COURSE SECTION INFORMATION David Fairbanks Food Theory 1 Culinary Management Professor’s Name: David Fairbanks Course Number: FOD 2110 Email: Course Section: 310 Phone: 613 727-4723 Ext 5266 Academic Year: 2010/2011 Office: H204-F Out of Class Assistance: By appointment Term: Academic Level: Fall 2010/Winter 2011 1 Section Specific Learning Resources The textbooks for this course are the same as those listed in the approved course outline available on Blackboard. Textbooks Websites Reference books and charts Other related materials will be provided to the student as required. Learning Schedule Evaluation FOD 2110 Weight Theory tests Sanitation tests MyITlab test and assignments Trade Calculations tests Final Exam 30% 20% 15% 15% 20% Total 100% Week Week #1 Week #2 Week #3 Week #4 Week #5 Week #6 Week #7 Week #8 Week #9 Week #10 Week #11 Week #12 Week #13 Week #14 Week #15 In Class Synopsis: Theory: Cooking Principles Sanitation: Introduction Computers: Student Accounts, Theory: Stocks (Test) Sanitation: Face 2 Face #1 Computers: Chefs list, webmail, Blackboard, Theory: Thickeners (Test) Sanitation: Face 2 Face #2 Computers: Sanitation test #1 Theory: Sauce (Test) Sanitation: Face 2 Face #3 Computers: Sanitation test #2 Theory: Soup (Test) Sanitation: Face 2 Face #4 Computers: Sanitation test #3 Theory: Sanitation Certification (2 hours) Math: Food Cost Triangle Computers: o MyITLab enrollment o Word #1 Theory: Beef part #1 (Test) Math: Conversion Factors Computers: Word #2 Theory: Beef part #2 Math: Imp. & U.S. Measurements Computers: Word #3 Theory: Poultry (Test) Math: Metric and U.S. Measurements Computers: PowerPoint Basics #1 Theory: Fish and Shellfish (Test) Math: Review for Trade Calculations Computers: PowerPoint Basics #2 (presentation) Theory: Mollusks and Crustaceans Math: Test # 1 Computers: Excel Basics #1 Theory: Vegetables and Fruit (Test) Math: o Costing with Yields o Temperature conversions Computers: Excel Basics #2 Theory: Eggs (Test) Math: Review for Trade Calculations test Computers: o myITlab Test (Word, Excel and Power Point) o myITlab Training assignments due Theory: Review for Final Assessment Math: Test # 2 Computers: WHMIS Final Assessment CLR CLR 2+3+8 CLR 2+3+7+8 CLR 2+7+8 CLR 2+3+8 CLR 2+3+7+8 CLR 2+3+7+8 CLR 2+3+7+8 CLR 2+3+8 CLR 2+3+7+8 CLR 2+3+7+8 CLR 2+3+8 CLR 2+3+7+8 CLR 2+3+7+8 CLR 2+3+7+8 CLR 2+3+8 Other Important Information A student will be dismissed from class if disruptive of disrespectful as per College directive E27. Any missed and/or late tests and/or assignments will carry a weighted mark of zero. Classes may be disrupted/altered due to statutory holidays and College events. Schedule is subject to change Students can expect a response to emails within 72 hours. Any internal marks will be posted within the week, unless otherwise stated. Week Theory Sanitation / Math 1 Cooking Principles Introduction 2 Stocks Test: Cooking Principles Advanced FST #1 Face-2-Face Webmail Blackboard Chefs-list 3 Thickeners Test: Stocks Advanced FST #2 Face-2-Face Advanced FST # 1 Test 4 Sauce Test: Thickeners Advanced FST #3 Face-2-Face Advanced FST # 2 Test 5 Soup Test: Sauce Advanced FST #4 Face-2-Face Advanced FST # 3 Test 6 Sanitation Certification Food Cost Triangle MyITLab enrollment Word #1 7 Beef: Structure Test: Soup Conversion Factors Word #2 8 Beef: Cooking Imp. & U.S. Measurements Word #3 9 Poultry Test: Beef Metric and U.S. Measurements PowerPoint #1 10 Fish & Shellfish Test: Poultry Review PowerPoint # 2 11 Mollusks and Crustaceans Trade Math Test # 1 Excel #1 12 Vegetables and Fruit Test: Fish & Mollusks Costing with Yields Temperature conversions Excel # 2 13 Eggs Test: Vegetables Review MyItLab test MyItLab Assignments Due 14 Review Trade Math Test #2 WHMIS 15 Assessment Computer class N:drive Student Accounts