MT-211 Tutorial - 10
 Parsons Chapter 10
 Revision
 Specimen Examination Paper
 TMAs Review
Courteous of Mr. Vicmon Fan
Parsons Chapter 10 – Data Representation
 Read it yourself to understand:
 how number of bits affects the amount of
information represented (n bits represent 2n
different combinations)
 different data representation
• number representation
• character representation
• video representation
• sound representation
 data compression
• technique used to compress data to trim down file
size for storage and transmission
• e.g. pkzip for Windows; tar for UNIX
Revision - Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
The SDLC usually consists of the following activities:
User Requirements (Chapter 32, partly)
System Analysis (OOA: Chapters 33-37)
System Design (OOD: Chapters 43, 45, 46)
Implementation (MT210)
Maintenance (MT210, partly)
Revision - Requirement Analysis
 Goal: A negotiated and unambiguous statement of
 All subsequent design is based on this Negotiated
Statement of Requirements
 Technique: Q & A sessions (from broad to narrow scope)
Revision - OOA and OOD
 Uses CARC technique
• Classes (OOA)
• Associations (OOA)
• Responsibilities (OOD)
• Collaborations (OOD)
Revision - OOA (1)
 Identifying Classes
 Textual/Noun Analysis
• Noun or Noun Phrases – Classes
• Verb or Verb Phrases (or propositions) –
 Identifying is-a-kind-of Relationship
 Representing as superclass (abstract or concrete)
and subclass relationship
Revision - OOA (2)
 Identifying Associations
 Class-Association Matrix
 Verb Analysis
 Verb or Verb Phrases (or propositions)
 Name the Association
 Determine the Multiplicity
 One-to-one
 One-to-many
 Many-to-many
Revision - OOA (3)
 Class-Association Diagram Notation
 All names start with capital letter – use hyphen or
capital-first-letter to separate a multiple-word name.
Must be descriptive.
 Class - a rounded rectangle with a name inside
 Association
Must have a name
Line and solid dot for 1 and many multiplicity
Arrow for navigation direction
Revision - The Object Model (1)
 Class-Association Diagram
 Orchestrating instance
 Classes
• is-a-kind-of relationship
 Associations
• multiplicity
• navigation directory (if can be determined)
Revision - The Object Model (2)
 Textual Representation of the Class
Orchestrating instance
Class description and responsibilities
• specify is-a-kind-of relationship, if any
Revision - OOD – Responsibilities
 Recording information (I)
 implemented by instance variables
 Performing actions (A)
 implemented by instance methods
 Only method heading is required
 Keeping track of related objects (R)
 for representing associations between classes
 often a Collection is used to keep track of more
than 1 instance of the other class
 Performing actions described by walk-throughs (O)
 implemented by instance methods of
orchestrating instance
Revision - OOD - Collaborations
 One-to-One
 Use an instance variable
• hold reference of the object in the direction of
 One-to-Many
 Use an instance variable
• hold reference of the (collection) object with
respect to the many side of the navigation
 Many-to-Many
 Use an instance variable (holding a collection)
• hold reference of the (collection) object in the
direction of navigation
Revision - HCI – Its Importance
 safety
 commercial success of software
 enabling techniques that would be impractical
without software
 lowers training costs
 extraordinary HCI (special interface to help users with
 productivity and efficiency
 quality of life of users
Revision - User Interface Design Approach
 Style Guides
 collection of design principles and rules for
developing consistent user interface
 User-centred Design
 Use of design principles and data collection
• Think User, Think Task, Think Situation)
 Teleocentric (Usage-centric) Design
 Emphasize the purpose of the software being
 Developer creates software tools which enable
users to achieve their goals easily and quickly
 Techniques: use-case and essential use-case
Revision - Direct Manipulation
 Continuous representation of the objects of interest
 Replacement of complex commands by direct
manipulation of the object through intuitive means
such as labelled button presses
 Rapid, reversible, incremental actions
Last but not Least
 Prepare for the Examination
 Specimen Exam Paper ( download from OLE )
 TMA & reviews
 Revision Notes
 Exam Guide
( download from Vicmon’s site )
( download from Vicmon’s site )
Wish you all Good Luck in the Exam!
Thank you very much!