• Welcome! • Today: Letters, numbers, introductions • Website: http://liaenglish.wordpress.com Introduce Yourself ¿Cómo se llama? (what is your name?) Pronunciation: como say yama Me llamo ________________ (my name is ____) Pronunciation: may yamo Preparation A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z LL Ñ RR A note on the alphabet • Letter names are given based on pronunciation, not the actual spelling of the letter in Spanish – E.g. the letter “H” is given as “achay”, while it is properly called “hache” A • Letter: “ah” • Sound: “ah” English example: father Spanish example: gato (cat) B • Letter: “bay” • Sound: b English example: beat Spanish example: beber (to drink) C • Letter: “say” • Sound: s • Sound before a or o or u: k English example: sound, count Spanish example: decir (to say), flaco (skinny) D • Letter: “day” • Sound: d English example: desk Spanish example: decir (to say) E • Letter: “ay” (ei) • Sound: “ay” (ei) English example: Lay Spanish example: decir (to say) F • Letter: “efay” • Sound: f English example: far Spanish example: flaco (skinny) G • Letter: “hay” • Sound: h / g (before o or a) English example: hero ; gate Spanish example: eligir (to choose) ; gato (cat) H • Letter: “achay” • Sound: -English example: -Spanish example: hola (pronounced “ola”) (Hello) I • Letter: “ee” • Sound: “ee” English example: See Spanish example: decir (to say) J • Letter: “hota” • Sound: h English example: hotel Spanish example: rojo (red) K • Letter: “ka” • Sound: k English example: kilometre Spanish example: kilómetro (kilometre) L • Letter: “el-ay” • Sound: l English example: lay Spanish example: levantarse (to get up) LL • Letter: “ay-ay”/ “ejay” • Sound: y English example: you Spanish example: pollo (chicken) M • Letter: “em-ay” • Sound: m English example: my Spanish example: mi (my) N • Letter: “en-ay” • Sound: n English example: never Spanish example: nunca (never) Ñ • Letter: “en-yay” • Sound: ny English example: onion Spanish example: enseñar (to teach) O • Letter: “oh” • Sound: oh English example: boat Spanish example: ocho (eight) P • Letter: “pay” • Sound: between p & b English example: spot Spanish example: pero (but) Q • Letter: “koo” • Sound: k English example: case Spanish example: queso (cheese) R • Letter: “er-ray” • Sound: between r and d English example: Spanish example: para (for) RR • Letter: “err-ray” • Sound: rolled r English example: Spanish example: perro (dog) S • Letter: “ess-ay” • Sound: s (never z) English example: say Spanish example: Luisa T • Letter: “tay” • Sound: between t and d English example: stop Spanish example: taco U • Letter: “oo” • Sound: oo English example: noon Spanish example: nunca (never) V • Letter: “vay/bay” • Sound: between b and v, closer to b English example: bent (sort of…) Spanish example: ventana (window) W • Letter: “doh-blay vay” Only used in words of foreign origin X • Letter: “aykees” • Sound: ks (sometimes sh or h) English example: exact ; hotel Spanish example: exactamente (exactly), México Y • Letter: “ee gree-ayga” (i griega: “Greek i”) • Sound: ee, sometimes y/j English example: Ski ; you Spanish example: y (and) ; yo (I) Z • Letter: “say-ta” • Sound: s English example: sorry Spanish example: zorro (fox) Can you pronounce… • • • • • • • Casa (house) Nombre (name) Que (what/that) Español (Spanish) Helado (ice cream) Jalapeño Rubio (blonde) • • • • • • • Eso (that) Paz (peace) Pequeño (small) Pobre (poor) Estrella (star) Grave (grave, deep) Hablar (to speak) Numbers! 1: uno 2: dos 3: tres 4: cuatro 5: cinco 6: seis 7: siete 8: ocho 9: nueve 10. diez Numbers! 1: uno oo-no 2: dos dohs 3: tres trays 4: cuatro quatro 5: cinco seenko 6: seis say-ees 7: siete see-et-ay 8: ocho oh-choh 9: nueve noo-eb-ay 10. diez dee-es Conversation Starters Greetings ¡Hola! Hello Buenos días Good day Buenas tardes Good afternoon Adios goodbye Questions ¿Cómo estás? How are you? Estoy ___ I am • Bien well (good) • Felíz happy • Así así so-so (just okay) • Cansado tired • Muy very Gracias thank you ¿Y tú? And you? Conversation Starters Greetings ¡Hola! Hello Buenos días Good day Buenas tardes Good afternoon ¿Cómo estás? How are you? Estoy ___ I am • Bien well (good) • Felíz happy • Así así so-so (just okay) • Cansado tired • Muy very Gracias thank you ¿Y tú? And you? Adios goodbye Conversation Topics ¿Cómo se llama? What is your name? Me llamo ___ My name is ___ ¿Cuántos años tienes? How old are you? Tengo ___ años I am ___ (I have ___ years) ¿De dónde eres? Where are you from? Soy de ___ I am from ___ ¿Cuál es tu ___ favorito? What is your favorite… • deporte sport • color colour • película movie • clase class Mi (clase) favorito es ___ My favorite (class) is… ¿Quieres Practicar? • Voy a poner la presentación en mi sitio de web. Pueden visitarlo a liaenglish.wordpress.com Do you want to practice? • I will put the presentation on my website. You can visit it at liaenglish.wordpress.com Until later! I hope that you have a good week!