The Integumentary System

The Integumentary System
Anatomy and Physiology
Integumentary System
and all its appendages
(hair, nails, skin glands) are
considered organs of the
Integumentary system.
Integument is another name for
What are the major
characteristics of the skin?
Waterproof, stretchable,washable, and
automatically repairs small cuts, rips and
burns and is guaranteed to last a lifetime.
 Surface area of up to 2.2 square meters
 11 pounds
 7% of total body weight
 Pliable yet tough
What are the major layers of the skin?
Cutaneous membrane
– Epidermis (epi-upon)
 Composed of epithelial tissue (keratinized stratified
 Non-vascularized
– Dermis – underlies the epidermis
 Tough leathery layer composed of fibrous connective
 Good supply of blood
 Subcutaneous layer (Hypodermis/superficial fascia)
– Made of adipose and areolar tissue
– Stores fat, anchors skin, protects against blows
Basement membrane
What are the different types of cells in the epidermis?
– Produce a fibrous protein
called keratin
– Pushed upward by the
production of new cells
beneath them.
– Become dead and scale-like
– Millions rub off everyday
What are the different types of
cells in the epidermis?
 Melanocytes
– Synthesizes the
pigment melanin
– Melan-black
– Can transfer melanin
to keratinocytes
– Protects skin from
ultraviolet light.
Melanin in
What are the different types of
cells in the epidermis?
Langerhans’ cells
– Serve a defense role
(along with helper T
cells) by triggering
immune reactions in the
case of pathogenic
– Formed in bone marrow.
– Move to the skin
What are the different types of
cells in the epidermis?
Merkel Cells
– Has a spiked
– Connected to nerve
cells from dermis
– Function as sensory
receptors for touch.
What are the layers of the
Stratum corneum
 Stratum lucidum
 Stratum granulosum
 Stratum spinosum
 Stratum basale
Stratum corneum
Outermost layer 20-30
flat dead keratinized
– Dandruff
– Average person shed 40
pounds of these cells in
their lifetime.
– Everything you see on a
human is dead!
Stratum lucidum
thin, clear, translucent
 Cells flat and closely
 Absent in thin skin.
Stratum granulosum
Keratinization is here.
 Stained granules
called keratohylin
(required for keratin
formation) present.
 This region is absent
in some thin skin.
Stratum spinosum
Intermediate layer
 Contain spiny shaped
 Cuboidal shape.
Stratum basale
Deepest layer of the
 Undergoes rapid cell
division (mitosis).
 Columnar shaped
Epidermal Growth & Repair
To function in protection, the epidermis must rely on
its ability to create & repair itself following an
 New cells must be made at the same rate that dead
cells flake off.
 Cells push off from the stratum basale into each
upper layer until they die.
 Regeneration time for a cell is about 35 days.
Epidermal-Dermal Junction
Composed of adhesive basement membrane
 Cements epidermis to dermis
 Barrier has limited role in preventing the
passage of harmful chemicals or pathogens
 Detachment of the junction can result in
serious infection and death
What are the characteristics of
the dermis?
Made up of connective tissue
 Richly supplied with blood vessels and
lymph vessels
 Has hair follicles, oil and sweat glands and
sensory receptors
 Has papillary & Reticular layer.
– Ridges formed from the papillary layer can
form finger prints.
Papillary Layer
The thin superficial layer of dermis forms
wavy bumps called dermal papillae.
– These project into dermis to make finger prints.
Composed of loose connective tissue
Reticular layer of the dermis
Filled with dense irregular fibrous connective tissue
 Matrix is filled with thick bundles of collagen fibers
(give the skin strength)
 Serves as a point of attachment for muscle fibers
 Hair follicles have a bundle of involuntary muscles
called arrector pilli muscles.
– Make hair stand on end.
Specialized sensory receptors located in dermis
Dermal growth and repair
Does not continually regenerate like epidermis.
Regeneration usually happens only in the cause of
healing wounds.
 In the healing of a wound, fibroblasts in dermis
reproduce and form dense mass of connective
tissue fibers.
 Fibers orient themselves in patterns called
Langer’s cleavage lines.
 If elastic fibers stretch too much the result is
stretch marks.
cleavage Lines
Surgeons make
incisions parallel to
these lines.
 This ensures that
wounds will not
gape open.
Best incision
will gape
What are the 3 types of burns?
First-degree burns: only the epidermis is
damaged. Redness, swelling and pain are
common. (sunburn) 2-3 days to heal
 Second-degree burns: epidermis and
upper layers of dermis. Blistering can
occur. 3-4 weeks to heal.
 Third-degree burns: involves the entire
thickness of the skin.
First degree burn
Second-degree burn
Third-degree burn
Rule of 9s
Method used to estimate the amount of body area
Rule of Palms
Based on the assumption that a palm is about 1% of
the victims body.
 Also used to estimate about of body burned.
Skin Burns Brochure
Create a Brochure
describing and illustrating
the 3 types of burns
– 1st degree
– 2nd degree
– 3rd degree
Describe the characteristics
of each type of burn and the
skin layer/s affected.
 Create the brochure as if
you were informing the
public how to identify each
type of burn.
You must have 2 drawings
for each burn:
– one drawing will show the
layers of the skin at a
microscopic level;
– one drawing will show a full
body with the burns as we see
it on a macroscopic level.
What causes the color of
3 pigments contribute to skin color
– Melanin- protein pigment (natural sunscreen)
 Scattered through out the stratum basale of the epidermis.
 If melanocytes cannot form melanin then albinism results.
 Prolong exposure to sun increases melanin production
– Carotene-yellow to orange pigment found in carrots.
 Most commonly found in the palms or soles. Most intense
when large amounts of carotene-rich foods are eaten.
– Hemoglobin- Red blood gives a pinkish hue to fair skin
 Unoxygenated blood results in cyanosis or blue skin
What are the major
appendages of the skin?
 Nails
 Sweat glands
 Sebaceous glands
Why is hair useful?
Senses insects that land on the skin.
 Hair on the head protects the head from a
blow, sunlight and heat loss.
 Eyelashes shield the eye
 Nose hairs filter the air
What are hairs?
The shaft is the visible portion of hair.
 Shaft has 3 layers of cells
– Medulla(central core)
– Cortex (bulky layer)
– Cuticle (heavily keratinized; protects hair)
Sebaceous glands secrete an oily sebum to keep hair
Why do
arrector pili
What are the parts of nails?
A nail is a scalelike modification of the
 Made of tightly compressed keratinized cells
 The nail body is the visible portion of the nail
 Root is the part of the nail that lies under the
fold of skin called the cuticle.
 Nail matrix is the region responsible for nail
What are the types of glands found
in the skin?
Sweat glands-(sudoriferous): most numerous in skin.
– Eccrine- most common sweat glands
Found everywhere except lips, ear canal, nail beds, & penis.
Helps maintain body temperature.
Secretory portion starts in subcutaneous tissue layer.
– Apocrine
– Found deep in subcutaneous layer of skin of the arm pits and
Thought to be scent glands.
Ceruminous- produce cerumen (ear wax)
Sebaceous glands- oil glands (sebum)
– Softens and lubricates hair and skin
– Slows water loss and kills bacteria
– Over secretion can cause acne
What are the primary functions of the
Integumentary System?
Protection: provides 3 types of barriers
– Chemical barriers: low pH of skin secretions
slows bacterial growth.
– Physical barriers: very few substance are able
to enter the skin. Substances able to pass.
– Biological barriers: Langerhans’ cells- act as
macrophages police the epidermis for viruses
and bacteria.
Functions cont.
Thermoregulation- skin contains sweat glands
that secrete watery fluid, that when evaporated,
cools the body.
 Sensation- Skin contains sensory receptors that
detect cold, touch, and pain.
 Vitamin D synthesis- cholesterol in the skin is
bombarded by sunlight and converted to vitamin
D (calcium cannot be absorbed from digestive
Functions cont.
Blood reservoir- blood will be moved from
skin to muscles during strenuous activity.
 Excretion- Sweating is an important outlet
for wastes such as salt and nitrogen
containing compounds. (urine)
Skin Cancer
Benign tumors such as warts and moles are
not serious.
 Malignant tumors can start on the skin and
invade other body areas.
 Crucial risk factor- overexposure to UV
Types of Skin Cancer
Basal cell carcinoma- most common, 30% of all
white skin people get it.
– Arises from the stratum basale layer of the skin
– 99% curable if caught early
– Dome shaped nodules that form an ulcer in the center.
Squamous Cell carcinoma– Arise from stratum spinosum
– Grows rapidly and metastasizes if not removed
– Small red rounded elevation on the skin
Skin Cancer Types cont.
– Cancer of melanocytes (very dangerous)
– 5% of skin cancers but rising fast
– Can arise from preexisting moles
– Appears as a spreading brown or black patch
– Chance of survival is poor if the lesion is
greater than 4 mm thick
Basal Cell Carcinoma
Lesion removed from patient
Basal Cell Carcinoma
Squamous cell carcinoma
What is the ABCD rule?
Used for recognizing melanoma
 A-Asymmetry: two sides of the pigmented
mole do not match
 B-Border irregularity: borders are not
 C- Color: lesion has a multiple of colors
 D- Diameter the spot is larger than 6 mm in
diameter (size of a pencil eraser)
Skin Cancer Awareness Flyer
Design a flyer meant to inform the public how to
identify cancerous moles.
 Inform them about the different types of skin
 Tell the public about the ABCD rule with
 These will be hung up in the hallways: you just
might inform one of your fellow classmates and
save a life!