Adding common analog effects like input offsets, delay, rise time, fall time, slew rate,
small-signal frequency response, input and output impedance, and signal clipping can
help fine-tune to track the output response of the real circuit to that of the model. In
addition effects such as Noise, PSRR, Temperature and Process Variation can greatly
help the model in various stages during the design phase. But, with complexity, there are
simulation time and other tradeoffs. These complexities are not present in this project.
Chapter 3
3.1 Comparators
Comparators essentially compare two analog input voltages, and output a single digital
bit that is high or low depending on the relative values of the two input voltages. They
can be classified into two major groups, clocked comparators and continuous–time
comparators. Continuous-time comparators have no clock input and are essentially high
gain differential amplifiers. A clocked comparator, often regenerative in nature, is often
used in high-speed data conversion systems. The clock edge corresponding to the start of
regeneration is considered to be effectively the time at which the comparator samples the
input. It is important to understand, however, that pre- and post-clock inputs do have
some effect on the comparator’s output. Rather than sampling at an instant, the
comparator is influenced by the input signal during a time window. The comparators time
windowing function is determined by its regeneration time constant and its reset time
constant [3].
3.2 Linear Model
A Schematic of the first stage of a typical regenerative comparator is shown in Figure
3.1. The MOS latch is composed of n-channel devices M2 and M4, and an n-channel
switch M3, for resetting, and a source-coupled pair M5 and M6. The operation of the
regenerative comparator is divided into the reset phase and the regeneration phase. In
both clock phases, the transistor pair M2-M4 causes a negative resistance from VD1 to
ground and VD2 to ground. Equivalently, this can be expressed as a negative resistance
between nodes “VD1” and “VD2” [3]. In reset phase, the CLK signal is held high which
connects the nodes VD1 and VD2 through a low-resistance path (M3) and results in a net
positive resistance between the nodes VD1 and VD2. In the regeneration phase, the CLK
signal is held low which leaves only a negative resistance between nodes VD1 and VD2.
As a result, any difference in voltage between the nodes VD1 and VD2 at the start of
regeneration will be exponentially amplified causing one of these nodes to go high and
other to go low.
Figure 3.1 Schematic of a typical regenerative comparator.
The input applied to a source-coupled pair M5-M6 controls the balance of signal currents
going to the cross-coupled pair. The MOS devices M4 and M2 can be represented using
two voltage-controlled current sources as in Figure 3.2. The parasitic capacitance at each
node VD1 and VD2 is shown as (CP). The MOS device M3 is used to reset the
comparator using the CLK signal. When the CLK signal is high, the MOS device M3 acts
as a resistor between the nodes VD1 and VD2 with a resistance of 2RRST. In the
difference-mode half circuit, this will result in a resistance of RRST from node VD1 to
ground and from node VD2 to ground. The reset resistance is very high during the
regeneration phase and relatively low during the reset phase. Due to the positive feedback
from the cross-coupled pair M2-M4, a negative resistance RRGN seen from node VD1 to
ground and from node VD2 to ground (some authors [3] define this resistance from node
VD1 to node VD2). Hence during the reset phase the resistance to ground from each side
is (RRST|| RRGN) and during the regeneration phase the resistance is simply RRGN.
The mathematical analysis of the comparator model will be done, in section 3.3, using a
difference-mode half-circuit as the cross-coupled pair circuit is symmetric.
VD 2
g m 2VD 2
g m 4VD1
Figure 3.2 Two cross-coupled current sources represent the cross-coupled latch pair.
3.3 MathematicalModel
In order to validate the Verilog-AMS regenerative comparator model the dynamic
response of the model needs to be compared with that of an analytical model. The
dynamic response of an analytical model is pretty much its response to time-varying
inputs. The results of the comparison depend on the analog inputs a little before and a
little after the clock edge that starts the comparison. The analytical model of the practical
comparator can be modeled using an idealized comparator, with ideal sampling accuracy,
preceded by a time-window function [3]. Figure 3.3 shows the block diagram of the
model used for a practical comparator. The time window function has an impulse
response of 𝑀(𝑑). The input of the idealized comparator is sampled at t = 0 and the slicer
amplifies the sampled value to a full scale output. As the model uses an idealized
comparator and slicer, the model lacks the time delays for the outputs to regenerate to
full-scale values, compared to practical comparators. The function 𝑀(𝑑) is due to the time
constants at the nodes VD1 and VD2, in Figure 3.1, during the reset and the regeneration
modes. The function 𝑀(𝑑) expresses the sensitivity of the comparator to pre- and postclock inputs, an analytical result for 𝑀(𝑑) will now be presented [3].
The response of the comparator to time-varying inputs can be analyzed using the smallsignal difference mode half circuit in Figure 3.4. The input current is represented by 𝑖𝑖𝑛 .
The value of capacitance, parasitic capacitance of the MOS device, is Cp and resistance
will be R1 in reset mode and R2 in regeneration mode. The resistance has a positive value
during the reset mode, and switches to a negative values during the regeneration mode.
Figure 3.3 Model used for practical comparator [3].
Figure 3.4 Difference-mode half-circuit (τ = 𝑅𝐢𝑝 ).
These values are given by:
𝑅1 = (𝑅𝑅𝑆𝑇 | |𝑅𝑅𝐺𝑁 ) and 𝑅2 = 𝑅𝑅𝐺𝑁
The time constants during the reset mode will be called τ1 and the time constant during
the regeneration mode will be called τ2. Accordingly, τ1 has a positive value and τ2 has a
negative value. Assume the comparator as a linear and time-invariant system, to be in
reset mode for 𝑑 <0, and in regeneration mode for 𝑑 >0 and the circuit switches
instantaneously from reset to regeneration mode at time 𝑑=0 [3]. The following analysis
will consider the system as two time-invariant systems, first one while 𝑑<0 and second
one for 𝑑 >0. The capacitor voltage, π‘£π‘œ is the only state of the system, will be kept
constant across the discontinuity at 𝑑=0. The total response will be found by adding the
zero-state response and the zero-input response.
In the reset mode, 𝑑 <0, the comparator is a linear time-invariant system and the
voltage π‘£π‘œ , voltage across the capacitor Cp, can therefore be represented as:
π‘£π‘œ (𝑑) = 𝑖𝑖𝑛 (𝑑) ∗ β„Ž (𝑑)
Where ∗ denotes convolution, 𝑖𝑖𝑛 (𝑑) is the input signal and β„Ž(𝑑) the impulse response.
If β„Ž1 (𝑑) is the impulse response of the circuit in reset mode and β„Ž2 (𝑑) the impulse
response in the regeneration mode, then these can be represented as follows, where 𝑒(𝑑)
is the unit step function:
β„Ž1 (𝑑) = ( 𝜏 1) exp( − τ ) 𝑒(t)
β„Ž2 (𝑑) = ( 𝜏 2 ) exp( − τ ) 𝑒(t)
To find the zero-input response, 𝑣1 (𝑑), evaluate π‘£π‘œ at t=0 using (5) and then multiply it by
the natural response of regeneration mode, where exp( − τ ) is the natural response.
π‘£π‘œ (0) =
∫−∞ 𝑖𝑖𝑛 (πœ†) exp (𝜏 ) π‘‘πœ†
𝑣1 (𝑑) = exp(− 𝜏 ) 𝜏 1 ∫−∞ 𝑖𝑖𝑛 (πœ†) exp (𝜏 ) π‘‘πœ†
Where λ is the time index of convolution.
Similarly, the zero-state response of the circuit for the regeneration mode can be found by
convolution of input current with the corresponding impulse response of the circuit.
Finally the zero-input and zero-state responses are added together and simplified. The
resulting expression is given by [3]:
π‘£π‘œ (𝑑) = exp (− 𝜏 )
∫ 𝑖 (πœ†) exp (𝜏 ) π‘‘πœ†
𝜏1 −∞ 𝑖𝑛
∫0 𝑖𝑖𝑛 (πœ†) exp ( 𝜏 ) π‘‘πœ†
The expression in (10) can be simplified by factoring exp ( − 𝜏 ) out of the integral
resulting in:
π‘‰π‘œ (𝑑) = [ exp (− 𝜏 )] [𝑖𝑖𝑛 (𝑑) ∗ 𝑀(𝑑)]
The factor exp (− 𝜏 ) is the natural response of the comparator in the regenerative mode
and the impulse response 𝑀(𝑑) is given by:
𝑀(𝑑) = ( 𝜏 1 ) exp (− 𝜏 ) 𝑒(𝑑) + ( 𝜏 2) exp (− 𝜏 ) 𝑒(−𝑑)
It should be noted that the negative time constant 𝜏2 implies that the corresponding
comparators output will move towards saturation exponentially. This behavior of
exponential saturation when building a practical model is discussed in Chapter 4.
The important consequence of (11) is that the practical comparator considered here can
be modeled as an idealized comparator proceeded by convolution with 𝑀(𝑑). It should be
noted that 𝑀(𝑑) is similar to impulse response, but is non-causal. This is because the
input signals after 𝑑=0 have an effect on the eventual output.
The ideal comparator acts on only the instantaneous input value at 𝑑 = 0. However for a
practical comparator, the comparison depends on values before 𝑑 = 0 and after 𝑑 = 0. For
such a comparator Figure 3.5 shows the graph of the function
𝑀(𝑑) and the
corresponding regions for the regeneration and reset. The weighted values for 𝑑 > 0 are
present on the left side and 𝑑 < 0 are present on the right side in the Figure 3.5. The
Figure 3.5 can be visualized as reverse of time windowing function used to determine the
effective input at 𝑑 = 0.
w(t )
 t οƒΆ
exp  οƒ·
2 οƒΈ
 t οƒΆ
exp  ο€­ οƒ·
 1 οƒΈ
t ο€½0
Regeneration Reset
Time-windowing function is w(ο€­t )
Figure 3.5 Comparator Impulse response and windowing function [3].
To compare the simulation results of Verilog-AMS comparator models output to that of
the mathematical model, we need to examine 𝑀(𝑑) in frequency domain. Taking the
Fourier transform of 𝑀(𝑑) leads to:
π‘Š(Ο³πœ”) =
(1+ Ο³ω(τ
τ1 −τ2
1 + τ2 )−ω τ1 τ2
Looking at (11), it can be understood that a smaller 𝜏2 will create a full-scale output
sooner. Hence the value of regeneration constant is almost always as minimized as
presented in [3].
π‘Š(Ο³πœ”) = g m2 (1+ Ο³ω(τ
R1 −R2
1 + τ2 )−ω τ1 τ2
If we simply add the transconductance, gm2, of the input source-coupled pair M5 and M6
then (13) can be written as in (14). This implies that the DC gain at reset is gm2 (R1- R2).
Also the implication is that the different gains in the reset mode may have an effect on
performance, so minimizing 𝜏2 and varying 𝜏1 will create different π‘Š(Ο³πœ”). The
implications and results of π‘Š(Ο³πœ”) are further discussed in [3], which will be used here to
compare the results obtained from simulation of the Verilog-AMS comparator model in
Chapter 5.
Chapter 4
4.1 Macro Model
The Regenerative comparator analyzed in the Chapter 3 is modeled using the VerilogAMS macro-model approach that will be presented in this chapter. This approach
requires the regenerative comparator to be modeled using primitive elements. The start
point to model the comparator is the difference-mode half circuit shown in Figure 3.4.
The model needs to switch from regenerative mode to reset mode at negative and positive
edges of a clock respectively. To accommodate this behavior in the model, for a
continuous operation, a switch can be used controlled by a clock input. Figure 4.1 shows
the schematic of the regenerative comparator model that will be built using VerilogAMS. The operation of this model will be analogous to the difference-mode half circuit.
When the switch, SW1, is closed the total resistance will be 𝑅1 = (𝑅𝑅𝑆𝑇 | |𝑅𝑅𝐺𝑁 ) and
when open 𝑅2 = 𝑅𝑅𝐺𝑁 .
The clock edge controls the switch, SW1, in the macro model circuit. The differential
input voltage that is converted to single-ended current represented by iin, is loaded by
resistance (RRST || RRGN) when the switch is closed. The resistance (RRST || RRGN) will be
coded in Verilog-AMS model as positive resistance, similar to the actual circuit behavior,
as explained in section 3.2. When the switch is open the resistance is just RRGN, which is
negative. The time constants for the model in Figure 4.1 are as follows:
a) when the switch is closed:
𝜏1 = ((𝑅𝑅𝐺𝑁 || R RST )CP )
b) when the switch is open:
𝜏2 = 𝑅𝑅𝐺𝑁 𝐢𝑃
Figure 4.1 Initial Macro model of a regenerative comparator.
The regenerative comparator model user can set these time constant parameters along
with the parasitic capacitance to control the reset and regeneration resistances of the
model or vice-versa.
In the above model when a small positive input current iin is applied, with the switch
open, the output voltage across the capacitor increases exponentially with a time constant
of 𝐢𝑃 (𝑅𝑅𝐺𝑁 ). The problem being the absence of no limiting circuit for this exponential
rise in the voltage value causes the simulator to crash with a very huge negative voltage
value. Similarly when a small negative input current -iin is applied, the simulator crashes
with a huge positive value.
4.2 Voltage Limiting Diodes
The problem with the simulator crash can be solved by adding voltage limiting diodes on
either sides of the circuit. The diodes need to be ideal diodes; hence any capacitive
effective of the normal diodes must be removed from the diode models. When the voltage
at the input of the diode, Vout, is higher than VDD by Von the model limits the output to
VDD. When the voltage at the input of the diode is less than VDD a very huge OFF
resistance is used to create smoother outputs. The new circuit with the diodes is shown in
the Figure 4.2.
Figure 4.2 Regenerative comparator model with limiting diodes.
4.3 Voltage Controlled Current Source
The input of the regenerative comparator model is desired to have a differential voltage
input. The model converts this voltage to current by using a voltage controlled current
source (VCCS), for two main reasons: 1) This models the inputs source-coupled pair of
the actual comparator, and 2) the ideal VCCS is unilateral, so the voltage resulting from
the regeneration does not kick back into the inputs of the comparator model.
The voltage controlled current source (VCCS) block takes differential voltage as input
and current as the output. The VCCS block typically has a gain value (gm) to control the
output current with respect to input voltage. The reset gain is π‘”π‘š (𝑅𝑅𝑆𝑇 || 𝑅𝑅𝐺𝑁 ). The
reset gain should not be so high that the comparator will activate the swing-limiting
diodes in the reset mode for normal inputs. Voltage gain of 1 or 2 is typical. Figure 4.3
shows the modified model schematic. The π‘”π‘š cell provides a single ended current of
𝑣𝑖𝑛 π‘”π‘š to the half-circuit having RRST, RRGN and CP. Where as in a physical comparator,
all the circuitry is differential and the source-coupled pair supplies currents of 𝑣𝑖𝑛 π‘”π‘š /2
and – 𝑣𝑖𝑛 π‘”π‘š /2 to a differential regenerative transistor pair. Therefore the π‘”π‘š in
Figure 4.3 has to be set to half of the π‘”π‘š of the input transistors of the actual comparator.
The input of the comparator is explicitly differential in order to offer the user the same
input connectivity as the physical comparator.
A step response of the regenerative comparator model is shown in Figure 4.4, by stepping
positive node voltage from 0v to 100mv, setting negative node voltage at 0v, time
constants at 1ns and –1ns and at clock frequency of 100 MHz. The output response of the
comparator model shown in Figure 4.4 points out that at the positive edge of the clock,
when the switch SW1 is open, the output starts increasing to 5.5v and at negative edge of
the clock, when the switch SW1 is closed, and the output starts resetting back to 0v. This
response continues with the changing clock until there is a change in the input. It should
be noted that the output is measured with respect to VSS.
Figure 4.3 Regenerative comparator with differential voltage inputs.
4.4 Input Signal Limiting
The input of the regenerative comparator can have huge input values swinging between
VDD and VSS. These huge input values can cause large amounts of current to flow into
the circuit. A real comparator needs a few millvolts difference at input to make a decision
and also has a source-coupled pair as the input stage which predominantly has a
limitation for the maximum sinkable current. So to limit the amount of voltage and
current that can flow into the RC circuit, an additional current swing minimizing circuit
and limiting circuit needs be added. To limit the current, the VCCS in Figure 4.3 is
replaced with the circuit of Figure 4.5 to make a current-limited. The VCCS gain is now
gm1 R1 gm2, and the output current limit is V1 gm2. The parameter V1 value can be set by
the user.
Figure 4.4 Step response of the model at various clock edges
g m1
Figure 4.5 Updated Voltage Controlled Current Source (VCCS) schematic, by adding
additional diodes and additional pull down resistance. This entire cell replaces the single
gm-cell in the Figure 4.3.
4.5 Tweaking the Model
The regenerative comparator model developed using Verilog-AMS is provided with
parameters to tweak the operation of the model. The various parameters included for the
end user to tweak the model are: 1)Reset Tau (τ1) 2)Regeneration Tau (τ2) 3)Parasitic
Capacitance (CP) 4)Reset gain of the VCCS model 5)Cut-off voltage (V1) for the input
signal limiting diode 6)Operating Voltage for the model, i.e. VDD and VSS.
The reset and regeneration time constants given calculate the ratio of the resistors. The
capacitance determines the resistance values using the time constants. Once the resistor
values are known, and a reset gain is given, the value of the π‘”π‘š is determined.
The Verilog-AMS code for the model can be found in APPENDIX A for further details.
Chapter 5
5.1 Introduction
The regenerative comparator model was developed using Verilog-AMS as explained in
the chapter 4. This chapter deals with simulation of the model with simple inputs, design
of Dynamic Offset Test Bench (DOTB) [12] and finally testing the model using the
Dynamic Offset Test Bench. The model is simulated using Mentor Graphics® ADMS
tool. The outputs of the simulation are analyzed using the EZ-wave® waveform viewer
tool. The design of the DOTB is done using Verilog-AMS to increase the simulation
5.2 Simulation of the Comparator Model
The regenerative comparator basically compares the inputs provided and gives the
corresponding output based on the input. If the input of the comparator is 𝑣𝑃 − 𝑣𝑁 > 0,
then the output is pulled high. If the input of the comparator is 𝑣𝑃 − 𝑣𝑁 < 0 then the
output is pulled low. The positive edge of the clock, to the comparator, starts the
comparison and negative edge of the clock reset the comparator to be used for the next
comparison. The simulation of the comparator is done by setting VDD to 5v and VSS to
-5v. This causes the output of the comparator model to swing to either VDD or VSS
values. To make the simulation inputs easier, one of the inputs of the comparator is fixed
to GND, i.e. 0v, and the second input is connected to a piecewise waveform generator.
The circuit schematic is shown in Figure 5.1.
Figure 5.1 Circuit schematic used for simulation
Figure 5.2 shows the output response of the comparator model for various inputs. In the
Figure 5.2, when the input is below 0v, the comparator pulls the dataout node to (VDD +
Vdiode_cutoff) on the positive edge of the clock. When the input of the comparator is above
0v the comparator pulls the dataout node to (VSS – Vdiode_cutoff) on the positive edge of
the clock. It should be noted that the comparator resets its output on the negative edge of
the clock. The clock rate defined for this simulation is 100MHz and Vdiode_cutoff was set to
0.6v. At lower clock rates, i.e. 10MHz, the comparator output is held to the same values
until the model detects a negative clock edge as shown in Figure 5.3. A RS latch is
attached to the output stage to above model hold the outputs to either high or low, so that
it appears as digital value for either 100 MHz or 10MHz comparator outputs.
Figure 5.2 Simulation of the comparator model with clock rate of 100MHz.
Figure 5.3 Simulation of the comparator model with clock rate of 10MHz.
5.3 Dynamic Offset Test Bench
Comparators used in high speed ADC’s have a decision threshold ideally at zero. This
decision threshold can shift due to component mismatches and other non-ideal
conditions. The amount by which the threshold shifts is called the input offset voltage.
Simulations to determine the input offset voltage of the comparator are difficult, as the
designer must try different inputs in order to find the actual input offset voltage and can
be a time consuming process. A simulation technique presented by [12], dynamic offset
test-bench (DOTB), will be utilized to understand the DC offset and other parasitic
mismatches caused by varying the reset and regeneration tau for the comparator model.
The results from the DOTB can also be used to understand the effective sampling time
accuracy of the comparator for various time constants for the model. The technique
presented by [12] uses idealized components to test the comparator. The components for
the DOTB are created using Verilog-AMS for faster simulation. Figure 5.4 shows the
schematic of the DOTB created to test the comparator. The dynamic offset test-bench
consists of a latch circuit, an integrator, a sinusoidal wave generator and the comparator
under test. The output of the comparator model designed using Verilog-AMS swings
from VDD to VSS, i.e. 5v to -5v. These outputs have to be readjusted to be used by the
SR latch to be applicable for the DOTB. The voltage adjustor model shifts the output of
the comparator to limit between 0 to 5v. The voltage adjuster model combined with SR
latch model works similar to a normal SR latch combined to real comparator. Second
waveform in the Figure 5.5 shows the output of the integrator. The output of the
integrator Vout_integrator peak value depends on the integrator gain. A smaller peak-to-peak
variation in Vout_integrator leads to greater accuracy, but will also increase the simulation
time. For the DOTB simulations described below, the integrator output was about 50mV
Unity Gain Differential Buffer
Figure 5.4 Dynamic offset test-bench block diagram.
5.4 Servo Loop Test Using DOTB
The regenerative comparator model is tested using the servo loop test using dynamic
offset test-bench as described in [3] and [12]. A sinusoidal signal generator is used as one
of the inputs to the comparator and the other input is connected to the output of the
integrator. The input sine wave signal is phase shifted by an amount πœ‘ = 6° relative to
input clock, as shown in Figure 5.6. The servo loop is allowed to settle, then the process
is repeated for an increased phase shift between the sine wave and the clock, for total of
60 values of φ. The servo loop is run for 60 incremental values of φ, i.e. 360° of sine
wave, for various frequencies between 1 MHz to 100 MHz to study the effective input
magnitude and phase as frequency increases.
Average of peak-to-peak values
Figure 5.5 Outputs of various blocks in the servo loop test.
Figure 5.6 Phase difference between inputs for servo loop test.
5.5 Simulating the design
The output of these 60 simulations is used to understand the frequency response of the
comparator and the effective sampling time-window of the comparator. It should be
observed that the ideal comparator samples the sine wave on the positive edge of the
clock for each of the 60 simulations. To understand the sampling accuracy of the
comparator we took the peak-to-peak average of the integrator output once the loop
settles, as shown in Figure 5.5. These average values from the servo loop test, for all of
the 60 runs, if reconstructed, form a single sine waveform as shown in Figure 5.7. The
reconstructed sine waveform represents the effective input of the comparator, and makes
evident the magnitude and phase shift corresponding to W(jω). For different comparator
time constants, there is a different W(jω).
Figure 5.7 Servo loop test simulation reconstructed output after 60 runs. X axis is clock
to input phase and Y axis is effective input voltage.
5.6 Automating the Simulation Environment
A major hurdle in the servo loop test is to get the average values of the integrator output
over several complete cycles after the loop has reached steady-state. The starting peak
time of the integrator output varies for different values of regeneration tau, reset tau and
clock frequencies. Also the peak value changes for every run for any given set of
regeneration tau and rest tau values. The best possible way to get the average value for
the run is by observing the SR latch outputs. Figure 5.5 waveforms show that the
integrator shifts it direction based on the SR latch output change. It can be observed that
SR latch output does not change after the first two positive edges. Starting with the third
positive edge of the SR latch output to a total of 17 edges, both positive and negative SR
latch output swing combined gives a total of 8 peak-to-peak values of the integrator,
which will provide the average value needed from the integrator output. This average
value represents the input sampled value of the sine wave by the comparator. These
values have to be obtained for each of the 60 runs to reconstruct the sine wave shown in
Figure 5.7. The simulation results obtained by varying the time constants for different
frequencies can be seen in Figures 5.8, 5.9, 5.10, 5.11, 5.12, 5.13. The following
automation code is used to measure the average values for various time constant corners:
.meas tran vcomp_start TRIG AT=0 TARG V(Q_out) val=2.5v cross=2
.meas tran vcomp_stop TRIG AT=0 TARG V(Q_out) val=2.5v cross=17
.meas tran vint_avg
AVG v(Vout_intgrtr) FROM=vcomp_start TO=vcomp_stop
5.7 Interpreting Simulation Results
The analysis done in chapter 3 can be used to interpret the simulation results obtained
from the DOTB for various clock frequencies. The reset tau has been kept at a constant
1.0ns for all the simulations. It can be observed that as value of regeneration tau drifts
away from the reset tau, there is a certain amount of phase shift seen in the sine wave.
Also a smaller regeneration tau increases the magnitude of the effective comparator input
at higher frequencies as seen from Equation (12). It can be observed that if the phase shift
is not well-controlled, the effective sampling time of the comparator for certain fast
changing sinusoids may be uncertain. Clearly, as stated by [3] and results from the DOTB
simulations suggest that for minimal phase shift, i.e. for a comparator to have sampling
accuracy at the zero crossing of the input, it’s desirable to set τ2 = - τ1.
Figure 5.8 Effective inputs at 1 MHz for reset tau value of 1ns and regeneration tau
values of 0.3, 0.8, 1.0 and 1.2ns respectively.
Figure 5.9 Effective inputs at 10 MHz for reset tau value of 1ns and regeneration tau
values of 0.3, 0.8, 1.0 and 1.2ns respectively.
Figure 5.10 Effective inputs at 25 MHz for reset tau value of 1ns and regeneration tau
values of 0.3, 0.8, 1.0 and 1.2ns respectively.
Figure 5.11 Effective inputs at 50 MHz for reset tau value of 1ns and regeneration tau
values of 0.3, 0.8, 1.0 and 1.2ns respectively.
Figure 5.12 Effective inputs at 80 MHz for reset tau value of 1ns and regeneration tau
values of 0.3, 0.8, 1.0 and 1.2ns respectively.
Figure 5.13 Effective inputs at 100 MHz for reset tau value of 1ns and regeneration tau
values of 0.3, 0.8, 1.0 and 1.2ns respectively.
Figure 5.14 Effective inputs at different frequencies obtained from the servo loop test.
The phase shift at value 0 in Figure 5.14 has been observed to change to be from -131mV
to 49.5mv. This indicates the phase shift across the various frequencies using different
time constants. The amplitude can be seen to change from 494mv to 404mv, with input
signal amplitude of 500mv. The magnitude and phase plots of the behavioral model for
various frequencies and various τ1 (reset) values, keeping τ2 (regeneration) constant to a
value of -1ns, as shown in Figure 5.15 and Figure 5.16. These values appear to be
consistent with results obtained by [3] as shown in Figure 5.17. The results from the
graphs suggest that if the excessive phase shift is not well controlled, the effective
sampling time of the comparator for sinusoids may be uncertain. Clearly, for minimal
phase shift the option of τ1 = - τ2 is desirable.
The plots in the Figure 5.15 and Figure 5.16 were obtained by simulating the comparator
model at only a handful of frequencies. This resulted in the sharp kinks seen in both the
curves. The plot in Figure 5.17 was generated using MATLAB code by [3] resulting in
continuous waveforms. The plots in Figure 5.15 and Figure 5.16 shows the magnitude
and phase plots of W(jω) as a function of frequency. It was been seen in Figure 5.15 that
a smaller τ1 increases the magnitude of the effective comparator input at high frequencies.
Also it can be noted from Figure 5.16 that a smaller τ1 increases the phase shift of the
effective comparator input at high frequencies.
Figure 5.15 Magnitude plot using windowing function for the behavioral model.
Figure 5.16 Phase plot using windowing function for the behavioral model.
 1 ο€½ 0.3ns
W ( j ) -15
(dB) ο€­20-20
. ns 1.2ns
 2 ο€½ ο€­10
-35 6
10 6
W ( j )
10 8
Frequency, Hz.
10 9
 1 ο€½ 0.3ns
Phase, 2020
. 1010
. ns
 2 ο€½ ο€­10
Frequency, Hz.
Figure 5.17 Magnitude and Phase plots using windowing function for the mathematical
Chapter 6
6.1 Accomplishments
This project report has detailed the development of a behavioral model for a regenerative
comparator using Verilog-AMS. The model has been parameterized to control the values
of time constants, τ1 and τ2, parasitic capacitance Cp and operational voltage of the
model VDD. The model has been parameterized such that it can be embedded into other
designs with minor modification to the parameter values.
The developed model has been verified for its functionality at different frequencies and
with different combinations of time constants. The testing of the model was done
utilizing the time-windowing function of the comparator. The results obtained from the
analysis of the comparator showed that the desirable minimal phase shift is obtained for
the option τ1 = -τ2. Hence a well-controlled reset transistor in the actual design is optimal.
The project also outlined the development of Dynamic Offset Test Bench (DOTB) for
testing the comparator using Verilog-AMS with minor enhancements. The results
obtained from the DOTB matched that of the mathematical analysis results. The project
report also detailed various problems faced in the development of the model and how to
overcome such scenarios.
A Shell script was also developed as part of the test-bench to automate the data collection
process during the simulation. This script proved as an essential part of the simulation as
it helped to decrease the amount of time required to process the output data. The
complete code has been automated and parameterized to make the behavioral model
reusable across various designs.
6.2 Future Work
Although a behavioral model has been developed in Verilog-AMS and has been tested
using Verilog-AMS test-bench, its capabilities were not tested in a mixed circuit
simulation with other SPICE circuit simulations. Also further investigations into other
non-linear aspects of the model can be done and incorporated to get some complex
behavior of the model, like full reset functionality, spline functions based curve fitting
and adding noise models.
Source Code for Behavioral Model and Test Bench
// Library.va
// Various simple components used to build test-bench and DUT.
// Created by Pranav Cherupalli
`ifndef __DEFINES__
`define __DEFINES__
`include "disciplines.vams"
`include "constants.vams"
`timescale 1ns/1ps
//Capacitor Block
module cap1(p, n);
inout p, n;
electrical p, n;
parameter real c=1 from [0:inf);
analog begin
I(p,n) <+ c*ddt(V(p,n));
//Simple Resistor Block
module resistor(p, n);
inout p, n;
electrical p,n;
parameter real res=1 from [0:inf);
analog begin
V(p,n) <+ res*I(p,n);
//Clock generator Block
module clk_gen(clk);
output clk;
reg clk;
parameter real clk_period = 400;
initial begin
clk = 0;
forever clk =#(clk_period/2) ~clk;
//Ideal Diode Block, changed the parameters to suite the design
module DIODEideal(p,n);
inout p,n;
electrical p,n;
parameter real Vg = 0.6;
parameter real rD = 1.0 from (1.0e-6:inf];
parameter real rDOFF = 1.0e8 from (1.0e-6:inf];
// Cut-in voltage of diode
// ON resistance of diode
// OFF resistance of diode
analog begin
if (V(p,n) < Vg)
I(p,n) <+ V(p,n)/rDOFF;
I(p,n) <+ (V(p,n) - Vg)/rD + Vg/rDOFF;
//Integrator Block designed out of the transfer function equation
module my_integrator( vout, vip, vin);
input vip, vin;
output vout;
electrical vout, vin, vip;
electrical input_vol;
parameter real RC_Val = 0.0001 exclude 0;
parameter real DC_Val = 0;
real Inv_RC_Val;
analog begin
@(initial_step) Inv_RC_Val = -1/RC_Val;
V(input_vol) <+ (V(vip) - V(vin));
V(vout) <+ Inv_RC_Val * idt(V(input_vol), DC_Val);
//RS Latch Block to be used after the comparator.
module my_rs_latch ( Q, Qb, datain);
input datain;
output Q, Qb;
electrical datain;
electrical Q, Qb, Set, Reset;
parameter real Vth_pos = 4.6 from (-5:5);
parameter real Vth_neg = -4.6 from (-5:5);
parameter real VDD = 5 from (-10:10);
parameter real AGND = 0 from (-10:10);
parameter real SR = 1.0e12 from (0:inf);
real set;
real reset;
real q;
real qb;
real VQ;
real VQb;
analog begin
@(cross(V(datain) - Vth_pos, +1)) begin
set = 1;
reset = 0;
@(cross(V(datain) - Vth_neg, -1)) begin
set = 0;
reset = 1;
if(V(datain) > 4.9) begin
set = 1;
reset = 0;
if(V(datain) < -4.9) begin
reset = 1;
set = 0;
q = V(Q);
qb = V(Qb);
V(Set) <+ set;
V(Reset) <+ reset;
if(set) begin
else if (reset) begin
VQb = VDD;
else begin
VQ = q;
VQb = qb;
V(Q) <+ slew (VQ, SR, -1*SR);
V(Qb) <+ slew (VQb, SR, -1*SR);
//Block to Sample the input signal on the posedge of clock
module my_sampler (clk, inpwave, outsignal);
input clk, inpwave;
output outsignal;
electrical inpwave, outsignal;
real outVal;
wire clk;
analog begin
@(initial_step) begin
outVal = 0;
@(posedge clk) begin
outVal = V(inpwave);
//$display("Outval is %f", outVal);
V(outsignal) <+ outVal;
//SineWave generator Block
module my_sine(outp);
output outp;
electrical outp,gnd;
ground gnd;
parameter real freq = 10e3 exclude 0;
parameter real phase = 0;
parameter real amplitude = 1.0 exclude 0;
analog begin
V(outp,gnd) <+ amplitude*sin((`M_TWO_PI*freq*$abstime) + phase);
//PWL block in Verilog_AMS for different time steps and voltages
module my_vsrc (outp);
output outp;
electrical outp;
//Initially the parameters are fixed to 0v, so that there is no Signal
parameter real t0 = 0n from [0:inf);
parameter real Vt0 = 0.000 from (-5.1:5.1);
parameter real t1 = 1n from [0:inf);
parameter real Vt1 = Vt0 from (-5.1:5.1);
parameter real t2 = 2n from [0:inf);
parameter real Vt2 = Vt1 from (-5.1:5.1);
parameter real t3 = 3n from [0:inf);
parameter real Vt3 = Vt2 from (-5.1:5.1);
parameter real t4 = 4n from [0:inf);
parameter real Vt4 = Vt3 from (-5.1:5.1);
parameter real t5 = 5n from [0:inf);
parameter real Vt5 = Vt4 from (-5.1:5.1);
parameter real t6 = 6n from [0:inf);
parameter real Vt6 = Vt5 from (-5.1:5.1);
parameter real t7 = 7n from [0:inf);
parameter real Vt7 = Vt6 from (-5.1:5.1);
real outp_volt;
analog begin
@(timer(t0)) outp_volt = Vt0;
@(timer(t1)) outp_volt = Vt1;
@(timer(t2)) outp_volt = Vt2;
@(timer(t3)) outp_volt = Vt3;
@(timer(t4)) outp_volt = Vt4;
@(timer(t5)) outp_volt = Vt5;
@(timer(t6)) outp_volt = Vt6;
@(timer(t7)) outp_volt = Vt7;
V(outp) <+ transition(outp_volt,0,0,0);
//This block generates difference signal on the output
module signal(diffinp, diffinn, outp);
inout diffinp, diffinn;
output outp;
electrical diffinp, diffinn;
electrical outp;
real val_diffp;
real val_diffn;
analog begin
val_diffp = V(diffinp);
val_diffn = V(diffinn);
V(outp) <+ transition((val_diffp - val_diffn),0,0,0);
//Ideal Switch block, taken from Ken Kundurts book
module my_switch (p,n, pcntrl, ncntrl);
input pcntrl, ncntrl;
output p, n;
electrical p, n, pcntrl, ncntrl;
parameter real thresh = 0;
analog begin
@(cross(V(pcntrl, ncntrl) - thresh, 0))
if(V(pcntrl, ncntrl) > thresh)
V(p,n) <+ 0;
I(p,n) <+ 0;
//Ideal Voltage Controlled Current Source
module vccs (p,n,ps,ns);
parameter real reset_gain = 1;
output p,n;
input ps,ns;
electrical p,n,ps,ns;
I(p,n) <+ reset_gain*V(ps,ns);
//Ideal Voltage Controlled Voltage Source
module vcvs (p, n, ps, ns);
input ps, ns;
output p, n;
electrical p, n, ps, ns;
parameter real gain = 1;
V(p,n) <+ gain*V(ps,ns);
// Regenerative Comparator Block (RCbloc.va)
// Uses library.va components
//Created by Pranav Cherupalli
`include "disciplines.vams"
`include "constants.vams"
module rcblock ( datain, clk, dataout, gnd);
input clk;
input datain;
output dataout;
electrical datain, dataout, gnd;
electrical datain1;
ground gnd;
wire clk;
electrical VDD_volt; //For Diode
electrical VSS_volt; //For Diode
electrical midpoint;
parameter real reset_tau = 1e-8 from (-inf:inf);
parameter real regen_tau = -1e-8 from (-inf:inf);
parameter real reset_gain1 = 0.0001 from (0:inf);
parameter real reset_gain2 = 0.0001 from (0:inf);
parameter real resistor1 = 1000 exclude 0;
parameter real cap = 0.1n from (-inf:inf);
parameter real VDD = 5 from (-50:50);
parameter real VSS = -5 from (-50:50);
parameter real gain2 = (reset_gain2 * cap) / (reset_tau * reset_gain1);
parameter real gain1 = 1; //* resistor1/10;
//Internal real params
real negRes;
real posRes;
real changeResis;
real mid_val;
real VL;
//Voltage controlled current source 1
//vccs #(.reset_gain(gain1)) CS1(.n(datain1), .p(gnd), .ps(datain), .ns(gnd));
//Resistor to ground for the first gm stage.
resistor #(.res(resistor1)) R1(.p(datain1), .n(datain));
//clamper to limit the dataout1 value
DIODEideal #(.Vg(0.1)) DA1(datain1, gnd);
DIODEideal #(.Vg(0.1)) DA2(gnd, datain1);
//Clamper Diodes
DIODEideal #(.Vg(0.0)) D1(dataout, VDD_volt);
DIODEideal #(.Vg(0.0)) D3(VSS_volt, dataout);
//Voltage Controller Current Source 2
vccs #(.reset_gain(gain2)) CS2(.p(dataout), .n(gnd), .ps(datain1), .ns(gnd));
//Simple Capacitor
cap1 #(.c(cap)) C1(.p(dataout),.n(gnd));
analog begin
@(initial_step) begin
negRes = regen_tau/cap;
posRes = ((negRes*reset_tau)/((negRes*cap)-reset_tau));
Reset_gain=%f",reset_tau, regen_tau, reset_gain2);
$display("Value of PosRes=%f, negRes=%f", posRes, negRes);
changeResis = posRes;
//additional code to hold the Diode value to constant.
V(VDD_volt) <+ (VDD);
V(VSS_volt) <+ (VSS);
@(posedge clk) begin
changeResis = negRes;
@(negedge clk) begin
changeResis = 1/((1/posRes)+(1/negRes));
V(dataout, gnd) <+ (changeResis) * I(dataout, gnd);
// Testbench for the comparator (tb_comp.va)
// Created by Pranav Cherupalli
`ifndef __DEFINES__
`define __DEFINES__
`include "discipline.vams"
`include "constants.h"
`include "library.va"
`include "rcblock.va"
`timescale 1ns/1ps
module tb_comp;
electrical step_in;
electrical dataout;
electrical gnd;
electrical posnode, negnode;
electrical Q_out, Qb_out;
electrical Vout_intgrtr;
electrical wave;
electrical VIN;
ground gnd;
wire clk;
//frequency relative to clkCycle
parameter real sineWaveAmp = $param("sinewaveampl");
parameter real sineWaveFreq = $param("sinewavefreq");
parameter real sineWavePhase = $param("sinewavephase"); //360°= 2*pi, 6°= 0.1466
parameter real clkCycle = $param("clockcycle");
parameter real posThresh = $param("posThresh");
parameter real negThresh = $param("negThresh");
parameter real RCVal = $param("Intgrtr_RCval");
parameter real initialDCVal = 0;
//parameters of RC block
parameter real reset_tau = $param("reset_tau");
parameter real regen_tau = $param("regen_tau");
parameter real reset_gain1 = $param("reset_gain1");
parameter real reset_gain2 = $param("reset_gain2");
parameter real cap = $param("capacitance");
parameter real VDD = 5 from (-50:50);
parameter real VSS = -5 from (-50:50);
//Sinusoidal Input source
my_sine #(.freq(sineWaveFreq), .phase(sineWavePhase), .amplitude(sineWaveAmp))
//Signal Difference ckt with clock frequency as parameter
signal sig1 (.diffinp(wave), .diffinn(Vout_intgrtr),.outp(step_in));
//Clock Generator Block
clk_gen #(.clk_period(clkCycle)) clkgen (.clk(clk));
//Comparator block Implementation
rcblock #(.reset_tau(reset_tau), .regen_tau(regen_tau),
.reset_gain1(reset_gain1),.reset_gain2 (reset_gain2), .cap(cap), .VDD(VDD),
.VSS(VSS)) comp1 (.datain(step_in), .clk(clk), .dataout(dataout), .gnd(gnd));
// Modified RS Latch
my_rs_latch #(.Vth_pos(posThresh),.Vth_neg(negThresh)) rs_l1 (.Q(Q_out),
.Qb(Qb_out), .datain(dataout));
//Integrator Block
my_integrator #(.RC_Val(RCVal),.DC_Val(initialDCVal)) testIntg (.vout
(Vout_intgrtr), .vip(Q_out), .vin(Qb_out));
//Dummy Test logic here
analog begin
V(VIN) <+ 0.1;
* The Following code is ELDO Simulator Script.
* It does not consist of any Verilog-AMS code.
* Created by Pranav Cherupalli
* Updated Date Feb 21st, 2010, 12:59 AM
*Setup Conditions for simulator
.width out=120
.option ingold=2
.option numdgt=10 !
.option notrclib
.option noascii
.option nowarn=100 !
.option probe
.option captab
.option tuning=vhigh !
.option itl1=1000
.option itl6=1000
.option hmin=1e-10
.option trap
.option eps=5e-5
.option aex
Set number of columns in .chi file (text output)
Set output format for numbers to Spice 2G6 default
Set number of digits for .op and .meas numerical outputs
Suppress printing of models/subckts from .lib in .chi file
Suppress printing of print/plot outputs in .chi file
Suppress printing of warning 100 in .chi file
Add only requested outputs to .wdb file (graphical output)
Print capacitance table in .chi file
Set simulation to high accuracy
Set limit for max number of DC iterations (default=100)
Transient timestep contol option (see Eldo_ur.pdf)
Print measure outputs in .aex file
* Measurement commands
.meas tran vcomp_start TRIG AT=0 TARG V(Q_out) val=2.5v cross=2
.meas tran vcomp_stop TRIG AT=0 TARG V(Q_out) val=2.5v cross=17
.meas tran vint_avg AVG v(Vout_intgrtr) FROM=vcomp_start TO=vcomp_stop
* Simulation specific parameters
.param sinewaveampl=(0.5)
.param sinewavephase=(0.0)
.param sinewavefreq=(100000000) ! 100Mhz
.param clockcycle=10 ! 10 ns
.param posThresh=4.5
.param negThresh=-4.5
.param Intgrtr_RCval=2.7e-5
* RC Model specific parameters
.param reset_tau = 1e-9;
.param regen_tau = -1e-9;
.param reset_gain1 = 1.0;
.param reset_gain2 = 1.0;
.param capacitance = 0.1n;
.tran 0.01n 50.0us
.param sinewavephase=((0.104720))
.param sinewavephase=((0.209440))
.param sinewavephase=((0.314159))
.param sinewavephase=((0.418879))
.param sinewavephase=((0.523599))
.param sinewavephase=((0.628319))
.param sinewavephase=((0.733038))
.param sinewavephase=((0.837758))
.param sinewavephase=((0.942478))
.param sinewavephase=((1.047198))
.param sinewavephase=((1.151917))
.param sinewavephase=((1.256637))
.param sinewavephase=((1.361357))
.param sinewavephase=((1.466077))
.param sinewavephase=((1.570796))
.param sinewavephase=((1.675516))
.param sinewavephase=((1.780236))
.param sinewavephase=((1.884956))
.param sinewavephase=((1.989675))
.param sinewavephase=((2.094395))
.param sinewavephase=((2.199115))
.param sinewavephase=((2.303835))
.param sinewavephase=((2.408555))
.param sinewavephase=((2.513274))
.param sinewavephase=((2.617994))
.param sinewavephase=((2.722714))
.param sinewavephase=((2.827434))
.param sinewavephase=((2.932153))
.param sinewavephase=((3.036873))
.param sinewavephase=((3.141593))
.param sinewavephase=((3.246313))
.param sinewavephase=((3.351032))
.param sinewavephase=((3.455752))
.param sinewavephase=((3.560472))
.param sinewavephase=((3.665192))
.param sinewavephase=((3.769911))
.param sinewavephase=((3.874631))
.param sinewavephase=((3.979351))
.param sinewavephase=((4.084071))
.param sinewavephase=((4.188790))
.param sinewavephase=((4.293510))
.param sinewavephase=((4.398230))
.param sinewavephase=((4.502950))
.param sinewavephase=((4.607669))
.param sinewavephase=((4.712389))
.param sinewavephase=((4.817109))
.param sinewavephase=((4.921829))
.param sinewavephase=((5.026548))
.param sinewavephase=((5.131268))
.param sinewavephase=((5.235988))
.param sinewavephase=((5.340708))
.param sinewavephase=((5.445427))
.param sinewavephase=((5.550147))
.param sinewavephase=((5.654867))
.param sinewavephase=((5.759587))
.param sinewavephase=((5.864306))
.param sinewavephase=((5.969026))
.param sinewavephase=((6.073746))
.param sinewavephase=((6.178466))
Verilog-AMS Functions and Operators
B.1 Mathematical Functions
Table 1 Verilog-AMS Built-in Mathematical Functions
Natural log
Decimal log
Square root
All x, all y
All x, all y
All x
All x
All x
All x
All x
x !=n(π/2), n is odd
-1 <=x<=1
-1 <=x<=1
All x
Arc-tangent x/y
All x, y, except 0
All x, y
Hyperbolic sine
All x
Hyperbolic cosine
All x
Hyperbolic tan
All x
a-hyperbolic sin
All x
a-hperbolic cos
x >= 1
a-hperbolic tan
Power xy
If x>=0, all y, else int(y)
Table 2 Verilog-AMS Mathematical Operators
+ , - , *, /, %
Plus, minus, multiply, divide, modulus
< , > , <= , >= , != =, = = =, != , = =
Equality operators.
ternary operator
&&, ||, ~, &, |, ^, ^~ , ~^
Logical and bit-wise operators
>>, <<
Shift operators
B.2 Analog Operators
Table 3 Verilog-AMS Built-in Analog Operators.
Analog Operator
Time Derivative of its argument.
Usage οƒ  y = ddt(x);
Time Integral of its argument.
Usage οƒ  y = idt(x) + c;
Time Integral of its argument, passed through a
modulus operation.
It’s a periodic Integration.
Time delay operator.
Linear time delay for continuous waveforms
Used for transmission line modeling.
Last zero crossing.
Returns time of last crossing of expr.
transition(inp_sig, td, rt, ft)
delay(expr, dt)
Analog Transition filter.
Filters piecewise constant waveforms to
piecewise linear.
Adds delay, rise time and fall time.
slew(inp_sig, slw_pos, slw_neg)
laplace_zp(expr, num, dnom)
laplace_zd(expr, num, dnom)
laplace_np(expr, num, dnom)
laplace_nd(expr, num, dnom)
zi_zp(expr, num, dnom, T, trf, t0)
zi_zd(expr, num, dnom, T, trf, t0)
zi_np(expr, num, dnom, T, trf, t0)
zi_nd(expr, num, dnom, T, trf, t0)
Slew Filter.
Used for smoothly varying signals.
Bounds the signal rate-of-change to the output.
Laplace filter
Laplace analog operators provide different
variants on specifying the filter coefficients to
work in frequency domain.
Use fixed poles and zeros.
Z transform operator.
These filters implement linear discrete-time
filters using zeros and poles.
T specifies the period of the filter.
trf and t0 are optional transition times.
B.3 Analog Event Driven Modeling
The analog behavior of the module can be controlled using analog events. These events
differ from the standard control flow constructs like if-else or case. Table 4 list the most
common event commands that are be used. Event is called using the “@ (event)” syntax.
Table 4 Common Verilog-AMS Analog Event Types.
Analog Event Types
cross (expr, dir)
Used for threshold and signal crossing.
Signal low to high crossing.
timer(time, delta-time) Used for periodicity or specific times.
Event at the beginning of the simulation.
Event at the end of the simulation.
Ken Martin, David Johns, “Analog Integrated Circuit Design,” John Wiley &
sons, 1997.
Cheng, K., and JOU, K. F., “2.4GHz CMOS VCO Design with Verilog-AMS,”
ICM 2003, pp 98-101, December 2003.
Thomas W Matthews, “On the effective sampling time of regenerative
comparators,” IEEE International Midwest symposium on Circuits and systems,
August 2008, pp. 638-641, vol. 1.
R. Sommer et. Al., “From System Specification to Layout: Seamless Top-Down
Design Methods for Analog and Mixed-Signal Applications,” IEEE Proc. 2002
Design, Automation and Test, Europe, Conference and Exhibition.
Ken Kundert, “Principles of Top-Down Mixed Signal Design,” The Designers
Guide community, www.designers-guide.org, 2003.
M. Wang, H. Maramis, D. Telian, and K. Chung, “New Techniques for Designing
and Analyzing Multi-Giga Hertz Serial Links,” DesignCon 2005.
G. M. Yin, F. O. Eynde, and W. Sansen, "A high-speed CMOS comparator with
8-b resolution," IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 27, pp. 208 - 211,
February 1992.
Phillip E. Allen and Douglas R. Holberg, “CMOS Analog Circuit Design,”
OXFORD, Second Edition, 2004.
Kenneth S. Kundert, Olaf Zinke, “Designers Guide for Verilog-AMS,” Kluwer
Academic publishers, 2004.
Dan FitzPatrick, Ira Miller, “Analog Behavioral Modeling with the Verilog-A
Language,” Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Massachusetts. 1998.
Creating Analog Behavioral Models, Cadence, 2003.
Thomas W. Matthews and Perry L. Heedley, “A simulation Method for Accurately
Determining DC and Dynamic Offsets in Comparators,” IEEE International
Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2005, pp. 1815-1818, vol. 2.
Thomas W. Matthew and Perry L. Heedley, private communication.