Freshman Course Redesign at USC Upstate


Marsha Dowell, PhD, Senior Vice Chancellor

Warren Carson, PhD, Associate Vice Chancellor

Deryle Hope, PhD, Associate Director, International Studies

Cherie Pressley, Director , Upstate Regional Education Center

 Fall 2004—Freshman Composition

 Appointment of a Director of Composition

 Review of Institutional Assessment Data

 Anecdotal evidence—the degree of success in English

101 and English 102

 Why aren’t students performing better?

 Are we really teaching them what they need?

 Course Audit—30 sections of English 101, taught by 15 different instructors, using 15 different course syllabi of varying quality (AP)

 Development of claims and evidence (AP; NAEP)

 Formalized conversations and work sessions with

English faculty from the largest feeder high schools

 Efforts to align courses (EPIC), thereby helping to remove the disconnect between HS achievement and college success

 Mandatory professional development retreats each semester for ALL composition faculty

 Better sense of where HS curriculum ends and where the University curriculum begins

 A collaborative spirit among HS and University faculty members that focuses on transition to college and student success

 A shift away from a teaching-focused approach to a more learning-focused approach to writing instruction

 A common course syllabus for the English 101-102 sequence

 A scoring rubric to encourage more consistent grading

 Greater focus on best practices in writing assessment

 New placement model

 Reduction in the percentage of DFW grades in English


 Pilot dual enrollment courses in English 101-102

What is the Scholars Academy?

 An accelerated high school option located on the USC Upstate campus

 Open to rising 9 th graders in all Spartanburg school districts

 Students remain as home high school students but spend half-day at the university

 Students can earn up 60-70 college credits in 4 years along with a HS diploma


Daily Schedule

8:30 a.m.—12:30 p.m.

3 classes each day MWF, T Th

Honors/AP/Dual Credit

(college credit)

12-12:30 p.m. Lunch at USC Upstate

12:30 p.m. Return to home school

Take at least one class there.

Participate in extra-curriculars.


 Maintain As & Bs in all courses

 Begin as a ninth grade student

 Commit to graduate the program

 Be self-motivated, academically gifted

 Have parent support

Campus Location

Library Building

Current Facts

Cohort 1: graduated 20 students

Cohort 2: 11 rising seniors

Cohort 3: 24 rising juniors

Cohort 4: 32 rising sophomores

Cohort 5: 40 rising freshmen

Experience with 127 students in a variety of courses



Algebra II Honors/Geometry Honors

English II Honors (yr.-long)

US History 105 (dual credit)

Freshman Seminar (CP elective yr.-long)


Geometry Honors/Precalculus 126

English II Honors

US History106 (dual credit)

Physical Science 101 (dual credit)

Freshman Seminar



Precalculus 126/127 (dual credit)

Biology 101 (dual credit)

English III Honors

Sophomore Seminar


Precalculus 127/Calculus 141(dual credit)

World History 101(dual credit)

AP English Language and Composition

Sophomore Seminar



English 102 (dual credit)

Calculus 141 or AP Calculus (dual credit)

Chemistry 111 or Astronomy 111 (dual credit)

German 101 (dual credit)

University Singers (dual credit)


AP English Literature

Calculus 142 or AP Calculus (dual credit)

Biology 102 or Chemistry 106 (dual credit)

Foreign Language or Economics (dual credit)

University Singers (dual credit


Students are generally unprepared

Students need interventions:

Study sessions with designated Cohort partners and upper class Academy peer coaches

Peer tutoring from university students

Group help/study sessions provided by professors

Extra coaching provided by

Academy instructors

Math lab/writing lab access

Findings, continued

Interventions are most effective after an


First failing grade on a test or paper

Probationary status or loss of scholarship/ program status

Principles for improving the transition from high school to college

 Academic

Shift from memorization to understanding

Focus on critical thinking

Higher standards of acceptable work

Students assume responsibility to learn from written texts

Develop metacognitive strategies

Student engagement


On-going research activities

 Socio - emotional

Realistic self-awareness of what it takes to be successful in college

Set priorities


Be intellectually curious

Take initiative

Persevere and be resilient

Need support systems

Be flexible and adaptable

Overcome fear and doubt

Need a sense of accomplishment

Need validation and sense of belonging


• Motivated students who take advantage of interventions improve.

• Students who understand consequences tend to improve.

• Certain course parameters facilitate success.

• Early student success breeds success.

Crescat scientia, vita excolatur

“Let knowledge increase, let life be perfected.”
