Tests Children Take in Arlington

Tests Children Take in Arlington
Children in Arlington Public Schools take many tests from kindergarten to 12 th grade.
The schools give tests to get information about student progress.
In Kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade and 3rd grade, children take the Phonological
Awareness Literacy Screening. Teachers call it the PALS test. PALS measures what
young children know about literacy including the alphabet, letter sounds, spelling, word
recognition, and reading.
In 2nd grade, 4th grade and 6th grade, children take the DRP test. DRP means Degrees
of Reading Power. The DRP is a reading test.
In 3rd grade through 12th grade, children take some of the SOL tests. SOL is Virginia’s
Standards of Learning tests. There are English, math, science, and social studies SOL
Children in 4th and 6th grade take the Stanford 10 Achievement. It evaluates reading,
spelling, math, social studies, and science.
Children learning English as a second language will take the Stanford English
Language Proficiency (SELP) test in the 3rd through 12th grade.
Parents receive the results of their child’s tests. Parents can talk to their child’s teacher
about the tests the child will take.
What questions can you ask your child’s teacher?