Electrons • Bill Nye • Sponge Bob element song Where are electrons located? • Outside the nucleus • How are they arranged? Bohr model of electron placement Called the “planetary” model Electrons closer to the nucleus – lower “energy level” Electrons farther away from the nucleus – higher “energy level” Called the “shells” K, L, M, N 2, 8, 18, 32 electrons Studied the emission spectrum of Hydrogen Specific colors that are emitted (given off) when an atom releases energy Atoms absorb a SPECIFIC amount of energy – quanta Electrons “jump” up into energy levels where they really don’t belong Immediately drop back and release that specific amount of energy in the form of light of specific wavelength and frequency (color) Spectroscopy Used to study structure of atoms substances heated – e- move to higher energy levels – “fall back” - release photons of energy of specific wavelength produce lines” a series of “spectral – are characteristic to specific substances – used as an identifying tool Ground state atom where the electrons are in the lowest available energy levels excited state atom has electrons that have “jumped” to higher energy levels • Can identify elements by the colors they produce • FIREWORKS!!! • Flame tests – lab we will do • Electrons not really in “planetary” orbits • Are really in areas of “probability” called “electron clouds” • Quantum Model of electron placement Orbital - 3 dimensional region around the nucleus where a particular electron can be located “clouds” - that show a region of high probability of finding an electron size and shape of “cloud” depends on energies of electrons that occupy them WAKE UP!!!!!!!! • Heisenburg’s Uncertainty Principle – it is not possible to know both the velocity and position of a particle at the same time – velocity = speed and direction Wish you were here? Well, you’re not, so pay attention! Principal Energy Levels Indicates main energy level of an electron in an atom called “shells” 1 = lowest 7 = highest can be any positive integer Sublevel • Indicates the shape of an orbital labeled s, p, d, f s = sphere p = dumbbell or figure-eight d = 4 lobes f = complicated Don’t give up! You can’t escape! I know you’d rather be here, but it gets better, I promise! Are you ready???????? “s” sublevel – 1 orbital allowed “p” sublevel – 3 orbitals allowed “d” sublevel – 5 orbitals allowed “f” sublevel – 7 orbitals allowed Principal Energy Levels Are divided into sublevels the number of sublevels allowed is equal to the principal energy level (n) PEL = 1 1 sublevel PEL = 2 2 sublevels PEL = 3 3 sublevels PEL = 4 4 sublevels PEL 1 2 3 4 sublevels allowed s s, p s, p, d s, p, d, f Each sublevel has a certain number of orbitals allowed Sublevel s p d f orbitals allowed 1 3 5 7 • Maximum of 2 e- in any orbital ! • Chart that follows this slide: • Principal energy level • type of sublevel • #orbitals per type • #orbitals per level • Max. # electrons Principal Energy Level (pel) Type of sublevel # orbitals per type of sublevel # orbitals per pel n2 Maximum number of electrons per pel 2n2 1 s 1 1 2 2 s p 1 3 4 8 s p d s p d f 1 3 5 1 3 5 7 9 18 16 32 3 4 Rules for writing electron configurations • Add one electron at a time according to these rules: • 1. each added electron is placed in a sublevel of lowest energy available (Aufbau Process) • 2. No more than 2 electrons can be placed in any orbital (Pauli Exclusion Principle) • 3. Before a second electron can be placed in any orbital, all the orbitals of the sublevel must contain at least one electron (Hund’s Rule) • 4. No more than 4 orbitals are occupied in the outermost principal energy level of any atom. (next electron must enter the next principal energy level)