Possible Topics 1. The effect of sound on plants 2. Plants in different environments (light intensity, color) 3. The effect of nicotine, air, yeast on mold growth 4. Factors affecting the strength of hair 5. Factors affecting the growth of bacteria 6. Factors affecting the growth of molds or yeast 7. Experiment with Hydroponics (Use seedlings started from seed with three types of soil and 8. different rates of fertilizer) 9. The effectiveness of Antiseptics and soaps on household bacteria 10. Comparing types of artificial light on plant growth 11. Conditions necessary for the life of a brine shrimp 12. Producing mutations in bacteria 13. Producing mutations in yeast 14. Best conditions for mushroom production 15. Best conditions for the growth of ferns 16. The effects of ultrasonic on bacteria count 17. The effects of antibiotics on bacteria count 18. The effects of temperature changes on bacteria count 19. Microbial antagonism 20. Reaction of planaria to pH, light and temperature conditions 21. Reaction of paramecia to pH, light and temperature conditions 22. Plant tropisms and growth hormones 23. Transpiration rates for different plants and conditions 24. Sugar level in plant sap at different times and dates 25. Learning and perception in animals and humans 26. Studies of memory span and memory retention 27. Age versus learning ability 28. A study of the relation between physical exercise and learning ability 29. Is audio or visual information better remembered 30. Dominance of Brain Hemispheres 31. The effect of bleaching and dyeing on hair 32. A study of the percentage of DNA (by weight) in different species 33. Factors affecting the enzyme's activity rates 34. Factors affecting seed germination (e.g. soil temperature, pH) 35. Factors affecting flowering 36. Factors affecting Nodule Formation in Legumes 37. Can household compounds (e.g. tea) be used to promote good health in plants 38. The effects of water impurities on plant growth 39. The effects of phosphates on aquatic plants 40. The effect of excess salinity on plants 41. The effects of electromagnetic fields on plants 42. Does magnetizing seeds before planting affect growth? 43. The effects of X-Ray and other radiation on plants 44. The effect of music of varying types and duration on plants 45. Organic fertilizer versus chemical Fertilizer 46. A study of stimuli that attract mosquitoes 47. The factors affecting the rate at which a cricket chirps 48. A study of diffusion through cell membranes 49. Growing plants by cloning 50. Regeneration in sponges, Paramecia, Planaria, etc. 51. Salivary Amylase and Starch Digestion 52. Study and experiment with Milk 53. Do green plants need light to produce starch? 54. Comparison of the Effects of Inorganic Catalysts and Enzymes on Peroxide Decomposition 55. Solubility and the Percent of Oil in Peanuts 56. Carbon Dioxide and living things 57. Homeopathy principles, facts and fictions