MT-211 Tutorial - 10 Content Parsons Chapter 10 Revision Specimen Examination Paper TMAs Review Courteous of Mr. Vicmon Fan 1 Parsons Chapter 10 – Data Representation Read it yourself to understand: how number of bits affects the amount of information represented (n bits represent 2n different combinations) different data representation • number representation • character representation • video representation • sound representation data compression • technique used to compress data to trim down file size for storage and transmission • e.g. pkzip for Windows; tar for UNIX 2 Revision - Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) The SDLC usually consists of the following activities: User Requirements (Chapter 32, partly) System Analysis (OOA: Chapters 33-37) System Design (OOD: Chapters 43, 45, 46) Implementation (MT210) Maintenance (MT210, partly) 3 Revision - Requirement Analysis Goal: A negotiated and unambiguous statement of requirements. All subsequent design is based on this Negotiated Statement of Requirements Technique: Q & A sessions (from broad to narrow scope) 4 Revision - OOA and OOD Uses CARC technique Identify: • Classes (OOA) • Associations (OOA) • Responsibilities (OOD) • Collaborations (OOD) 5 Revision - OOA (1) Identifying Classes Textual/Noun Analysis • Noun or Noun Phrases – Classes • Verb or Verb Phrases (or propositions) – Associations Identifying is-a-kind-of Relationship Representing as superclass (abstract or concrete) and subclass relationship 6 Revision - OOA (2) Identifying Associations Class-Association Matrix Verb Analysis Verb or Verb Phrases (or propositions) Name the Association Determine the Multiplicity One-to-one One-to-many Many-to-many 7 Revision - OOA (3) Class-Association Diagram Notation All names start with capital letter – use hyphen or capital-first-letter to separate a multiple-word name. Must be descriptive. Class - a rounded rectangle with a name inside Association Must have a name Line and solid dot for 1 and many multiplicity respectively Arrow for navigation direction 8 Revision - The Object Model (1) Class-Association Diagram Orchestrating instance Classes • is-a-kind-of relationship Associations • multiplicity • navigation directory (if can be determined) 9 Revision - The Object Model (2) Textual Representation of the Class Orchestrating instance Class description and responsibilities • specify is-a-kind-of relationship, if any Invariants 10 Revision - OOD – Responsibilities Recording information (I) implemented by instance variables Performing actions (A) implemented by instance methods Only method heading is required Keeping track of related objects (R) for representing associations between classes often a Collection is used to keep track of more than 1 instance of the other class Performing actions described by walk-throughs (O) implemented by instance methods of orchestrating instance 11 Revision - OOD - Collaborations One-to-One Use an instance variable • hold reference of the object in the direction of navigation One-to-Many Use an instance variable • hold reference of the (collection) object with respect to the many side of the navigation Many-to-Many Use an instance variable (holding a collection) • hold reference of the (collection) object in the direction of navigation 12 Revision - HCI – Its Importance safety commercial success of software enabling techniques that would be impractical without software lowers training costs extraordinary HCI (special interface to help users with disability) productivity and efficiency quality of life of users 13 Revision - User Interface Design Approach Style Guides collection of design principles and rules for developing consistent user interface User-centred Design Use of design principles and data collection techniques: • Think User, Think Task, Think Situation) Teleocentric (Usage-centric) Design Emphasize the purpose of the software being designed Developer creates software tools which enable users to achieve their goals easily and quickly Techniques: use-case and essential use-case 14 Revision - Direct Manipulation Continuous representation of the objects of interest Replacement of complex commands by direct manipulation of the object through intuitive means such as labelled button presses Rapid, reversible, incremental actions 15 Last but not Least Prepare for the Examination Specimen Exam Paper ( download from OLE ) TMA & reviews Revision Notes Exam Guide ( download from Vicmon’s site ) ( download from Vicmon’s site ) Wish you all Good Luck in the Exam! Thank you very much! 16