Effective Interview Strategies for Music Teachers

Interview Strategies that
Work: How to Get the Job You
Jill M. Sullivan, Ph.D.
Arizona State University
January 13, 2007
Arizona Music Educators
71st In-service Conference
University of Toledo study reported that
most job interviewees have 30 seconds
to make their impression on their
What to Do to Make a Good
First Impression
Nonverbal communication is key
 Firm handshake
 Toothy smile
 Eye contact
Breaking eye contact is fine, but don’t look down.
Make eye contact with all members of the interview
Sitting - lean slightly forward
Personal grooming
Quotes from Music Interviewees
“I would say the number one thing that hires
new teachers is personality! How you come
across during your first impression is critical.”
“Your transcripts, portfolio, and references are
very important, but if an interviewer does not
like what they see at first glance, you won’t
have a chance! Be energetic!
What to Wear
According to a survey by American Career
Executives given to recruiters, fatal mistakes
in an interview include someone poorly
dressed or someone with bad hygiene.
Dress more formal than your typical work day.
A suit is a winner!
Men: tie and jacket with nice pressed slacks
and polished shoes are fine
Women: jacket with slacks, skirt, dress,
pantyhose, polished shoes, closed-toe
Quote from Music Interviewee
“Even though you may want an
elementary position, dress as though
you are interviewing to be CEO of a
large company. Every time I wore my
power suit, I was called back for a
second interview.”
First Impressions on Paper
Letters (inquiry,cover, follow-up)
Clear, clean format
No mistakes
Laser printed
Cotton or linen paper with matching envelopes
First Impressions with People
Faculty Members
Field-Experience/Observation Mentors
Student-Teaching Mentors
Interview Portfolio
Letters of recommendation
List of references
Sample lesson plans with video
Recital CD
Video clip with you conducting at a concert
Classroom rules
Instructional strategies
Programs (recital, concerts, student teaching)
Photographs (professional and personal)
Philosophy statement
Student work
Example of tests
Special skills (bi-lingual, Orff certification, computer skills)
Judges comments from large-group festival
Electronic Portfolio
Burn a CD or give a web address
Leave CD with the interviewer
Demonstrates you have technology skills
What to Say
According to a survey given to recruiters by an
executive search firm, another common mistake in
interviews was people being unprepared.
Prepare answers to common interview questions.
Write answers down.
Practice answering questions out loud.
Be positive and pleasant.
Ask questions.
Questions Asked Most Frequently
in Music Teacher Interviews
Classroom Management/Discipline
Teaching and Learning
Think in Fives
5 intelligent questions to ask
5 key points about your background
5 interesting points about the school
and/or job
Things to Avoid Saying
Wait to mention money until the job has
been offered.
Avoid negativity toward previous
employers or any negativity at all.
Keep your answers short and cogent.
According to the survey given to the
recruiters, too much talk was the
biggest mistake in interviews.
Types of Interviews
Screening Interview
How to Handle Your Nerves
Be prepared.
Give yourself plenty of time to prepare.
Take your time giving a response.
Act confident regardless of how you feel
Practice interviewing.
Try to avoid nervous ticks.
Getting an interview should be a confidence
builder. Remember: the school called you for
an interview!
Mock Interviews
Ask your mentor teacher and/or a
principal to give you a mock interview.
Ask your college supervisor to set this up
in your student-teaching seminar. Give
them the questions from my handout.
Have your local CMENC chapter invite in
an administrator or local supervisor of
music and have a panel discussion about
interviewing strategies.
Turning Down a Job Tactfully
Respond in 48 hours.
Express your appreciation.
Praise the school district.
Position didn’t match your career goals.
Indicate how difficult this decision was.
Top 10 Things Never to Do in an
See interview handout
Contact Me!
Ask me follow-up questions or concerns
about interviewing.
Share with me questions you were asked that
weren’t on my handout.
Share with me your interview experiences.
Let me know what part of this workshop was
most useful to you.