a multiple strategy lesson plan guide

Spanish I Unit
Running Head: Spanish I Unit
Unit Project:
Spanish I: pasatiempos
Maribel Serrato
CSU Chico
Escribir una
invitación para
un evento
Spanish I Unit
Una novelaRu
teatro en
grupos de 3-4
Groups work
together spell
vocabulary words
Vamos a
Capitulo 4B
Jugar deportes
afuera usando
vocabulario y
Ej: yo juego
Working in
groups to
listen to audio
tapes and
write down
the answers
Repasar el
horario: Reloj
qué hora es?
y video
Spanish I Unit
Maribel Serrato
Profesor Rueda
12 of February of 2010
In today’s world it is important to speak a second language in order to be more successful. Speaking a
second language is becoming more popular, especially the Spanish language. The students who learn Spanish
learn to value and appreciate the culture. Throughout this unit students will learn basic social communication is
Spanish. The unit will give students the opportunity to use the language in situations that are based on everyday
life. They will be able to describe what hobbies they like to do and will be able communicate with their peers by
inviting them to do their favorite hobbies. The unit focuses on hobbies, including the verbs “jugar” and the
infinitive “ir”. The students will have an opportunity to make comparisons and connections between Hispanic
hobbies and those of their own culture.
The students will be introduced to the vocabulary through TPR (total physical response). First, they will
use gestures to perform the following vocabulary words: jugar beisbol, futbol, golf, tenis, and voleibol. They
will hear all the words in Spanish only and will not see any writing or hear any English for the first day.
According to Dr. Asher (1995), “you should definitely use TPR because the sounds and patterns of the new
language can be internalized rapidly through language-body conversations.” The focus for the first day is for the
students to recognize and become familiar with the vocabulary. They will listen, draw, and pronounce the words
without a translation. Once the students are familiar with the vocabulary they will hear a video story from the
textbook that will help them hear how the words are being used and will help them with the pronunciation. The
students will then write the vocabulary words in their notebooks along with the translation. In the lesson, the
Spanish I Unit
students will review how to tell time. They will review telling time by using small clocks to answer questions.
Reviewing concepts from previous chapters helps reinforce concepts of a language. The students will create
sentences using the new vocabulary and grammar with what they have already learned.
The grammar in this chapter is the infinitive “ir.” The students will use the grammar “ir” to create
sentences and conversations and ask or say where they are going. They will work with partners to make
sentences using the infinitive “ir” and the vocabulary from the textbook. The activities help students work
together to correct each other and to help explain the concepts. Students are able to hear each other pronounce
the words and they will be able to correct each other. The verb “jugar” is introduced in this chapter. It is an
irregular verb that is stem-changing, which means it does not follow the same rules as the other verbs. Learning
to apply the grammar can be difficult for some students. That is why they will have a lot of practice using the
verb. The students will speak using real life conversations. They will have activities where they will use realia
objects and make sentences. The use of workbooks will also help them practice the grammar and the use of the
vocabulary words.
Throughout the chapter the students will be learning about the Hispanic culture especially the role of
sports. Sports are very popular throughout the world. Many young high schools students like to watch or play
sports. The students will learn about the popular sports in the Hispanic culture They will learn about famous
Hispanic athletes especially the ones in the Unites States. They will see and hear videos of the athletes, and they
will be able to create and answer questions of what they hear and see. The students will compare American
sports to those in Hispanic countries and how they play a role in their lives.
By the end of the chapter the students will be able to create sentences and conversations using the
vocabulary and the grammar from this chapter and the previous chapters. They will have a culminating activity
where they will create a short “novela” and create conversations about the hobbies they are going to do. This
Spanish I Unit
activity will help them with their speaking and listening. They will also create invitations to parties or sporting
events which help them in their writing and reading.
TPR and Education. (1995) A Conversation with Dr James Asher TPR and Education.
The newsletter for ESL/ Bilingual Education. Vol. 3 Num. 4 Retrieved from
Content: Stage I 1.1 Students address discrete elements of daily life, including: g. Leisure,
hobbies and activities, songs, toys and games, sports
Communication: 1.2 Interpret written, spoken, or signed (ASL) language. 1.1 Engage in
written, or signed (ASL) conversations.
Functions: 1.5 Identify learned words, signs (ASL), and phrases in authentic texts.
Culture: 1.2 Recognize similarities and differences within the target cultures and among
students’ own cultures.1.3 Identify cultural borrowings.
Spanish I Unit
Structures: 1.1 Use orthography, phonology, or ASL parameters to produce words or signs
(ASL) and phrases in context.
Setting: 1.1 Recognize age appropriate cultural or language use opportunities outside the
Spanish I Unit
Lesson 1: Introduction to
Description: The students will
be introduced to a new unit
about their hobbies and leisure
activities. Through physical
movement, drawing and
modeling they will have an
opportunity to become
familiar with the vocabulary,
all without hearing any
English. Students will also
play some of the sports
outside while at the same time
pronouncing the words.
Focus on Learning
Lesson 3: Students will review
the vocabulary and review the
homework at the beginning of
the class period and then read
a video-story with character
talking about what sports they
like and inviting each other to
play the sports. The videostory also comes with a video
to help students see and hear
what they read. The students
will then answer the
comprehension questions to
help them understand the
Language Objective: While
Language Objectives: After an reading the students will make
introduction of the vocabulary, sense of the video-story and
students will be able to
comprehend the plot.
pronounce and label the words
Content Objective: Students
Content Objective: Students
will be able to interpret and
will be able to draw and
justify their comprehension
imitate the vocabulary by
answers after they read and
completing a graphic
saw the video-story with
100% accuracy.
Strategies/ Techniques: Think- Strategies/ Techniques:
pair-share, TPR
Paired-team-learning, read out
Modeling, repetition, realia.
loud, modeling,
Informal: walking around the
class and making sure that the
students understand the
vocabulary. Making sure that
they are drawing the correct
Homework, checking for
understanding of the videostory.
Homework: Workbook 78-79
Lesson 10: Culture
Description: students will
review the grammar and create
5 sentences using the verb
jugar as a warm-up. The
students will then read about
some famous athletes from the
United States. They will also
see some videos and hear how
important sports are in the
Hispanic culture. They will
discuss the topics in groups
and then discuss it as a class.
Language Objective: Students
will be able to think critically
and make connections about
the Hispanic sports and the
sports in the United States.
Content Objective: after
reviewing grammar students
will be able to conjugate the
verb jugar with 90 percent
accuracy using the quiz.
Strategies/Techniques: thinkaloud. Think-pair-share.
Compare and contrast
Assessment: formal: quiz
Informal: asking questions as
a whole class.
Lesson 11: La novella (2-3
Description: students will
work in groups of 4 and will
Spanish I Unit
vocabulary words.
Study for quiz on vocabulary
Homework: try to identify the
new vocabulary words
create a short novela. They
will create a short
(presentations) novella. The
group will first make a
conversation of sports or
activities they like to do, then
they will invite each other to
play a sport and give the time.
The group members will either
accept or decline the
invitation. Each presentation
should take about (5 min each)
Each person will create an
invitation to their event. It
should have all of the
following information: Event,
time, date, direction, and other
important facts.
Language Objective: while
presenting students will be
able to orally communicate
with their partner about
activities they like to do.
Content Objective:
While presenting students will
be able to conjugate correctly
their vocabulary and produce
correct sentences while
communicating in Spanish.
Oral presentations, modeling,
cooperative learning,
Oral presentation
Lesson 2: Vocabulary
Lesson 4: Quiz vocab.
recognition and review.
Study for exam:
Final Day Exam 4B
Spanish I Unit
Description: students will
continue to work on
vocabulary recognition and
pronunciation. They will write
the vocabulary words in their
notebooks and they will read a
people conversing with the
vocabulary words.
Language Objectives:
Students will be able to
pronounce, comprehend and
listen to the vocabulary.
Description: After reviewing
the homework students will
review the vocabulary by
playing the game bingo. They
will also be working the verb
ir and te gusta...” They will
use the textbook activities
where they will ask each other
where they like to go, then
they will ask each other
whether the know how to play
specific sports.
Content Objectives: students
will be able to recognize and
identify the vocabulary words
using the conversations using
the textbook.
Language Objectives:
Students will recognize the
connection of the older
chapters with the new ones
and will be able to make new
Paired-team-learning, readaloud.
Content Objective: Students
will be able to identify the
vocabulary in a quiz with 90
percent accuracy.
Informal: walk around and
listen to students working with
partners. Go over what they
read as a whole class and
check for understanding.
Homework: Workbook pg 7677 and memorize vocabulary
Strategies/Techniques: Pairedteam-learning, read-aloud,
Quiz 4B-1
Walk around class
Check for understanding
As a whole class
Homework: study vocabulary
and study for quiz on spelling
Lesson 5: Vocabulary
Description: students will
Spanish I Unit
play an activity where they
will work in two teams and
they will try to spell the
vocabulary words then they
will take a quiz 4b-2 that
check if students can use it
correctly and for spelling.
They will then work in pairs to
ask each other what time
activities take place. They will
then go around asking each
other invitation for a Saturday
Language Objective:
Students will be able to orally
produce sentences that invite
other students to events using
correct time.
Content Objective:
After having a spelling
activity and taking a quiz,
students will be able to spell
the words correctly with 90%
Read out loud, paired-team
Quiz 4B-2
Lesson 6: Grammar ir + a +
Description: Students will go
over the vocabulary and as a
warm-up will have to create
sentences from the words that
are in the whiteboard. The
students will then go over the
grammar. They will add the
Spanish I Unit
notes on their note section of
the binders. They will read it
out loud and watch a video
that explains it. They will also
be given a guided practice
Language Objective: students
will be able to comprehend the
new grammar
Content Objective: Students
will be able to correctly
identify and produce correct
sentences with 100 percent
Think out loud, read out loud,
Guided practice.
Homework: Workbook pg 8081
Lesson 7: grammar production
Students will review the
guided practice from the
following day. Students will
go over the homework and
then. They will play a game
called “sentence races where
they will have to work in
groups and create sentences.
They will then work on a
communication activity where
they will hear each other
speak. Then on their own they
will work on an activity from
the book; activity 16.
Language Objective: Students
will be able to comprehend the
grammar structure using the
Spanish I Unit
grammar introduced
Content Objective: After
reviewing the verb ir + a+
infinitive students will be able
to reproduce the sentences
Assessment: informal see how
student are writing the
sentences. Checking for
Homework: Study for quiz.
Lesson 8: The verb “jugar”
Description: students will
write a warm up using
sentence with –ir and review it
as a class. They will then take
a short quiz. The students will
take new grammar notes on
the verb “jugar” they will see
a video and they will do a
guided practice.
Language Objective: students
will be able to comprehend the
new grammar with accuracy
using the guided practice
Content Objective: after
introducing the grammar,
Students will be able to
conjugate the verb jugar
appropriately using the
Strategies/Techniques: readout loud, note taking, video
Assessment: Guided practice.
Homework: Study for quiz
Spanish I Unit
and workbook 82
Lesson 9: el verb jugar
Description: students will
review their homework and
they will review the grammar
using different activities.
Language Objective: student
will be able to comprehend
and use the new grammar
Content Objective: Students
will be able to apply the new
conjugation correctly, after
reviewing the grammar.
Strategies/Techniques: pairedteam-learning, modeling,
Informal walk around and
check for understanding.
Homework: study for quiz
Spanish I Unit
The Basic Instructional Model (BIM) is a general format for planning lessons. It includes the major
components of good lesson plans. It is a format adaptable to several instructional strategies. Whether the
teacher is intending to use a direct instruction strategy, discovery strategy, or other strategy, these are the
components of an effective lesson plan.
Lesson 6: Los estudiantes serán introducidos a la nueva gramática. Van a usara la nueva formula de ir +
a+ infinitivo.
Esta lección los estudiantes van a repasar lo que aprendieron en el capitulo anterior y lo aplicaran con el
nuevo concepto de agregar ir + a + infinitivo. Aprenderán que cuando dices a donde van no tienen que conjugar
el verbo. Escribirán la nueva regla en sus cuadernos y miraran un video que los ayuda ver lo que estuve
explicando. Después lo practicaran usando una guía de practica.
Content: Stage I: 1.0 Students acquire information, recognize distinctive viewpoints and further their
knowledge of other disciplines.
Communication: Formulaic: 1.0 Students use formulaic language (learned words, signs [ASL], and
Structures: 1.0 Students use othography, phonology, or ASL parameters to understand
words, signs (ASL), and phrases in context.
Yo voy, Tú vas, ella, él va, nosotros vamos, vosotros vais, ellos, van.
Vocabulario: chapter 4A, ir + a + infinitivo
Informar, preguntar y explicar
El uso de la conjugación, la orden de las palabras, y la estructura de la oración.
OBJECTIVE(S)/ OBJETIVO: (Content and Language)
Content Objective: usando la nueva formula y la guía de práctica los estudiantes podrán aplicar la nueva
gramática y producir oraciones simples con exactitud.
Language Objective: Los estudiantes podrán identificar la gramática correcta y aplicarlo a las frases para
producir oraciones correctas.
Spanish I Unit
Informal: preguntado a los estudiantes que produzcan oraciones oralmente, repasar la guía de práctica.
Think-aloud, modeling
Warm-up: los estudiantes crearan oraciones con el vocabulario que estará en la
pizarra usando la gramática de “ir”
Pupil Activity Sequence/ Secuencia de actividades de los alumnos
 Los estudiantes repasaran la tarea de el día siguiente
 Los estudiantes sacaran la gramática
 Escribirán la nueva formula en sus cuadernos
 Preguntare a los estudiantes que produzcan oraciones usando el nuevo
 Los estudiantes van a ver y escuchar el video de la nueva gramática
 Trabajaran en el guided práctica
 Repasaran la guía de practica con un compañero
 Repasaremos la guía todos como clase
 Escribirán actividad 14 usando el texto solos y silencios
 Pondrán sus libros para tras en orden
Textbook: Realidades
Video: Grammar Realidades
Worksheet: Realidades
Spanish I Unit
The Basic Instructional Model (BIM) is a general format for planning lessons. It includes the major
components of good lesson plans. It is a format adaptable to several instructional strategies. Whether the
teacher is intending to use a direct instruction strategy, discovery strategy, or other strategy, these are the
components of an effective lesson plan.
Lesson 7: Los estudiantes aplicaran lo que aprendieron el día anterior cual era la gramática de ‘ir+ a +
Los estudiantes van a tener la oportunidad de practicar la gramática y ponerlo a uso en situaciones basadas en
eventos realísticos. Va ver actividades donde los estudiantes cenestésicos podrán moverse y los estudiantes
visuales podrán ver lo que están aprendiendo. También los estudiantes van a tener una actividad de
comunicación donde trabajaran con un compañero para invitar a un compañero a una cita, el compañero
aceptara o no lo aceptara. Esta actividad ayuda que los estudiantes se ayuden a corregir lo que están
pronunciando y si tienen preguntas aplicando la nueva gramática se pueden ayudar.
Content: 1.1 Students address discrete elements of daily life, including: g. Leisure,
Hobbies and activities, songs, toys and games, sports h. Vacations and
travel, maps, destinations, and geography
Communication: 1.1 Engage in oral, written, or signed (ASL) conversations. 1.2 Interpret
written, spoken, or signed (ASL) language.
Cultures: 1.0 Students use appropriate responses to rehearsed cultural situations.
Structures: 1.2 Identify similarities and differences in the orthography, phonology, or
Parameters of the languages the students know.
Settings: 1.0 Students use language in highly predictable common daily settings
Yo voy, Tú vas, ella, él va, nosotros vamos, vosotros vais, ellos, van.
Vocabulario: chapter 4A, ir + a + infinitivo
Informar, preguntar y explicar,
la orden de las palabras, y la estructura de la oración, infinitivo
Spanish I Unit
OBJECTIVE(S)/ OBJETIVO: (Content and Language)
Content Objective: usando la nueva formula los estudiantes podrán aplicar la nueva gramática usando la
actividad de texto.
Language Objective: Los estudiantes podrán identificar la gramática correcta y aplicarlo a las frases para
producir oraciones correctas con sus compañeros.
Informal: preguntado a los estudiantes que produzcan oraciones oralmente, escuchar como los
estudiantes producen el lenguaje oralmente en clase,
Informal: tendrán una prueba para el día siguiente
Strategy: communication activity, sentence races
Technique: Modeling, paired work
Warm-up: los estudiantes repasaran la gramática.
Escogeré a estudiantes que crean una frase completa yo lo escribiré en la pizarra par que
los estudiantes lo vean.
Pupil Activity Sequence/ Secuencia de actividades de los alumnos
 Los estudiantes repasaran la tarea de el día siguiente
 Pondré los estudiantes es 5 grupos
 A cada grupo les daré una oración en ingles
 Cuando yo les diga que empiecen un estudiante del grupo va a la pizarra y escribe
una de las palabras en español, después le de el marcador al siguiente estudiante y
escribe la siguiente palabra, hasta que formen la frase completa. Cuando terminan
yo los reviso. Continúan haciendo esto hasta que todas las frases hayan sido
completadas. El grupo ganador recibe un bravo buck.
 Depues de esa actividad, pondré a los estudiantes con compañeros.
 Los estudiantes completaran la actividad de comunicación. Ellos tendrán que
invitar a un compañero a una cita y el compañero lo acepta o no, dependiendo en
el horario que tenga.
Spanish I Unit
Mientras que ellos están trabajando, yo estaré caminando por la clase escuchando
a los estudiantes.
Repasaran la actividad de comunicación
Si sobra tiempo los estudiantes trabajarn solos y silencios en la actividad del
texto. 16
Textbook: Realidades
Communication activity: Realidades
Spanish I Unit
The Basic Instructional Model (BIM) is a general format for planning lessons. It includes the major
components of good lesson plans. It is a format adaptable to several instructional strategies. Whether the
teacher is intending to use a direct instruction strategy, discovery strategy, or other strategy, these are the
components of an effective lesson plan.
Lesson 8: Los estudiantes repasaran el vocabulario y aprenderán a la nueva gramática de la conjugación de
Los estudiantes van a repasar el vocabulario, especialmente actividades que pueden usar el verbo Jugar.
Esto les ayudara a aplicar lo que van a prender con lo que ya han aprendido. Los estudiantes después
tomaran apuntes sobre la gramática de la conjugación del verbo “jugar” miraran un video corto y
después tendrán una guía de practica. Represaran la guía de practica con un compañero y después lo
repasaremos en clase.
Content: 1.1 Students address discrete elements of daily life, including: g. Leisure,
Hobbies and activities, songs, toys and games, sports h. Vacations and
travel, maps, destinations, and geography
Communication: 1.1 Engage in oral, written, or signed (ASL) conversations. 1.2 Interpret
written, spoken, or signed (ASL) language.
Cultures: 1.0 Students use appropriate responses to rehearsed cultural situations.
Structures: 1.2 Identify similarities and differences in the orthography, phonology, or
Parameters of the languages the students know.
Settings: 1.0 Students use language in highly predictable common daily settings
Juego, juegas, juega, jugamos, jugáis, juegan
Vocabulario: chapter 4A, ir + a + infinitivo+ jugar (conjugación)
Informar, explicar, “breaking information into parts”
la orden de las palabras, y la estructura de la oración, conjugación de palabras
Spanish I Unit
OBJECTIVE(S)/ OBJETIVO: (Content and Language)
Content Objective: después de aprender sobre la conjugación de el verbo y practicarlo usando la guía de
práctica sobre “jugar” los estudiantes podrán reconocer y explicar la apropiada conjugación del verbo.
Language Objective: Los estudiantes podrán producir frases completas usando la conjugación del verbo
jugar, después de que hayan practicadlo con la guía de práctica, con 80 porciento de precisión
Informal: preguntare a los estudiantes que formen frases, escuchare el pronunciamiento y los evaluare
informalmente. Mirare la guía de practica para ver si lo están entendiendo.
Formal: los estudiantes tendrán una prueba sobre la gramática en 2 días
Strategy: ?
Technique: Modeling, paired work, think aloud, guided practice
Warm-up: los estudiantes repasaran la gramática de –ir.
Tendrán la prueba de –ir
Sacare las pelotas de deportes y repasaremos el vocabulario
Pupil Activity Sequence/ Secuencia de actividades de los alumnos
 Los estudiantes sacaran su cuaderno de gramática y harán un T-chart.
 Les preguntare que me digan los pronombres
 Explicare la diferencia de la palabra jugar, y porque es diferente a las demás
palabas. Explicare que la palabra es stem-changing, y tendrán que memorizar la
nueva gramática.
 Les preguntare a estudiantes que me digan frases y los escribo en la pizarra para
que los estudiantes pueda ver lo que estamos aprendiendo. Lo practicaremos con
unas 5 oraciones
 Después vamos a ver un video sobre la gramática.
Spanish I Unit
 Los estudiantes trabajaran en la guía de practica solos y silencios
 Lo repasaran con sus compañeros
 Les explicare a los estudiantes que para el próximo día lo repasaremos en clase
Textbook: Realidades
Communication activity: Realidades
Video: Realidades
Spanish I Unit
Assessment Narrative:
When developing this unit, I began to plan the activities that I was going to use in order to help the
students learn the vocabulary and the grammar. I also tried to include different ways in which the students could
work together so that they could help each other with their learning. I looked at the textbook and used it so that
the students could read and write using the activities. Once I was done developing the unit, I checked the State
standards to see that I was meeting them. Fortunately, the textbook does a wonderful job of lining itself with the
standards so I had to make sure that the activities and the assessment that I created were also aligning with the
standards. I made sure that there were adequate opportunities for the students to be assessed formally and
summative. Also, I made sure that the assessments were authentic and that I included ones that were
performance based so that the students could produce what they were learning.
The students in the Spanish class have already been introduced to some of the vocabulary words in this
chapter. Before we stated the unit I made sure to review the vocabulary words with them. I took out some of the
realia objects and I asked the students individually what the objects were to see if they were able to recall what
they were. Then I had them tell me if they liked or disliked playing the sport, which was also a form of
reviewing the previous units. This type of diagnostic performance assured me that the students were going to be
able to use the previous information and apply it to the new information they were going to learn. The TPR
activity is also a good diagnostic assessment that lets the students become more familiar with the words they are
going to be learning without having to write the English translation. When the student are drawing the words, I
can walk around the classroom and see if the students are able to relate the Spanish words with the English
words by producing the correct drawings in their papers. By the second day, when the students are writing their
vocabulary words in their binders, they will be able to see that the vocabulary words they drew were accurate.
Spanish I Unit
Formative assessment:
The unit has many different formative assessments embedded in it. There are ample opportunities for me
to check that the students are understating what they are learning as individuals and as a whole class. I can
achieve this with the activities that we have such as our daily warm-ups to our short quizzes that check for the
students ability to produce the written language. The warm-ups are short and are a great way to have the
students recall what they had learned the previous day. When the students have to translate the words, I pick
different students to write the sentence translation on the board. After they are written on the board, we look at
it as a whole class and help the student determine if they did it correctly. If they did not do it correctly, they can
see what they did wrong and it will help them in future production. When the students review the homework, I
assess whether or not they are producing accurate work. I pick on an individual student to answer a question and
if they are incorrect I ask them to translate what they said into English. This will help them see what they did
was inaccurate, or I translate it for them into English depending on the time. Reviewing the homework is a
formative assessment that lets me see who is and who is not understanding the work. By reading it aloud it
gives the class opportunities to learn from what the student and I are communicating.
Another formative assessment in the unit is the communicative activity. The communicative activity is a
way for the students to work together and form sentences and conversations with each other without my
guidance. It is a good performance based summative assessment. I do not give the students any directions, as
they just read the directions in English and follow the model. As I am walking around the classroom, I can
assess how each student is doing individually. Also, as I walk around, I stop and listen to how each partner is
conversing. I write down notes to myself if I notice that a student is struggling. Also, I make sure to give them
positive feedback if I notice that they are understanding it well. The communicative activity gives the students
the opportunity to hear each other converse in real life situations. It also helps assess themselves and how they
Spanish I Unit
are able to converse with other people. When they review it as a whole class they can assess themselves by
hearing the correct ways to converse with the guided conversations.
The other ways that the students are being assessed summative is through the quizzes. The students will
be taking short, 10 minute, quizzes that will assess their understanding of the language they have been learning
throughout the unit. The quizzes assess the students by making sure that they can identify the vocabulary, if
they can spell the vocabulary correctly, and if they can use the vocabulary and grammar correctly.
Summative assessment
The unit has a summative end of the unit test. This assessment lets me know how well the students
understood the unit. The summative assessment has a vocabulary recognition and production to see if they can
identify the vocabulary words and use them in accurate sentences. It includes a listening assessment to see how
well they can listen to a conversation and answer the questions that follow. It also includes a written part to see
if they can produce a written letter to a friend. The summative assessment does not assess their oral language
and that is why I included the presentation that they are going to be performing in front of the class. The
performance is a short novela (skit) that they will perform with their partners. The performance will give me the
opportunity to assess what the students can produce orally after learning the unit.
Overall, the unit has many different assessments, either formative or summative. Embedded in the unit
are many opportunities for the students to self-evaluate themselves by their performance assessment or their
communicative assignment. There are also several opportunities to learn from their assessments such as their
quizzes or homework. When students see how they are performing in class, through their work we reviewed or
their quizzes, it gives them the opportunity to set goals to improve their language output.
Spanish I Unit
Assessment Capitulo 4B
Nombre______________________________ Fecha_________________ Hora_____________
Parte I. Vocabulary y gramatica
Look at the vocabulary pictures and write the correct vocabulary word. (2 puntos each)
Interrogatives: Fill in the blanks with a Word or phrase that you could use to invite friends to go do
something. (2 puntos each)
6. ¿_____________ ir conmigo al centro comercial esta tarde?
7. ¿_____________ vas a jugar el futbol Americano?
8. ¿_____________ vas los fines de semana?
Armando wants to find someone to go to the dance with. How do different girls respond to
his invitation? Circle the logical word or words in each girl’s response.
Armando: ¡Oye! ¿Quieres ir conmigo al baile mañana?
Mari: ¡Ay! ¡Qué 9. (pena/ tengo)! Me gustaría pero 10. (tengo que/ también) trabajar.
Claudia: ¡Lo 11. (oye/ siento)! Estoy demasiado 12. (ocupada/loca). Necesito trabajar y estudiar para un
examen importante este fin de semana.
Verónica: ¡Qué buena idea! ¿A 13. (que hora es/ cuando) el baile- a las siete o a las ocho?
Spanish I Unit
Write the correct form of the verb jugar in the blanks.
14. Marta y Carlos _____________ al tenis.
15. Luis ________________ al básquetbol.
16. Yo _______________ al golf.
17. Enrique y yo _____________ al fútbol.
18. Tu ___________ al tenis.
Parte II: comunicación y cultura
Escucha: (19-23) Victor has several messages on his answering machine from friends asking if he can go
somewhere this Saturday. Listen to each message to find out what time the friend wants to go. You will
see a check mark in the column that corresponds to the place. Write the time underneath the check mark.
You will hear each set of statements twice. ( 2points each)
Café Calinete
Jugar al tenis
Concierto de
Toni Tela
Spanish I Unit
The Spanish Club wants to know how many students are coming to tonight’s club party. La profesora
asks the students to write a note to let her know if they are coming. Read each note.
Nota 1.
Lo siento. Estoy muy cansado. Tengo que trabajar esta noche en AUCTIVA. Luego necesito estudiar par
una prueba de español. Que pena! Me encantan las fiestas pero es importante estudiar.
Nota 2.
¡Genial! Una fiesta de mi club favorito con mi profesora favorita y con los estudiantes de mi clase
favorita. Me gusta practicar español cuando puedo. ¡Nos vemos señora!
Nota 3.
Estoy muy ocupada esta noche. Tengo que escribir un cuento par mi clase de inglés. Me gustaría ir a las
actividades del club, pero no puedo esta noche. Tengo demasiada tarea hoy.
Nota 4.
¿Tengo que hablar español en la fiesta? No puedo hablar bien y soy demasiada reservada. También
estoy un poco enferma. Es mi estomago. Pero… ¿hay mucha comida para la fiesta-pasteles, helados, refrescos?
Claro que si voy a la fiesta.
Answer the questions by circling the letter of the best response.
24. ¿Cuántos van a la fiesta del club en total?
A) Dos B) uno C) tres D) cuatro
25. ¿A quién le gusta hablar español con la profesora y con los estudiantes de la clase?
A) María B) Isabel C) Noel D) Sean
26. ¿Quiénes tienen que hacer algo para una clase mañana?
A) Isabel y Sean B) Sean y María C) María y Noel D) Noel y Sean
27. ¿A quien le gusta comer mucho?
A) María B) Sean C) Isabel D) Noel
28. ¿Quién va a estudiar después de trabajar?
A) Sean B) Isabel C) Noel D) María
Spanish I Unit
Escribe: (10 puntos)
Write a letter to your friend. Ricardo is your pen pal from México. Greet him and ask him how he is
doing. Let him know what hobbies you like to do on your free time and with whom you play them with.
Ask Ricardo what hobbies he likes to do and with who he plays them with. Then say good bye to Ricardo.
(Write at least 5 sentences)
Spanish I Unit
Oral Presentation Rubric
Student Name:
Shows a full
understanding of the
topic. consistently
gives details and
examples about
locations, times and
Shows a good
understanding of the
topic. gives details or
examples about
locations and
Shows a good
understanding of
parts of the topic.
Gives a few details
and or no examples
about locations and
Does not seem to
understand the topic
very well. Does not
give any or gives
very few details or
examples about
location and
Uses vocabulary
appropriate for the
audience. Extends
the use of
vocabulary in the
sentences and only
has a few usage
Little to no grammar
Uses vocabulary
appropriate for the
audience. Tries to
extend vocabulary
and only has some
usage errors.
A few grammatical
errors but able to
Uses vocabulary
appropriate for the
audience. Limited to
usage of vocabulary
with little variation
some errors and
some incorrect
A few to a lot of
grammatical errors
not clearly able to
Very little to no
variation of
vocabulary use with
frequent incorrect
usage. Uses
a lot of grammatical
errors not clearly
able to comprehend
Understand what
others are asking
and can answer the
comprehends what
others are asking
and can answer the
Answers a few
questions and can
somewhat answer
the questions
Attempts to answer a
few questions and
cannot answer the
Speaks fluently little
to no hesitations and
audience is able to
comprehend what is
being said
Speaks with near
fluency with some
hesitations but
audience is able to
comprehend what is
being said
Speaks with
occasional hesitation
as audience can
comprehend what is
being said
Speaks hesitantly
because of
rephrasing and
searching for words
and audience can
comprehend what is
being said.
Spanish I Unit
Annotated Bibliography
Boyles, Peggy. Met, M. Sayers, R. Wargin, C. E. (2004) Realidades. New Jersey:
Pearson Prentice Hall.
The textbook includes authentic units with vocabulary and activities based on real life conversations.
The textbook also includes culture themes with short passages about different culture traditions in each
Boyles, Peggy. Met, M. Sayers, R. Wargin, C. E. (2004) Realidades. New Jersey:
Pearson Prentice Hall.
The workbook is based on the work that is learned from the textbook and goes along with both the
textbook and the audio. It includes many different types of work from cloze passages to crossword puzzles.
Boyles, Peggy. Met, M. Sayers, R. Wargin, C. E. (2004) Realidades. New Jersey:
Pearson Prentice Hall.
The audio is also goes along with the workbook and the textbook. The audio had conversations based on
real life situations.