Dr Naval Kumar B.H.M.S,F.R.C.H (UK) Core Group Member National Disaster Management Authority of India Introduction to homoeopathy Homeopathy is a well-described, scientifically based system of approaching health and disease. "Scientific" because the insights are based on reproducible experiments. "Welldescribed" because from these observations a number of precise basic fundamental rules became evident… Cardinal principles 1. Law of Similia 2. Law of Simplex 3. Law of Minimum 4. Doctrine of Drug Proving 5. Theory of Chronic Diseases 6. Theory of Vital Force 7. Doctrine of Drug Dynamisation Law of similia This law is also called as SIMILIA SIMILIBUS CURANTUR, which means 'Let likes be treated by likes' (like cures like). By this law, he wants to emphasize that, in order to execute a cure and heal an ailing person, a homoeopathic physician needs to administer a drug that produces symptoms that are similar to the diseased symptoms Law of Simplex Hahnemann states in aphorisms 272-274, 'Only one, single, simple remedy should be administered to the patient at one time'. This is the law of simplex. Law of minimum The curative effect of the medicine does not depend only on the selection of a similar remedy but also on the quantity of the medicine. Since the homoeopathic medicines act at a dynamic level, only a minute quantity of the medicine is enough to stimulate the dynamically deranged vital force to bring about the necessary curative change in a patient. Doctrine of Drug Proving Drug proving is a systemic investigation and evaluation of the disease producing power of a substance on healthy human beings of sexes, different age groups and people from different places. Theory of Chronic Diseases After 30 years of homoeopathic practice Dr.Hahnemann realized that homeopathy failed to execute a 'real cure' in some diseases. He observed that in many cases symptoms got ameliorated for a brief period only to relapse at a later date. This intrigued him and made him reflect as to the possible cause of these failures Theory of Vital Force Vital force is the invisible vital energy that animates each organism and is the most intimate spark, the essence of the individual. The material organism (body), without the vital force is capable of no sensation, no function, no self-preservation; it derives all sensations and performs all the functions of life solely by means of the immaterial being (vital force), which animates the material organism in health and in disease. Doctrine of Drug Dynamisation All the medicinal properties, which are latent in a substance, are extracted from their crude form for the curative purpose . www.siliconeer.com Agent Orange and it's aftereffects Not only do we see ruined villages and forests,but also the severely deformed bodies of those born decades after the bombings,the continuing victims of our"mistake"."It's almost too much.For anyone of a certain age,old wounds reopen.For anyone younger,new ones are created. www.steadyfootsteps.or AGENT ORANGE, A KILLER THEN AND A KILLER NOW! www.spirit-of-metal.com oldfartmusing.blogspot.com Over view and introduction…. www.kianh.org.uk/agentorange.htm Agent Orange was the code name for a herbicide developed for the military, primarily for use in tropical climates. Although the genesis of the product goes back to the 1940's, serious testing for military applications did not begin until the early 1960's. The purpose of the product was to deny an enemy cover and concealment in dense terrain by defoliating trees and shrubbery where the enmy could hide. Agent Orange was a 50-50 mix of two chemicals, known conventionally as 2,4,D and 2,4,5,T. The combined product was mixed with kerosene or diesel fuel and dispersed by aircraft, vehicle, and hand spraying. An estimated 19 million gallons of Agent Orange were used in South Vietnam during the war. . Disaster caused by….. www.foxriverwatch.com Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), for example is four times more likely to kill the children of Veterans exposed to Agent Orange than it is children of parents who were not exposed www.flickr.com www.flickr.com Even though the Vietnam War ended 30 years ago, the US’s saturation chemical bombing is still wreaking havoc on millions, including the newly born — making them third-generation victims. Nobody knows when the congenital deformities, one of many horrific health consequences of the toxic chemicals, will end. liveimagephoto.com Bhopal Gas Tragedy – 1984… www.sos-arsenic.net Bhopal Gas Tragedy - 1984 Hundreds of people have died from the effects of toxic gases which leaked from a chemical factory near the central Indian city of Bhopal. The accident happened in the early hours of December 3rd at the American-owned Union Carbide Pesticide Plant three miles (4.8 km) from Bhopal. An Anatomy of the Dead Bodies www.hinduonnet.com/.../20041217002404701.jpg Human blood had turned purple red", the lungs had become "ash colour" and filled with their own secretions. "The tracheas were so "dry that the mucous flaked off on touch". Sometimes the blood was so thick that if you dipped your finger in it and lifted it, it would come off like a wire. Source by:-dukkipati.blogspot.com source by:-www.daylife.com Gases released….. chronic cyanide toxicity, The entry of methyl isocyanate (MIC) into the blood stream was established by the presence of carbamoylated end-terminal amino acids of haemoglobin and other tissue proteins. The presence of MIC trimer and a few other identified as well as unidentified tank residue constituents in the blood and viscera further established a close nexus of the products of pyrolysis of MIC in the aerosol inhaled by the victims. disaster caused by ….. Having borne the brunt of neurological, hormonal and mental health problems besides the economic hardships - the survivors are now faced with the problem of deformed children being born. Children of affected parents conceived and born after the disaster were significantly different from children of the same age born to unexposed parents… children were shorter, thinner, lighter and had smaller heads. Also, children of exposed parents showed abnormal growth of upper part of their bodies disproportionately smaller than their lower bodies," Genetic damage to the children neurological, hormone Lack of research - into the possible genetic and reproductive ramifications of exposure to lethal gasses and now to contaminated water - has seriously marred efforts to check the effects of poisonous gases on the next generation of the affected. All physical and mental health problems", Womens are more affected than others.. Those who were pregnant got spontaneous abortion.. And others got irregularities in their menstrual flow..that became scanty n hardly last for 1 day.. Homeopathic aid given to them… ACID SULPHURICUM Internal tremor, wants to be held. Sourness. Erosions and haemorrhages. Great painfulness. Hot flushes. Pain increases slowly, then suddenly ceases. Haemorrhages of black blood. ACONITE Terror, anxiety, agonizing fear, restless, excited, nervous, impatient. Sudden, violently acute, painful effects. Congestions. Inflammation. Haemorrhages. Sticking, tearing pains with numbness. Burning thirst. High fever. Terror Stricken ARSENIC ALB. Insecurity. Anxiety. Restlessness. Weakness. Chilly. Midnight aggravation. Intense thirst for frequent sips. Burning pains > heat. Periodicity, alternation of symptoms. MEDORRHINUM OPRESSION ON BREATHING HOARSE WHILE READING ASTHMA,INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION DYSPNOEA,CANNOT EXHALE COUGH BETTER BY LYING ON STOMACH SABINA This is a remedy useful to prevent impending abortion , ushered in by the appearance of blood, which is oftentimes the first symptom; then follow pain in the small of the back, going around and through the pubes ; there are forcing and dragging pains from the sacrum to the pubes. The flow is bright red and clotted. It is useful for metritis accompanied by flooding from miscarriage Hydrastis. [Hydr] The epithelial diathesis and is of undoubted and special value in epithelioma and uterine cancer. In simple glandular tumors of the breast; here it allays the pain retards the growth and improves the patient generally. The dyspeptic symptoms of the remedy lead to its choice Radium. [Rad-br] Mentally tired and irritable patients. Pimples on the skin and spots which itch and burn.Restlessness, heat in stomach, flatulence and constipation. In regions where radio-active minerals were mined an increased incidence of cancer, especially of cancer of the lungs Burn injuries www.burns-injury-burn-accidents.com Burns injuries are caused by a wide variety of substances and external sources such as exposure to chemicals, friction, electricity, radiation, and extreme temperatures, both hot and cold. Most chemicals that cause severe chemical burns are strong acids or bases.Chemical burns are usually caused by caustic chemical compounds, such as sodium hydroxide, silver nitrate, and more serious compounds (such as sulfuric acid and Nitric acid). Hydrofluoric acid can cause damage down to the bone and its burns are sometimes not immediately evident. www.tribuneindia.com Electrical burns ………. Electrical burns are caused by an exogenous electric shock. Common causes of electrical burns include workplace injuries or being defibrillated or cardioverted without a conductive gel. Lightning is a rare cause of electrical burns. The internal injuries sustained may be disproportionate to the size of the burns seen, and the extent of the damage is not always obvious. Such injuries may lead to cardiac arrhythmias, cardiac arrest, and unexpected falls with resultant fractures Radiation burns Radiation burns are caused by protracted exposure to UV light (as from the sun), tanning booths, radiation therapy (as patients who are undergoing cancer therapy), sunlamps, and X-rays. By far the most common burn associated with radiation is sun exposure, specifically two wavelengths of light UVA, and UVB, the latter being more dangerous. Tanning booths also emit these wavelengths and may cause similar damage to the skin such as irritation, redness, swelling, and inflammation. More severe cases of sun burn result in what is known as sun poisoning. SOURCE BY:-nursingcrib.com Treatment…. Cantharis This remedy is indicated for extreme burning pain, when the person is very intense and restless. It is often useful in reducing or preventing blister formation. Cantharis can help with any burn, but is most often indicated for severe ones (second or third degree). Phosphorus: This remedy may be useful for the pain of electrical burns, on the way to medical care. (When electrical burns occur, the damaged area may look small on the surface, but be more extensive underneath; they should always be examined by a doctor.) Radium bromatum This remedy is specific for radiation poisoning, especially followed by arthritic complaints. Acute dose is three to five pellets of 12X to 30C every one to four hours until symptoms are relieved Calendula and Hypericum tinctures These tinctures (used topically in unpotentized herbal form) often is helpful in soothing burns and promoting tissue healing. Ten drops of either Calendula or Hypericum tincture, or both, may be mixed in an ounce of water and applied to the area several times per day Causticum If a burn is intensely painful and blisters seem to be forming, this remedy may help to bring relief. The person often feels more sad than restless from the pain. Rawness and soreness may develop in the injured area. Causticum is also helpful when pain remains in older burns, or when burns have not completely healed. Hepar sulphuris calcareum This remedy is helpful for treating very sensitive and painful burns in people who are prone to infection. The person may feel extremely vulnerable and irritable, and may have chills or be very sensitive to cold Urtica urens When a burn is mild and the primary symptoms are redness and stinging pain, this remedy often brings relief. It is often useful for sunburn when the pain is prickly and stinging. REMEDIES FOR RADIOACTIVE EXPOSURE…. Lap-gr-m Lap-mar-c Uranium nitricum Plutonium nitricum Muriaticum acidum X-ray Thanks…. With Warm Regards Dr Naval Kumar Senior Consultant Homeopathy Core Group Member NDMA (Govt. Of India)