AGU Chapman Conference Ft. William, Scotland, 31/08/2005 CRUSTAL SEISMOLOGY HELPS CONSTRAIN THE NATURE OF MANTLE MELTING ANOMALIES: THE GALAPAGOS VOLCANIC PROVINCE V. Sallarès (1), Ph. Charvis (1), E. Flueh (2), J. Bialas (2) (1) IRD-Géosciences Azur, Villefranche-sur-mer, France (2) IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany STUDY AREA Projects: 15 Ma PAGANINI-1999 2O Ma IFM-GEOMAR IRD-GéoAzur 12 Ma G-PRIME-2000 WHOI U. Hawaii SALIERI-2001 IRD-GéoAzur IFM-GEOMAR 0 Ma OBJECTIVES Objectives • To determine the velocity structure and crustal thickness of the GVP-volcanic ridges & estimate their uncertainty Joint refraction/reflection travel time tomography Monte Carlo-type analysis • To determine upper mantle density structure based on velocity-derived models Gravity and topography analysis • To connect seismic parameters (H, Vp) with mantle melting parameters (e.g. Tp, damp melting, composition) Mantle melting model • To contrast model predictions with other observations Geochemistry, temperature, mantle tomography… RESULTS 3-4 km ~19 km 20 Ma Cocos Cocos Carnegie Carnegie Veloc. Grad. ~19 km RESULTS 15 Ma ~18.5 km Cocos Carnegie RESULTS ~16.5 km 12 Ma Cocos h~6 km Carnegie <Vp, L3>~7.10-7.15 km/s G-PRIME-2000 ~13 km ^^ RESULTS Overall H-Vp anticorrelation RESULTS Mantle? Gravity and topography analysis Cocos Cocos Carnegi GHS e Carnegie RESULTS Mantle? Gravity and topography analysis Cocos Cocos Carnegi GHS e Carnegie RESULTS Mantle? Gravity and topography analysis Cocos Cocos Carnegi GHS e Carnegie Airy+Pratt+Crustal dens. correction: m(x) mwhw(x)mc(x)hc(x) Z hw(x)hc(x) MANTLE MELTING MODEL Crustal structure Nature of the anomaly (x, z)w(x, z) F u0 (z)(z) m z Crustal thickness, Vp [Tp, active upwelling (x=w/u0), composition] ● 2-D steady-state model for mantle corner flow ● Include deep damp melting (Forsyth, 1993) (Braun et al., 2000) ● Active upwelling confined to beneath the dry solidus (Ito et al., 1999) MANTLE MELTING MODEL Connection H melting parameters m M H m c u0 c u0 m ( x, z )dxdz R M Total volume of melt production . [*My-1*km-1] (melt fract./weight) rm, rc mantle, crustal density Estimate H, Vp as a function of Tp, x, Mp, dz, a, composition, through P, FVp melting parameters Pyrolite Connection F Korenaga et al., 2002 Vp (F,P) 1 M Fm ( x, z)dxdz R Z 1 M zm ( x, z)dxdz R F Mean fraction of melting Z Mean depth (P) of melting NATURE OF THE GHS H-Vp Diagrams a=0.25, dz=50 MPw=1%/GPa, a=1, dz=50 kmkm MPd=15%/GPa, MPw=2%/GPa, a=0.25, dz=50 km MPd=20%/GPa, a=0.25, dz=50 km 70% pyrolite + 30% MORB Compositional anomaly? Active convection SUMMARY Summary • All GVP-aseismic ridges show a systematic, overall L3 velocity-thickness anti-correlation This is contrary to the predictions of the thermal plume model Need to consider a fertile anomaly, possibly a mixture of depleted pyrolitic mantle + recycled oceanic crust • Velocity-derived density models account for gravity and topography data without need for anomalous upper mantle density Upper mantle density anomaly is undetectable at distances >500 km from GHS (or 10 My after emplacement) OTHER OBSERVATIONS Match with other observations? • Temperature GHS-lavas erupt 50-100ºK cooler than Hawaiian lavas cooling during ascent through lithosphere (Geist & Harpp 2004) Excess temperature estimations: 215ºK (Schilling, 1991) <200ºK (Ito & Lin 1995) 130ºK (Hooft et al., 2003) 30-50ºK (Canales, 2003) <20ºK (Cushman et al., 2004) • Major element geochemistry Fe8 > 13 for individual samples at Galapagos platform Fe8 higher than “global MORB array” at the edges of CNSC Positive Na8 – crustal thickness correlation along CNSC, associated to deep, hydrous melting (Cushman et al., 2004) smooth Fe8 signature along most of CNSC? OTHER OBSERVATIONS • Isotopes geochemistry Sr-Pb-Nd isotope and trace element signatures consistent with derivation from recycled oceanic crust (e.g. Hauff et al., 2000; Hoernle et al., 2000; Schilling et al., 2003) Sm-Nd and U-Pb isotope systematics indicate that the age of recycled crust is 300-500 My only (Hauff et al., 2000), which seems to be too short for lower mantle recycling(?) • Mantle tomography P-wave tomography with temporary local network (Toomey et al., 2001) has resolution to 400 km only Receiver functions transition zone (Hooft et al., 2003) show thinner than normal P and Pp waves finite-frequency tomography (Montelli et al., 2004) show anomaly only at upper mantle (S-wave?) OTHER OBSERVATIONS P- and Pp- finite-frequency tomography 660 kmdiscontinuity? ISSUES Issues • If there is a regional chemical heterogeneity, why not upper mantle density anomaly? • Why is volcanism so focused while global tomography anomaly appears to be much broader? Why is melt not driven to CNSC? • How can the dense, fertile mantle rise to the surface in the absence of a significant thermal anomaly? • Where does recycled oceanic crust comes from? • Why is the GHS apparently a continuous, stable, longlasting melting anomaly? FUTURE WORK Future work? • Seismological petrology + gravity & topography analysis Estimate seismic crustal and upper mantle structure with error bounds Compare H-Vp diagrams for other LIPs Determine Vp(P,F) for source compositions other than pyrolite • Increase geochemical data/melting experiments adequate to distinguish between thermal/hydrous/chemical origin • Test consistency of geochemical predictions with alternative models • Improve understanding of mantle dynamics