
Gaelyn Quirey
2nd Grade Math
Topic: Money
2.10 The student will
a) count and compare a collection of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters whose total
value is $2.00 or less; and
b) correctly use the cent symbol (¢), dollar symbol ($), and decimal point (.)
Day 1 (Monday) Intro
The student will know a penny, nickel, dime, quarter, and a dollar.
The student will understand the value of each coin and bill.
The student will be able to determine the value of coins and bills up to $2.00.
Money Chart
Learning Coins Interactive
Counting Coins Interactive
Fake coins
All About Money Foldable
1. The helpers will pass out the All About Money Foldable sheets.
2. Pull up the Learning Coins Interactive. Ask the students to name the coins on the board.
3. Click the next button. Talk about each coin. What type of coin is it? How much is it
worth? On their foldable, have them write the two ways to write the amount of money.
Who is on the front of the coin? Does anyone know what is on the back? How many of
the coin equals a dollar? Have the students draw circles to represent the amount to a
dollar. (This should take about 20 minutes)
4. Have helpers pass out the Money Charts and fake coins.
5. Students will sort their fake coins. Walk around and make sure students are sorting
6. Ask volunteers to count by pennies, then nickels, then dimes, and then quarters. Make
sure every student is counting along.
7. Now practice adding different coins together.
a. Penny + nickel = ? Nickel + dime = ? Dime + quarter = ?
b. Next, practice counting up to two dollars.
c. This should take about 20 minutes.
8. Pull up the interactive game, Counting Coins. Play the “Find Out” part so that students
know what they are going to be doing.
9. Play the “Try It” part and have students take turns counting the coins.
Gaelyn Quirey
2nd Grade Math
The students will be informally assessed through observations and the foldable.
The students with IEPs or who are below grade level can receive teacher or peer assistance.
Day 2 (Tuesday) Money Games
The student will know how to count up to two dollars.
The student will understand the value of all the coins.
The student will be able to determine the value of a collection of coins whose total value
is two dollars or less.
Two dollar dice game
Fake Coins
Counting On Coins Game
Counting on sheet for students
Money I have, who has cards
1. Students will be split into stations. Each one will last about 20 minutes each.
2. Explain the directions for the $2 dice game. (Instructions on sheet).
3. Explain the directions for the counting on coins. This group will be split in half so that
each teacher will get about five students. They will be separated by levels. The teacher
will read the question and then students must use fake coins to determine the answer.
They will then write their answer on the counting on sheet.
4. 10 students will work in pairs and play the $2 dice game and 11 will be with the teachers
for the other game.
5. After 20 minutes, the students will switch stations.
6. At the end, make sure the students clean up the coins and return them to the plastic
7. If there is extra time, play the money I have who as game.
The students will be informally assessed through participation and observations.
Gaelyn Quirey
2nd Grade Math
The students with IEPs or who are below grade level will work with students who are above
grade level.
Day 3 (Wednesday) Real-World Problems
The student will know how to count up to two dollars.
The student will understand that each coin has a different value.
The student will be able to determine money word problems and write the value of money
using the cent and dollar sign.
School Supplies sheets
Counting coins word problems sheets
Counting Money Interactive
Practice Writing coin sheets
I have, who has money cards
1. Separate the students into 4 groups. Station 1 will be School Supplies at the side table with
a teacher. Station 2 will be Counting Coins word problems at the center carpet with a
teacher. Station 3 will be Practice writing at the back carpet with a teacher and Station 4
will be at the laptops by the teacher’s desk for independent work.
2. Explain the independent station interactive game Counting Money. The interactive will
already be pulled up on the laptops.
3. Each station will be about 12 minutes. After each group has rotated to all stations, have the
students put their papers in their cubbies and return to their seats.
4. If there is extra time, play the money I have, who has game.
The students will be informally assessed through the worksheets and participation.
The students with IEPs or who are below grade level can work with a partner during independent
Gaelyn Quirey
2nd Grade Math
Day 4 (Thursday) Comparing Money
The student will know how to count coins.
The student will understand that each coin has a different value.
The student will be able to compare the values using the terms greater than, less than, and
equal to.
Comparing money amounts to $2 sheets (higher level students)
Comparing money sheets (lower level students)
Fake coins
White boards and markers
1. Students will be split into three small groups based on their abilities.
2. The lower level group will work at the side table with one teacher. The middle level group
will work at the middle carpet with another teacher. The high level group will work at the
back carpet with the third teacher.
3. The side table group will receive the comparing money sheet for beginners, and fake
money. If the teacher feels they are ready to move on, they may then begin the comparing
money to $2 sheet.
4. The middle and back carpet will start with the comparing money sheet (students will
complete this independently) and then will move on to comparing money to $2. They can
also use fake money.
a. Take about 20 minutes for these small groups.
5. Next, have students return to their seats and pull out their white boards. Have 10 students
choose an amount in cents (must be less than $0.50) to write on their boards. Call 5 students
to be Team A and then another 5 to be Team B. Have the remaining students figure out
which side is greater than or less than. They can figure it out on their white boards any way
they want.
a. Do this for about 15 minutes.
6. If there is extra time, pull up the Compare Money Interactive on the board. Students will
take turns playing this game.
The students will be informally assessed through observations and participation.
The students with IEPs or who are below grade level will be able to work in the lower level group
and can work with a partner on the interactive.
Gaelyn Quirey
2nd Grade Math
Day 5 (Friday) Money Assessment
The student will know how to count up to two dollars.
The student will understand the value of each coin and dollar.
The student will be able to complete an assessment on money.
Money Assessment
Office Folders
1. The students may sit anywhere in the room they would like.
2. The teacher will pass out the assessments. For those sitting at their desks or side table,
they will receive office folders for privacy.
3. The teacher will read the entire test to the students, then they may begin.
4. The teacher can only assist with words on the assessment. One teacher will be at the side
table with the lower students.
5. When they finish, they will put their assessments in the completed work bucket, and then
may read silently.
The students will be assessed through a written test on money.
The students with IEPs or who are below grade level will sit at the side table with the teacher.