Origins of the Modern Environmental Movement

Origins of the
According to “The Greening:
The Environmentalists’ Drive for Global Power”
by Abraham and Sanders (1993)
Step 1: The Idea
Found early expression in: The Report from Iron
Mountain on the Possibility and Desirability of
Peace, a 100- page booklet, written by “The Special
Study Group” and published by Leonard C. Lewin in
 “Some kind of general peace may soon be negotiable.”
 “The pre-eminence of the concept of war as the principal
organizing force in most societies has been insufficiently
 “Without (war), no government has ever been able to
obtain acquiescence in its “legitimacy,” or right to rule its
The war system must be continued to
maintain the class system
 “Obviously, if the war system were to be discarded, new
political machinery would be needed at once to serve this
vital function. Until it is developed, the continuance of the
war system must be assured, if for no other reason, among
others, than to preserve whatever quality and degree of
poverty a society requires as an incentive, as well as to
maintain the stability of its internal organization of
power.” (i.e, the class and economic structure)
Or we must find a surrogate for war,
“the moral equivalent of war”
 “Whether the substitute is ritual in nature or functionally substantive,
unless it provides a believable life-and-death threat it will not serve
the socially organizing function of war.”
 “Economic surrogates for war must meet two principal criteria. They
must be “wasteful,” in the common sense of the word, and they must
operate outside the normal supply-demand system. A corollary that
should be obvious is that the magnitude of the waste must be
sufficient to meet the needs of a particular society. An economy as
advanced and complex as our own requires the planned annual
destruction of not less than 10 percent of gross national product…..”
 (this is to maintain a certain level of poverty and a class structure)
In the section: “Substitutes for
the Function of War:”
 War on Poverty? Space research program?, an alien
invasion threat? Each are considered. Better yet……
 “It may be, for instance, that gross pollution of the
environment can eventually replace the possibility of mass
destruction by nuclear weapons as the principal apparent
threat to the survival of the species….
 But from present indications it will be a generation to a
generation and a half before environmental pollution,
however severe, will be sufficiently menacing, on a global
scale, to offer a possible basis for a solution.”
We could invent a threat…
 “However unlikely some of the possible alternative
enemies we have mentioned may seem, we must
emphasize that one must be found, of credible quality and
magnitude, if a transition to peace is ever to come about
without social disintegration.
 It is more probable, in our judgment, that such a threat
will have to be invented, rather than developed from
unknown conditions.”
Report from Iron Mountain:
 “Poisoning of the air, and of the principal sources of food
and water, is already well advanced, and at first glance
would seem promising…. It constitutes a threat that can be
dealt with only through social organization and political
Who was in the “Special Study
Group?”- John Kenneth Galbraith
 The “Report from Iron Mountain” was a highly secret think
tank comprised of government, business, and academic
leaders that worked in secrecy over a two and half year
 In 1969, Harvard economist John Kenneth Galbraith
admitted to being part of the group.
Step 2: The Blueprint:
1970: George Kennan writes in “To Prevent a World
Wasteland… A Proposal,” in Foreign Affairs (journal for
Council on Foreign Relations)
“Not even the most casual reader of the public prints of recent
months and years could be unaware of the growing chorus
of warnings from qualified scientists as to what industrial
man is now doing by overpopulation, plundering of the
earth’s resources, and by a precipitate mechanization of
many of life’s processes- to the intactness of natural
environment on which his survival depends.”
Kennan quotes United Nations
Secretary General:
 “For the first time in the history of mankind,” UN
Secretary-General U Thant wrote, “there is rising a crisis of
worldwide proportions involving developed and
developing countries alike- the crisis of human
environment….. It is becoming apparent that if current
trends continue, the future of life on earth could be
So Kennan calls for:
 Register all conservational activities at international, national,
regional and local levels.
 Promote coordination of environmental research activities at
international level (later we get the IPCC).
 Establish international environmental standards and advise and
help regional organizations meet the standards.
 Establish international authority that enforces rules for
international activities on the high seas, the atmosphere, outer
space, Arctic and Antarctic (UN)
 International consensus and authorization in form of multi-lateral
treaty or convention.
Therefore, Kennan concludes:
 National interests will have to compromise in every
struggle against environmental deterioration at the
international level.
 We would need to create an international Environmental
Agency to carry out these functions. Sponsoring
governments could support this agency with lots and lots
of money.
Who is George Kennan?
 Kennan was head of the U.S. State Department Policy
Planning staff. He is considered the architect of the U.S.
Cold War policy with the Soviet Union that dominated
American foreign policy for 40 years.
 I.e., Kennan was the father of the “containment” policy
that elevated the Soviet Union to superpower status,
divided the world into a two-superpower struggle for
dominance that resulted in the expenditure of many
trillions of dollars for “national defense.”
The Club of Rome takes up the theme… and
then takes it several steps further……
 “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the
idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water
shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill.”
 The Club of Rome (think tank), The First Global Revolution, 1973
 “The earth has a cancer and the cancer is man.… The real
enemy, then, is man himself.… The resultant ideal sustainable
population is hence more than 500 million but less than one
Club of Rome , from Goals for Mankind, Mankind at the
Turning Point, and The First Global Revolution
The Press advances the program:
 March 20, 1990, Seattle Post-Intelligencer:
 “Environmental destruction is a “ticking time bomb” that
poses a “more absolute” threat to human survival than
nuclear holocaust during the Cold War, former Norwegian
Prime Minister Gros Brundtland told an international
environmental conference here.”
Government and business fund it…
 Jan. 28, 1990: Seattle Times:
 “Government, business and consumers have spent up to a
trillion dollars, by Department of Commerce count, to clean
the environment….. The U.S. seems to find three new
environmental hazards for each one it conquers.”
But this is a war you aren’t supposed
to actually win…..
 Dennis Hayes, founder of Earth Day (1970):
 “Twenty years after Earth Day, those of us who set forth
to change the world are poised on the threshold of utter
failure only to find ourselves now on the verge of losing
the war?”
Step 3: Implementation:
The Rio Earth Summit of 1992
 1991- Jim MacNeil’s book, Beyond Interdependence: The
Meshing of the World’s Economy and the Earth’s Ecology
 With a foreward by David Rockefeller, the ultimate insider
 And an introduction by Maurice Strong, so-called
“Guardian of the Planet” (Strong was Executive Secretary
of 1972 Stockholm Conference on Human Environment
and Secretary General of 1992 UN Rio Earth Summit)
Who is Maurice Strong? The most
important man on earth?
 “The world has now moved beyond economic
interdependence to ecological
interdependence- to an intermeshing of the
two. This intermeshing is the new reality of
the century, with profound implications for
the shape of our institutions of governance,
national and international.”
 “This will literally determine the fate of the
 “By the year 2012, these changes must be
fully integrated into our economic and
political lives” (through Agenda 21,
Sustainable Development, etc.)
Jim MacNeil:
 “The purpose of this conference is to launch a global
transition to sustainable development.”
 This shift will follow the well-known pattern of fascist
partnership. Now it is called: Public-Private-Partnerships –
i.e., coordination by corporations, governments, and nongovernmental organizations.)
In reality “Sustainable Growth” =
 Green de-industrialization
 Global cartelization of natural resources
 International control of the world’s economy
 Therefore, “sustainable growth” = Iron Mountain report’s
“stability” = Insider control
Sustainable Development =
 Growth sufficient to meet human needs
 A more equitable distribution of wealth among nations
 Democracy and human rights
 Economic system able to generate surpluses on a “sustainable” basis
(the Establishment’s counterfeit “free market” and “privatization”)
 International central planning
 Preserving resources (i.e., global control of all natural resources)
 Reductions in human population
Sustainable development
according to critics:
 The radical environmental agenda is now repackaged as Sustainable
Development and calls for a restructuring of American society.
 It really equals total control of the market and death of individual
property rights.
 Clinton’s environmental policy comes from the UN, from Strong. The
goal is to take away American property rights and turn 50% of America
into wilderness through the establishment of World Heritage Sites.
 The function of Sustainability Councils is predetermined. NGO’s
include the Sierra Club, The Nature Conservancy, Audubon Society,
local agencies, business and academic community.
MacNeil calls for:
 International environmental taxes (cap and trade?)
 A “Green GNP” to help implement central planning and
control of the world’s economy.
 The end of national sovereignty.
 Implementation of a World Government (Global
Governance Agenda).
 “Environmentalism” as the “moral equivalent of war”
From 2009 Cap and Trade bill
(American Carbon and Energy
Securities Act, or ACES)
 “Implement an economy-wide cap-and-
trade program to reduce greenhouse
emissions 80 percent by 2050.”
In order to scare people into agreeing to these major
changes, the following eco-hoaxes are offered as our
common enemy:
 Overpopulation
 Ozone hole
 Global warming
 Deforestation
 Loss of biodiversity
 Acid rain
 Soil degradation
 Rising sea levels
The Fear Factor
 These are the modern equivalent of the H-bomb during the Cold War.
 To save the planet from these “threats,” we must re-shape institutions
and control everything.
 So we have to redefine “national security” to include protection from
all environmental threats..
 Or as H.L. Menken put it:
 “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed-
and hence clamorous to be led to safety- by menacing it with an endless
series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”
The Universities jump on the
 My experience: In 1990, I came to CSUS and began
 One of course I taught was Human Ecology (GEOG 3020).
 It happened that a well-produced series of ten one-hour
documentaries named “Race to Save the Planet” had
recently been completed and was available on campus.
 The narrator was Roy Scheider and each program was
introduced by Meryl Streep. Maurice Strong introduced
the series.
The ‘Race to Save the Planet’ series:
 #1- The Environmental Revolution: About human development from
hunter/gatherer to industrial revolution to environmental revolution
 #2: Remnants of Eden: About loss of biodiversity, species extinction
 #3: It Needs Political Decisions: About imperative for environmental activism
 #4: In the Name of Progress: How industrialization is killing us
 #5: Save the Earth, Feed the World: About unsustainable agriculture
 #6: More For Less: About energy efficiency and alternatives
 #7: Do We Really Want to Live This Way?: About pollution from fossil fuels
 #8: Waste Not, Want Not: About garbage and recycling
 # 9: Only One Atmosphere: About global warming, ozone hole, etc.
 #10: It’s Now or Never: A call for global political solutions
What happened at Rio Earth Summit-92? The policies
were voluntarily implemented
 Nations of the world adopted:
 A) an Earth Charter
 B) Agenda for 21st Century (Agenda 21)
 C) committed to signing international treaties on global warming,
deforestation, biodiversity
 “2012 should see a new global partnership expressed in a revitalized
international system in which an Earth Council… maintains the
interlocked environmental and economic security of the planet.”
Politicians join the choir
 Few challenges facing America and the world are more urgent than combating
climate change. The science is beyond dispute and the facts are clear.
President Barak Obama, November 19, 2008.
 Climate Change is the greatest threat that human civilization has ever faced.
Angela Merkel, German Chancellor
Humanity is sitting on a time bomb. If the vast majority of the world’s scientists
are right, we have just ten years to avert a major catastrophe that could send our
entire planet’s climate system into a tail-spin of epic destruction involving extreme
weather, floods, droughts, epidemics and killer heat waves beyond anything we
have ever experienced- a catastrophe of our own making.
Former Vice President Al Gore, from “An Inconvenient Truth” and Congressional testimony
 This is an emergency…. It’ll make world war look like heaven.
Presidential candidate John Edwards
 The threat of environmental crisis will be the “international
disaster key” that will unlock the New World Order.
 Mikhail Gorbachev, “A Special Report: The Wildlands
Project Unleashes It’s War On Mankind,” 1996
 (The Kyoto Protocol is) the first component of an
authentic global government.
French President Jacques Chirac, 2000
But some politicians are singing a
different tune:
 Man-made global warming is a hoax that threatens our
future and the future of our children. Environmentalism is
the new communism.
 Vaclav Klaus, President of the Czech Republic and new
leader of the European Union
Author Elaine Dewar (Cloak of
 Advertised as the World’s Greatest Summit, (the 1992) Rio Earth
Summit was publically described as a global negotiation to
reconcile the need for environmental protection with the need
for economic growth. (Insiders) understood that there were
other deeper goals…. The shift of national regulatory powers to
vast regional authorities; the opening of all remaining closed
national economies to multinational interests; the
strengthening of decision making structures far above and far
below the grasp of newly minted national democracies, and the
integration of the Soviet and Chinese empires into the global
market system…. a very grand agenda- the Global Governance
Elaine Dewar continued:
 “I was beginning to understand that the Rio Earth Summit
was part of a Rockefeller-envisioned Global Governance
Agenda that dated back before World War II, that it was
linked to the regional trade agreements just being
negotiated – the North American Free Trade Agreement
and the Maastricht Treaty. Like the Stockholm
Conference, it was all about integrating East and West.”
Problem: Many, probably most,
politicians are scientifically illiterate:
 We’re seeing the reality of a lot of the North Pole starting to
evaporate, and we could get to a tipping point. Because if it
evaporates to a certain point- they have lanes now where ships can go
that couldn’t ever sail through before. And if it gets to a point where it
evaporates too much, there’s a lot of tundra that’s being held down by
that ice cap.
 Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA), chair of House Energy and Commerce
 (Comment: This nonsensical statement indicates that Representative
Waxman knows nothing about earth/climate processes and the real
environmental issues involved.)
Former Vice President Al Gore:
has scientific background at all!
In a televised interview, Gore announced that the planet is
in danger because in the past 3 million years, the north
polar ice cap has completely melted.
Q. What is wrong with this statement?
A. Over the north pole, there is no polar ice cap, only sea
ice that forms seasonally over open ocean
Gore also stated that the center of the earth was millions
of degrees.
Q. What‘s wrong with this statement?
A. Scientists estimate the temperature at the center of
the earth at about 5,000 degrees C. If it were millions of
degrees, like its in the sun, the earth would be a star.
Maurice Strong: Secretary-General of the United Nations’ Rio
Earth Summit, founder of the UN Environment Programme
(UNEP), founder, president of Earth Council, co-author of the
Earth Charter with Mikhail Gorbachev, etc. etc. etc.
 “Current lifestyles and
consumption patterns of the
affluent middle class- involving
high meat intake, use of fossil
fuels, appliances, airconditioning, and sub-urban
housing- are not sustainable…..
Isn’t the only hope for the planet
that the industrialized
civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our
responsibility to bring that
Mikhail Gorbachev, Former Premier of the Soviet Union, State of the
World Forum and co-author of the Earth Charter
 The emerging “environmentalization” of our civilization and the
need for vigorous action in the interest of the entire global
community will inevitably have multiple political consequences.
Perhaps the most important of them will be a gradual change in
the status of the United Nations. Inevitably, it must assume
some aspects of a world government…..
 I envisage the principles of the Earth Charter to be a new form of
the Ten Commandments. They lay the foundation a sustainable
global earth community.
 Nature is my god. To me, nature is sacred; trees are my temples
and forests are my cathedrals.
United Nations, Global
Biodiversity Assessment:
 A reasonable estimate for an industrialized world society
at the present North American material standard of living
would be 1 billion. At a more frugal European standard of
living, 2 to 3 billion would be possible.
F. William Engdahl, “Disproof of
Global Warming Hype,” 2008
 The recent global warming hysteria is in reality a geopolitical
push by leading global elite circles to find a way to get the
broader population to willingly accept drastic cuts in their living
standards, something that were it demanded without clear
reason by politicians, would spark strikes and protest. The UN’s
latest IPCC report on Global Warming calls for diverting a huge
12% of global GDP to “prevent the harmful effects of climate
change.” The UN report, for example, estimated that its
recommendations to reduce certain manmade emissions would
cost about $2,750 per family per year in the price of energy.
Perhaps it’s just the same old
same old….
 Any city, however small, is in fact divided into two: one
the city of the poor, the other of the rich: these are at war
with one another.
• Plato, Republic
 “Those who manipulate the organized habits and opinions
of the masses constitute an invisible government which is
the true ruling power of our country.”
 Edward Bernays, Propaganda
Is there a problem with this scripted
 It seems clear that “environmentalism” has been chosen
as the new substitute for war. And 2012 seems to be a
target date for global implementation of new global
governance structures.
 If so, however, why do still have so many wars? Iraq,
Afghanistan, etc.
 Is there schizophrenia amongst the ruling elite?
 Or are several different strategies being run
Perhaps this is because the
propaganda is not working
 March 25, 2009 Gallup Poll: Global warming is clearly the
environmental issue of least concern to Americans. In
fact, global warming is the only issue for which more
Americans say they have little to no concern than say they
have a great deal of concern.