
Estimados Padres y estudiantes:
Here is the third edition of “El Noticiario de Lake Garda” for grade three. I hope
you are enjoying an Español speaking estudiante (student) in your casa (house). This
month the third grade estudiantes have been hard at work learning their family related
unit. You should be proud of all of the work we have been able to accomplish with their
fifteen-minute daily lessons in this two month long third unit. We will continue onto a
new unit starting in February using a farm animal theme. To conclude this month we will
talk about celebrations and even learn to sing a new song about a snowman to review our
body parts. Please help your child review for their unit assessment in February using the
attached December vocabulary they are learning this month. A new list will accompany
the February newsletter to build on this months list. ¡Gracias!
Don’t forget to ask your children about Piñata! If you missed the last newsletter
here is the update on our friend “Piñata”. Piñata is not a paper maché piñata filled with
candy and used at birthday celebrations. Piñata is a personified stuffed oso (bear) who is
covered in miniature Mexican Flags! He has been visiting the desks of students who are
able to recite their home telephone number in Spanish and when they are celebrating their
birthday this month. Since Piñata is Mexican, he will be talking about “Posadas” and the
Mexican Folktale about the Poinsettia. Look for your child’s poinsettia to come home
before the holiday break.
Questions? Please feel free to visit your school Spanish Web Site at the address
listed below. Here you will be able to contact Senora Tracy, find Ebooks in Spanish and
English, and other helpful websites for Spanish practice. If you are not on line, please
don’t hesitate to contact me at Lake Garda 673-2511 x 4126 with any questions.
Hasta luego,
Señora Tracy
Lake Garda Spanish Web page:
December vocabulary and structures for grade three Spanish
Unit 3: La Familia
La Familia
the family
La Abuela
The grandmother
El Abuelo
the grandfather
Los Abuelos the grandparents
La Madre
the mother
El Padre
the father
La Mamá
the mom
El Papá
the dad
Los Padres
the parents
El hermano the brother
La Hermana the sister
La hermanita the little sister
El Hermanito the little brother
Los Hermanos the siblings
El Bebé
the baby
La Tía
the aunt
El Tío
the uncle
El Primo
the (male) cousin
La Prima
the (female) cousin
Los Primos the cousins
La Hija
the daughter
El Hijo
the son
Los Hijos
the children
La Nieta
the grand-daughter
El Nieto
the grandson
Los Nietos
the grandchildren
El Sobrino
the nephew
La Sobrina
the niece
Los Sobrinos the nephews
El Perro
The dog
El Gato
The cat
El Pez
the fish
Los Peces
the fish (plural)
El Conejo
The rabbit
Tengo un/una ……I have a……(“una” for girl and “un” for boy)
Tengo dos…tres…I have two ….three…..
Yo celebro ….I celebrate….
Feliz Año Nuevo
Happy New Year