Map and Compass Map and Compass • One of the Ten Essentials – Map and Compass • A GPS isn’t always the answer – Subject to • Signal • Batteries • User knowledge The Compass • How does it work? – Magnetic Fields of the Earth – Directed at Magnetic North Pole Compass • What’s it Good for? – Compass by itself to walk in a straight line on a heading • With a Map – Find where you are – Find where you’re going The Compass Compass Circle has 360 N •Directions correspond to a degree heading •North = 360º or 000º E W •East = 90º •South = 180º •West = 270º S The Map • Second part of Essential • A picture of your world The Map •Many different kinds of maps •Road maps like the AAA •Aviation Maps •Nautical Maps •US Geological Survey (USGS) maps •USGS Maps are what we use most for hiking •1” inch = 24,000 feet’ •Map lines and border are aligned with True North The Map • Legend – Somewhere on the map that describes all the information used on that map • • • • • Symbols Scale of Map Distance Scale Compass Rose Date of Data The Map • Symbols =Mine =Year Round Stream or River =Seasonal or Dry Stream or River =Year Round Lake =Seasonal or Dry Lake =Structure =Paved Road =Dirt Road =Trail The Map • Symbols =Railroad =Vegetation X =Peak =Church =School The Map •Contour Lines •Show Elevation •More Importantly – show change in elevation Steep – Contour Lines close together Relatively Flat – Contour Lines far apart The Map Map Legend Data Date Distance Scale Compass Rose The Map •Coordinates •Determine a position on the map •Different Coordinate Systems •Longitude •Has 180º •000º at Greenwich England •Measured East - West •Latitude •Has 90º •00º at Equator •Measured North - South The Map Latitude Longitude The Map Latitude and Longitude are measured in Degrees º, minutes ‘, seconds” Can also be measured as Degreesº, Minutes ‘.000 or Degreesº.000 Each Degree, º, is divided into 60 Minutes, ‘ Each Minute , ‘ , is divided into 60 Seconds, “ 33º27.000’ or 33º27’00” N 117º09.000’ or 117º09’00” W The Map •Can also use UTM grid system •Consists of 6 digit number to determine your position •Both Lat/Long and UTM can be found on many USGS Maps The Map and Compass Together as a Tool •Use the map and the Compass together to: •Find where you’re at •Find where you’re going •Also: •How hard is your hike •Can I make it in the time I have •Where is the best campsite •Where is water The Map and Compass Together as a Tool •To use the map and the compass together you must first get them looking at the same North •Map Aligned with True North •Compass aligned with Magnetic North •Difference is caused by magnetic fields of the Earth •You must “Orient” the map •Align the map with Magnetic North or •Align the compass with True North The Map and Compass Together as a Tool •Map may have a Compass “Rose” as on our map •Or it may simply tell you what the deviation is The Map and Compass Together as a Tool •Orienting the Map with the Compass Rose •Line up the edge of your compass (which reads Mag N) with the Magnetic North, MN, line on the compass rose The Map and Compass Together as a Tool •Now rotate the map until the index lines up with the North needle •Now your map is oriented to Magnetic North and can be used with your compass The Map and Compass Together as a Tool •Orienting the Map without the Compass Rose •Difference between Magnetic North (compass) and True North (Map) is given as a Deviation or Declination value East or West Declination = 13º E The Map and Compass Together as a Tool Note the difference and adjust the dial on your compass so the North reference is now True North •Rule is: • “East is Least” •Subtract Deviation from 360º •“West is Best” •Add Deviation to 360º Declination = 13º E The Map and Compass Together as a Tool • “East is Least” •Subtract 13º East Deviation from 360º •347º •Set 347º on the top of your compass dial 347 360 Declination = 13º E The Map and Compass Together as a Tool OR 347 347 • Now align the edge of the compass with any North-South line on the map •The edge of the map or a line of longitude. Declination = 13º E The Map and Compass Together as a Tool Declination = 13º E 347 OR 347 • Rotate the map and compass until the needle is aligned with the index set at 347º The Map and Compass Together as a Tool • One other way to orient a map is to line it up with known features on the map with known features you see such as lakes, peaks, roads, etc.. The Map and Compass Together as a Tool • For example you see a road to your left and a peak behind you you can rotate the map to match what you see. The Map and Compass Together as a Tool • Now the Map and Compass are ready to use together as a tool to find where you are, find where you are going or identify any other feature you may see like a lake or peak. The Map and Compass Together as a Tool •To determine your location look for a prominent feature you can match to the map. •Take your Compass and point the index at the feature. •Now rotate your dial until 360º is aligned with the North needle •The heading lined up with the index is your bearing to that feature. •In this example - 190º The Map and Compass Together as a Tool •Note that bearing •Now do the same thing with another known feature on the map •In this example - 345º The Map and Compass Together as a Tool •Where the bearing lines intersect on your map is your approximate location •The more features you use the more accurate your position will be. •This is called “triangulation” •A GPS does the same thing with satellites The Map and Compass Together as a Tool •Bearings to different features give your approximate location The Map and Compass Together as a Tool •Now you can use this location to get a heading off the map to where you might want to go •For example the heading from this location to the mine is approximately 165º The Map and Compass Together as a Tool •Now an exercise •You are standing somewhere on the map •You see Nielsen Peak and take a bearing of 165º •You see a small lake and the bearing is 097º •You see the Gaging Station and the bearing is 180º •Where are you???? The Map and Compass Together as a Tool •Now an exercise •You are standing somewhere on the map •You see Nielsen Peak and take a bearing of 165º •You see a small lake and the bearing is 097º •You see the Gaging Station and the bearing is 180º •Where are you???? •You are at the Cemetery The Map and Compass Together as a Tool •What is the Latitude and Longitude of your location??? The Map and Compass Together as a Tool •What is the Latitude and Longitude of your location??? •N33º29’32” •W117º08’28” The Map and Compass Together as a Tool •Now another exercise •You are standing somewhere on the map that is a high place •You see a mine and take a bearing of 070º •You see a bend in a river and the bearing is 004º •You see Nielsen Peak again and take a bearing of 111º •Where are you???? The Map and Compass Together as a Tool •Now and exercise •You are standing somewhere on the map •You see Nielsen Peak and take a bearing of 165º •You see a small lake and the bearing is 097º •You see the Gaging Station and the bearing is 180º •You are on the small peak halfway between Hwy 15 and the edge of the map about 2 inches from the bottom The Map and Compass Together as a Tool •What is the Latitude and Longitude of your location??? The Map and Compass Together as a Tool •What is the Latitude and Longitude of your location??? •N33º27’08” •W117º09’12” The Map and Compass Together as a Tool •From your location you want to go to the intersection of Via Novillo and Camino Estribo where the cars are waiting. •What is the heading????? The Map and Compass Together as a Tool •From your location you want to go to the intersection of Via Novillo and Camino Estribo where the cars are waiting. •What is the heading????? •Approximately 342º The Map and Compass Together as a Tool •What is the Latitude and Longitude of the cars??? •N33º28’21” •W117º09’37” The Map and Compass Together as a Tool •This has been a lot of information but we hope you now appreciate the usefulness of the map and compass as tools by themselves and as a backup to a GPS