MENG 372 Chapter 4 Position Analysis All figures taken from Design of Machinery, 3rd ed. Robert Norton 2003 1 Coordinate Systems • Cartesian (Rx, Ry) • Polar (RA, q) • Converting between the two R A Rx 2 R y 2 q arctan R y Rx Rx RA cosq Ry RA sin q • Position Difference, Relative position – Difference (one point, two times) – relative (two points, same time) RBA=RB-RA Y A RBA B RA RB 2 X 4.3 Translation, Rotation, and Complex motion • Translation: keeps the same angle • Rotation: one point does not move • Complex motion: a combination of rotation and translation 3 Graphical Position Analysis of Linkages Given the length of the links (a,b,c,d), the ground position, and q2. Find q3 and q4 b B A c b q3 c a q2 O2 d q4 O4 4 Graphical Linkage Analysis • Draw an arc of radius b, centered at A • Draw an arc of radius c, centered at O4 • The intersections are the two possible positions for the linkage, open and crossed b c B1 b q3 A c a q2 d O2 q4 O4 B2 5 Algebraic Position Analysis Obtain coordinates of point A: Ax a cos q 2 Ay a sin q 2 Obtain coordinates of point B: 2 2 b 2 Bx Ax B y Ay c 2 B x d B y 2 2 These are 2 equations in 2 unknowns: Bx and By See solution in textbook pages 171, 172. 6 Complex Numbers as Vectors • We can plot complex numbers on the realimaginary plane • Euler identity e±iq=cos q ± i sin q • Cartesian form: RAcos q + i RAsin q Imaginary • Polar form: RAeiq • Multiplying by eiq corresponds to rotating by q Real 7 Analytical Position Analysis • Given: link lengths a,b,c and d, q1, q2 (the motor position) • Find: the unknown angles q3 and q4 8 Analytical Position Analysis Write the vector loop equation: R2 R3 R4 R1 0 (Positive from tail to tip) Substitute with complex vectors aeiq 2 beiq3 ceiq 4 deiq1 0 Take knowns on one side, unknowns on the other. Call the knowns Z be iq 3 ce iq 4 Unknowns ae iq 2 de iq1 Z Knowns 9 Fourbar Linkage Analysis beiq3 ceiq 4 aeiq 2 deiq1 Z Define: s eiq3 , t eiq4 bs ct Z Take conjugate to get a second equation: bs ct Z For the conjugate of s we have (only true for eiq) s e iq3 1 1 iq3 e s So our second equation is b c Z s t Note: 1 Z Z 10 Fourbar Linkage Analysis bs ct Z b c Z s t Use algebra to eliminate one of the unknowns b c Z s t bs Z ct Multiplying the two gives: c b ZZ Z Z ct c 2 t 2 Multiplying by t and collecting terms gives: 2 2 2 Quadratic equation in t 0 Z ct ZZ c b t Zc From the quadratic formula t ZZ c ZZ c b 2 2 2 b 2 2 2Z c s 4c 2 Z Z Z ct b 11 Fourbar Linkage Analysis t ZZ c ZZ c 2 b 2 2 b2 2 Z ct s b 4c 2 Z Z 2Z c • In MATLAB, 0 Z ct ZZ c b t Zc Zc=conj(Z) B1 b t=roots([Zc*c,Z*Zc+c^2-b^2,Z*c]) A q3 • q4=angle(t), q3=angle(s) c • Two solutions relate to the a q4 d open and crossed q2 positions O2 O 2 2 2 4 B2 12 MATLAB Change your current directory Type in your commands here … or Use a text editor 13 >> a=2; b=3; c=4; d=5; >> th1=0; th2=60*pi/180; >> z=-a*exp(i*th2)+d*exp(i*th1) >> th4=angle(t)*180/pi th4 = z= 4.0000 - 1.7321i >> zc=conj(z) zc = 4.0000 + 1.7321i B 114.7975 -161.6240 A >> th3=angle(s)*180/pi th3 = c a >> t=roots([zc*c,z*zc+c^2-b^2,z*c]) t= -0.4194 + 0.9078i -0.9490 - 0.3153i b q3 q2 39.2750 -86.1015 O2 q4 d O4 >> s=(z+c*t)/b s= 0.7741 + 0.6330i 0.0680 - 0.9977i 14 Inverted Crank Slider linkage • Given: link lengths a, c and d, q1, q2 (the motor position), and g the angle between the slider and rod • Find: the unknown angles q3 and q4 and length b 15 Inverted Crank Slider linkage • Write the vector loop equation R2 R3 R4 R1 0 • Substitute with complex vectors aeiq 2 beiq3 ceiq 4 deiq1 0 • Geometry keeps q3 q4 g • so aeiq 2 bei q 4 g ceiq 4 deiq1 0 16 Inverted Crank Slider iq 2 i q 4 g iq 4 iq1 ae be ce de 0 • Grouping knowns and unknowns bei q 4 g ceiq 4 aeiq 2 deiq1 Z iq 4 ig • Calling s e and t e • Gives bst cs Z s (bt c) • Taking the conjugate to get the second equation 1 1 s (bt c) Z b c s t • Multiplying the two gives 1 2 b bc t c ZZ t 2 17 Inverted Crank Slider 1 2 b bc t c ZZ t 2 • The solution is a quadratic equation in b 1 2 2 0 b c t b c ZZ t • Which has a solution of b c t 1 t t 1 t 2 2 c 2 4 c 2 ZZ • b=roots([1 c*(t+1/t),c^2-Z*Zc]) • Once b is known, s can be found using s Z bt c 18 Crank Slider Mechanism • Given: link lengths a, b and c, q1, q2 (the motor position) • Find: the unknown angle q3 and length d 19 4.8 Linkages of More than Four Bars • Geared fivebar linkage • vector loop equation R2 R3 R4 R5 R1 0 • Complex vectors ae iq 2 be iq 3 ce iq 4 iq 5 de f 0 • Separate unknowns and knowns (q5=lq2f) (same eqn. iq3 iq5 iq 4 iq 2 be ce ae de f Z as 4bar) 20 Sixbar Linkages • Watt’s sixbar can be solved as 2 fourbar linkages • R1R2R3R4, then R5R6R7R8 • R4 and R5 have a constant angle between them 21 Sixbar Linkages • Stephenson’s sixbar can sometimes be solved as a fourbar and then a fivebar linkage • R1R2R3R4, then R4R5R6R7R8 • R3 and R5 have a constant angle between them • If motor is at O6 you have to solve eqns. simultaneously 22 Position of any Point on a Linkage • Once the unknown angles have been found it is easy to find any position on the linkage • For point S Rs=sei(q +d ) • For point P RP=aei q +pei (q +d ) • For point U RU=d +uei (q +d ) 2 2 2 3 4 3 4 23 Using MATLAB (Spring 2007) 24 Transmission Angle • Extreme value of transmission angle when links 1 and 2 are aligned 2 2 2 2 2 2 b c d a b c d a 1 arccos 2bc arccos 2 2bc Extended Overlapped 25 Toggle Position • Caused by the colinearity of links 3 and 4. 2 2 2 2 a d b c bc 1 0 q 2toggle q 2toggle cos 2ad ad • For a non-Grashof linkage, only one of the values between the () will be between –1 and 1 3 3 4 2 Extended q2 Overlapped 2 q2 4 26