Iris 29 - Body Glyphix Studio

April 28th, 2010 Issue #54
The Iris
The Body Glyphix Studio
Cosmically Speaking- For of you having issues with communications, (telephone, computer, TV,
automobiles & conversation) it will end shortly- May 11th Mercury will no longer be retrograde. There will
be an emotional Full Moon Wednesday April 28th- be mindful and understanding as the people around you
(or maybe yourself) may be moody that day.
Good News- In case you haven’t heard- we now accept charge cards (Visa, Mastercard & Discover)
making it easier for you to get to your Yoga Classes, Body, Mind & Soul Consultations and your herbs!
More good news!! For those who have Independent Health Flex Fit Independent, Healthy Benefits and
Personal Best people can utilize their card to pay for Yoga Classes, Yoga Therapy or private Yoga Sessions
effective immediately.
Please enjoy our latest newsletter! Should you wish to be removed from our emailing list- choose reply and
type “remove” in the subject field.
A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools.
- Spanish Proverb
Rainbow and Light Children
Beyond Indigos and Crystals, the new generations are the Rainbow children and after them, the generation I
call the Light children because they represent the first generation of humans who fully embody the light.
Both of these generations have special needs and require more caring and attention than other children
although they do not act like it. In fact, they can even seem aloof and disconnected but that is because they
are observers and spend much time watching us and contemplating what we do.
I recently saw a Light baby who was seated in a stroller, shopping with his mother. She had stopped walking
to feed him a bottle and was holding it while talking with a friend. I was watching them from a distance and
could hear the baby silently asking her to please hold him. He didn't cry, just looked at her while she held the
bottle in one hand and talked to her friend. I knew that this baby was in her life to help her stay grounded and
he was going to help her learn to listen to him.
These new children have very high energy levels and they are very connected to the spiritual realms but they
are also in need of a great deal of love and attention from their parents. To help with that, many of them have
chosen to be raised by grandparents or to have their grandparents participate in their lives. They need the
physical contact from those who have the time and energy to give it to them. But more than that, they need to
be touched, held, loved and administered to by those who care for them.
Each new generation of children will have different needs and it will at times be hard to know how best to
work with them. What is true of all of these higher level children is their great need for physical contact and
displays of love. These are not children who can be put in a stroller or baby carrier all day or who can be
ignored on an emotional level. They need care and attention, which is why many of them are born with
special needs or are raised by people who are dedicated to their care. These are such wonderful children and
they have much to teach us about love, acceptance, connection and what it means to live in spirit. If you have
one of these children, give them lots of love, cuddling and attention. They will reward you with a level of
unconditional love that will be the new level of connection between parent and child. Click the link below to
learn more about Crystal and Indigos….
Read about Indigos & Crystals
A Silver Lining for Women’s Health
by Sherrill Sellman, N.D.
Being a woman isn¹t easy. The world of feminine hygiene is fraught with a plethora of discomforts and
health challenges.
The health statistics say it all: 80 percent of women will be exposed to human papillomavirus (HPV); nearly
75 percent of all adult women will have at least one genital yeast infection; bacterial vaginosis (BV), the
most common vaginal infection in women, affects 700,000 women; 40 percent of women will have at least
one urinary tract infection (UTI) in their lifetime; one million women have a flare up of pelvic inflammatory
disease each year; approximately one out of four women are infected with genital herpes; and half of all
women over the age 40 will suffer from vaginal dryness at some time.
For most women receiving the necessary treatment for these problems often necessitates repeated visits to
their gynecologistís office where they are prescribed numerous antibiotic, antifungal, or antiviral
medications. In many cases they are subjected to additional tests and invasive procedures.
In addition, many of the treatments themselves contribute to recurring health problems or drug-resistance.
For instance, the use of antibiotics to treat a urinary tract infection generally causes an overgrowth of
Candida yeast, commonly known as vaginal thrush. Not only does the use of an antibiotic increase the risk of
antibiotic-resistance but there is also the likelihood that there will be another outbreak of Candida. It is also
known that the presence of Candida is associated with a higher incidence of UTIs. In order to tackle the
Candida problem, antifungal drugs such as Nystatin, Diflucan and Nizoral may then be prescribed. These
drugs have numerous side effects, not the least of which is liver damage.
So, just what is a girl to do to escape from this vicious cycle of prescriptions drugs causing additional
The ancient cultures had a healing secret. Dating back thousands of years, there was one healing approach
that had been extensively used in Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Phoenician, Macedonian and Chinese
civilizations. This powerful healing medicine was silver.
Hippocrates, the ³father of medicine², wrote in his medical texts that silver had beneficial healing and
antidisease properties. He praised silver for its tissue repair and wound healing abilities. Ancient peoples also
learned that silver bestowed powerful anti-microbial effects, as well. For instance, the Phoenicians would
store water, wine, and vinegar in silver bottles to prevent spoiling.
The knowledge of silver¹s profound healing attributes has continued into modern times. The use of silver in
its colloidal form, a liquid suspension of microscopic particles of silver, was the principle antibiotic
treatment prescribed by thousands of American medical doctors prior to 1938. However, with the advent of
antibiotics, the popularity of silver declined. Many decades later, the emergence of life-threatening antibiotic
resistant conditions, once again renewed interest in silver¹s safe and effective antibiotic properties. Silver is
considered to be Nature¹s own antibiotic, eliminating bacterial infections without initiating resistance. It is
also able to safely kill virtually all forms of viruses, fungi and molds without any side effects.
While there are presently many colloidal and ionic silver products on the market, there is one superior form
of silver that out-performs all others.
Thanks to an advanced 21st century technology, a new and more powerful form of silver is now available.
For the past ten years, American Biotech Labs has been dedicated to creating a unique, patented nano-silver
technology (U.S. Patent 7,135,195). American Biotech Labs currently holds more than 190 independent
studies from more than 60 different private, U.S. government, military and also university labs. As evidence
of their safety and efficacy, their innovative silver products have received both FDA clearance and EPA
This new technology is called SilverSol Technology. The term ³sol² is a chemical designation of a pure
mineral permanently suspended in water where the mineral¹s charge is transferred to the entire body of
Most silver products work by chemical action, requiring direct contact with microbes to have any positive
effect. This new nano-silver technology works by catalytic action, not by chemical action. This catalytic
conversion allows the SilverSol to first destroy pathogens and then to instantaneously recharge and ³kill²
again and again - like a rapid-fire machine gun. The result is that SilverSol is an incredibly powerful, yet
totally safe and non-toxic form of silver, destroying thousands of times more pathogens than a simple colloid
or ionic silver. This explains why other silver solutions and suspensions contain up to 300,000 ppm (parts per
million) of silver, but SilverSol works just as effectively, if not more so, at only 5-30 ppm.
SilverSol products, which are available both as a colorless, odorless, tasteless liquid and gel, are impressive.
First of all, they effectively kill all pathogenic bacteria they come in contact, even the deadly Methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), while leaving beneficial bacteria unscathed.
When it comes to viruses, SilverSol has the ability to inactivate them at the DNA/RNA level, thus preventing
virus replication. It wields the same powerful anti-pathogenic ability with fungus and molds. The good news
is it does not interact with pharmaceuticals; in fact, has been found to work synergistically with medications.
Just how effective is SilverSol? Research shows it will kill millions of pathogens (including fungus and
mold) within minutes. SilverSol has also demonstrated the ability to enhance immune system function as
well as relieve pain and inflammation. The FDA has recently cleared a prescription version of the SilverSol
gel for use in the management of 1st and 2nd degree burns, stasis/pressure/(and) diabetic ulcers, lacerations,
abrasions, skin tears, surgical incision sites, device insertion site wounds, graft sites and donor sites. Its
exceptional wound healing actions provides evidence that SilverSol products stimulate the production of
stem cells.
Unlike other forms of silver, SilverSol offers all these impressive healing benefits without any adverse
effects. It does not interfere with the production of stomach hydrochloric acid; it is rapidly excreted by the
kidneys; and it will not accumulate in the tissues or the skin (Argyria, i.e., blue man syndrome) because the
nano-silver particles will not fall out of suspension. Another major plus is that its antibiotic effects will not
compromise the beneficial gut flora. And, if SilverSol is taken in conjunction with antibiotics, they will
actually work synergistically to increase the antibiotic effectiveness by tenfold.
When it comes to viruses, SilverSol has the ability to inactivate them at the DNA/RNA level, thus preventing
virus replication. It wields the same powerful anti-pathogenic ability with fungus and molds.
With SilverSol¹s extraordinary ability to eliminate bacteria, viruses, molds, and fungi as well as enhance the
immune system and provide rapid wound healing, it becomes one of the safest and most effective solutions
to resolve the myriad of women¹s feminine health problems. These are the general suggestions for use of
SilverSol technologies.
Silver Sol can help resolve these issues Acne, Age Spots, Bladder Infection, Endometriosis, Fibromyalgia,
Human papilloma virus (HPV) and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), Thyroid, Vaginal odor, Vaginal
dryness, Yeast can grow in the skin, vagina, and digestive system. SilverSol is documented to kill yeast both
inside and outside of the body. It will even kill stachybotrys, the black mold or yeast that grows in showers
and on walls.
Throughout time, silver has been revered for its many healing properties. Uniting the wisdom from the past
with the knowledge of advanced 21st century nano-technology has created a world of possibilities that can
safely, effectively and quickly resolve so many of the health problems challenging our modern world.
According one of the world¹s most respected scientists, Dr. Rustum Roy Ph.D, Evan Pugh Professor of the
Solid State Emeritus, Professor of Geochemistry Emeritus at the Pennsylvania State University, ³They
(SilverSol Technology products) really are going to prove to be this generation¹s penicillin.²
The scientifically proven benefits of the SilverSol Technology have especially been a blessing to women.
For more information on this unique SilverSol or to purchase some, email or call us 716-652-7805
Protect her with an EMP Resonance Product from New Sun (keeps negative energy away from Mom)
Blue Tooth Shield $19.95 for members
Cell Phone/Watch Shield (Dove) $29.95 for members
Help her Ease Away Stress and Tension with Aromatherapy
Natural Car Scenter (plugs in car outlet) $10.45 for members
Spa Center Diffuser Table Top $45.10 for members
Ultrasonic Nebulizer Table Top $87.10 for members
Energize and Uplift her Spirits with Essential Oils
Grapefruit $9.85 for members
Lemon $20.95 for members
Happiness (blend) $16.50 for members
Pamper her with a relaxing Bath and add Miracle II Products (all natural products blessed at production)
Miracle II Soap (regular) 22oz $17.65 for members
Miracle II Moisturizing Soap 22oz $17.65 for members
And to Help her Stay Soft & Smooth
Miracle II Skin Moisturizer (lotion) $17.65 for members
To get these products at members price (30-40% off retail) just call New Sun 1-800-544-0777 &
give them our name!!
Herb of the Month- Cloves are the Best Antioxidant
(NaturalNews) New research from the Miguel Hernandez University (UMH) has found that cloves
(Syzygium aromaticum) are the "best" natural antioxidant. The study examined five antioxidant properties,
with cloves showing amazing results for each. Cloves are used primarily in cooking throughout the world but
found primarily in Indian cuisine. Cloves have also been used for medicinal purposes, such as in Indian
Ayurvedic medicine, Chinese medicine, and western herbalism. In dentistry, cloves are also used as a
The study found that cloves contain high levels of phenolic compounds, which have antioxidant, antiinflammatory, and anti-clotting properties. This was a major factor in labeling cloves the best natural
antioxidant, but the study found that cloves also have other beneficial properties.
"Out of the five antioxidant properties tested, cloves had the highest capacity to give off hydrogen, reduced
lipid peroxidation well, and was the best iron reducer," says Juana Fernandez-Lopez, one of the authors of
the study and a researcher at the UMH.
Lipid peroxidation is the process in which free radicals take electrons from the lipids in cell membranes. The
end result of this process is cellular damage. The fact that cloves help to inhibit this destructive cycle is one
that helped drive them to first place. Furthermore, the ability to reduce iron is yet another profound
characteristic of cloves.
Iron deficiencies are rather simple to treat with adequate supplementation or dietary changes, but excessive
iron in the body can be quite difficult to treat. Many people suffer from too much iron in the bloodstream,
and many of which develop hemochromatosis. Hemochromatosis is a serious condition that is a result of
untreated iron overload. Hemochromatosis can lead to arthritis, abnormal liver function, diabetes, or even
heart failure.
Another goal of the study is to convince large corporations to begin adding cloves to their food products.
Cloves are very inexpensive and have been a major part of the Mediterranean diet for centuries.
"The results show that use of the natural oxidants occurring in spices used in the Mediterranean diet, or their
extracts, is a viable option for the food industry, as long as the organoleptic characteristics of the food
product are not affected", adds Juana.
Cloves may be what people are looking for when it comes to finding an affordable and practical spice.
From Rose & Carl: New Sun has the best Essential Oils! They carry Clove Oil! I keep a bottle of it in my
purse- put a drop on my fingertip and rub it into my gums. It’s a great breath freshener, anti-parasitcal,
antioxidant and more! The dry organic one in my spice-rack -I love cooking with it!
FDA Issues Final Regulation on Dental Amalgam
The FDA has recently issued its updated final regulation on dental amalgam and its components - elemental
mercury and a powder alloy - used in dental fillings. According to the FDA the levels of mercury released by
dental amalgam fillings are not high enough to cause harm in patients, despite the known health effects of
high level exposure to elemental mercury.
The new regulation has moved the dental amalgam from a Class I (low risk) to a Class II (moderate risk)
classification. This means that the FDA can impose special controls as a way to ensure the safety and
efficacy of the product. They have released a guidance document on dental amalgam regarding the special
controls. The guidelines include: a warning against the use of dental amalgam in patients with mercury
allergies, a warning that dental professionals use adequate ventilation when handling dental amalgam, and a
statement discussing the scientific evidence on the benefits and risks of dental amalgam, as well as the risks
of mercury vapor inhalation.
The ruling has been six years in the making. The FDA has held many meetings and had many studies done,
as well as reviewed around 200 scientific studies and relevant peer-reviewed literature, and they have
reached their ruling of reclassification of elemental mercury in dental amalgam to Class II.
As is typical for the FDA, the reclassification of something potentially deadly to the common consumer
comes after it is no longer widely in use.
Yoga Nidra is a systematic method of complete relaxation, holistically addressing our physiological,
neurological, subconscious needs, where one achieves true relaxation. During the practice of Yoga Nidra,
one appears to be sleep, but the consciousness is functioning at the deeper level of awareness. It is state of
mind in between wakefulness and dream. People have found with constant practice it restructures and
transforms the whole personality from within. Yoga Nidra is a systematic method of complete relaxation,
Yoga Nidra has a special emphasis on health and healing where habitual thinking and thought patterns are
reduced or eliminated. It is said that 45 minutes of Yoga Nidra is equivalent to 3 hours of sleep and helps
reduce insomnia and stress.
The class is being held on Tuesday May 4th at 7:30 PM at our studio (click here for directions). The class
lasts about 50 minutes. The fee is $10. Pre-registration is a must- call or email us for more information or
reservations. Should you reserve and are unable to attend- please let us know- for there is usually a
cancellation/waiting list.
Join Rose Czyrny of the Body Glyphix Studio for an innovative workshop on "healing the vision naturally."
Rose will go over ancient techniques used for centuries to help you improve your eyesight. This will include
basic herbal remedy and yoga as well as other historically proven exercises and alternative remedies.
The lecture will be held at our Studio-Wednesday, May 12th at 7:30 PM. Class will last approximately 1
hour. Must pre-register- class fee is $10. Please call or email us to register or for more information.
9:30 am
10:00 am
2:30 PM
6:10 pm
Yoga A nice blend of Hatha, Integrative, Pilates & Foot Reflexology-geared to participants needs (Rose)
Intermediate Yoga Combines Vinyasa & Hatha Yogas with Pilates & Foot Reflexology (Carl)
Family Yoga Kids age 3-8 and parents (Must call Molly to register 949-1115) $12 for 2 of you (Molly)
Life goes Om Free participation in any Yoga Class to any one with Cancer or a life threatening disease
Group Class fees- $10 drop in or $70 for 8 or $130 for 16 for any of the above classes
(click here for directions)
"Wishing you Heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul and miracles in your life in these changing times”
Your Suggestions and input are encouraged- as always!
The Body Glyphix Studio
Rose Czyrny & Carl Klein
12377 Big Tree Road, Wales Center, NY 14169
phone: 716.652.7805