Key Management


Network Security

Key Distribution and User Authentication

WenZhan Song

Cryptography and Network Security


Authentication: ap4.0 (symmetric key)

Goal: avoid playback attack

Nonce: number (R) used only once –in-a-lifetime ap4.0: to prove Alice “live”, Bob sends Alice nonce , R. Alice must return R, encrypted with shared secret key

“ I am Alice”


It assume K is established before, but how?

Alice is live, and only Alice knows key to encrypt nonce, so it must be Alice!

Cryptography and Network Security


Key Distribution Center (KDC)

Alice, Bob need shared symmetric key.

KDC: server shares different secret key with

each registered user (many users)

Alice, Bob know own symmetric keys, K




, for communicating with KDC.





















Key Distribution Center (KDC)

Q: How does KDC allow Bob, Alice to determine shared symmetric secret key to communicate with each other?




KDC generates


Alice knows




(R1, K




(A,R1) )


Bob knows to use R1 to communicate with Alice

Alice and Bob communicate: using R1 as session key for shared symmetric encryption

Authentication: ap5.0 (public key)

ap4.0 requires shared symmetric key

 can we authenticate using public key techniques?

ap5.0: use nonce, public key cryptography

“ I am Alice”


“ send me your public key”


K (K (R)) = R and knows only Alice could have the private key, that encrypted R

+ such that


It is vulnerable to man-in-middle attack. How to solve?

Cryptography and Network Security


Certification Authorities

Certification authority (CA): binds public key to particular entity, E.

E (person, router) registers its public key with CA.

 E provides “ proof of identity ” to CA.

CA creates certificate binding E to its public key.

certificate containing E ’ s public key digitally signed by CA – CA says “ this is E ’ s public key ”

Bob ’ s public key




Bob ’ s identifying information digital signature


CA private key






B certificate for

Bob ’ s public key, signed by CA

Certification Authorities

When Alice wants Bob ’ s public key:

 gets Bob ’ s certificate (Bob or elsewhere).

 apply CA ’ s public key to Bob ’ s certificate, get Bob ’ s public key



B digital signature


CA public key






Bob ’ s public key

Symmetric Key Distribution using symmetric encryption

Cryptography and Network Security


Symmetric Key Distribution using symmetric encryption

For symmetric encryption to work, the two parties of an exchange must share the same key, and that key must be protected from access by others

Frequent key changes are usually desirable to limit the amount of data compromised if an attacker learns the key

Key distribution technique

 The means of delivering a key to two parties that wish to exchange data, without allowing others to see the key

Key Distribution

For two parties A and B, there are the following options:


• A key can be selected by A and physically delivered to B


• A third party can select the key and physically deliver it to A and B


• If A and B have previously and recently used a key, one party could transmit the new key to the other, using the old key to encrypt the new key


• If A and B each have an encrypted connection to a third party C, C could deliver a key on the encrypted links to A and B


Kerberos is one KDC implementation

Key distribution and user authentication service developed at MIT

Provides a centralized authentication server whose function is to authenticate users to servers and servers to users

Relies exclusively on symmetric encryption, making no use of public-key encryption

Two versions are in use

• Version 4 implementations still exist, although this version is being phased out

• Version 5 corrects some of the security deficiencies of version 4 and has been issued as a proposed Internet Standard (RFC 4120)

Kerberos version 4

A basic third-party authentication scheme

Authentication Server (AS)

 Users initially negotiate with AS to identify self

 AS provides a non-corruptible authentication credential (ticket granting ticket TGT)

Ticket Granting Server (TGS)

 Users subsequently request access to other services

 from TGS on basis of users TGT

Complex protocol using DES

First try


 User will be prompted to enter password every time for accessing services;

 Password is transmitted in plaintext and can be captured by bad guy.

Cryptography and Network Security


Second try

Address problems in 1 st try by adding TGS and avoiding password transmission


 Replay attack – bad guy captures ticket and reuses it before expires.

 False server – capture user info

Cryptography and Network Security


Final try – Kerberos V4

Add session key between user and server, e.g., K c, tgs and K c,v

Add more timstamps including starttime

Add Authenticator which is used once and has short lifetime for mutual authentication between C and V or tgs.

Cryptography and Network Security


Table 4.1

Summary of Kerberos Version 4 Message Exchanges

Kerberos Realms

Kerberos realm

 A set of managed nodes that share the same Kerberos database

 The Kerberos database resides on the Kerberos master computer system, which should be kept in a physically secure room

 A read-only copy of the Kerberos database might also reside on other Kerberos computer systems

 All changes to the database must be made on the master computer system

 Changing or accessing the contents of a Kerberos database requires the Kerberos master password

A Kerberos environment consists of:

A Kerberos server

A number of clients

A number of application servers

Kerberos principal

A service or user that is known to the

Kerberos system

Each Kerberos principal is identified by its principal name

A service or user name

An instance name

A realm name

Principal names consist of three parts

Principal name

Differences between versions 4 and 5

Environmental shortcomings

Encryption system dependence

Internet protocol dependence

Message byte ordering

Ticket lifetime

Authentication forwarding

Interrealm authentication

Technical deficiencies

Double encryption

PCBC encryption

Session keys

Password attacks

Distribution of Public-key

Cryptography and Network Security


Key distribution using asymmetric encryption

One of the major roles of public-key encryption is to address the problem of key distribution

There are two distinct aspects to the use of public-key encryption in this regard:

 The distribution of public keys

 The use of public-key encryption to distribute secret keys (will address later)

Public-key certificate

Consists of a public key plus a user ID of the key owner, with the whole block signed by a trusted third party

Typically, the third party is a certificate authority (CA) that is trusted by the user community, such as a government agency or a financial institution

A user can present his or her public key to the authority in a secure manner and obtain a certificate

The user can then publish the certificate

Anyone needing this user ’ s public key can obtain the certificate and verify that it is valid by way of the attached trusted signature

Distribution of Public Keys

 can be considered as using one of:

 Public announcement

 Publicly available directory

 Public-key authority

 Public-key certificates

Cryptography and Network Security


Public Key Management

Simple one: publish the public key

 Such as newsgroups, yellow-book, etc.

 But it is not secure, although it is convenient

 Anyone can forge such a announcement

 Ex: user B pretends to be A, and publish a key for A

 Then all messages sent to A, readable by B!

Let trusted authority maintain the keys

 Need to verify the identity, when register keys

 User can replace old keys, or void old keys

Cryptography and Network Security


Possible Attacks

Observe all messages over the channel

 So assume that all plaintext messages are available to all

Save messages for reuse later

 So have to avoid replay attack

Masquerade various users in the network

 So have to be able to verify the source of the message

Cryptography and Network Security


Public Announcement

 users distribute public keys to recipients or broadcast to community at large

 eg. append PGP keys to email messages or post to news groups or email list major weakness is forgery

 anyone can create a key claiming to be someone else and broadcast it

 until forgery is discovered can masquerade as claimed user

Cryptography and Network Security


Publicly Available Directory

 can obtain greater security by registering keys with a public directory directory must be trusted with properties:

 contains {name,public-key} entries

 participants register securely with directory

 participants can replace key at any time

 directory is periodically published

 directory can be accessed electronically still vulnerable to tampering or forgery

Cryptography and Network Security


Public-Key Authority

 improve security by tightening control over distribution of keys from directory has properties of directory and requires users to know public key for the directory then users interact with directory to obtain any desired public key securely

 does require real-time access to directory when keys are needed

Cryptography and Network Security


Public-Key Authority

Cryptography and Network Security



More advanced distribution

 A sends request-for-key(B) to authority with timestamp, that is, Ida|Idb|Time

 Authority replies with key(B) (encrypted by its private key), that is E


(KUb| Ida|Idb|Time)

 A initiates a message to B, including a random number

N a

, its ID


 B then ask authority to get key(A)

B sends A (encrypted by A’s public key) N a

A then replies B N b and N encrypted by B’s public key b

Cryptography and Network Security



In above scheme, the authority is bottleneck

New approach: certificate

 Any user can read certificate, determine name and public key of the certificate’s owner

 Any user can verify the authority of certificate

 Only the authority can create and update certificate

 Any user can verify the time-stamp of certificate

The certificate is







, KU



Time-stamp is to avoid reuse of voided key

Cryptography and Network Security


Public-Key Certificates

 certificates allow key exchange without real-time access to public-key authority a certificate binds identity to public key

 usually with other info such as period of validity, rights of use etc with all contents signed by a trusted Public-Key or

Certificate Authority (CA) can be verified by anyone who knows the public-key authorities

To validate the certificate, we need another certificate, one that matches the Issuer (of CA) in the first certificate.

Then we take the RSA public key from the second (CA) certificate, use it to decode the signature on the first certificate to obtain an MD5 hash, which must match an actual MD5 hash computed over the rest of the certificate.

Cryptography and Network Security


Public-Key Certificates

Cryptography and Network Security


X.509 Certificates

ITU-T recommendation X.509 is part of the X.500 series of recommendations that define a directory service

Defines a framework for the provision of authentication services by the X.500 directory to its users

The directory may serve as a repository of public-key certificates

Defines alternative authentication protocols based on the use of public-key certificates

 Was initially issued in 1988

 Based on the use of public-key cryptography and digital signatures

The standard does not dictate the use of a specific algorithm but recommends RSA

Sample Certificate


Data: Version: 1 (0x0)

Serial Number: 7829 (0x1e95)

Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption

Issuer: C=ZA, ST=Western Cape, L=Cape Town, O=Thawte Consulting cc, OU=Certification Services

Division, CN=Thawte Server CA/


 Not Before: Jul 9 16:04:02 1998 GMT

 Not After : Jul 9 16:04:02 1999 GMT

Subject: C=US, ST=Maryland, L=Pasadena, O=Brent Baccala, OU=FreeSoft,

Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption

RSA Public Key: (1024 bit)

Modulus (1024 bit): 00:b4:31:98:0a:c4:bc:62:c1:88:aa:dc:b0:c8:bb:

33:35:19:d5:0c:64:b9:3d:41:b2:96:fc:f3:31:e1: 66:36:d0:8e:56:12:44:ba:75:eb:e8:1c:9c:5b:66:

70:33:52:14:c9:ec:4f:91:51:70:39:de:53:85:17: 16:94:6e:ee:f4:d5:6f:d5:ca:b3:47:5e:1b:0c:7b: c5:cc:2b:6b:c1:90:c3:16:31:0d:bf:7a:c7:47:77: 8f:a0:21:c7:4c:d0:16:65:00:c1:0f:d7:b8:80:e3: d2:75:6b:c1:ea:9e:5c:5c:ea:7d:c1:a1:10:bc:b8: e8:35:1c:9e:27:52:7e:41:8f

Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)

Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption


92:2e:4a:1b:8b:ac:7d:99:17:5d:cd:19:f6:ad:ef:63:2f:92: ab:2f:4b:cf:0a:13:90:ee:2c:0e:43:03:be:f6:ea:8e:9c:67: d0:a2:40:03:f7:ef:6a:15:09:79:a9:46:ed:b7:16:1b:41:72:



8f:0e:fc:ba:1f:34:e9:96:6e:6c:cf:f2:ef:9b:bf:de:b5:22: 68:9f

Cryptography and Network Security


Obtaining a user ’ s certificate

User certificates generated by a CA have the following characteristics:

 Any user with access to the public key of the CA can verify the user public key that was certified

 No party other than the certification authority can modify the certificate without this being detected

Because certificates are unforgeable, they can be placed in a directory without the need for the directory to make special efforts to protect them

A acquires the certificate of B: X<<W>> W<<V>> V<<Y>> Y<<Z>> Z<<B>>

B acquires the certificate of A: Z<<Y>> Y<<V>> V<<W>> W<<X>> X<<A>>

Revocation of certificates

 Each certificate includes a period of validity

 Typically a new certificate is issued just before the expiration of the old one

 It may be desirable on occasion to revoke a certificate before it expires for one of the following reasons:

 The user’s private key is assumed to be compromised

 The user is no longer certified by this CA; reasons for this include subject’s name has changed, the certificate is superseded, or the certificate was not issued in conformance with the CA’s policies

 The CA’s certificate is assumed to be compromised

X.509 Version 3

Includes a number of optional extensions that may be added to the version 2 format

Each extension consists of:

• An extension identifier

• A criticality indicator

• An extension value

The certificate extensions fall into three main categories:

• Key and policy information

• Subject and issuer attributes

• Certification path constraints

Key and policy information

These extensions convey additional information about the subject and issuer keys, plus indicators of certificate policy

A certificate policy is a named set of rules that indicates the applicability of a certificate to a particular community and/or class of application with common security requirements


• Authority key identifier

• Subject key identifier

• Key usage

• Private-key usage period

• Certificate policies

• Policy mappings

Certificate subject and issuer attributes

These extensions support alternative names, in alternative formats, for a certificate subject or certificate issuer and can convey additional information about the certificate subject to increase a certificate user ’ s confidence that the certificate subject is a particular person or entity


• Subject alternative name

• Issuer alternative name

• Subject directory attributes

Certification path constraints

These extensions allow constraint specifications to be included in certificates issued for CAs by other CAs

The constraints may restrict the types of certificates that can be issued by the subject CA or that may occur subsequently in a certification chain


• Basic constraints

• Name constraints

• Policy constraints

PKIX Management functions

Functions that potentially need to be supported by management protocols:

 Registration



Key pair recovery

Key pair update

Revocation request

 Cross certification

Alternative management protocols:

Certificate management protocols (CMP)

 Designed to be a flexible protocol able to accommodate a variety of technical, operational, and business models

Certificate management messages over CMS (CMC)

 Is built on earlier work and is intended to leverage existing implementations

Identity Management

A centralized, automated approach to provide enterprise wide access to resources by employees and other authorized individuals

 Focus is defining an identity for each user (human or process), associating attributes with the identity, and enforcing a means by which a user can verify identity

 Central concept is the use of single sign-on (SSO) which enables a user to access all network resources after a single authentication

Principal elements of an identity management system:

 Authentication

 Authorization



Workflow automation

Delegated administration

Password synchronization

Self-service password reset



The Extensible Markup Language (XML)

• Appear similar to HTML documents that are visible as Web pages, but provide greater functionality

• Includes strict definitions of the data type of each field

• Provides encoding rules for commands that are used to transfer and update data objects

The Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)

• Minimal set of conventions for invoking code using XML over HTTP

• Enables applications to request services from one another with XML-based requests and receive responses as data formatted with XML


• A set of SOAP extensions for implementing message integrity and confidentiality in Web services

• Assigns security tokens to each message for use in authentication

Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)

• An XML-based language for the exchange of security information between online business partners

• Conveys authentication information in the form of assertions about subjects

Public-key distribution of secret keys

Cryptography and Network Security


Public-Key Distribution of Secret


 use previous methods to obtain public-key can use for secrecy or authentication but public-key algorithms are slow so usually want to use private-key encryption to protect message contents hence need a session key have several alternatives for negotiating a suitable session

Cryptography and Network Security


Key Exchange

Public key systems are much slower than private key system

 Public key system is then often for short data

 Signature, key distribution

Key distribution

 One party chooses the key and transmits it to other user

Key agreement

 Protocol such two parties jointly establish secret key over public communication channel

 Key is the function of inputs of two users

Cryptography and Network Security


Simple Secret Key Distribution

 proposed by Merkle in 1979

 A generates a new temporary public key pair

 A sends B the public key and their identity

 B generates a session key K sends it to A encrypted using the supplied public key

 A decrypts the session key and both use problem is that an opponent can intercept and impersonate both halves of protocol

Cryptography and Network Security


Secret key Distribution

Simple secret key distribution

 A generates KU

A and KR


, sends KU

A to B

B generates a secret key k s

B sends k s to A using A’s public key KU


 A decrypts the message to get the secret key k s

To get more security, the public/private keys can be regenerated when needed

But vulnerable to the active attack!

 Attacker E can compromise the communication between A and B as follows

Cryptography and Network Security




 A generates KU

A and KR


, sends ID


, KU

A to B

 E intercepts the message, transmits ID


, KU

E to B

B generates a secret key k s

B sends k s to A using A’s “public key” KU


 E intercepts the message, decrypt it and get k s

 E sends A the message K s

, encrypted by KU


 A decrypts the message to get the secret key k s

Now E knows K s

, but A, B are unaware of it

Cryptography and Network Security


Secret Key Distribution

So need confidentiality and authentication

 A and B need to use a secure method to exchange their public keys


 A initiates a message to B, E


(N a

,ID a


 B replies it with E


(N a

,N b


 A then replies it with E


(N b


 A sends B the message E






 The first 3 steps are used to assure that A is A, B is B

Cryptography and Network Security


Public-Key Distribution of Secret


 if have securely exchanged public-keys:

Cryptography and Network Security


Key Predistribution

Trusted Authority (TA) generates keys for all pair of users and transmits to them

 Large overhead (for TA and user)

Blom Scheme

 Keys are chosen from a finite field Z p

 P is public prime number

 TA transmits k+1 elements of Z p secure channel to each user over

 Secure condition: any set of at most k users (not U,V) can not determine any information about K u,v

Cryptography and Network Security


Blom Scheme

Scheme (when k=1)

 Each user u has distinct element r u from Z p

 TA choose a,b,c and defines

 f(x,y)=a+b(x+y)+cxy mod p

 For each u, TA computes

 g u

(x)=f(x, r u

) mod p

 TA transmits g u

(x) to user u

 Two users u and v compute the common key

 f(r u

, r v

)= a+b(r

 Here f(r u u

, r v

)= g v

+ r v

)+c r u

(r u

)= g u r

(r v

) v mod p

Cryptography and Network Security


Security of Blom Scheme

Less than k users can not determine keys

However, more than k users can compute any keys

 Solving equations to get a,b,c for k=1


 Function f(x,y)=Sum a i,j x i y j mod p

 Here a i,j

= a j,i

Cryptography and Network Security


Diffie-Hellman Key Predist.

Computationally secure

 if discrete logarithm is intractable


 Assume prime number p public and an integer c public

 Each user u has secret component a u

 User u computes b u

=c au mod p

 TA certifies it by computing

 (ID(u), b u

, sig


(ID(u), b u


 The common key of two users u and v is

 K=c au av mod p

Cryptography and Network Security


Diffie Hellman

Around September 1974, Diffie (Graduate student) had been traveling USA with his wife, Mary, discussing cryptography with anyone who was available.

At the time, there was very little published material about modern methods and much was classified. Very few people were interested in the topic and Marty Hellman even says that many of his colleagues felt that it was

"born classified," like secrets about the atomic bomb, because it was so important to national security.

John Gill gave the idea of exponential

Cryptography and Network Security


Diffie-Hellman Problem

Diffie-Hellman problem definition

 Given b u

=g au mod p, b v

=g av mod p , how to compute g avau mod p ? Here g is a primitive element of mod p

 The problem is not harder than the discrete logarithmetic problem, because the later one can always be used to solve it

 It can be proved that it has the same difficulty as the

ElGamal encryption system

Cryptography and Network Security


Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange

Computationally secure

 if discrete logarithm is intractable


 Assume prime number p public and an integer c public

 Each user u chooses a secret component a u


 User u computes b u

=c au mod p

 User v computes b v

=c av mod p

 The common key of two users u and v is

 K=c au av mod p

Cryptography and Network Security


Middle Attack

Intruder w intercept the communications

 Intruder w communications with u

 Intruder w communications with v

 The key computed by u is

 K=c au av’ mod p c au c au’ u w c av’ c av v

Cryptography and Network Security


Authenticated Key Agreement

Introducing the identification scheme before key exchange does not help

 The attacker remains inactive until identification done

Simplified station to station protocol

Key agreement protocol itself authenticates the user’s identity at the same time the key being defined

Cryptography and Network Security


Station-to-station Protocol


Each user has a certificate

 C(v)=(Id v

,ver v



(Id v

,ver v


User u selects a u and computes b u

=c au mod p

 User v selects a v

 Value b v

=c av mod p

 Key K=c au av mod p

 Signature y v and computes

=sig v

(b u

,b v


User v sends ( C(V), b v

, y v

) to U

User u computes K =c au av mod p, verifies y v

, and C(V)

 User u computes y u

=sig u

(b u

,b v

), sends (C(u),y u

) to V

 User v verifies y u

, and C(u)

Cryptography and Network Security


MTI Agreement Protocol


 Assume prime number p public and an integer c public

 Each user has certificate c(u)=(Id u

 Here b u

= c au mod p

,b u

, sig


(Id u

,b u


 Each user u chooses a secret component r u


 User u computes s u

=c ru mod p, sends (c(u),s u


 User v computes s v

=c rv mod p, sends (c(v),s v


 The common key of two users u and v is

 K=c rvau+ ru av mod p= s v au b v ru mod p= s u av b u rv mod p

Cryptography and Network Security



Symmetric key distribution using symmetric encryption


 Version 4

 Version 5

Key distribution using asymmetric encryption

 Public-key certificates

 Public-key distribution of secret keys

X.509 certificates

 Certificates

 X.509 Version 3

Public-key infrastructure

 PKIX management functions

 PKIX management protocols

Federated identity management

 Identity management

 Identity federation
