Hello! Please forgive my delay in reviewing your files. I launched the new website over the holiday and am just getting the background of it transferred and secured and working to stay on top of client obligations. This plan had a lot of components to pull together an integrated lesson. It’s very close to being done, it just needs some clarification. Throughout it, the ‘project’ areas were too vague. These should be a short paragraph stating what the students will do to meet the standards and produce something to be assessed. I put in some prompts of things it thought it sounded like you were going to do, but if you could be more specific in these sections, it would help make this plan more concrete and allow others to know if they would feel comfortable trying this lesson with their students. Once those parts are written, then they are combined to become the basic plan, - what you would tell and admin you STEAM plan was going to be. Then the basic plan is condensed to be the ‘essential concept’ – what you would tell a parent your STEAM plan was going to be. Let me know if you have questions. Thanks! - gy Title :How To Build A Chicken Coop __________STEAM Lesson Brief Educators on the team: Holly Morgan, Colby Williams, Susan Childress (EC) Sylvia Leftwich and Sandy Hunt (CF) Trained:8/18/14-8/19/14_Town/State Greensboro, NC Students use knowledge from across the disciplines to strengthen their understanding of each subject’s content and its related careers through topic or theme oriented realistic problem-based activity-rich lessons. Theme that this lesson would tie to: Chickens & Biology Specific Topic Concept within that theme: Life cycle of a Chicken PROJECT IDEA + brief notes & supplies BASIC CONCEPTS Essential Concept: Lifecycle of a Chicken and the needs of a chicken. One to two sentence synopsis of lesson plan including over-arching verbs that tie to each subject. – Try to write each section to the right, then combine those to make a basic plan. Make sure that each subject is represented in the basic plan and the basic plan is compressed to a short concept statement with key verbs that will draw in EACH subject. Science – Incubation/Hatching of Eggs Concepts – Life cycle of chicken Goal / Objectives – Students will be able to summarize the life cycle of an animal (chicken). Standards - 2.L.1 Understand animal life cycles. 2.L.1.1 Summarize the life cycle of animals: • Birth • Developing into an adult • Reproducing • Aging and death Careers – Chicken “Growers”, farmers, geneticists, CC. 2013 STEAM Education Lesson Brief Basic Plan: Begin with what will be done for an engagement/introduction piece. Great video https://happytrail.thehappyegg.co.uk/far mlife/video/59 Incubate and hatch chicken eggs. Children will then research and design possible chicken coops to house the chickens. Short paragraph that gives a brief view of what will be done in each subject to contribute to the overall lesson. – this should be a 1 sentence synthesis of the ‘project’ sections to the right. You need all the subjects represented here. Technology & Engineering – Concepts – Engineering a Habitat Goal / Objectives – Students will be able to use technology/tools to design a chicken coop. Standards - Standard 1. Students will develop an understanding of the characteristics and scope of technology. K-2 A. The natural world and human-made world are different. B. All people use tools and techniques to help them do things. Standard 15. Students will develop an understanding of and be able to select and use agricultural and related biotechnologies. The use of technologies in agriculture makes it possible for food to be available year round and to conserve resources. End with what the product will be and how it will be tested/analyzed - assessed. Skill level (Grade Range): 2nd grade Timing of Lesson: 1 month Be more specific how many days / class sessions / length of classes – be specific – either list as classes being in unison or time needed in each subject separately Basic Supplies: incubators, eggs, light bulbs, chicken feed, boxes, heat lamps, water, chicken wire All Subjects: Individual Subjects: CC. 2013 Entomologists - Chicken “Doctor” veterinarian, Project – Caring for the eggs while they are incubating. Please elaborate. Are they going to get eggs and have a growing box in the classroom? How are they going to be introduced to the life cycle? Will they be putting pictures in order to show their understanding? Assessment – Students will able to make a flow chart and sequence the stages of the life cycle. Extension – Students will write an informational piece about a life cycle of a chicken. Careers – Commercial Construction Manufacturing Project - Design/Research a model chicken coop. to meet your standards: Are they researching natural chicken nests and constructed coup? And how that relates to prolonged seasons? How are they designing this? Elaborate. Assessment – Students will be assessed on their designs using a rubric. PLEASE do not say ‘use a rubric’ without saying what categories and basic parameters will be on it. It is expected that every assessment be rubric-based. Extension – Build a model chicken coop Math – Design a chicken coop Concepts – Geometry and measurement Goal / Objectives – Students will be able to use knowledge of geometric shapes and measurement to draft a design of a chicken coop. Standards – 2.MD.3 Estimate lengths using units of inches, feet, centimeters, and meters 2.G.1 STEAM Education Lesson Brief IT Resources: Other Resources: Townsend Poultry Farm Hopkins Poultry Misc: Fun extension ideas http://www.the-chickenchick.com/p/diyprojects.html http://www.incredibleegg.org/eggfacts/basic-egg-facts/eggproduction/laying different type of egg production places http://www.aeb.org/foodservice/whyeggs commercial production https://happytrail.thehappyegg.co.uk/far mlife/video/59 Photos: if you have done this project, please add some process pictures, if not, please at CC. 2013 Recognize and draw shapes having specified attributes Careers – Farmer, Engineer, Architect Project – Design the chicken coop This is the same as your T&E project. Again, your project needs to be more than the basic concept. You need to walk us through the project and what the students will be DOING. How does this relate to your math standards? Assessment – Teachers will assess drawings using a rubric. PLEASE do not say ‘use a rubric’ without saying what categories and basic parameters will be on it. It is expected that every assessment be rubric-based. Extension – Students will be using the designs to build an actually model of the chicken coop. LA – Reader’s Theatre (Chicken Little or Chicken Big) Concepts – Students will be able to read with fluency and identify elements of a story. Goal / Objectives – Identify story elements Standards – 2.RL.2.6 Acknowledge differences in the points of view of characters including by speaking in a different voice for each character when reading dialogue aloud RL.2.1 Ask and answer such questions such as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding key details of a text. Careers – Authors of Children’s Books Project – great for 2.6 -Students will perform their readers theatre to another grade level. Please address how you will meet 2.1. Reader’s Theatre http://www.thebestclass.org/Chicken_Big_Reader s_Theater_Script-1.pdf http://www.thebestclass.org/files/QuickSiteImage s/ChickenLittle.pdf Assessment – Teacher will assess students on their performance using a rubric. PLEASE do not say ‘use a rubric’ without saying what categories and basic parameters will be on it. It is expected that every assessment be rubric-based. Extension - Students create their own ending to the story. SS – Timelines; Goods and Services Concepts – Sequencing, recording data, wants and STEAM Education Lesson Brief least find something that might be similar on the internet and put the link to the picture. Ideally the pictures should show examples of student work or pictures that you would show to students to help set the parameters of what you expect from them. needs Goal / Objectives – Students will be able to create a timeline to show the sequence of a chicken’s life. Students will be able to distinguish between wants and needs. Standards – 2.H.1.1 Use timelines to show sequencing of events. 2.E.1.1 Give examples of ways in which business in the communities meet the needs and wants of consumers Careers – Farmer, Grocer, Truck Driver Project - Students will create a timeline sequencing the life cycle of a chicken. You need to connect this to 2.E.1.1. to extend it to be a SS project. You could to relate it to show them how many eggs people buy a day in their community or in the US and what the egg demand is and what the price is and where their local eggs come from. Assessment – Teacher will assess student’s timelines. – needs to show more social connection for timeline than scientific life cycle of a chicken Extension – Students will use technology to present their timelines. Art – Chicken mask, chicken ballet costume Concepts – Design and create a mask Goal / Objectives – Students will be able to design and create a mask. Standards – 2.AE.1.2 Understand how the use of costumes, props, and masks enhance dramatic play. Careers – Illustrator of Children’s Books, Prop designer, Artist Project – Students will create a mask. Please elaborate, what will it be made out of? What are the parameters of their mask? Assessment – Completed mask. That meets what qualifications? Extension – Students will design a costume to accompany the mask. PE /Health-Chicken Dance - awesome! Goal / Objectives – Sequence of Movement Standards - Standard 2 - The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance. Careers – Chicken Technician, Dancer CC. 2013 STEAM Education Lesson Brief Project – Students will learn and perform chicken dance Assessment – Students can do chicken independently. Extension – Students will add two new moves to the chicken dance based on knowledge of a chicken. Music – Ballet of The Unhatched Chicks Concepts –Movement with music Goal / Objectives – Perform a ballet in the manner of a chicken Standards – 2.MR.1.1 Illustrate prominent musical characteristic or specific musical events while listening and/or singing music 2.CP.1-3 Create dance phrases with simple patterns Careers – music/dance teacher, choreographer Project – Perform ballet. Please Elaborate. – for students not comfortable performing, can they help with the production, music, choreography, etc? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7MUfbhdN7A (Chicken Ballet) Assessment – Students will correctly perform the ballet independently. Extension – Students will create their own song/rap about the life cycle of a chicken. Oh my – the kids might enjoy it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msSc7Mv0QHY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AITb3a67XUI CC. 2013 STEAM Education Lesson Brief