The Burns Bunch Newsletter! S i Spelling Words: This week we will work on short gvowels and consonants. Examples) chop, mess, rack, h t dress w oSight words: beautiful, country, friend, front, r dsomeone, somewhere s (Students will need to use these words in a sentence) : g u What are we doing? e Reading- character, setting, plot s Phonicsshort vowels s ,Language- complete sentences Writing- personal narrative p rMath- number line for addition and subtraction, Mark your calendars: e comparing numbers, ordering numbers Aug 26- gym tScience- wrapping up our otter unit Aug 29- gym t Sept 18- PTO meeting & 2nd grade performance y This Sept 19- Read to Succeed , week our learning will truly begin as we will sbe diving into our textbooks. Sept 20- OCE yard sale c iFluency homework will start this week. This will Start saving up your junk so it can be someone e come home Tuesday, I doubt the sub got it in else’s treasure!!! The OCE yard sale will be here n their folders today. No worries, just pick up on before you know it! More info to come later! cTuesday for reading and math. e If you would like your child to receive a , Remember to send your child with a snack if you s homework packet, please let me know. This will want them eating a snack during the day! h be a couple pages of reading and a couple of o math to work on at home based on the e Read to succeed is right around the corner. If previous weeks learning! ,you would like to volunteer to read to our class von this day, please email me and let me know! Thank you all for everything you do! I have the i This is an awesome opportunity to come into the best class and parents ever!! l classroom and get involved! l Ms. Burns a g e Burns Bunch 2nd Grade Newsletter, August 25 2014 The Phone: 615-895-5279 , Email: Overall Creek Elementary w a t