STUDENT-LED CLUB CONVO PROPOSAL FORM Spring 2014 NOTE: * = required field -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SECTION ONE – CHRISTIAN MISSION AND LEADERSHIP Convocation plays a vital role in Pepperdine’s Christian Mission. While we welcome individuals from all backgrounds to participate and partner with us in programs, it is necessary that the leadership aspects of Club Convos directly align with the University’s explicit Christian mission. As such, we ask that applicants for leadership are followers of Jesus Christ and professed Christians. *I affirm that I am a follower of Jesus Christ and a professed Christian. (Underline one.) Yes No *Please share about what your Christian faith practice currently involves. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SECTION TWO – LEADER INFORMATION *Full Legal Name: *CWID: *Phone #: *Email: *Mail Code/Mailing Address: *Is this a co-led group? (Underline one.) Yes No If so, what is your co-leader’s contact info? (All answers below are REQUIRED if the answer above is YES.) *Full Legal Name: *CWID: *Phone #: *Email: *Mail Code/Mailing Address: *Have you led a Club Convo previously? (Underline one.) Yes No If you have not led before, how did you hear about this opportunity? STUDENT-LED CLUB CONVO PROPOSAL FORM Spring 2014 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SECTION THREE – GROUP DAY/TIME *Club Convo Title (must be exactly as it will be referenced through the entirety of the semester for record purposes): *Proposed day of the week (Underline one): Mon *Proposed time of the day: Tues Weds Thu Fri am or pm *Location: *Start date (mm/dd/yy): *End date: (mm/dd/yy): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SECTION FOUR – CONTENT *What is the spiritual focus of this Club Convo? *What do you hope to achieve with this study? *Please give a brief description (no more than a paragraph) of this Club Convo for our website. *Please list any specific restrictions (gender, class, area of study, size, etc): STUDENT-LED CLUB CONVO PROPOSAL FORM Spring 2014 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SECTION FIVE – CURRICULUM As Club Convos directly serve Pepperdine’s Christian Mission and fulfill an academic component, part of the approval process consists of reviewing the applicant’s content and curriculum. Please provide as much information as possible below of your 6-session layout with all necessary information. (Unfortunately, Convocation cannot provide budgetary resources for books or other materials. We suggest requesting funding from affiliated groups, departments, or divisions you participate in, or having participants purchase their material.) Materials used (include all: podcasts, books, articles, blogs, videos, Scripture, other resources): ================================================================= SESSION 1 (date – mm/dd/yy) : Scripture: Items for Discussion: 1. 2. 3. 4. Questions for Dialog: 1. 2. 3. 4. STUDENT-LED CLUB CONVO PROPOSAL FORM Spring 2014 ================================================================= SESSION 2 (date – mm/dd/yy) : Scripture: Items for Discussion: 1. 2. 3. 4. Questions for Dialog: 1. 2. 3. 4. ================================================================= SESSION 3 (date – mm/dd/yy) : Scripture: Items for Discussion: 1. 2. 3. 4. Questions for Dialog: 1. 2. 3. 4. STUDENT-LED CLUB CONVO PROPOSAL FORM Spring 2014 ================================================================= SESSION 4 (date – mm/dd/yy) : Scripture: Items for Discussion: 1. 2. 3. 4. Questions for Dialog: 1. 2. 3. 4. ================================================================= SESSION 5 (date – mm/dd/yy) : Scripture: Items for Discussion: 1. 2. 3. 4. Questions for Dialog: 1. 2. 3. 4. STUDENT-LED CLUB CONVO PROPOSAL FORM Spring 2014 ================================================================= SESSION 6 (date – mm/dd/yy) : Scripture: Items for Discussion: 1. 2. 3. 4. Questions for Dialog: 1. 2. 3. 4.