Name: Prd: _____ Naming Ionic Compounds (M – NM) For each set

Name: __________________________________ Prd: _____
Naming Ionic Compounds (M – NM)
For each set of elements below, write the formula and name for all the
possible compounds that can form.
1. calcium and chlorine
2. cobalt and oxygen
3. chromium and nitrogen
If a metal has multiple oxidation numbers, you must use a ____________
______________ in the name because…
Write the name or formula for each compound below.
4. Al2O3
7. barium chloride
5. CaF2
8. lithium nitride
6. Mg3N2
9. silver sulfide
Write the name or formula for each compound below.
10. Na2SO4
13. zirconium chromate
11. AlPO4
14. silver sulfate
12. Sc(BrO3)3
15. strontium hypoiodite
Name: __________________________________ Prd: _____
Naming Ionic Compounds (M – NM)
For each set of elements below, write the formula and name for all the
possible compounds that can form.
1. calcium and chlorine
2. cobalt and oxygen
3. chromium and nitrogen
If a metal has multiple oxidation numbers, you must use a ____________
______________ in the name because…
Write the name or formula for each compound below.
4. Al2O3
7. barium chloride
5. CaF2
8. lithium nitride
6. Mg3N2
9. silver sulfide
Write the name or formula for each compound below.
10. Na2SO4
13. zirconium chromate
11. AlPO4
14. silver sulfate
12. Sc(BrO3)3
15. strontium hypoiodite
Write the name or formula for each compound below.
16. Cr(NO3)2
19. uranium(III) phosphate
17. Ti(SO4)2
20. copper(II) sulfate
18. NiC6H5O7
21. einsteinium(IV) nitrate
Using your periodic table, name or write the formula the following
compounds. Notice that this section uses all the different rules that we have
learned so far.
22. silver iodide
31. In2S3
23. magnesium chloride
32. Tc3P7
24. Sn3P2
33. BaS
25. RuO3
34. aluminum oxide
26. ZnF2
35. Rb2Se
27. rubidium oxide
36. iron(II) oxide
28. Nb2O3
37. copper(II) iodide
29. MnO2
38. HgO
30. osmium(II) oxide
39. CoCl2
Write the name or formula for each compound below.
16. Cr(NO3)2
19. uranium(III) phosphate
17. Ti(SO4)2
20. copper(II) sulfate
18. NiC6H5O7
21. einsteinium(IV) nitrate
Using your periodic table, name or write the formula the following
compounds. Notice that this section uses all the different rules that we have
learned so far.
22. silver iodide
31. In2S3
23. magnesium chloride
32. Tc3P7
24. Sn3P2
33. BaS
25. RuO3
34. aluminum oxide
26. ZnF2
35. Rb2Se
27. rubidium oxide
36. iron(II) oxide
28. Nb2O3
37. copper(II) iodide
29. MnO2
38. HgO
30. osmium(II) oxide
39. CoCl2