Small Mammals Cottontail Rabbit Cottontail Rabbit Habitat: Farmsteads, field edges, brushy areas Feeding Habits: grasses, forbs, vegetable herbs, berries during the summer, bark Life Cycle: 1. Breeding season- February through September 2. 5-7 young are born, blind and naked 3. Gestation period is 28 days 4. Prolific rate is necessary due to predators 5. Live 3-5 years of age. Red Squirrel Red Squirrel Habitat: Evergreen forests Feeding Habits: nuts, mushrooms and pinecones Life Cycle: 1. Single litter of young in April and May 2. Gestation period is 40 days 3. Born in hollow or abandoned woodpecker hole 4. 3 to 5 young are born blind and naked within 6 to 8 weeks are weaned 5. May live up to 10 years Eastern Gray Squirrel Eastern Gray Squirrel Habitat: Hardwood and evergreen forests Feeding Habits: acorns, hickory, chestnuts, fruits, birds Life Cycle: 1. Several males usually attempt to breed each receptive female 2. Gestation period of 40 days or so, two to four blind and naked young 3. Net for 6 weeks, until they can eat solid foods 4. Can live to 15 years old Eastern Fox Squirrel Eastern Fox Squirrel Habitat: Oaks Forests Feeding Habits: nuts and seeds Life Cycle: 1. Solitary except during breeding season, starts during January 2. Gestation 45 days, 3 to 4 blind and naked 3. One litter a year 4. Young rely on their mother for up to 10 weeks Red Fox Red Fox Habitat: woodlands, brushy areas, suburbs, treeless areas Feeding Habits: anything they can catch and kill Life Cycle: 1. Breeding season- February 2. Gestation 56 days, 6 to 8 pups 3. Male remains with the female and assists in raising the pups 4. Normally born in old woodchuck burrow 5. Pups born fully furred, but eyes do not open until 9 to 10 days after birth 6. Grow and mature with parents 7. May live to be 15 years old Gray Fox Gray Fox Habitat: Open woodlands, fields, streams and river bottoms, and western plains Feeding Habits: small birds, mice, snakes, rabbits, frogs, most small mammals and insects Life Cycle: 1. Breeding season- January 2. Gestation period is 2 months 3. Pups and born blind but fully furred at birth and are weaned at about 60 days 4. Males leave the “family” in late summer 5. Females remain with pups until fall Striped Skunk Striped Skunk Habitat: almost anywhere Feeding Habits: insects, eggs and young of groundnesting birds, mice, rats, and domestic poultry Life Cycle: 1. Late winter breeding season 2. Males mate with many females as possible 3. 3 to 8 young are born about 60 days later 4. Baby skunk eyes open at 3 weeks of age, at 5 weeks of age they start following their mother 5. Captive skunks may live 10 to 12 years, in the wild they do not live that long Coyote Coyote Habitat: Anywhere there is food Feeding Habits: rodents, rabbits, deer, birds, livestock, fruits, berries Life Cycle: 1. One litter a year of 6 to 10 pups 2. Breeding season occurs in January 3. Gestation period of 63 days 4. Pups born fully furred with closed eyes 5. Weaned at 6 weeks and begin to chase and kill rodents 6. Learn to hunt from their parents Badger Badger Habitat: Open plains and up into the mountains of the west, open to semi-open areas Feeding Habits: rodents, burrows, ground squirrels, snakes, insects, eggs, birds Life Cycle: 1. Delayed implantation 2. Mate in late summer or early fall 3. Gives birth to 2-4 young, usually three 4. Solitary animals 5. Weaned at 2 months of age 6. Can live up to 12 years in captivity Porcupine Porcupine Habitat: Forested areas Feeding Habits: leaves, bark, and twigs are entirely vegetarian Life Cycle: 1. Breeding season- November 2. One offspring born in March 3. Born with full set of soft quills, harden in 30 minutes after birth 4. Babies feed themselves at one week and can climb by themselves after a few days Opossum Opossum Habitat: Woodlands Feeding Habits: Fruits, nuts, berries, insects, bird eggs and any meat it can catch or scavenge Life Cycle: 1. Give birth in April to September 2. Up to three litters of 8 to 18 young each. 3. Gestation is only 13 to 14 days 4. Incubate in pouch for about 6 weeks 5. Once out of the pouch, young often ride the mother’s back 6. Fake death Raccoon Raccoon Habitat: Very Adaptable Feeding Habits: Omnivores; eating frogs, berries, fish, small mammals, nuts, vegetables, shellfish, grain, birds, and bird eggs Life Cycle: 1. Breeding season- late January until March 2. Males mate with many females 3. Gestation period is 64 days 4. 2-6 young, born with fur and their eyes closed 5. Eyes begin to open at about 18 to 20 days of age 6. Leave den at 6 weeks of age Muskrat Muskrat Habitat: Near water Feeding Habits: aquatic plants, freshwater mussels, and fish Life Cycle: 1. Two to four litters a year 2. Four to eight young are born blind and almost hairless 3. Eyes open at about 2 weeks of age, they are eating vegetation 3 weeks 4. Shortly after they begin to eat they leave to find their own homes Beaver Beaver Habitat: Rivers and Streams in areas with woodlands Feeding Habits: aquatic plants, such as water lilies, as well as the inner bark of willow, aspen, and birch Life Cycle: 1. Mate for life 2. Give birth in April 3. Fully furred with open eyes and the ability to swim hours after birth 4. Weaned after 1 month 5. House consists of parents, previous year’s offspring, and recent offspring 6. After 2 years they leave home to find their own mate and build their own home. Mink Mink Habitat: woodlands with aquatic source Feeding Habits: hunt around water, eating frogs, salamanders, fish waterfowl, and their eggs, and snakes Life Cycle: 1. Breeding season in January-March 2. Male stays with one of the females he has bred and assists in raising the young 3. Gestation 45 days 4. Five to eight young are born in a den in rocks, under the roots of a tree, or in an old muskrat den 5. Born with their eyes closed and nursed until 5 weeks old, when they begin to eat solid foods Bobcat Bobcat Habitat: woodlands, marshes and swamps, deserts and mountains Feeding Habits: Rodents, small mammals, birds, fawns Life Cycle: 1. Breeding season- February 2. Gestation is 50 days. 3. Two to seven young, usually four 4. Rocky ledges are often chosen for den sites 5. 9 to 10 days kittens’ eyes open and they begin to crawl about 6. After weaning mother begins to bring pray back alive 7. In captivity live for up to 15 years, wild is shorter Lynx Lynx Habitat: Northern woodlands and brushy areas Feeding Habits: grouse, squirrels, rodents, small mammals Life Cycle: 1. Gestation is 60 days 2. Two to four young are commonly born in late spring 3. Kittens are born fully furred and eyes closed 4. Kittens stay in den for three months 5. Practice hunting Woodchuck Woodchuck Habitat: Open woodlands and field edges Feeding Habits: grasses, clover, garden vegetables Life Cycle: 1. Males breeding as many receptive females as possible 2. Gestation is 28 days 3. Typically 4 naked babies 4. Open eyes at 3 weeks of age 5. Stay with mom for a few months 6. Winter- put on multiple layers of fat, then hibernate Sources • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •