The Incredible Egg

Webquest: The Incredible Egg
Directions: You will be going on a virtual Easter egg hunt. Use the space below to answer the
questions about the different egg sites you will be visiting. You will be provided with URLs for
the Webquest, and you will need to provide detailed answers to the questions about each URL.
Note: Do not just copy and paste without reading the content as you will be responsible for discussing the
information regarding each site.
Egg Cookery
Visit the page for foodservice professionals and find three recipes for each of the categories
below. In the space provided, write down the name of the recipe, the number of servings, and a
brief description of the item.
1. Breakfast Sandwiches
2. Egg Entree
3. School Foodservice Egg Recipe
Egg Safety
Explore the egg safety site and answer the following questions in the space provided.
1. Explain how Salmonella spp. infects eggs and why you should be concerned.
2. Describe the variations in an egg’s color.
3. Is the internal appearance of eggs related to egg safety?
4. Is it safe to use eggs that have cracks?
Specialty Eggs
Learn more about several different specialty eggs and answer the following questions.
1. Compare an organic egg with a regular egg.
2. Compare and contrast free-range eggs and cage-free eggs.
Egg products
Explore this page and learn more about egg production, and then answer the following
1. What was the total of egg production as of March, 2014 in the United States?
2. What was the average egg consumption per person in 2013?
Incredible Edible Egg
Last stop: Visit the Eggcyclopedia and research egg facts based on your initials. Share the
results in the space provided below:
1. First Name Facts:
2. Last Name Fact: