Brainstorm a list of what you value. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ The widely-shared beliefs, values, and norms that citizens share about their government. 1.Equality 2.Justice 3.Tolerance 4.Self Reliance 5.Community 6.Freedom 7.Democracy 8.Stability 9.Security 10.Cooperation Employment Freedom from unfair competition Housing, Medical care, Education, Social security One party does not control executive and Legislative branches Effect Partisanship, Gridlock, Frustration Vietnam “I am not a crook” Cost of Elections Democrats Republicans Watergate Divided Gov. Clinton/Lewinsky What impact can a declining external political efficacy have on political behavior and why? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ •Abundant and fertile land •Property Rights •Countless opportunities to acquire land/make living •Lack of feudal society •Independent spirit •To adapt Gov. to time and place Today, would De Tocqueville believe that our democracy is still on the right course? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Process in which people acquire their political beliefs (ideology: conservative/liberal) •Strongest •Fairly equal influence of mother and father •When differ, associate with closest parent •Impact of growing number of Independents •Higher income More conservative and supportive of Republicans •Lower incomes- More liberal and supportive of Democrats •Conflicting results •More education, more conservative •College students more liberal than general population •Most prestigious- most liberal Whites: More conservative (more Republican) Blacks: More liberal (strongest support of Democratic Party) >90% Hispanics: Cubans v. Mexican Americans Asians: •Protestant: More conservative generally •Evangelicals more on social issues and econ •Catholic: Traditionally more liberal (Economic) than on social issues (Abortion issue) •Jewish: Most liberal (Strong support for the Democratic Party) •1900’sconservative •1992 Year of the Woman •Clinton and Soccer Moms •Gender Gap: Sex sensitive issues, compare to past •Security Moms •NASCAR Dads •Coastal Cities: environment •Urban areas: immigrants, minorities •Solid South •Rust Belt •Rural areas (religion?) (Voting is a linkage institution, interest groups,political parties & media) •Registration (motor voter Bill) •Long Ballot: Excessive number of issues to vote on •Type of election: General, Primary, midterm, state, delegates •Difficulty in obtaining absentee ballots •Too many elections: Ballot fatigue •Weekday, non-holiday voting •Lack of political efficacy •Dissatisfaction with candidates, parties, etc. •Weakness of parties’ ability to mobilize voters Don’t like either, so why vote? •Level of Education: Level of edu. Highest predictor •Income: High vs. Low •Age: 18-24 lowest 45 and up highest •Race: White vs. minorities •Cross-cutting cleavages •Religious Involvement More Gov. More Gov. Less Gov. Less Gov. Comparison with other countries Why? Suffrage Qualifications State Legislatures eliminated these 15th Amend 19th Amend. 24th Amend. Voting Rights Act 1965 26th Amend. •Property restrictions (Andrew Jackson) •Race: 15th Amendment •Women: 19th Amendment •Income: 24th Amendment •Literacy: Voting Rights Act of 1965 •Minimum age of 18: 26th Amendment Less voting power per person In your opinion, what is the single most influential reason for not voting? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Issue Liberal Position Conservative Position Health Care It’s a right, government health plan It’s a privilege, private plan, national clearinghouse for insurance, H.S.A. Crime/Punish Rehabilitation, no Capital Punishment Eye for an eye, Capital Punishment Business Reg. Regulation on businesses Free market solutions, deregulation Military Spending Decrease spending, smaller military Increase spending, larger military Taxes Tax increase on wealthy, progressive tax Tax cuts, regressive tax, flat tax Welfare Expand welfare, medicare, medicaid, social security Faith based initiatives, privatize social security 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Elect Party Chair Pick a name and symbol that represents what you stand for in your party. Explain how this represents you Create a seniority list Pick plank topics Assign planks to party members Write planks due in 30 minutes Prepare your speech Have symbol drawn and ready for the speech Prepare Presentation a. Attention Getter Anecdote b. Thesis or Catch Phrase RENEWING AMERICA’S PROMISE c. Support Materials Treats, signs, music… They must be persuasive to sway votes on legislation Pled guilty on January 3, 2006, to three criminal felony counts Cannot be denied the right to vote due to your race, color or previous condition of servitude. If you have the right to vote in state Direct Election ofthe Senators elections, you have right to vote in 1913 elections. Direct Election of federal Representatives Women cannot be denied the right to vote. Outlawed the poll tax Can vote if you are age 18 or older (1971) • Passed in 1964 • Outlawed discrimination in job hiring, voting, and unfair registration requirements. • Was not enforced, had no “teeth” • Selma, Alabama: MLK Jr. led a registration drive that was met with resistance. • Gave “teeth” to 15th Amendment and Civil Rights Act • Applies to all elections • Outlawed poll tax and suspended literacy test requirements, and gave federal officers oversight power. The right to vote • Straight: Voting for one party on the entire ballot to stay within party lines. • Split: Voting for each candidate individually, regardless of affiliation. • Identify one of the numbered regions with strong support for the Democratic presidential candidate and identify and explain one factor that contributes to that support. • Identify one of the numbered regions with strong support for the Republican presidential candidate and identify and explain one factor that contributes to that support. Elections in the United States are characterized by low voter turnout. • Discuss two demographic characteristics associated with nonvoting • Discuss two institutional obstacles associated with nonvoting. Issue Democrats Republicans Social Spending Pro Anti Military Spending Budget Deficit Anti Pro Balanced Budget Tax Cuts Pro Spending Pro Public Schools Pro Teachers Unions Anti Spending Pro School Choice Pro Teacher Testing Education Democratic Republican Life Style Liberal Freedom Abortion Pro Choice Traditional Values Pro Life Gay Rights Pro Anti Gun Control Pro Anti Environment Energy Unions Pro Environment Pro Big Business Pro-Alternative Sources Pro Pro Big Energy Companies Anti Traditionally Dem. Switched to Republican Southerners Farmers Democrats Republicans Union members Business owners Minorities White Jewish, Catholic Protestant Urban Dwellers Suburban Dwellers Rural Dwellers Economic Conservatives Free Market Economic Liberals Third Party • Created for a specific cause or issue • Usually an offshoot of a major party Third Party Election Results • 1912Bull Moose/ Progressives 27.5 % – Teddy roosevelt • 1924 Progressives 16.6% – LaFollette • 1968 American Independ. 13.5% – Wallace • 1992 Reform 18.9% – Perot • 2000 Green 2.7% – Nader • 2004 Green 1.0% open secrets Campaign Reform Act: McCain/Feingold Money going directly to a candidate $2,000 or PAC $5,000 Promotes a Cause, not limited. Super PACs