Pre-Algebra 8 Course Expectations - My CCSD

Ms. Carter
Pre-Algebra 8 Course Expectations
Course Scope
This one-year course is designed to focus on three critical areas: 1) formulating and reasoning
about expressions and equations, including modeling an association in bivariate data with a
linear equation, and solving linear equations and systems of linear equations; 2) grasping the
concept of a function and using functions to describe quantitative relationships; and 3)
analyzing two- and three-dimensional space and figures using distance, angle, similarity, and
congruence, and understanding and applying the Pythagorean Theorem. Instructional practices
incorporate integration of diversity awareness, including appreciation of all cultures and their
important contributions to society. The use of manipulatives, mathematical tools, and
technology, including calculators and computer software, is an integral part of this course. This
course fulfills the mathematics requirement for eighth-grade students.
Course Goals:
To develop the Standards for Mathematical Practice. [CCSS]
To know that there are numbers that are not rational and approximate them by rational
numbers. [CCSS: 8.NS]
To work with radicals and integer exponents. [CCSS: 8.EE]
To understand the connections between proportional relationships, lines, and linear
equations. [CCSS: 8.EE]
To analyze and solve linear equations and pairs of simultaneous linear equations.
[CCSS: 8.EE]
To define, evaluate, and compare functions. [CCSS: 8.F]
To use functions to model relationships between quantities. [CCSS: 8.F]
To understand congruence and similarity using physical models, transparencies, or
geometry software. [CCSS: 8.G]
To understand and apply the Pythagorean Theorem. [CCSS: 8.G]
To solve real-world and mathematical problems involving volume of cylinders, cones, and
spheres. [CCSS: 8.G]
To investigate patterns of association in bivariate data. [CCSS: 8.SP]
Revised May 2006, May 2011, November 2011, and November 2012.
Ms. Carter
Pre-Algebra 8 Course Expectations
In-Class Textbook: McDougal Littell Pre-Algebra
Planner (JJHS sells planner for $5)
Composition Notebook (any color)
1- 2-pocket folder (any color)
Scientific Calculator (teacher uses TI-30XA)
4- dry erase board markers (low odor; preferable dark colors)
dry erase board eraser (an old sock, cloth, sponge, or paper towels are inexpensive options)
index cards
pens & pencils
graphing paper
Loose-leaf notebook paper
You are responsible for maintaining and returning all borrowed school resources (i.e. textbooks, media, library
books etc). If lose or damage materials lent to you by the school, a fine will be issued and will need to be paid
through the school banker.
Accepting Kleenex tissue donations
Notebook (Note Taking) – You are required to complete Warm Up prompts and write daily notes in your math
notebook. The expectation is that you review & utilize your math notebook daily to assist you with class
assignments and to study for upcoming assessments. Notebook checks will occur each quarter and will count as a
grade. It is expected that you use index cards to create vocabulary flash cards of math terminology introduced in
each lesson, as well as it is expected that you study vocabulary terms on a daily basis. You’re required to bring your
completed vocabulary cards daily.
Assessments-You will be assessed at the start of each semester to identify your strengths and deficiencies. At the
conclusion of each semester, a post-exam will be administered to measure your math growth. You will receive
practice study guides prior to semester exams. You can expect to take weekly quizzes on content covered throughout
each school week. Chapter or Unit tests will be administered each quarter.
You are encouraged to retake low scored quizzes. You have one time to retake a quiz for a higher grade one week
after the original quiz is returned to you. Quiz retakes will be administered after school based on teacher's
availability (please see area indicated by your teacher for dates). Your quiz with the higher score will be reflected in
your student account on Parent Link with 24-48 hours after retaking assessment.
If you talk and/or cheat during a test or quiz session, you will receive a failing grade for the assessment. If you fail a
test or quiz for talking and/or cheating, you will not be able to retake it. Administered tests and quizzes are to be
turned in according to your teacher's directives for a grade.
All assessments are reviewed after they are graded and returned to you to allow time for self-corrections. You are
responsible to file all graded tests and quizzes in your math folder for further review. These assessments make great
study resources around exam time. You may be assigned projects during the school year. You will be responsible
for working on projects at home.
Ms. Carter
Pre-Algebra 8 Course Expectations
Classwork & Homework Assignments- You will be assigned class work daily. It is expected that your class work
be completed in class. It is important that you manage your in-class time wisely. There will be occasions
(depending on the content) a classwork assignment may need to be completed at home for homework. You can
expect daily homework. Your completed assignments will be reviewed and graded the next class period. You are
responsible for asking questions about incorrect problems for clarification during class. You are responsible for
turning in your assignments in the proper location per your teacher’s directives. When your work is returned to you
please keep items in your math folder for future review to prepare for assessments.
You are responsible for writing the appropriate name heading on all assignments (i.e. first & last name, date, class
period, and assignment title). Assignments submitted without a name heading will not receive credit and will placed
in the 'No Name' bin until claimed. All 'No name' assignments are discarded at the end of each quarter.
If you turn in messy and/or illegible assignments, you will be asked to re-do the work. To prevent turning in a messy
and/or illegible paper, do not use pen on class work & homework assignments, leave an appropriate amount of space
in between each problem, and take the time to make sure your writing is legible, especially your numbers. You will
show your work for math problems that require multiple steps.
Grading Procedure for Class work and Homework Assignments- You are expected to complete all assigned
problems given by me. I will randomly select 10 or 20 problems out of the total amount of problems assigned for a
Absent Make-Up Work- When you’re absent, please utilize my webpage: for absent work.
My website can be accessed 24/7. You may use the computers in the classroom the first 5-8 minutes of the class
period to retrieve make up information from my webpage. You are responsible for writing make-up work
information in your planner. Absent work is to be turned in per CCSD Guidelines (please refer to your planner).
Late Work- You will have 3 days from the day an assignment is due to turn it in for credit. Full credit will not be
given for late assignments. Late work not turned in within 3 days (including the weekends) of its original due
date will not be accepted afterward and will not count as a grade.
Grading (weighted)
Assessments (tests, quizzes, projects etc.)
Classwork (i.e. activities, notebook check, warm up, classwork)
Supplemental Resources- Utilize my webpage: to find assignments, math resources, video
podcasts, and announcements. There will be plenty of valuable information posted on my webpage to help you to be
successful this school year. You will use other valuable web-based and software programs to supplement math
instruction in class. Additional supplemental materials may be given in class.
In-Class Discipline Plan- A progressive discipline plan is followed in class. It is expected that you follow the class
rules to allow for an optimal learning environment. If you make a choice to break school or class rules, you will be
required to sign a Progressive Discipline Log. This Progressive Discipline Log is kept in class. Please understand
your classroom behavior is directly related to your citizenship grade on your report card (O, S, U, N). Progressive
Discipline citations will be noted in your student account on Parent Link for your parent’s review. Citizenship
grades will be based on academic and behavior standing.
Ms. Carter
Pre-Algebra 8 Course Expectations
Attendance Policy- It is expected that you arrive to class on time. You will sign the tardy log for unexcused
tardiness. Please refer to your school planner for tardy policy. You are tardy if you are not physically in the
classroom before the bell rings. It is imperative that you attend school each day. If you are truant from class, you
will receive an F grade for the assignments missed. If you are absent, please provide the attendance staff with a letter
from your parent or guardian excusing your absence(s).
Restroom Policy- It is expected that you use the restroom during passing periods and your lunch period. Students
will ask for permission from teacher to go to restroom. You will fill out your Hallway Passport once given
permission to go to the restroom.
Teacher's After-School Availability- My availability is posted on my front board and my webpage. My
availability changes each week. Students can receive extra assistance in math on my available days without making
an appointment.
Homework Club- Johnson Junior High does offer students a quiet and safe place on campus to receive assistance
on their homework free of charge. Information will be posted throughout the campus. If you ride the bus, please
request a Bus Pass from Homework Club Supervisor.
Parent Link- Parent Link is a resource for you and your parents to track your academic standing. If you are new to
Clark County School District and you have not received a Parent Link password, please contact your school
counselor. My grades are updated often through Parent Link during the week. You are responsible for checking
your grades.
-------------------CUT HERE------------RETURN BOTTOM TO TEACHER----------CUT HERE------------------------Date ____________
I, _______________________________________________ have thoroughly read and understand the content
(Print your name on line above)
provided in Ms. Carter _____________ Pre-Algebra 8 Course Expectations.
(school year)
Student Signature
Print Parent or Guardian Name
Class Period
Parent or Guardian Signature