BRING THEM IN REACHING YOUNG ADULTS Becoming Young Adult Friendly • Many churches are concerned about involving young adults in their congregations. • As you read through these slides, think about your church. • Becoming young adult friendly may be easier than you think. Using This PowerPoint • We’ll consider young adults perception about the church. • We’ll offer suggestions (in green) for reaching young adults. • You’ll have opportunity to contemplate information and to develop strategies for reaching young adults in your community. Feelings Toward Christians In overwhelming percentages, the younger unchurched expressed an openness to hear their friends talk about Christ. They may not be open to an invitation to church, but they certainly are open to conversations. Thoughts About Church ● There is a disconnect between Church and everyday life. • They see people behave and talk one way at Church and another way in everyday life. • This stresses the importance of integrating Christianity into every aspect of life. Thoughts About Church ● There are other ways to grow spiritually such as the internet and small groups. • They don’t see involvement in the Church as an essential part of Christian living. • They don’t understand what it means to be part of the Body of Christ. Thoughts About Church ● They want to be like Jesus, making a difference in the world. • They see people all around them that need help the Church can provide. • They want to help those in need in the community as well as those worldwide. Thoughts About Church • Relationships are important to young adults. • They want to share life and to learn with you. • You don’t have to have answers, just a willingness to learn together. Time To Think • What relationships do you have with young adults? • How willing are you to be authentic with them? • How can you begin to form a “let’s-behonest” relationship with a young adult? Thoughts about Christianity Christianity is cool because it is the opposite of apathy, because it demands sacrifice, because it forbids autonomy—all things that run against the grain of twenty-first century American culture (Hipster Christianity, p. 150). Time To Think • What is your reaction to this quote? • How does it reflect the young adults you know? • How does it reflect your concept of Christianity? • How does the quote challenge you? What We Know About Young Adults ● They want a provocative, challenging faith that’s culturally aware and something for which to give their lives. ● They want to make a difference and putting love into action accomplishes this. What We Know About Young Adults ● They do not have a good grasp of biblical Christianity. ● They may have biblical information but lack the skills to assimilate and to make life applications. What We Know About Young Adults They are still defining their faith and want to know why—not just what. ● ● They also want to discover the bases for their faith. ● Be willing to guide them in the discovery process. What We Know About Young Adults ● They are looking for truth and something to worship. ● Remember God is holy and His Holiness requires complete surrender. ● Teach them the truth found in God’s Word. What We Know About Young Adults ● They are looking for authenticity in leadership and an opportunity to participate. ● Give leadership role to young adults. ● Give space and allow them to try new ideas and concepts. ●Be available to help as needed. What We Know About Young Adults ● They want you to “be with” them, not “talk at” them. ● Share life with them. They want to know how Christianity affects every aspect of life. ● Remember it’s OK to not have all the answers. ● Invite young adults to search for answers with you. What We Know About Young Adults ● They may be rootless since they move about every two years. ● Invest in young adults, even if they move frequently. ●Recognize time invested in young adults has long-lasting effect. Time To Think • What new information did you gain from the previous slides? • What steps can you take to educate the congregation about investing in young adults? • What young adults in your congregation or community can you invest in? Traits For Effective Leadership ● Influence, not authority, is what drives effectiveness. ● Generously delegate authority and responsibility. ● Allow young adults to bloom, taking charge as needed. ● Be a “guide on the side” for the young adults in your church, being available as needed. Traits For Effective Leadership ● Facilitate new ideas and allow creativity. ● Model behavior for others to emulate. ● Serve others. ● Remember someone invested in you as a young adult. ● It’s your turn to invest in young adults. Advice From Young Adults ● Listen ● Talk with young adults, and balance listening and talking. ● Repeat what you heard to ensure good communications. ● Be willing to try new ideas and ministry strategies. Advice From Young Adults ● Give them good spiritual food. ● Don’t be afraid to challenge their spiritual growth and development. ● Offer suggestions for spiritual growth and development. ● Provide accountability. Be sure to participate in this process, too. Advice From Young Adults ● Involve them in the kitchen. ● That is, involve young adults in the development of ministry strategies. ● This gives a sense of ownership and recognition of their ideas. ● Give them leadership roles, too. Advice From Young Adults ● Accepted, yet Unique ● As noted earlier, this generation has unique traits. ● Accept these traits and guide them as they become Christ-like disciples. ● For insights into young adults, read the blog at Time To Think • How can you take this advice from young adults and use it in your ministry? • What steps can your congregation take to implement some of the suggestions? • Take time to read some of the blog entries at Steps To Take ● Make the connection. ● Become acquainted with young adults in your church. ● Invite them to your home or hang out where they are—often a local coffee shop. ● Become friends—just because you like them. STEPS TO TAKE ● Authenticity is key. ● Be real. Young adults easily detect phoniness. ● Let them know you are in progress, too. God continues to transform us daily. ● Allow them to share life with you— even the difficult times. STEPS TO TAKE ● Tell your story. ● Tell young adults about how God worked in your life and about prayers He answered. ● Share areas where God is working in your life. STEPS TO TAKE ● Make a difference—get involved with your community. ● Young adults want to impact the world with Christ’s love. ● Find ways to share God’s love in your community. ● Use words as necessary. STEPS TO TAKE ● Talk, listen, and engage young adults. ● As you invest in young adults, they will recognize your love for them. ● Value young adults by listening. ● Pray for and with them. Time To Think • How can you make the connection with young adults in your congregation ? • How can you engage young adults in conversation? • How can you engage young adults and the congregation in service to the community?