Lesson 52

Lesson 52
Do Now:
What was Lincoln’s plan for reconstructing the South? Did everyone agree with
Lincoln? What was the Freedman’s Bureau? Did Lincoln live to see his
Reconstruction Plans carried out? Who took over as President of the US after
Lincoln’s assassination? Did Johnson plan to follow Lincoln’s Reconstruction plan?
Who gave President Johnson trouble with regards to reconstruction?
President Lincoln had been making plans for Reconstruction of the South before the
war was even over. Lincoln’s plans treated the South very generously. He did not
want to punish the South; he wanted to forgive them! He wanted to help them rejoin
the Union. Not everyone agreed with Lincoln. The Radical Republicans were a group
of Congressmen who thought Lincoln was too easy on the South. The Radical
Republicans wanted stricter rules for the states that were rejoining the Union. The
Radical Republicans wanted more rights for blacks. The Freedman’s Bureau was set
up in March of 1865, just before the war ended by Congress. It was the first federal
organization set up to help people in need. The Bureau gave food, clothing and
medicine to freed blacks and to poor southern whites. It set up schools and helped
people find jobs. Lincoln was assassinated five days after the Civil War ended. He did
not live to see his Reconstruction Plans get carried out. Andrew Johnson, the vice
president, took over as president of the United State. Rebuilding the South was now
his job. Johnson planned to follow Lincoln’s reconstruction ideas. He also wanted to
make it as easy as possible for the South to rejoin the Union. The Radical
Republicans found fault with Johnson. Johnson was a Southern Democrat and
Johnson even owned slaves at one time. The Radical Republicans accused Johnson of
favoring the Southern states.
CQ’s/ Notes:
1. Under President Johnson’s plans, could men who had been CONFEDERATE
leaders still hold high government jobs?
a. Yes, President Johnson allowed Confederate Leaders to still hold highpowered government jobs.
i. (THINK: what problems former Confederate leaders in
government positions might cause?)
Watch: Congress & the Reconstruction Plan (2 min)
2. What were the Black Codes?
a. Even though the 13th Amendment had outlawed slavery in 1865,
Confederate leaders began to pass state laws known as Black Codes.
b. The Black Codes were like the old slave laws
c. The Black Codes took away many of the rights of the free blacks.
d. They kept blacks out of schools and off juries.
3. What did the Radical Republicans think about he Black Codes?
a. The Radical Republicans were in an uproar during the next session of
b. They felt Johnson was too easy on the South.
c. They said that the Black Codes were NO better than slavery.
d. They also felt that former CONFEDERATE leaders had NO right to be
government officials.
4. What did Congress decide to do with regards to Reconstruction?
a. Congress set up its own plans for Reconstruction
b. In 1866, Congress passed the Civil Rights Act.
Watch: The Civil Rights Act (2min)
5. What was the Civil Rights Act of 1866?
a. The Civil Rights Act said that black people should have the same rights
as whites.
6. How did President Johnson respond to the Civil Rights Act?
a. President Johnson refused to sign the Civil Rights Act
b. He vetoed it.
i. (remember, the President’s power is limited by the system of
checks and balances)
7. Did the Civil Rights Act finally become law?
a. Because of Johnson’s veto, Congress needed a 2/3 vote to pass the
Civil Rights Act.
b. A vote was taken.
c. The Civil Rights Act became law.
Watch: Reconstructing the South (4min)
8. Besides the Civil Rights Act, what else did Congress do to help former slaves?
a. Congress passed the 14th Amendment to the Constitution.
9. What did the 14th Amendment state?
a. The 14th Amendment stated that former slaves would be grated
b. It also stated that former CONFEDERATE leaders could not hold office
or vote.
10. How did President Johnson feel about the 14th Amendment?
a. President Johnson was against the 14th Amendment but by 1868, it
was approved by most states.
b. Southern states still had to approve it before they could rejoin the
c. Federal troops were sent into the South to make sure that states
followed Congress’ rules.
Watch: The First Reconstruction Act (2 min)
11. What Reconstruction Acts did the Radical Republicans pass over President
Johnson’s veto?
a. Federal troops would maintain law and order in the South.
i. (THINK: How do you think southerners felt about federal
troops in their states?)
b. Former Confederate soldiers and leaders could not vote or hold office
c. Freed slaves had the right to vote and hold office
d. New states constitutions must be written and approved by Congress.
e. To rejoin the Union, Southern states must approve the 14th
HW: Answer CQ’s and E-mail.