Español 103 C Repaso Gramática FUTURO (going to) Me llamo _______________ período _____ fecha ________________ ir + a + infinitivo 1. You guys are going to be so smart at the end of the year. 2. Anita & Juan are going to eat all their food. 3. Me and you are going to be the first to finish. OBLIGACIÓN (have to) tener + que + infinitivo 1. I have to listen and then write them. (las frases) 2. Ms. Williams’ dog has to sleep on the floor. 3. You, sir, have to pay me now. COMPARACIONES ( / bigger than tan + adjetivo + como 1. Susan’s friend is as tall as me. 2. The students are as smart as their classmates. tanto + sustantivo + como 1. We have as many pesos as the other students. 2. You have as much money as your friends. más + adjetivo + que 1. My car is faster than hers. 2. Our house is taller than yours. SUPERLATIVOS (the biggest) 1. The shortest plant needs more light. 2. The tallest trees are the strongest. el/la + más + adjetivo HACE + período de tiempo (doing something for 5 minutes) 1. We have been learning Spanish for many years. 2. They have been talking for a long time. VERBOS LOCOS ( verbs that need an indirect object pronoun) a + persona + CI + verbo + objeto/sujeto gusta molestan encantan parece fascina duelen interesan importa falta aburren sorprende preocupan 1. We love pizza. 2. They are fascinated by the book. COMPLEMENTOS me/te/nos/os directos (lo/la/los/las) e indirectos (le/les) 1. He wants to buy them flowers. 2. She sees them every day after school. MANDATOS tú + la forma de una - -es/-as Ud. Uds/Vosotros 1. la forma de “yo” 2. quita la “o” persona Nosotros (Let’s) 3. pon la terminación opuesta -e/-a -en/-an -emos/-amos 1. Pepe, eat quicker! Mr. Keever, speak slower! Guys, work together! 2. Don’t write it on the wall! Don’t eat yellow snow! Don’t yell at me! BOTAS – cambio radical (o – ue / e – ie / e – i) en todas las formas menos NOSTORS/VOSTROS – Escribe las seis formas de los siguientes verbos. 1. volver 2. recomendar 3. seguir