Industry Feedback form v2.0

Industry Feedback Form
Note: Please send completed form to upon completion. Your
feedback will be held strictly in confidence.
Name & title:
Work email id:
1. Please provide name, institution of grant applicant, and title of the POC project that you are
providing feedback.
2. Please comment on the context of your interaction with the POC grant applicant.
3. Does your company have any previous research collaboration with POC grant applicant? If
yes, please elaborate.
4. Did your company enagage the applicant as a consultant before? If yes, please elaborate.
The Business Proposition
5. Based on your understanding of the POC proposal, please categorize it into the following
A disruptive technology which can solve an existing problem with unquestionable value if
A novel technology which can address an existing problem with attractive cost and
performance attributes
An incremental enhancement of an existing solution
A new solution to a new (emerging) problem
If necessary, use the space below to explain your choice.
The Team
6. How would you rate this POC team?
Complete team with “pedigrees”
Strong team with all the relevant technology expertise and market focus
Strong team with all the relevant technology expertise but having an academic focus.
Lack some key expertise but otherwise a competent team
Others, pls specify
The Market Opportunity
7. Based on your knowledge, how would you describe the market that this POC project is
Large and growing market with strong and diverse base of relevant prospects; positive and
convincing feedback from would be customers
Sizable market with some early customer interest
Nascent market with uncertain timing; may need to create demand
Others, pls specify
The Technology
8. In your opinion, what risks/challenges are there in bringing this POC to fruition?
The Competition
9. What are the (1) advantages and (2) key differences of this POC technology over the current
solutions in the market place?
10. How would you rate this proposal based on your professional expertise in this field?
The best encountered in my career
Outstanding, top 5%
Excellent, top 10%
Very good (well above average)
Others (pls specify)
11. If this proposal comes from within your organization, how likely will your management
support and fund the project?
Not likely
Definitely no go
If necessary, use the space below to explain your choice.
12. What would be the involvement of your organization in this POC? (please be as specific as
13. How would this POC project bring value to your organization?