2015-2016 SCA/Class Elections Application Packet Candidates and Parents: Participation in student activities is a crucial part of the complete educational package offered at OLHS. Running for an elected office on the class or school-wide level demonstrates a student’s willingness to commit a large portion of their non-academic school life to that organization. This is not a decision that should be entered into lightly. If a student is unwilling to commit him/herself to that organization, then running for an elected office should be discouraged. The student should discuss their role with the activity adviser(s) before running for office, which will help avoid confusion on duties and commitment levels in the future. Further questions about the role of an officer or the needed level of commitment should be directed to Mr. Williams or Mrs. Laton. SCA Advisers: Ms. Conaway/Mrs. Anderson Senior Class Advisers: Ms. Sullivan/Ms. Schoonover Junior Class Advisers: Mrs. Smolin/Mrs. Bayer Sophomore Class Advisers: Ms. LaRoche/Mr. Weisenbeck) Please complete the following interest packet to Mrs. Laton or Mrs. Brackett in the Student Activities Office(room 161) by 2:40 pm Monday, March 30, 2015. Please use the following checklist to ensure your interest packet is complete prior turning it in: Applicant Information form One page typed description of why you want to run for this SCA/Class office. (Times New Roman, 12 pt font, 1 inch margins) 3 typed copies of your speech Signed SCA or Class Office Officer Contract of Responsibilities Signature Petition (40 signatures for SCA Offices, 30 for class offices) Adviser recommendation (to be sent directly from teacher to Mrs. Laton) Signed Clean Campaign and Election Pledge Please read this application carefully, as some policies and procedures have changed. Thank you for your interest! Ocean Lakes High School 2015-2016 SCA/Class Elections Timeline of Events March 23-27 Candidate Interest Packets available in the Student Activities Office (Room 161) March 30 Interest Packets due back to Mrs. Laton/Mrs. Brackett in the Student Activities Office(room 161) by 2:40pm March 30 Teacher/Adviser Recommendation is due to Mrs. Laton/Mrs. Brackett April 1 Slate of Candidates announced – This information will be posted on the door of the Student Activities Office by the end of the school day April 2 Candidate meeting to discuss election procedures – ALL candidates must attend this meeting! This session will begin at 2:40pm in Room 203. April 13-April 23 Election Campaign begins – materials may be displayed throughout the building (Please review regulations!) April 15-16 Video Taping of Candidate Speeches April 23 School Wide Viewing of Election Videos and Student Voting. Block 2A – 9:10am. April 24 Election Results will be announced at 2:20pm in the Schola All campaign materials must be taken down prior to this meeting All Applicants Must Provide Ocean Lakes High School SCA/Class Election 2015 – 2016 Candidate Interest Packet-Applicant Information Interest Packet Due: March 30, 2014 by 2:40pm to the Student Activities Office, room 161 Before completing this packet, please understand the importance of holding an office. As a potential candidate and officer, you will serve as a role model for your organization and the student body as a whole. Carefully consider your responsibility to the organization you wish to represent. This is a commitment that requires significant time and dedication. Any incomplete applications will not be considered. I, the undersigned, of Ocean Lakes High School, in the candidate for the office of (please state office) Class affiliation) Name: grade, do hereby request to be considered as a in the following organization (please list SCA or Phone Number: Email: Address: Club/Organization memberships and/or Offices previously held: List the athletic programs in which you participate: Class 1st Semester Grade 3rd Nine Weeks Grade 3rd Nine Week Absences Teacher Signature 1A 2A 3A 4A 1B 2B 3B 4B What is your cumulative GPA? ______________ For Office Use Only: _______ 2.0 GPA (class) 2.5 GPA (SCA) _______ Discipline Check Please list the classes you plan to enroll in for the 2014-2015 school year: All Applicants Must Provide Rank the activities you plan to be involved in for 2014-2015 by order of importance to you. #1 would be the most important to you, while #10 would be the least important – Be sure to consider the organization for which you plan to run for office. 1. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10. Would you be willing to give up any of the above activities in order to give more attention to your elected office? ☐ Yes ☐ No Would you be willing to run for another office in the event that there is a candidate who is running unopposed or which an office is vacant? ☐ Yes ☐ No Are you currently employed? ☐ Yes ☐ No If yes, how many hours a week do you work?_____ Do you plan to work during the 2014-2015 school year? ______ How many hours? _______ Candidate’s Signature: _________________________________ Date: __________ Parent’s Signature: _________________________________ Date: __________ Please include the following with your interest packet: 1) Please write a one-page typed description of why you want to run for this SCA/Class office. Include any ideas you may have for the upcoming year. Please also describe your greatest accomplishment as a student at Ocean Lakes High School during the 2014-2015 school year. 2) Please also write and include 3 copies of your speech. We hope that speeches will present ideas and concerns that candidates have pertaining to the organization. Originality is encouraged, but we hope that the focus of your speech will be on how you hope to serve your class/SCA and OLHS. Speech time limits are the following: Presidential Candidates – 1 minute, 30 seconds; all other candidates – 1 minute. Speeches will be recorded during It’s Academic Blocks and after school on Wednesday, April 15th and Thursday, April 16th. Ocean Lakes High School Student Cooperative Association (SCA) Officer Contract of Responsibilities SCA Office Applicants Must Provide Adviser Copy (To be submitted with packet of materials) 1. Maintain a high standard (3.0 or better) of academic success in the classroom. 2. Promote the values of citizenship (no more than 1 discipline referral) and service on a school-wide level. 3. Act as a positive role-model for schoolmates and youth within the community. 4. Attend ALL of the organization's meetings (this includes Officer Meetings, Executive Board Meetings, General Assembly Meetings, some Committee Meetings, and City-Wide SCA Meetings). 5. Attend ALL of the organization's activities and events! 6. Be available during study block, lunch periods, after school and on weekends for meetings and activities that involve the organization. You need to be willing to provide or arrange for transportation to these events. 7. Perform duties and work on assignments as required by the elected office. 8. Perform other duties as required by organization or adviser. Desired Office: _______________________________ I, ____________________________, have read and understand the contract of responsibilities for this organization. I pledge to uphold the above contract and adhere to the Ocean Lakes Honor Code and the Code of Student Conduct. I realize that failure to adhere to this contract may result in my removal from office. Student's Signature: _________________________________ Date: __________ I have read the above information and understand the responsibilities my son/daughter will take on if elected to an office at Ocean Lakes High School. Parent’s Signature: _________________________________ Date: __________ CLASS Officer Contract of Responsibilities Class Office Applicants Must Provide Adviser Copy (To be submitted with packet of materials) 1. Maintain a high degree of academic success in the classroom. 2. Promote the values of citizenship and service school-wide. 3. Act as a positive role-model for schoolmates and youth within the community. 4. Attend ALL of the organization's meetings (this includes Officer Meetings, Executive Board Meetings, General Assembly Meetings, some Committee Meetings, and City-Wide SCA Meetings). 5. Attend ALL of the organization's activities and events! 6. Be available during action block, lunch periods, after school and on weekends for meetings and activities that involve the organization. You need to be willing to provide or arrange for transportation to these events. 7. Perform duties and work on assignments as required by the elected office. 8. Perform other duties as required by organization or adviser. Desired Office: __________________________ I, ____________________________, have read and understand the contract of responsibilities for this organization. I pledge to uphold the above contract and adhere to the Ocean Lakes Honor Code and the Code of Student Conduct. I realize that failure to adhere to this contract may result in my removal from office. Student's Signature: _________________________________ Date: __________ I have read the above information and understand the responsibilities my son/daughter will take on if elected to an office at Ocean Lakes High School. Parent’s Signature: _________________________________ Date: __________ SCA Office Applicants Must Provide Please obtain 40 signatures from the student body supporting your candidacy. This form should be included in your interest packet. We, the members of the student body, support ______________________________for the Office of _________________________ of the SCA. 1. __________________________ 21. ____________________________ 2. __________________________ 22. ____________________________ 3. __________________________ 23. ____________________________ 4. __________________________ 24. ____________________________ 5. __________________________ 25. ____________________________ 6. __________________________ 26. ____________________________ 7. __________________________ 27. ____________________________ 8. __________________________ 28. ____________________________ 9. __________________________ 29. ____________________________ 10. __________________________ 30. ____________________________ 11. __________________________ 31. ____________________________ 12. __________________________ 32. ____________________________ 13. __________________________ 33. ____________________________ 14. __________________________ 34. ____________________________ 15. __________________________ 35. ____________________________ 16. __________________________ 36. ____________________________ 17. __________________________ 37. ____________________________ 18. __________________________ 38. ____________________________ 19. __________________________ 39. ____________________________ 20. __________________________ 40. ____________________________ Class Office Applicants Must Provide Please obtain 30 signatures of students from your grade level supporting your candidacy. This form should be included in your interest packet. We, the members of the ______grade, support __________________________for the Office of _________________________ in the _______________ Class. 1. __________________________ 21. ____________________________ 2. __________________________ 22. ____________________________ 3. __________________________ 23. ____________________________ 4. __________________________ 24. ____________________________ 5. __________________________ 25. ____________________________ 6. __________________________ 26. ____________________________ 7. __________________________ 27. ____________________________ 8. __________________________ 28. ____________________________ 9. __________________________ 29. ____________________________ 10. __________________________ 30. ____________________________ 11. __________________________ 12. __________________________ 13. __________________________ 14. __________________________ 15. __________________________ 16. __________________________ 17. __________________________ 18. __________________________ 19. __________________________ 20. __________________________ All Applicants Must Provide Recommendations: Please ask one of your current activity advisers to complete the following recommendation for your candidacy. These are confidential and should be returned directly to Mrs. Laton or Mrs. Brackett in the Student Activities Office (room 161). The recommendation is due on March 30, 2015. Please list the name of the adviser who is writing recommendations. Adviser Recommendation (Name of adviser): This form should be returned with the interest packet! All Applicants Must Provide Sent DIRECTLY to Mrs. Laton by Adviser Adviser Recommendation Candidate's Name: Intended Office and Organization: List at least 2 events you participated in for your class or SCA this year: _______________________________________ ___________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------(top section to be completed by candidate) Adviser Name: Directions: Please offer your assessment of the above-mentioned candidate. These comments will help determine a candidate’s ability to serve the office they desire. Please be honest and frank in your assessment of their ability to balance academic achievement with the responsibility to serve the organization. We are depending on your confidential and candid evaluation of this student. Rate the student and make any comments that would be of use in the selection process (use the back of the page if necessary). To insure confidentiality, we ask that you do not return this evaluation to the student - they should be returned to Mrs. Laton in the Student Activities Office by Monday, March 30th. Thanks for your help in this matter! Lowest Leadership Ability Highest 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Comments Communication Skills Comments Dependability Comments Additional Comments: CAMPAIGN GUIDELINES The 2015-2016 SCA/CLASS Elections at Ocean Lakes High School will run smoothly if all candidates follow these guidelines. General Rules 1. Anyone withdrawing or changing offices must notify Mrs. Laton by 2:40pm on Friday, April 17th. 2. In the event of a tie, a run-off election will be held as soon as possible to determine the winner. A simple plurality vote will determine the winner. 3. Any violation of campaign rules or school rules may result in removal from the election. Expense Reports 1. All items used in the campaign must have a receipt or an estimated value. This information must be reported on the expenditure report that will be provided to you. Any free items must have an estimated cost and be included in your report. The total amount of money you may spend on your campaign is $40.00. 2. The expenditure report is due to Mrs. Laton by 5pm on Sunday, April 12th. It must be submitted electronically: Shaylee.Laton@vbschools.com Campaign Materials 1. No social media groups or websites may be launched before 7am Monday, April 13 th! 2. ALL materials and publicity used in the campaign must be approved and signed by the adviser before being displayed, distributed, or hung! Advisers should sign all posters and/or banners in the lower left-hand corner. Mrs. Laton, Mrs. Brackett or the SCA/class adviser can sign off on your publicity. 3. All candidates are limited to the following materials: A. 1 banner (3' x 7') with writing on 1 side only - To be hung in the Cafeteria only (while space is available) DO NOT HANG MATERIALS OVER TOP OF OTHER CANDIDATES’. B. 4 posters (22" x 28" maximum) - To be hung on cork strips around the building C. 30 Flyers (8 1/2" x 11") - To be hung on cork strips or in classrooms – WITH THE PERMISSION OF THE TEACHER! D. Unlimited buttons (5" or smaller) - Buttons may NOT be hung! **Prohibited Items: Stickers and food items of any kind** Be as creative as possible within the stated guidelines! 4. All campaign materials, except the cafeteria banner, must be hung on cork strips in the hallways. 5. Banners are to be hung in the cafeteria only! Cafeteria banners must be hung using painters tape ONLY! Any posters and/or banners that fall will be discarded; therefore, you should check your materials during the day to make sure that they are still hanging. 6. 7. 8. All campaign materials must be in good taste. You may NOT campaign via video announcements or on the school’s website. All campaign materials must be taken down and placed in trashcans before the results of the election will be announced on April 24th, 2015. Speeches 1. Speech practices/taping will be held on April 15-16 in the Principal’s Conference Room. Make plans now to be available for at least an hour on the day of the taping. NO EXCUSES! 2. You may not alter or change your speech after the adviser has approved it. Candidates who change their speech during the taping will be removed from the election. 3. Only the candidate will be allowed to make the election speech. The advisers hope that the speeches will present ideas and concerns that the candidates have pertaining to the organization. Originality is encouraged; however, skits and additional speech participants will not be permitted. Thank you for your cooperation. 4. Speech Time Limits: President Speeches: Vice-President Speeches Secretary Speeches Treasurer Speeches 1 ½ minutes 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute Time limits apply to both SCA and CLASS Elections. Speeches will be timed during the speech practice and should fit the time restrictions. Additional questions about campaign regulations should be directed to Mrs. Laton or Mrs. Brackett in Student Activities. All Applicants Must Provide Clean Campaign and Election Pledge Please turn this page with your packet on Monday, March 30th. I have read the campaign guidelines and regulations, and I agree to abide by the rules. I understand that any violation of these rules could result in my dismissal from the election. Student Signature: _____________________________ Date: I understand the rules and regulations of the Ocean Lakes High School Election Campaign. Parent Signature: ______________________________ Date: