Freshman Check-back Appointment

3-104 MCB | 420 Washington Avenue SE | Minneapolis, MN 55455 | 612-624-9717 |
Freshman Check-back Appointment
The first semester of college is exciting, challenging, and filled with new opportunities and experiences. All
first-year students conduct a 30-minute freshman check-back appointment with an Academic Advisor to
discuss goals, campus resources, and the transition to college. This is a great opportunity for students to ask
questions and review degree planning tools such as APAS and Grad Plan.
How to Prepare
Pre-Appointment Action Items
To ensure you get the most out of your advising appointment, please complete the following action steps
prior to your appointment.
 Complete the pre-appointment survey, which will be sent to you from an Academic Advisor
 Submit your Nature of Life career essay assignment via the Nature of Life class website
 Create a 4-year plan using Graduation Planner
 Review your APAS report
 Write down questions for your advisor
Reflective Questions
During your appointment an Academic Advisor will guide you in reflecting about your transition to CBS, goals
and interests. Below are reflective questions to consider as you prepare for your advising appointment.
 How are you adjusting to campus life?
 How are your classes going thus far?
 What co-curricular activities have you joined or do you have an interest in exploring? Examples may
include student organization involvement, research, volunteer, study abroad, etc.
 What goals are you considering, both inside and outside the classroom, as well as long term career
 What are your academic interests? Have you identified a major(s) you plan to pursue?
 What questions do you have related to course planning for the spring semester and beyond?
Learning Outcomes Addressed/Goals
Independence and Interdependence
Responsibility and Accountability