Office Account Procedures for Central Library and GPC Purchases Sheppard Air Force Base Library 82 FSS/FSDL Guidelines for Requesting Materials • BE A PARTNER IN THE WISE USE OF AIR FORCE FUNDS! • MAKE SURE PUBLICATIONS ARE MISSIONESSENTIAL AND THAT MAINTAINING THEM IN YOUR UNIT MAKES THE MOST EFFICIENT USE OF AIR FORCE RESOURCES. Mission-Essential The Air Force defines mission-essential informational resources as publications and services that directly bear on the functions, initiatives, and operations of Air Force agencies, and that personnel must have on hand to carry out the installation mission effectively. Priorities First priority is given to items needed to meet Air Force or other government body regulatory requirements, initiatives, or inspection requirements. Please identify regulations or directives, and provide a copy of pertinent paragraphs when requesting requirements. Priorities Other priority items are those that are: Used daily to accomplish your mission Used to remain up to date with developments in mission tasking. For example, computing periodicals for the Computer Center. Priorities Non-priority items are not usually funded with library funds. For more information about defining Mission-Essential Resources, refer to AFI 34-270, paragraph 4.3. Periodicals/ Magazines • Subscription periods are from July to June or January to December. • 90-120 days lead time required for new subscriptions. Use the appropriated form on the website when requesting. • Office POC must claim missing issues of periodicals/ magazines by contacting the library POC. Periodicals/ Magazines • Subscriptions are renewed annually, usually in January. • Requests for popular, common interest periodicals/magazines are usually not procured. Subscriptions must by mission essential and meet the same criteria as other items. Books Books should be ordered at least four weeks before needed whenever possible. Rush delivery increases the cost of the book. Please be sure to include all the information available to insure prompt service. Use the appropriate forms on the website when requesting books To Place an Order Contact your unit office account manager (POC) to request materials. Online Resources o Jane’s Online o Ebscohost, GaleNet, Petersons, CountryWatch, FirstSearch, Newsbank o These may not be requested by units New Office Account o To create an office account for your unit, the Commander appoints a primary and an alternate unit POC to be responsible for the unit’s office collection. o Refer to Sample Office Collection Custodian appointment letter. Unit POC Is accountable for mission-essential materials purchased by the library for unit support. Inform the library POC or Director of changes in POC, address, phone number, and unit designations. Use “Library Office Custodian Appointment Form”. Unit POC Initiate and submit “Commercial Publication/Subscription Request and/or Request for Information Services” form to the library POC or Director. Conduct an Annual Inventory of materials in January of each year and report results to the library. Periodicals are part of this inventory must be maintained for 1 year. Validate subscriptions by 15 February, if not validated they will not be renewed with Central funds. Unit POC Keep a copy of the address labels and/or renewal notices for subscriptions on file as these contain account information needed to track missing issues. Return obsolete or no longer required books to the library for inventory adjustment and turn-in to DRMO. Subscriptions may be placed in the appropriate recycle bin after 1 year. Unit POC Ensure online resources are used whenever possible. Read Base Library Instructions for Office Collection Custodians. Complete this training annually and submit appropriate email to the library. Library POC/ Director Processes Commercial Publication/Subscription Requests and places orders for materials. Processes Requests for Information Services. Maintains current information for Office Accounts. Library POC/ Director Maintains a current inventory of materials on loan for each office account. Conducts an Annual Mission Assessment Survey. Attends GPC training sessions. Resources AFI 34-270, Attachment 6 Base Library Instructions for Office Collection Custodians (not yet signed) Forms: Office Collection Custodian appointment letter Commercial publication/subscription request GPC authorization request Custodian Certification Upon completion of this PowerPoint presentation please click the email link and include your name, unit, in the email. Thank you for cooperation and assistance in ensuring AF funds are spend wisely and in the most efficient manner. Power Point Office Account Training Completion. Sheppard Air Force Base Library Location: 425 3rd Ave, Bldg 312 Sheppard AFB, Tx 76311 Phone 676-6152 Fax 855-8854 E-mail: Phone: 676-0740 Director: Kathleen Roseboom E-mail: Phone: 676-2687