Curriculum Vitae for Drumm McNaughton PhD

Curriculum Vitae for Drumm McNaughton PhD, FIMC
Full Name
Robert Drummond McNaughton, PhD, FIMC
Contact Information
5001 San Jacinto Circle East
Fallbrook, CA 92028
(760) 723-0022
(760) 723-0023
PhD, Fielding Graduate Institute, 2003
Major Field: Human & Organizational Systems
Course Work: Organization Studies, Leadership, Psychology, Learning & Development
MA, Fielding Graduate Institute, 2003
Major Field: Human & Organizational Systems
Course Work: Organization Studies, Leadership, Psychology, Learning & Development
Certificate, Navy Postgraduate School, 1987
Major Field: Aviation Safety Program Management
Naval Aviator, Navy Flight Training, 1980
BS, U.S. Naval Academy, 1978
Major Field: Physics
Minor Fields: Naval Science, Mathematics
Awards and Honors
Fellow, Institute of Management Consultants USA
Special Recognition Award for “Significant Contributions to Developing the Consulting Profession in
Central Asia,” Gabriel Al-Salem Foundation
Chair Emeritus, Institute of Management Consultants USA
Distinguished Service Award, Institute of Management Consultants USA
Finalist, New Educator Award, Organization Behavior Teaching Society
Best Research Project, Winter Session 2004, Fielding Graduate University
Navy Achievement Medal, Training Squadron TWO, U.S. Navy
Subspecialist, Navy Intelligence, U.S. Navy
Subspecialist, Electronic Warfare, U.S. Navy
Naval Aviator, U.S. Navy
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Current Academic Appointment
2011-present Department Chair (Faculty Lead), College of Business Administration, Trident
University, Cypress, CA. Trident (formerly a division of Touro College) offers bachelor, graduate, and
doctoral degrees in multiple areas, and is the only WASC-accredited 100% online university.
I oversee the MS in Leadership program, including 14 faculty members, 100 students, and 7 courses.
Additional duties include:
Chair the University Curriculum Committee;
Member of the Academic Leadership Team;
Member of the Academic Policy Committee
Member of the Academic Strategic Plan Task Force;
Teach and develop courses for the MBA and MSL programs; and
Serve on accreditation teams for WASC Senior College and University Commission (colleges
and universities) and the Accrediting Commission for Schools WASC (high schools).
Previous duties include
Chair for the general management courses in the MBA program. Had the single largest span of
control, including 24 faculty, 40 sections, and 1000 students on a quarterly basis;
Chaired the team which developed the MSL program;
Chaired the Faculty Engagement Task Force;
Co-chaired the TurnItIn Task Force responsible for developing policy, piloting, and
Member of the Accreditation and Educational Effectiveness Committees; and
Co-authored the Curriculum Committee charter which was used as a model for newly established
faculty-led governance committees.
Selected Accomplishments:
Academic Excellence. The University’s MBA program was in need of updating, as it was losing
students and was no longer “state of the art.” I suggested and then facilitated the first-ever MBA
retreat for full-time faculty which resulted in a more rigorous, better focused program that meets
AACSB guidelines. These changes have been implemented, and Trident’s MBA program was
ranked #15 of over 1600 online MBA programs by Graduate Programs in their Fall 2014 Online
MBA Rankings.
Growing Revenues through Supporting Faculty. The university was losing revenue due to
less than optimum student persistence and retention rates, and the CEO tasked me to lead a
University-wide faculty task force to explore new ways to improve faculty engagement. I
recruited 4 team leaders and 19 TF members representing full- and part-time faculty from all
colleges and departments, and in 3 weeks we issued a 71-page report with 50+ recommendations
on how to improve faculty engagement and support. Most recommendations were implemented
within 1 year, resulting in a 10% improvement in student persistence / retention and greater
faculty engagement, with the university realizing an additional $4M in revenue.
New Program Development. In support of Trident’s strategic initiative to expanding its
program offerings, I was tasked with leading the team which developed the new MS in
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Leadership program. Using marketing research and competitive intelligence, we decided among
multiple potential new program options and worked with multiple departments to combine
existing courses with newly developed courses to create a program that uniquely targets our key
demographic groups. The program received WASC approval 4 months earlier than anticipated,
enabling it to begin 6 month early (because the internal programmatic issues were dealt with as
part of the development), and is on track to become the largest Master-level program at the
Improving Student Learning and Quality. The general management and business courses in
the MBA program were in need of redesign, as it was difficult for both faculty and students to
understand what was required to meet course learning outcomes (CLOs). I scheduled on online
workshop for faculty, and we jointly revised the structure of the courses so that they had clearer
instructions and detailed key learnings that aligned with the CLOs, and rubrics against which
learning could be assessed. Additionally, we developed and agreed to use a template for
feedback that mirrored the rubrics, thus making it easier for faculty to give detailed feedback that
students understood. This format was showcased to WASC during Trident’s most recent EER
visit, and students’ performance has improved as measured against the rubrics and end-ofcourse evaluations.
Supporting Students Building Teams. During a recent reorganization, faculty members were
assigned new administrative roles without having duties and responsibilities well defined.
Leveraging my experience in leadership positions, I developed detailed processes and procedures
for the position, including new ways to provide more personalized “service” to students. This
resulted in more motivated faculty and students, and had the added benefits of improving student
persistence, and morale and retention rates among faculty. Of note: I was recently recognized by
the University for my ability to motivate students.
Improving Collaboration through Innovative Engagement. As part of the reorganization, new
faculty positions were created without defined paths for promotion. After consultation with
faculty, I reorganized the way courses were maintained, including designating faculty “course
leads.” Now, maintainers actively involve teaching faculty in course development and updates,
which has had multiple benefits, including improving course structure and content, buliding a
culture of teamwork and shared responsibility among faculty, and establishing a path for faculty
Previous Academic Appointments
2005 – 2011
Associate Professor and Remote FT Faculty, Trident University International,
Cypress, CA. Trident (formerly a division of Touro College) offers bachelor, graduate, and doctoral
degrees in multiple areas, and is the only WASC-accredited 100% online university.
I was responsible for teaching 90 students each quarter for the College of Business Administration in
areas that included Leadership, Organization Transformation and Change, Organization Behavior, and
HR. Collateral duties included developing courses for Trident's PhD, MBA and BSBA programs.
2004 - 2009
Associate Graduate Faculty, Central Michigan University, College of Graduate
Studies, Mount Pleasant, MI. Central Michigan has satellite campuses on many of the military bases
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where they offer graduate programs. I taught Organization Development and Change in the MS in
Business Administration program.
2004 - 2007
Associate Graduate Faculty, Chapman University, Irvine, CA. Chapman University
is a private university with undergraduate and graduate programs in multiple areas. I taught in the MA
and BA of Organizational Leadership, Human Resources, and Health Administration programs; courses
taught included Organization Development and Change; Self, Systems, and Leadership (systems and
complexity theories, organization dynamics, and leadership); Organization Design, and Organizational
Building Ongoing Partnerships and Collaboration. Students were having difficulty finding
projects for a capstone course that required a practicum. I assessed current programs, and
developed partnerships with local businesses, governments, and nonprofits in the local area that
gave students new practicum opportunities and potential follow-on employment.
2004 - 2011
Adjunct Faculty, Capella University, School of Business and Technology,
Minneapolis, MN. Capella is a 100% online university with undergraduate, graduate, and PhD
programs in multiple areas. I taught and developed courses for the PhD and MS of Organization and
Management programs.
2004 - 2005
Adjunct Faculty, DeVry University Online, Chicago, IL. I taught undergraduate
courses in the general education curriculum.
Related Professional Experience
1998– present President, The Change Leader, Inc., Fallbrook, CA. The Change Leader is a
professional services firm that provides management consulting services to educational organizations (K12 and higher ed), government, nonprofits / NGOs, and medium and large businesses. Services include
strategic management (planning, implementation, and sustaining high performance); organizational
redesign and culture change; leadership development and executive coaching; and business and
operations management.
Growing Revenue. A large online teaching university was struggling with developing
meaningful practical programs for its PhD students. I assessed the learning readiness of the
students and change readiness of the organization, and designed a new capstone course which
received rave reviews from students and faculty and increased concentration enrollment by 25%.
Improving Faculty Performance. King Abdullah Institute for Research and Consulting Studies
(KAI-RCS) is responsible for implementing policies and strategies adopted by the King Saud
University for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, but despite having over 4000 government ministry
experts and faculty that could apply their expertise to these projects, the vast majority have
limited consulting experience which resulted in the KAI-RCS staff’s bandwidth being stretched to
the breaking point and putting the University at risk. I assessed the situation and ascertained that
training was the appropriate remedy, and then developed and delivered two training courses
attended by 60+ government officials and faculty which resulted in having far more people
trained in project oversight, thus reducing risk to the University and the Kingdom.
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Improving Academic Performance and Teacher Engagement. A large urban school district
was not performing at the level of excellence which was demanded by its Board, the State, and
district parents. My team and I assessed and made specific recommendations for a new
organization structure and communications strategies that resulted in improved coherence in
instruction; communications among stakeholder groups; faculty accountability; teacher and staff
morale; union relations; and student test scores.
Strategic Planning. The certification body for the orthodontic profession was losing money at a
rate of $425K per year, and had no definitive plan for moving forward. Using the premise that
people support what they help create, I facilitated their first strategic planning session in 7 years,
and together we developed an actionable plan that immediately reduced the deficit to $125K per
year, and is expected to grow membership, create new strategic alliances, and return it to
Strategic Planning. A mid-market system integrator’s growth had stagnated, and it needed a
clear direction to ensure it stayed in business. Using a collaborative approach to planning, we
developed a new strategic direction and implementation plan that enabled them to create a
working environment of teamwork, shared strategies and goals, and results, and increase profits
by 35%.
eBusiness Strategies. The growth of two federally chartered credit unions ($500 million assets
respectively) had stagnated, and they needed to attract a significant number of new members to
improve profitability. I guided them through development of eBusiness Strategic Plans, thus
enabling them to leapfrog their competition and grow membership by 15%.
Organizational Strategy and Culture Change. A reserve Air Force Wing had a mission
change thrust upon it due to the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) process, and was
struggling with increased operational requirements and decreasing budgets. I helped it develop
and implement a new strategic plan that charted a new way forward, taking into account its new
mission, the global situation, and budgetary constraints while significantly improving morale and
mission readiness.
Organization Growth. A B2B startup needed direction, and called me to step in as their
interim Chief Operating Officer. I developed their business plan; initial business, operating, and
funding strategies; and company HR infrastructure, and as a result they found their core
management team, developed global alliances with Fortune 250 companies, and received angel
investor funding.
International Relationships and Education. The European Bank for Reconstruction and
Development (EBRD) desired to stimulate growth of current and startup businesses in support of
its mission of economic transition and developing sustainable business infrastructures in its 24
countries of operations, and in a global RFP, selected TCL to develop of a suite of seven
complementary training programs for delivery to consultants located in Eastern Europe, Northern
Africa, Middle East, and Asia. Totaling over 8,000 pages of slides and course materials, these
seven courses blend theory and experiential learning exercises, and were rolled out in January
2014. Ultimately, over 25,000 consultants will take these courses in the next 6 years, which
should result in a marked improvement of the economic development of the host countries.
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Secretary, Board of Trustees, and Executive Committee, International Council of
Managing Consulting Institutes, London, UK. ICMCI is the global standards body for the
management consulting profession.
I was responsible for a wide range of duties, including serving as focal point for communications among
organization’s 51 country institutes and the Executive Committee; counselor for policy and procedures to
the Chairman / Chief Executive Officer and other members of the ExCom and Board; lead business
meeting / conference planner; and Chief Governance Officer.
International Relations. I planned and executed all aspects of two international Board of
Trustees meetings that had representation from the 51-country member institutes.
Chairman and CEO, Institute of Management Consultants USA, Washington, DC.
IMC USA is the standards body and largest professional association for the management consulting
profession in the USA (4th largest globally).
P&L responsibility. I oversaw all aspects of the Institute, including setting strategic direction,
implementation and change management, and delivering value to members and the consulting profession.
Leadership in a Complex Environment. The Institute was losing members and there was a
perception that there was little value derived from membership. We developed new programs,
communicated these and other programs to members, and implemented a major PR campaign
around the Institute becoming ISO certified, and as a result, we raised the visibility of the
Institute, members began participating and volunteering more, and membership increased by
Implementing Management Systems. The Institute was lacking focus and direction, and to
rectify this, we implemented an annual planning cycle, including an annual planning meeting for
officers and key stakeholders, and aligned the budget to the plan. This resulted in a clear direction
for the Institute, better alignment with chapters and communities, and more value to members.
This annual planning cycle has been institutionalized.
Fostering Strategic Alliances and Partnerships. I developed strategic alliances that benefitted
the Institute, its members, and the profession. Some of these included Aon, Harvard Business
School Publishing, RainToday, and Vistage.
Innovative Vision and Strategic Direction. Prior to assuming the role of Chair/CEO, I founded
the Academy for Professional Development, the only organization of its kind at the time (2005)
dedicated to training management consultants. Learning took place via a new delivery mode
called a “webinar,” and since its inception, the Academy has been profitable, and has trained
over 5000 consultants. Just recently, the Academy has “exported” its programs to multiple
universities, and its flagship course, Essentials of Management Consulting, is taught as a
noncredit course in 10 universities across the country.
Senior Consultant, Computer Sciences Corporation, San Bruno, CA. CSC is a Tier 1
management consulting and systems integration firm providing service to business, government, and
education organizations.
I provided organizational change, program management, business development, and strategic planning
services for Y2K and other system integration projects.
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Developing Implementation Strategies. Developed the business and implementation strategies
for a Y2K assessment for a Fortune 50 chemical company for Europe, Africa and Asia (195
Organizational Change. Co-developed the organizational change implementation strategies in
conjunction with a major CRM package implementation for a Tier 1 IT systems integrator.
eCommerce Program Manager, Dell Computer, Austin, TX. Dell is the premier
computer seller which pioneered B2B selling online.
I was responsible for development and implementation of advanced electronic commerce strategies and
processes for Dell Americas and Dell Worldwide.
Innovative Vision and Strategic Direction. I led the team that developed and implemented
Dell’s enterprise-wide eCommerce business strategies and processes, and was responsible for
increasing margins 10% and revenues by $250 million. I also developed and implemented
company-wide education and training programs to support the eCommerce initiatives.
eBusiness Strategies. I developed the enterprise-wide eBusiness strategic and implementation
plans for a global SAP R/3 implementation.
President, McNaughton Consulting, San Francisco, CA. McNaughton Consulting
provided business, operations, & market, strategies; program management; and business development
consulting services for small and medium sized businesses.
Growing Revenues through Entrepreneurial Leadership and Education. As General
Manager and Director of Operations, I developed and implemented strategic plans and
entrepreneurial education programs that resulted in a business incubator’s startup, as well as
growing revenues of 14 multimedia companies to $15M. We saved on client $150,000 in R&D
costs over a 6 month period through negotiating public-private technology transfer partnership
Growing Revenues through Education and Planning. I enabled 50+ clients to expand their
market share 45% and net profits 35% through developing and implementing new marketing and
sales plans that introduced them to new markets.
Entrepreneurial Leadership. In collaboration with the Alameda County Economic
Development Advisory Board, I developed the initial plans for an environmental industry focused
business incubator that resulted in the start-up of 20 new environmental companies with initial
annual revenues totaling $25 million.
Multiple Positions in the U.S. Navy, including:
Chief Airport Operations Safety Officer, Guam Int’l Airport / NAS Agana, Guam.
Chief Administrative Officer, Naval Air Station, Agana, Guam
Deputy Chief Training Officer, Fleet Air Reconnaissance Sqdn ONE, Agana, Guam
Chief Operations Safety Officer, Fleet Air Reconnaissance Sqdn ONE, Agana, Guam.
Standardization Instructor Pilot, Training Squadron TWO, Milton, FL.
Chief Administrative Officer, Training Squadron TWO, Milton, FL.
Chief, Operations Scheduling Officer, Training Squadron TWO, Milton, FL
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Additional Relevant Experience
2014-present Treasurer, Escondido Center of Self-Realization Fellowship, Escondido, CA. The
Escondido Center is a branch of Self-Realization Fellowship Church, a 501c(3) religious organization.
As part of the Managing Council, I oversee all aspects of the church’s finances, including budgeting,
investment strategies, fundraising, financial controls, and accounting.
Fundraising. I am part of the three-person fundraising team for an ongoing capital project
requiring $2M which has raised $500K with an additional $1M pledged.
Publications: Refereed Journals
McNaughton, R. D. (2004). The role of values and leadership in organizational transformation.
Journal of Human Values, 9(2), 45.
Shelton, K., & McNaughton, R. D. (2007). Customer focus and Army procurement: Is it possible?
Defense Acquisition Review Journal, 14(2), 369-380.
Publications: Other
McNaughton, R.D., (2008). Using relationships to drive rigor and relevance: A systemic approach
to achieving the positive classroom.
McNaughton, R.D., & Baker, N., (2007). New ideas invigorate math at Los Angeles Unified School
McNaughton, R. D. (2004, Winter). The use of meditation and intuition in decision-making: Reports
from executive meditators. Academy of Management MSR Newsletter, 6-7.
Dissertation Committees Chaired
Holcomb, D. (2009). An extension of leader-member exchange (LMX) beyond the member to direct
manager dyad and their correlations to the member’s organization commitment.
George, G. (2010). Leading change in the 21st century: Conversations with consultants to
O’Bradovich, J. (2009). Influence of leadership and culture on financial performance: A case study
in a troubled industry.
O’Farrell, P. (2008). Will U.S. military innovation keep pace with Al-Qaeda: A mixed method study
of the climate of innovation in Army Research.
Grants, Fellowships, and Research Contracts
Dissertation Research Grant, Fielding Graduate University.
Selected Professional Affiliations
Academy of Management
Greater San Diego Chamber of Commerce
Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce
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Alameda County Economic Development Advisory Board
American Red Cross Bay Area, Disaster Response Volunteer Team (PR and Media)
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
American Psychological Association
Organization Behavior Teaching Society
Corporate Directors Forum, San Diego, CA
Association for Corporate Growth
International Council of Management Consulting Institutes
Institute of Management Consultants USA
Centre for Strategic Management
OD Network
Professionally Related Community Activities
Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). Serve on accreditation teams for:
o Senior College and University Commission (colleges and universities)
o Accrediting Commission for Schools WASC (high schools).
Academy of Management
o Board of Directors, Management Consulting Division (2009-2011)
Reviewer for Journal of Management Spirituality & Religion (Academy of Management)
Reviewer for Journal of Management Education (Organization Behavior Teaching Society)
Reviewer for Journal of Human Values (Sage Publications)
Reviewer for Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Divisions include:
o Management Consulting
o Management Spirituality & Religion
o Organization Development & Change
o Organization & Management Theory
International Council of Management Consulting Institutes
o Secretary, Board of Trustees (2011 – 2013)
Institute of Management Consultants USA
o Chairman and CEO (2008 – 2011)
o Board of Directors (2004-2013)
o Vice Chair for Professional Learning (2005 – 2007)
o San Diego Chapter President (2001 – 2002)
o National Conference Committee (Programs and Sponsorships) (2000 – 2002)
American Red Cross Bay Area
o Disaster Response Volunteer Team (PR and Media)
Escondido Center of Self-Realization Fellowship
o Treasurer (2014-present)
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Presentations, Seminars, and Trainings
Selected Academy Conference Presentations
McNaughton, R.D., Haas, M., Doerr, J., Ennsfellner, I., & Caldicott, S.M. (2009). Emerging trends in
management consulting. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
McNaughton, R.D., Jackson, J.C., & Wallis, N.C. (2005). From sage on the stage to guide on the
side: Teaching leadership online. Western Organizational Management Teaching Conference,
University of La Verne, CA.
McNaughton, R.D. (2001). Organizational change in technology companies. UCLA Anderson
School of Management, Los Angeles, CA.
Selected Conference Presentations
McNaughton, R.D. (2011). State of the consulting industry: Now and 2015. Consulting 2015:
Helsinki, Finland.
McNaughton, R.D. (2011). House of lies: Why the consulting profession needs standards. Consulting
2020: Taipei, Taiwan.
McNaughton, R.D. (2010). Large firm initiative: IMS USA and the Certified Management Consulting
Firm. International Council of Management Consulting Institutes: Ma’in, Jordan.
McNaughton, R.D. (2009). IMC USA: Bringing the large firms back into the fold. International
Council of Management Consulting Institutes: London, UK.
McNaughton, R.D. (2006). Surfing the waves of change: The psychology of organizational change.
American Academy of Estate Planning Attorneys: San Diego, CA.
McNaughton, R.D. (2005). Surfing the waves of change: How to survive the monster wave! Project
Management Institute Inland Empire, Riverside, CA.
McNaughton, R.D. (2002). Organizational transformation: The seven keys. San Diego North County
Personnel Association, Carlsbad, CA
McNaughton, R.D. (1997). eCommerce and Dell: Transforming an industry. New England EDI
Users Group, Boston, MA
Selected Seminars and Training Programs Conducted
McNaughton, R.D. (2013). Management Consulting Essentials (5-day seminar). European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development, Belgrade, Serbia.
McNaughton, R.D. (2013). Marketing and Selling Professional Services (4-day seminar). European
Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Skopje, Macedonia.
McNaughton, R.D. (2013). Starting a Professional Services Business (2-day seminar). European
Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Skopje, Macedonia.
McNaughton, R.D. (2013). Mastering Management Consulting (5-day seminar). King Saud
University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
McNaughton, R.D. (2013). Consulting Sales Training (5-day seminar). King Saud University,
Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
McNaughton, R.D. (2001). Leading and Mastering Change (5-day seminar with 2-day train-thetrainer). Centre for Strategic Management, San Diego, CA.
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Additional Information
Multicultural. Lived overseas 19 years, including Central America (12 years), Europe (3 years), and
the Far East (4 years). Traveled and/or worked in over 50 countries.
Have added over $500 million to organizations’ bottom lines over the course of my career.
Largest organization led had 150 employees and an operating budget of $25 million.