tender document - Concern Worldwide

Tender ref.: CU/2013/005
June 2013
Dear Sir/Madam,
SUBJECT: Invitation to Tender for branded T-Shirts and other Project items for the USAID-funded PL 480 Title
II Development Food Aid programme called “Resiliency through Wealth, Agriculture and Nutrition RWANU”) in
Karamoja implemented from August 2012 through July, 2017.
ACDI/VOCA and sub recipients Concern Worldwide (Concern) and WeltHungerHilfe (WHH) are implementing the
Resiliency through Wealth, Agriculture and Nutrition in Karamoja (RWANU) program to respond to Food for Peace’s
(FFP) overall strategic objective for the Title II program in Uganda: reduce food insecurity among chronically food
insecure households. RWANU will focus on two strategic objectives to reduce food insecurity among vulnerable
rural populations in selected sub –counties in 4 districts of Karamoja: (1) Improved availability and access to food
and (2) reduced malnutrition in pregnant and lactating mothers and children under five. Concern Worldwide is
tendering for health facilities equipment for this project.
Further to your enquiry regarding the publication of the above-mentioned Invitation to Tender, please find
enclosed the following documents, which constitute the tender dossier:
1. Instructions to Tenderers
2. a) Form of Tender
b) Tenderer’s Declaration
c) Conditions of Tender
3. Concern Worldwide Purchasing Terms and Conditions
4. Specifications
We look forward to receiving your tender on or before 12 Noon, 3rd July 2013 at the address specified in the
tender dossier.
Your tender bid must include the following documentation so please use the list below as a ‘Checklist’ before
submitting your tender to Concern.
1. Completed Form OF Tender
2. Completed Tenderer’s Declaration Form
3. Completed “Tenderer’s Relevant Experience Form”
4. Copy of Company certificate of registration
1. Copy of other relevant registration papers (including, VAT, NSSF, income tax and
import/export licenses)
5. Six month’s bank statement certified by banker
6. Evidence of adequacy of working capital, i.e., evidence of access to line(s) of credit
and availability of other financial resources;
7. Authority to seek references from the Tenderer's bankers if required;
8. Information regarding any current litigation in which the Tenderer is involved, the
parties concerned, and disputed amount; and
9. Samples to be provided as given in the attached specifications
10. Current price lists for goods/services tendered for
Offers must be submitted in sealed envelopes, marked “not to be opened before 2 PM, 3rd July 2013. and should
bear the tender reference specified above and the Lot Number(s) on the outside of the envelope for identification
Yours sincerely,
Mary O’Neill
Country Director
Tender Document
FUNDED RWANU (Resiliency through Wealth, Agriculture
Concern Worldwide Uganda
Ref.: CU/2013/005
PO Box 6599
Kampala, Uganda
June 2013
Section 1
Instructions to Tenderers
Section 2
a) Form of Tender
b) Tenderer’s Declaration
c) Conditions of Tender
Section 3
Concern Worldwide’s Purchasing Terms and Conditions
Section 4
Detailed Specifications
Section 1 – Instructions to Tenderers
Supplies to be provided
See attached specifications for details of the Lots given below.
Lot 1: Branded T-Shirts – plain round necked & polo
Lot 2: Project Items (Sufurias/saucepans, buckets, Jerry Cans etc)
Please note that:
a) Suppliers can quote for one or both lots.
b) Where lots are specified in sets, it should be ensured that each set is
individually packed and labelled clearly. All boxes should be such that they
can be opened, items counted and resealed.
c) All items should be quoted for in US Dollars and should include all taxes, VAT
and transportation to our office in Kampala
d) The following logo should be branded on all packaging
Closing date and time for submission of tenders
All bid envelopes MUST be marked with the Lot Number(s) being bid for and posted
/ delivered to the address given below by 12.00 Noon on 3rd July 2013
If a supplier is bidding for more than one Lot, they should submit only one envelope
with the relevant Lots marked clearly on it.
Tenders, which are not received by 12.00 Noon on the closing date, will be treated
as late tenders and so the Client reserves the right to set aside the Tender. Proof of
posting will not be accepted as proof of delivery.
If the envelope is not sealed and marked as instructed above, Concern
Worldwide will assume no responsibility for the misplacement or premature
opening of the tender. A tender opened prematurely for this cause will be
rejected by the client and returned to the tenderer.
Submission of tenders
Tenderers must submit their tender in a sealed envelope indicating the name and
address of the tenderer and addressed to:
Country Director
Concern Worldwide Uganda
PO Box 6599
Mawanga Zone, Munyonyo
Kampala, Uganda
Content of tenders
1. Completed Supplier / Service Provider Pre-Qualification Form
Completed Tenderer’s Declaration Form
Completed “Tenderer’s Relevant Experience Form”
Copy of Company certificate of registration
Copy of other relevant registration papers (including, VAT, NSSF, income
tax and import/export licenses)
6. Six month’s bank statement certified by banker
7. Evidence of adequacy of working capital, i.e., evidence of access to line(s)
of credit and availability of other financial resources;
8. Authority to seek references from the Tenderer's bankers if required;
9. Information regarding any current litigation in which the Tenderer is
involved, the parties concerned, and disputed amount; and
10. Samples as provided in the detailed specifications attached
11. Current price lists for goods tendered for
Opening of tenders
Bids will be opened at 2:00 PM on 3rd July 2013 at the Concern Worldwide
Uganda office. All bidders are welcome to participate.
Clarification meeting/site visit
Any queries on or requests for clarification shall be submitted in writing (e-mail
accepted). All clarifications will be made by Concern in writing and such
clarifications will be notified to all Tenderers. All clarifications shall be attached to
all Tender Documents, when the documents are submitted, all will be considered
as part of the Tender Documents.
As part of the evaluation process Concern may be undertaking site visits and/or
ask for samples from all valid bidders. The timeframe for this will be arranged
suitably with the individual bidders.
Queries should be addressed to:
General Manager - Systems
Concern Worldwide Uganda
email: indrani.mukerjee@concern.net
Cancellation of the tender procedure
At any point during the process, The Tender Evaluation Committee reserves the
right to cancel a part or the whole of this tender process.
Appeals Process
An appeal to the process can be lodged if a tenderer or potential tenderer has
any issue which they feel requires appealing. Please contact the Country Director
at mary.oneill@concern.net if you wish to make an appeal
Section 2a – Form of Tender
Tender ref.: CU/2013/005: Supply of branded T-Shirts & Non Food Items for The USAID
Funded RWANU (Resiliency through Wealth, Agriculture and Nutrition) Programme in
a) Having examined the Instructions to Tenderers, Form of Tender, Conditions of Contract,
Specification and Additional Information for the execution of the above named works, we the
undersigned, offer to effects therein in conformity with the Tender Documents for the fixed price
through the Contract duration, for the Tender Total of Ushs (in words).
Lot 1: ………………………………………
Lot 2: ……………………………………….
b) In the event of there being any errors of extension or additions on the priced quotations, we
agree to their being corrected, the rates being taken as correct.
c) We undertake, if our Tender is accepted, to supply and transport the items within the period
stated in the Form of Contract after receipt of the Client's notice to commence, and complete the
whole of the works comprises in the Contract within the time for completion stated in the
Conditions of Contract.
d) We agree to abide by this tender for a period of 90 days from the date fixed for receiving the
same and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration
e) Unless and until a formal Agreement is prepared and executed, this Tender, together with your
written acceptance thereof shall constitute a binding Contract between us.
We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any tender you may receive.
Dated this ............day of...……… ….2010
Signature ...............................………….….
in the capacity of........................…………..
duly authorised to sign tenders for and on
behalf of.................................………………
Section 2b – Tenders Declaration
As part of their tender, each tenderer must submit a signed declaration using the following
format as a guide.
In response to your letter of invitation to tender for the above contract, we, the undersigned,
hereby declare that:
We have examined and accept in full the content of the dossier for invitation to tender
No. <……………………………….> of <date>. We hereby accept its provisions in
their entirety, without reservation or restriction.
We offer to deliver, in accordance with the terms of the tender dossier and the
conditions and time limits laid down, without reserve or restriction:
Lot No 1: [description of supplies with indication of quantities and origin]
Lot No 2: [description of supplies with indication of quantities and origin]
The price of our tender is:
Lot No 1: [……………………………………………..]
Lot No 2: [……………………………………………..]
We will grant a discount of [%], or […………..] [in the event of our being awarded Lot
No… and Lot No… ………]………….
This tender is valid for a period of 30 days from the final date for submission of
If our tender is accepted, we undertake to provide a performance guarantee as required
by the instructions to tenderers. (If required)
We will inform Concern immediately if there is any change in the above circumstances
at any stage during the implementation of the contract. We also fully recognise and
accept that any inaccurate or incomplete information deliberately provided in this
application may result in our exclusion from this and other contracts of the contracting
We note that Concern is not bound to proceed with this invitation to tender and that it
reserves the right to award only part of the contract.
We agree to adhere to all of the terms and conditions of the contracting authority as
provided in the tender dossier.
We confirm that we are not engaged in any corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive
practices and acknowledge that if evidence contrary to this exists, Concern reserves the
right to terminate the contract with immediate effect.
The Code of Conduct to which Concern expects all of its suppliers to respect is as per
the points listed below and we confirm that we adhere to this code.
Employment is freely chosen.
The rights of staff to freedom of association and to collective bargaining are
Working conditions are safe and hygienic.
No exploitation of children is tolerated.
Wages paid are adequate to cover the cost of a reasonable living.
Working hours are not excessive.
No discrimination is practiced.
Regular employment is provided.
No harsh or inhumane treatment of staff is tolerated.
Environmental Standards
Suppliers should as a minimum, comply with all statutory and other legal requirements
relating to environmental impacts of their business. Areas which should be considered are:
Waste Management.
Packaging and Paper
Energy Use
Yours faithfully
Name and first name: <[…………………………………………………………………>
Title: <……………………………………………………………………………………>
Duly authorised to sign this tender on behalf of:
Place and date: <…………………………………………………………….……………>]
Stamp of the firm/company:
Section 2c: Conditions of Tender
Tenderer’s Relevant Experience
Tender reference: ________________
Please complete the table below using the format to summarise the major relevant supplies contracts carried out in the course of the past 3
years by the tenderer. The number of references to be provided must not exceed 10 for the entire tender. Concern reserves the right to contact the
suppliers references as given below
Contact Details
Description of Contract
Supplies Provided
Banker’s Reference
As part of their tender, each tenderer must submit a signed authorisation letter to their
bankers using the following format as a guide. This letter should be stamped as received
by your bank.
<on company letterhead>
<Date and place>
<Banker’s Name and Address>
Sub: Authorisation to provide bank details
Dear Sir or Madam,
We are applying for a tender with Concern Worldwide and one of their conditions is an
authorisation to contact our bankers. We hereby authorise you to provide Concern
Worldwide information about our account(s) with you with relation to this tender on their
Yours faithfully
Name and first name: <[…………………………………………………………………>
Title: <……………………………………………………………………………………>
Place and date: <…………………………………………………………….……………>]
Stamp of the firm/company:
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III. Banker’s Details
As part of their tender, each tenderer must complete this form with their bank details
For Individual Tenderers or Individual Members of Joint Ventures
Bank Name
Bank A/c Number
Telephone No.
Telex No.
Fax No.
11 | P a g e
Details of Current Disputes (if any)
Information on current litigation in which the Tenderer is involved
Other Party (ies)
12 | P a g e
Cause of Dispute
Amount Involved
Detailed Specification of Items to be Supplied
Information on the nature of materials to be used and specification in addition to the
details listed in the Specification of the Tender Documents
Item to be
Name of Provider and
country of origin
(Attach additional details as appropriate)
13 | P a g e
Detailed Specification
Section 3 – Concern Worldwide’s Purchasing Terms and Conditions
Unless the context indicates otherwise, the term “Buyer” refers to Concern Worldwide. The term
“Supplier” refers to the entity named on the order and contracting with the Buyer. The term
“Contract” can be taken to mean either (a) the purchase order or (b) the supply/service agreement,
whichever is in place.
1) Price: The prices stated on the order shall be held firm for the period and / or quantity unless
specifically stated otherwise
2) Source of Instructions: The Supplier shall not seek nor accept instructions from any source
external to Concern Worldwide in relation to the performance of the contract.
3) Assignment: The Supplier shall not assign, transfer, sublet or subcontract the contract or any
part thereof without the prior written consent of the Buyer.
4) Corruption: The Supplier shall not give, nor offer to give, anyone employed by the Buyer an
inducement or gift that could be perceived by others to be a bribe. The Supplier agrees that a breach
of this provision may lead to an immediate end to business relationships and termination of existing
5) Confidentiality : All data, including but not limited to, maps, drawings, photographs, estimates,
plans, reports and budgets that has been compiled by or received by the Supplier under the contract
shall be the property of Concern Worldwide and shall be treated as confidential. All such data
should be delivered to the authorized officials representing the Buyer upon request.
5.1) The Supplier may not communicate at any time to any other person, government or
authority external to Concern Worldwide, any information that has been compiled through
association with Concern Worldwide which has not been made public except with written
authorisation from the Buyer. These obligations do not lapse upon termination of the contract.
6) Use of Emblem or Name: Unless otherwise agreed in writing; the Supplier shall not advertise
nor make public the fact that it is supplying goods or services to the Buyer, nor shall the Supplier in
any way whatsoever use the name or emblem of Concern Worldwide in connection with its
business or otherwise.
7) Observance of Law: The Supplier shall comply with all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations
bearing upon the performance of its obligations under the terms of the contract.
8) Force Majeure: The meaning of the term can be taken to mean acts of God, war (declared or
not), invasion, revolution, insurrection or acts similar in nature or force.
8.1) In the event of and as soon as possible after the occurrence of any cause deemed force
majeure, the Supplier must inform the Buyer of the full particulars in writing. If the supplier is
rendered unable either in part or in whole to perform its obligations then the Buyer shall take such
action as it considers, in its sole discretion, to be appropriate or necessary in the circumstances.
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8.2) If the Supplier is permanently rendered incapable in whole or part by reason of force
majeure to complete its obligations and responsibilities under the contract then the Buyer will have
the right to suspend or terminate the contract on the same terms and conditions laid out in section 9,
9) Cancellation: The Buyer reserves the right to cancel the contract should it suspend its activities
or through changes to its mandate by virtue of the Executive Council of Concern Worldwide and/or
lack of funding. In such a case the Supplier shall be reimbursed by Concern Worldwide for all
reasonable costs incurred by the Supplier, including all materials satisfactory delivered and
conforming to specification and terms of contract, prior to receipt of the termination notice.
9.1) Should the supplier encounter solvency problems including, but not limited to,
bankruptcy, liquidation, receivership and similar, the buyer reserves the right to terminate the
contract immediately without prejudice to any other right or remedy it may have under the terms of
these conditions.
10) Warranty: The Supplier shall provide the Buyer with all manufacturers’ warranties. The
supplier warrants that all goods supplied in relation to the contract meets specification, is defect free
and is fit for the purpose of the intended use. If, during the warranty period, the goods are found to
be defective or non- conforming to specification, the Supplier shall promptly rectify the defect. If
the defect is permanent then at the choice of the Buyer the Supplier will either replace the item at
their cost or reimburse the Buyer.
11) Inspection and Test: The Supplier must inspect the goods prior to dispatch to ensure
conformance to specification and/or any other provisions of the contract. The Buyer reserves the
right to inspect the goods for compliance with specifications and provisions of the contract. If, in
the Buyers’ opinion, the goods and/or services do not comply with the specification, the Buyer will
inform the Supplier in writing. In such a case the Supplier shall take the necessary action to ensure
compliance, liability for any additional cost incurred for rectifying compliance will rest with the
12) Changes: The Buyer reserves the right to make reasonable changes at any time to the
specification, drawings, plans, quantity, packing instructions, destination, or delivery instruction. If
any such change affects the price of goods or performance of service the Supplier and Buyer may
negotiate an equitable adjustment to the contract, provided that the Supplier claims for adjustments
in writing to the Buyer within 30 days from being notified of any change.
13) Export Licence: If an export licence or licences are required for the goods, the Supplier has the
responsibility to obtain that licence or licences.
14) Payment Terms: Unless otherwise agreed, payment terms will be net 30 days from receipt of a
correctly prepared invoice.
15) Ethics: The Code of Conduct to which Concern expects all of its suppliers to respect is as
Employment is freely chosen.
The rights of staff to freedom of association and to collective bargaining are respected.
Working conditions are safe and hygienic.
No exploitation of children is tolerated.
Wages paid are adequate to cover the cost of a reasonable living.
Working hours are not excessive.
15 | P a g e
No discrimination is practiced.
Regular employment is provided.
No harsh or inhumane treatment of staff is tolerated.
Local labour laws are complied with.
Social rights are respected
15.1) Environmental Standards - Suppliers should as a minimum, comply with all statutory and
other legal requirements relating to environmental impacts of their business. Areas which should be
considered are:
 Waste Management.
 Packaging and Paper
 Conservation
 Energy Use
 Sustainability
16) Rights of Concern Worldwide: Should the supplier fail to perform under the terms and
conditions of the contract, including but not limited to failing to obtain export licenses or to make
delivery of all or part of the goods by the agreed delivery date(s), the buyer may, after giving
reasonable notice to the Supplier, exercise one or more of the following rights:
Procure all or part of the goods from an alternate source, in which event the Buyer may hold the
Supplier liable for additional costs incurred.
Refuse to accept all or part of the goods.
Terminate the contract.
17) Rights of access for test purposes: Concern Worldwide is contractually obliged to facilitate
certain donor’s direct access to suppliers for test purposes. This obligation is extended to all
Concern suppliers.
18) No Agency: This order does not create a partnership between the Buyer and Supplier or make
one party the agent for the other for any purpose.
19) USAID Compliance: All Suppliers must be compliant with supply, works and service contracts
awarded within the framework of humanitarian actions financed by USAID.
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Section 4 – Detailed Specifications
LOT 1: T-SHIRTS – POLO AND PLAIN ROUND NECKED (please see attachment for
detailed design)
Please provide a sample of quality of material and printing
a) T-Shirts for Health Promoters and Health Educators: Navy blue Polo T-Shirts
with white collar – heavy duty 100% cotton with text on front and back and logos on
front – 100 numbers sizes given below
With the text Health Promoters (all feminine cut)
small size 50 pc
medium size 30 pc
With the text Health Educator (all men’s cut)
large size 10 pc
medium size 10 pc
b) T-Shirt for staff: White Polo T-Shirts with green collar – heavy duty 100% cotton
with text on front and logo at back – 200 numbers sizes given below
T-shirt size
c) T-Shirts for Lead Mothers (feminine cut required) Grey plain round necked TShirts – heavy duty 100% cotton with text on front and back and logos on back –
3800 numbers – sizes given below
Small size - 1100 pc
Medium size - 2,300 pc
Large size - 400 pc
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Please provide samples
Total 1900 sets packed individually with each set consisting of:
a) 3 cooking pots ‘sufuria’ with lids with capacities as given below
1.5 litre
3 litre
5 litre capacity
b) 2 numbers long handled wooden ladles
c) 1 number heavy duty 20 litre plastic buckets with lids. Should be non-toxic plastic
for storing water
d) 1 number plastic basin – 20 litre capacity
e) 1 number Jerry can with lid – 20 litre capacity
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