CERN, Summer Student Workshop 26th to 28th July 2005 Characterization of silicon sensors after irradiation with fast particles Alison G. Bates and Michael Moll CERN - Geneva - Switzerland Workshop outline • Presentation on silicon sensors: - Operation of silicon detectors - Introduction to radiation damage and annealing • Exercise - Calculate a C-V-curve - Calculate the defect concentration in silicon • Experiment - Measure CV and IV curves - Annealing experiment • Data Analysis and Conclusions for detector operation in the LHC ……Outlook: New detector concepts CERN DT2/SSD Example from LHC: The CMS tracker CMS Inner Tracker Outer Barrel Inner Barrel (TOB) (TIB) End Cap Inner Disks (TEC) 2.4 m (TID) CMS - Currently the Most Silicon Pixel Micro Strip: ~ 214 m2 of silicon strip sensors Pixel Detector 11.4 million strips Pixel: Inner 3 layers: silicon pixels (~ 1m2) 66 million pixels (100x150mm) Precision: σ(rφ) ~ σ(z) ~ 15mm Most challenging operating environments (LHC) Michael Moll and Alison G. Bates – Summer Student Workshop 2005 CERN DT2/SSD Tracking detectors – Radiation levels ATLAS - Inner Detector 1015 Pixel 3x1014cm-2 eq [cm-2] 1014 SCT - barrel total eq 1013 neutrons eq pions eq 1012 CMS Tracker 200 m2 silicon sensors Pixel 0 other charged 10 hadrons eq SCT - barrel 20 Detectors and electronics will be harshly irradiated ! ATLAS - Inner Detector: eq up to 31014cm-2 per operational year 30 40 R [cm] 50 60 What is the impact on silicon detectors ? Michael Moll and Alison G. Bates – Summer Student Workshop 2005 CERN DT2/SSD Principle of operation Goal: precise charged particle position measurement Use ionization signal (dE/dx) from charged particle passage (In a semiconductor, ionization produces electron hole (e-h) pairs Problems: - In pure intrinsic (undoped) silicon there are more free charge carriers than those produced by a charged particle - electron – hole pairs quickly re-combine Solution: - Deplete the free charge carriers and collect electrons or holes quickly by exploiting the properties of a p-n junction (diode) - electric field is used to drift electrons and holes to oppositely charged electrodes Michael Moll and Alison G. Bates – Summer Student Workshop 2005 CERN DT2/SSD Covalent Bonding of Pure Silicon Energy Si Si Si Si Si Conduction Band (CB) Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Eg =1.1eV Valence Band (VB) Si Si Si Si Si Silicon atoms share valence electrons to form insulator-like bonds. Michael Moll and Alison G. Bates – Summer Student Workshop 2005 CERN DT2/SSD Electrons in N-Type Silicon with Phosphorus Dopant Donor atoms provide excess electrons to form n-type silicon. Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si P Si Si P Si Si Si Si Si Si P Si Si Si Si Si Si Excess electron (-) Conduction Band (CB) Valence Band (VB) Phosphorus atom serves as n-type dopant Michael Moll and Alison G. Bates – Summer Student Workshop 2005 CERN DT2/SSD Conduction in n-Type Silicon Positive terminal from power supply Negative terminal from power supply Free electrons flow toward positive terminal. Michael Moll and Alison G. Bates – Summer Student Workshop 2005 CERN Holes in p-Type Silicon with Boron Dopant DT2/SSD Acceptor atoms provide a deficiency of electrons to form p-type silicon. Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si B Si Si B Si Si Si Si Si Si B Si Si Si Si Si Si + Hole Conduction Band (CB) Valence Band (VB) Boron atom serves as p-type dopant Michael Moll and Alison G. Bates – Summer Student Workshop 2005 CERN DT2/SSD “Hole Movement in Silicon” Boron is neutral, but nearby electron may jump to fill bond site. Hole moved from 2 to 3 to 4, and will move to 5. Boron is now a negative ion. Only thermal energy to kick electrons from atom to atom. The empty silicon bond sites (holes) are thought of as being positive, since their presence makes that region positive. Michael Moll and Alison G. Bates – Summer Student Workshop 2005 CERN DT2/SSD Conduction in p-Type Silicon Positive terminal from voltage supply Negative terminal from voltage supply -Electrons flow toward positive terminal +Holes flow toward negative terminal Michael Moll and Alison G. Bates – Summer Student Workshop 2005 CERN DT2/SSD p-n-junction Michael Moll and Alison G. Bates – Summer Student Workshop 2005 CERN DT2/SSD Michael Moll and Alison G. Bates – Summer Student Workshop 2005 CERN DT2/SSD Michael Moll and Alison G. Bates – Summer Student Workshop 2005 CERN +-n junction Reverse biased abrupt p DT2/SSD Poisson’s equation q d2 2 x 0 N eff dx 0 Electrical charge density Electrical field strength Positive space charge, Neff =[P] (ionized Phosphorus atoms) depleted zone neutral bulk (no electric field) +VB<Vdep +VB>Vdep particle (mip) Full charge collection only for VB>Vdep ! depletion voltage Electron potential energy Vdep q0 N eff d 2 20 effective space charge density Michael Moll and Alison G. Bates – Summer Student Workshop 2005 CERN +-n junction Reverse biased abrupt p DT2/SSD Poisson’s equation q d2 2 x 0 N eff dx 0 with d x w 0 dx x w 0 q d x 0 N eff ( x w) dx 0 x 1 q0 N eff ( x w) 2 2 0 depletion voltage Vdep q0 N eff d 2 20 effective space charge density w = depletion depth d = detector thickness U = voltage Neff = effective doping concentration dQ dQ dw C dU dw dU dQ q0 N eff A dw 20 w(V ) V q0 N eff C (U ) A dw 0 q0 N eff 2U 0 q0 N eff 2U C ( w) 0 A w Michael Moll and Alison G. Bates – Summer Student Workshop 2005 dU CERN DT2/SSD Michael Moll and Alison G. Bates – Summer Student Workshop 2005 CERN DT2/SSD Testing Structures - Simple Diodes Example: Test structure from ITE Very simple structures in order to concentrate on the bulk features Typical thickness: 300mm Typical active area: 0.5 0.5 cm2 Openings in front and back contact optical experiments with lasers or LED Michael Moll and Alison G. Bates – Summer Student Workshop 2005 CERN DT2/SSD The Charge signal Collected Charge for a Minimum Ionizing Particle (MIP) Mean energy loss dE/dx (Si) = 3.88 MeV/cm 116 keV for 300mm thickness Most probable charge ≈ 0.7 mean Mean charge Most probable energy loss ≈ 0.7 mean 81 keV 3.6 eV to create an e-h pair 72 e-h / mm (mean) 108 e-h / mm (most probable) Most probable charge (300 mm) ≈ 22500 e ≈ 3.6 fC Michael Moll and Alison G. Bates – Summer Student Workshop 2005 CERN DT2/SSD Radiation Damage – Microscopic Effects Spatial distribution of vacancies created by a 50 keV Si-ion in silicon. (typical recoil energy for 1 MeV neutrons) M.Huhtinen 2001 van Lint 1980 I V I V particle SiS EK>25 eV V Vacancy + I Interstitial point defects (V-O, C-O, .. ) EK > 5 keV point defects and clusters of defects Michael Moll and Alison G. Bates – Summer Student Workshop 2005 CERN Radiation Damage – Microscopic Effects DT2/SSD particle SiS EK>25 eV V Vacancy + I Interstitial point defects (V-O, C-O, .. ) EK > 5 keV point defects and clusters of defects 60Co-gammas Electrons Neutrons (elastic scattering) Compton Electrons Ee > 255 keV for displacement En > 185 eV for displacement with max. E 1 MeV E > 8 MeV for cluster En > 35 keV for cluster e (no cluster production) Only point defects point defects & clusters 10 MeV protons 24 GeV/c protons Mainly clusters 1 MeV neutrons Simulation: Initial distribution of vacancies in (1mm)3 after 1014 particles/cm2 [Mika Huhtinen NIMA 491(2002) 194] Michael Moll and Alison G. Bates – Summer Student Workshop 2005 CERN DT2/SSD Point Defects Intrinsic defects: The Vacancy (denoted V): an atom is removed. The Self-interstitial (denoted I ): a host atom sits in a normally unoccupied site or interstice (various sites: bond centres, tetrahedral sites, interstitial + displaced regular atom). Extrinsic defects: due to an impurity. These can be: Substitutional, such as carbon substitutional (denoted Cs) Interstitial (such as the carbon interstitial (denoted Ci). Michael Moll and Alison G. Bates – Summer Student Workshop 2005 CERN DT2/SSD Point Defects - Lattice strain Ge, Sn (b) A substitutional impurity in the crystal. The impurity atom is larger than the host atom. (a) A vacancy in the crystal. Link: Vacancy - Hydrogen Defect Cs (c) A substitutional impurity in the crystal. The impurity atom is smaller than the host atom. Ci, Oi (d) An interstitial impurity in the crystal. It occupies an empty space between host atoms. Michael Moll and Alison G. Bates – Summer Student Workshop 2005 CERN Impact of Defects on Detector properties DT2/SSD Shockley-Read-Hall statistics (standard theory) charged defects Neff , Vdep e.g. donors in upper and acceptors in lower half of band gap Trapping (e and h) generation CCE leakage current shallow defects do not Levels close to contribute at room midgap temperature due to fast most effective detrapping Impact on detector properties can be calculated if all defect parameters are known: n,p : cross sections E : ionization energy Nt : concentration Michael Moll and Alison G. Bates – Summer Student Workshop 2005 CERN DT2/SSD Macroscopic Effects – I. Depletion Voltage Annealing 103 1000 500 102 600 V type inversion 100 50 10 5 101 1014cm-2 0 10 n - type 1 10-1 "p - type" 10 0 10 1 10 2 eq [ 10 cm ] 12 -2 10 3 10 before inversion 4 NC gC eq NC0 0 1 10 100 1000 10000 o annealing time at 60 C [min] [Data from R. Wunstorf 92] n+ p+ NY, = gY eq Na = ga eq 6 2 10-1 Type inversion: SCSI – Space Charge Sign Inversion n+ 8 Neff [1011cm-3] 5000 | Neff | [ 1011 cm-3 ] Udep [V] (d = 300mm) Change of Vdep (Neff) Short term: “Beneficial annealing” Long term: “Reverse annealing” time constant : ~ 500 years (-10°C) ~ 500 days ( 20°C) ~ 21 hours ( 60°C) after inversion Michael Moll and Alison G. Bates – Summer Student Workshop 2005 CERN Macroscopic Effects – II. Leakage Current DT2/SSD Hadron irradiation Annealing 6 10-2 -3 10 n-type FZ - 7 to 25 Kcm n-type FZ - 7 Kcm n-type FZ - 4 Kcm n-type FZ - 3 Kcm p-type EPI - 2 and 4 Kcm 10-4 10-5 10-6 11 10 80 min 60C 1012 1013 n-type FZ - 780 cm n-type FZ - 410 cm n-type FZ - 130 cm n-type FZ - 110 cm n-type CZ - 140 cm p-type EPI - 380 cm eq [cm ] -2 1014 1015 [M.Moll PhD Thesis] Damage parameter (slope) I α V eq independent of eq and impurities used for fluence calibration (NIEL-Hypothesis) (t) [10-17 A/cm] I / V [A/cm3] 10-1 6 80 min 60C 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 0 1 oxygen enriched silicon [O] = 2.1017 cm-3 parameterisation for standard silicon [M.Moll PhD Thesis] 10 100 1000 o 10000 annealing time at 60 C [minutes] Oxygen enriched and standard silicon show same annealing Same curve after proton and neutron irradiation Michael Moll and Alison G. Bates – Summer Student Workshop 2005 1 CERN DT2/SSD Macroscopic effects - III. CCE Deterioration of the Charge Collection Efficiency Two mechanisms reduce collectable charge: Trapping (electrons and holes) Underdepletion (detector design and geometry) ATLAS microstrip + RO electronics Oxygenation has no influence on trapping. Q/Q0 [%] 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 Max collected charge (overdepletion) / Q0 After 5·1014 p/cm2 (24GeV/c) - 80% of charge collected (25ns) - overdepletion needed ! standard oxygenated Data: [G.Casse, Liverpool] 1 4 3 2 p [1014 cm-2] 5 6 Data: Gianluigi Casse; 1st Workshop on Radiation Hard Semiconductor Devices for High Luminosity Colliders; CERN; 28-30 November 2002 collection at Vdep: Michael Moll and Alison G. Bates – Summer Student Workshop 2005 CERN DT2/SSD Radiation Damage I. Change of Depletion Voltage Under-depletion Type inversion (segmented detector side not in the high field region any more) Reverse annealing: keep detectors cold even if experiment is not running II. Increase of Leakage Current Noise, power dissipation, thermal runaway Cooling of detectors during operation needed III. Degradation of Charge Collection Efficiency Loss of signal due to trapping Loss of signal due to under-depletion Michael Moll and Alison G. Bates – Summer Student Workshop 2005 CERN DT2/SSD Our experiment Measure Capacitance-Voltage and Current-Voltage curves for: a) non irradiated detectors b) irradiated detectors (1e13 p/cm2 and 1e14 p/cm2) Perform an annealing experiment with the irradiated detectors: Isochronal annealing (iso-chronus = same time) - annealing steps of 10 minutes at 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, … °C Analysis of the results Michael Moll and Alison G. Bates – Summer Student Workshop 2005 CERN DT2/SSD Damage Projection - ATLAS Pixel B-layer Radiation level: eq(year) = 3.5 1014 cm-2 (full luminosity) > 85% charged hadrons LHC-scenario: 1 year = 100 days beam (-7C) 30 days maintenance (20C) 235 days no beam (-7C) RD48 standard RD48 oxygenated (DOFZ) CiS standard CiS oxygenated (DOFZ) 40 RD48 standard 1000 30 CiS standard 20 500 RD48 oxygenated 10 0 Vdep (200mm) [V] Neff (1012) [cm-3] 1500 CiS oxygenated 1 2 3 4 5 6 time [years] 7 8 9 New: • Std. Silicon: rad.harder than predicted by RD48 • DOFZ: reverse annealing delayed and saturating with high fluences 10 Aug. 2002 - simulation : M.Moll, CERN - parameters : G.Lindstroem, Hamburg Michael Moll and Alison G. Bates – Summer Student Workshop 2005 CERN DT2/SSD Annealing mechanisms Migration and complex formation Defects become mobile at certain temperature and migrate through the silicon lattice e.g. Vacancies (V) between 70 and 200 K (depending on their charge state). Migrating defects are gettered at sinks, recombine with their counterparts or form new defects (complex) by association with identical or other types of defects e.g. V + Oi VOi. Dissociation A complex dissociates into its components if the lattice vibrational energy is sufficient to overcome the binding energy. At least one of the constituents migrates through the lattice until it forms another defect or disappears into a sink Em, EF, EB e.g. at 350°C : VOi V + Oi. All mechanisms need to overcome a certain energetic barrier EA = activation energies (EA) Michael Moll and Alison G. Bates – Summer Student Workshop 2005 CERN DT2/SSD Reverse Annealing - Temperature dependence Measurement of NY(t) at different temperatures 1 NY (t ) 1 1 t Y Extraction of Y(T) Arrhenius plot E ln( Y ) ln( k0Y ) AY Y (T ) 1 k exp( E AY k T ) k BT 0Y B activation energy : EAa = (1.33 0.03) eV frequency factor : k0Y=1.51015{4341014} s-1 interpretation: decay of defects (k0 close to most abundant phonon frequency) 100oC 80oC prediction: 60oC 40oC 20oC EA = (1.33 ±0.03) eV 15 ln( Y [s] ) 10 [Feick 93] [Moll 99] 5 time constants for other temperatures 2.6 2.8 3 -3 3.2 -1 3.4 1/T [ 10 K ] T Y accel -10°C 516 y 1/396 0°C 61 y 1/47 10°C 8y 1/6 20°C 475d 1 40°C 17d 29 60°C 1260 min 544 80°C 92 min 7430 Michael Moll and Alison G. Bates – Summer Student Workshop 2005 CERN DT2/SSD Rate of Reaction - Example I Defect dissociation (e.g. at 350°C : VOi V + Oi ) Simple description as 1st order process (like radioactive decay) d NX k NX dt NX = defect concentration k = rate constant Rate constant k is given by the Arrhenius relation E A k = frequency factor 0 k k0 exp k B T EA = activation energy kB = Boltzmann constant (8.6 x 10-5 eV/K) Frequency factor k0 lies in the order of the most abundant phonon frequency kBT/ h = 2.1·1010 x T[K] s-1 Ref.: [Corbett 1966] 1013 s-1 (at 300K) “ attempt-to-escape frequency” Michael Moll and Alison G. Bates – Summer Student Workshop 2005 CERN DT2/SSD Rate of Reaction - Example II Diffusion limited processes Diffusion limited reaction of two defects X and Y NX = concentration defect X Ny = concentration defect Y d NX d NY D = Diffusivity 4 R D N X NY dt dt R = capture radius Diffusion constant D0 is given by the Arrhenius relation D0 = diffusion constant EA = activation energy kB = Boltzmann constant (8.6 x 10-5 eV/K) E D D0 exp A kB T Special case: NX << NY e.g. V + Oi VOi with [V]<<[Oi] similar kinetics as for simple 1st order process (Example I) d NX 4 R D N Y N X dt 4 R D0 NY d NX k NX dt k0 Michael Moll and Alison G. Bates – Summer Student Workshop 2005 CERN DT2/SSD Outlook Michael Moll and Alison G. Bates – Summer Student Workshop 2005 CERN DT2/SSD Influence of Carbon and Oxygen concentration 24 GeV/c proton irradiation 8 Carbon-enriched (P503) Standard (P51) O-diffusion 24 hours (P52) O-diffusion 48 hours (P54) O-diffusion 72 hours (P56) Carbonated 500 6 Standard 400 300 4 Oxygenated 2 0 0 600 200 Vdep [V] (300 mm) |Neff| [1012cm-3] 10 100 1 2 3 4 24 GeV/c proton [10 cm ] 14 -2 5 Compared to standard silicon: High Carbon less radiation tolerant High Oxygen more radiation tolerant Michael Moll and Alison G. Bates – Summer Student Workshop 2005 CERN DT2/SSD Device Engineering: 3D detectors proposed by Sherwood Parker Electrodes: narrow columns along detector thickness-“3D” diameter: 10mm distance: 50 - 100mm Lateral depletion: lower depletion voltage needed thicker detectors possible fast signal n n p n Present size up to ~1cm2 n p n n Michael Moll and Alison G. Bates – Summer Student Workshop 2005 CERN DT2/SSD Device Engineering: 3D detectors proposed by Sherwood Parker Electrodes: narrow columns along detector thickness-“3D” Present size diameter: 10mm distance: 50 - 100mm up to ~1cm2 Lateral depletion: lower depletion voltage needed thicker detectors possible fast signal Hole processing : Dry etching, Laser drilling, Photo Electro Chemical Present aspect ratio (RD50) 13:1, Target: 30:1 Electrode material Doped Polysilicon (Si) Schottky (GaAs) n n p n n p n n Michael Moll and Alison G. Bates – Summer Student Workshop 2005