Embracing the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Bill Heller SUNY College at Geneseo Perry Central Schools (retired) buckbuck11@aol.com In this session we will...... 1. Briefly review components of the ELA Common Core. 2. Compare ELA Core with LOTE Standards. 3. Examine ELA Common Core Strategies and suggest adaptations for LOTE classes. 4. Briefly discuss approaches to LOTE unit planning which supports common core. The Good News! From EngageNY: “Languages Other Than English teachers should be aware of the Common Core State Standards and the shifts they represent, and think about how their own instructional practice may change as a result. LOTE teachers should deliver a Common Core aligned unit based on the charge from the Commissioner; however, that unit should be in LOTE (not in ELA or Math) and be aligned to the six shifts and/or Common Core Learning Standards -— but taking into account the level of instruction for the class…” More Good News! From EngageNY: “…the 6-12 literacy standards…are not meant to replace content standards in those areas but rather to supplement them.” Where do the Common Core SS “fit in”? Lenses Address Needs of Learners Windows Content and Goals Mirrors Assessment Window: ACTFL National Standards Five ELA CCSS Strands: National WL Standards: 1. Reading 1. Interpretive Mode 2. Writing 2. Presentational Mode 3. Listening and Speaking 3. Interpretive /Interpersonal/Presentational Modes ✔ 4. Language 4. Vocabulary and Grammar 5. Media and Technology 5. Presentational Mode / Cultural Products & Practices/ Connections Window: ACTFL: Proficiency Guidelines • Levels of proficiency – Novice (No real functional ability to communicate. Memorized words or phrases, word level discourse). • Low, Mid, High – Intermediate (Can create with language, capable of asking simple questions and answering them with simple full sentences, can describe, sentence level discourse). • Low, Mid, High ACTFL: Proficiency Guidelines – Advanced (Can narrate and describe in major time/aspect frames, can survive complicated situations, paragraph level discourse). • Low, Mid, High – Superior (Can give supported opinions, hypothesize, provide complicated explanations and deal with abstract topics, extended discourse). Inverted Pyramid Representing the ACTFL Rating Scale Window 2: ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines Approximate Expectations: 1. Checkpoint A Year 1 (Grade 7) Novice Mid 2. Checkpoint A Year 2 (Grade 8/Level I) * Novice High 3. Checkpoint B Year 1(Level II)* Novice High 4. Checkpoint B Year 2 (Level III)* Novice High-Intermediate Low 5. Checkpoint C Year 1 (Level IV)* Intermediate Low 6. Checkpoint C Year 2 (Level V) Intermediate Low - Intermediate Mid (?) Based on data gathered from 22,000 STAMP Tests compiled in 2008 www.avantassessment.com Lens 1: Common Core Curriculum (ELA) Six Skills: 1. Cite evidence 2. Analyze content 3. Study and apply grammar 4. Study and apply vocabulary 5. Conduct discussions 6. Report findings ✔ Lens 1: Common Core Curriculum (ELA) Instructional Shifts: 1. Balancing Informational and Literary Text – “close reading” 2. Building Knowledge in the Disciplines 3. Staircase of Complexity 4. Text-Based Answers 5. Writing From Sources – expository and persuasive 6. Academic Vocabulary Time out! Question: What concerns or potential conflicts do you see with supporting CCSS in ELA with the communicative goals of our LOTE Standards? Examining the CCSS for ELA Activity: Examine the chart of the abbreviated CCSS checklist on pp. 4 Code each standard as follows: + I already do frequently ✓ I already do occasionally – I do, but rarely 0 I do not do, but would consider. ✗ Not appropriate for WL Classes Sr. Buckbuck presents… The Common Core Catechism Issue: How do I increase the “rigor?” Answer: It’s a f&@#k%n’ FOREIGN LANGUAGE!!! Issue: What are appropriate texts? Answer: Authentic documents! Issue: What does “close reading” look like? Curriculum Entrepreneur, David Colemen (in a talk ironically entitled “Bringing the Common Core to Life,”…) disparaged research-based strategies including: 1. Providing background information. 2. Pre-reading activities, including vocabulary introduction. 3. Giving a purpose for reading. (“strategy of the weak”) 4. Personalization of the text See also: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/answer-sheet/post/teacher-one-maddening-day-workingwith-the-common-core/2012/03/15/gIQA8J4WUS_blog.html Issue: How should we do “close reading”? ANSWER Ignore Curriculum Entrepreneur, David Coleman!! For now…. 1. Stick with well-established, researchbased student-centered “best practices.” 2. Demand research evidence to the contrary. 3. Request model lesson with your students. Issue: What does “close reading” look like? So…. 1. Provide background information. (all media) 2. Pre-reading activities, including vocabulary introduction. Give context and provide relevance! 3. Multiple Readings of the Text for different purposes. 4. Giving a purpose for each reading. 5. Start with word/phrase level comprehension move to paragraph level. 6. Start with literal comprehension move to inferential comprehension. 7. Personalization of the text Issue: What does “close reading” look like? Reasons for Multiple Readings: 1. Skim to determine audience. (silent/individual) 2. Skim to circle cognates. (silent/individual) 3. Read for main idea /underline (silent/individual) 4. Read for vocabulary given definitions or synonyms. (pair) 5. Read for literal comprehension / verification. (individual or pair) 6. Read for argumentation, structure, language use (group discussion) Issue: How can I help students justify answers using text-based evidence? Techniques: 1. Find-highlight-number. (Can be done in pairs) 2. Comprehension: • True / False – Verify true / Correct &Verify False 3. Scavenger Hunts: • Include line numbers in printed texts 4. Graphic Organizers: • Compare/Contrast (Venn Diagrams) • Cause Effect • Concept Formation (Classification Circles) Issue: Multiple Sources Techniques: 1. Use audio and video texts as well as written texts – adapt “close reading” techniques for “close listening”. 2. Two Sources: • True Statements – Students identify Source A, Source B, Both Sources • Make more challenging by adding statements not verified in either source. 3. Multiple Sources • Use a grid for students to identify sources. Writing, LOTE & CCSS LOTE teachers can support CCSS goals and be true to developing Second Language Proficiency by: 1. Regularly incorporating formal and informal writing activities into teaching and assessments. 2. Focusing primarily on developing writing skills at the sentence and paragraph discourse level. 3. Reinforcing common expectations for grammar, usage and style in grading practices. 25 Types of Writing Classified by Purpose A. Narrative – letters, stories, anecdotes, journals, diaries, autobiography B. Expository – reports, summaries, descriptions, biography C. Persuasive – editorials, position papers, essays, letters to the editor – CCSS calls for increased practice with expository and persuasive genres. 26 Issue: How do I expand writing genres? Techniques: 1. Make sure to cover the four NYS LOTE functions: • Socializing (Narrative) • Providing and Obtaining Information (Expository) • Expressing Feelings (Narrative) • Persuasion (Persuasion) 2. Use framed paragraph technique to model writing. What to write.... A. Sentence Level Discourse • Use textbook questions to summarize a class. • Alphabetical lists • Write questions that can be answered from notes. 28 Menus Students write sentences. I My best friend My friends My friends and I My siblings My family My teacher love(s) like(s) prefer(s) enjoy(s) detest(s) avoid(s) has/have to need(s) to should to sing to go to the movies to play video games to play basketball to do chores to take a hike to go camping to study to do homework to visit relatives to attend a concert to visit a museum to take a trip Variation: Play three truths and a lie. in the morning in the afternoon in the evening after school on the weekend in the summer every day always sometimes rarely often never all the time as soon as possible 29 Techniques and Ideas! B. Paragraph Level Discourse • Framed Paragraph • Reactions to quotations – agree/disagree • Timed Writing (5 – 10 minutes) • Textbook questions • Old Regents Questions • Summarize main ideas 30 Framed Paragraph: Ayer hice muchas cosas. Por la mañana, _____________________, ____________________, y _____________________. Entonces, _____________________ y ____________________. Después de clases, _______________________ y __________________________. Por la noche, ________________________, ______________________ y ________________________. Por fin, ________________________ . Framed Paragraph An upper level class is discussing gender roles. Students are asked to give their opinion about child rearing. Students are given this framed paragraph: Public and private employers (should / should not) be required to offer paid child rearing leave. Offering parents child rearing leave ___________________ because _____________________ . The cost of providing paid leave __________________ because ___________________. If child rearing leave is given, then _______________. 32 Reaction to quotation To start off a class on choosing a career, the teacher puts this quote on the projector: “Measure twice, cut once.” • What meaning does the quote have to a carpenter? • What meaning does the quote have to a person who is thinking about what to do after high school? 33 Techniques and Ideas! C. Extended Discourse • Timed writings – 15 - 30 minutes • Editorial Writing • Reporting from groups on chart paper • Cause and Effect or Compare and Contrast Essays 34 Techniques and Ideas! D. Pre-writing • Menus • Word Banks • Graphic Organizers – Q. A. D. • Venn Diagrams. • Picture prompts • Brainstorming • Interviews 35 Sample Graphic Organizer Nombre ______________________________________ Español Graphic Organizer Hora _____________________ Topic: Introduction: ¿Quién? ________________________________________________________ ¿Dónde? ______________________________________________ __________ ¿Cuándo? ________________________________________________________ ¿Por qué? ________________________________________________________ ¿Problema? ________________________________________________________ Transition: Body: _______________________ _________________________________ Primero ________________________________________________________ [detalle] ________________________________________________________ Después ________________________________________________________ [detalle] ________________________________________________________ Entonces ________________________________________________________ [detalle] ________________________________________________________ Transition: Conclusion: ____________________________________________ ____________ Por fin ________________________________________________________ [detalle] ________________________________________________________ Sentimientos ________________________________________________________ ¿por qué? ________________________________________________________ Topic Sentence: ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 36 Revision E. Sentence Level Discourse • Slotting – substitution of pronouns or new vocabulary. 37 Slotting A student answers a test question like this: They eat all the food. Put it on the document camera. Slot for the pronoun “they” and the noun “food” They The organisms The field mice The herbivores eat consume devour all the food. the wheat The producers The green plants 38 Revision E. Sentence Level Discourse • Slotting – substitution of pronouns or new vocabulary. • Sentence expansion – Use 5Ws 39 Sentence Expansion A student writes on a test: Because it’s fun. Put it on the document camera. Expand the sentence for the 5 Ws. Many teens go to the movies because it’s fun. Many teens go to the movies on the weekend because it’s fun to spend time with their friends. Many local teens go to the movies on the weekend in nearby Geneseo because it’s close-by and they enjoy spending time with their friends. 40 Issue: What should my unit plan look like? Answer: Here’s the CCSS design: Issue: How can I create LOTE units? Suggestions: 1. “I can” statements or KUDos 2. Gather texts – (written, audio, video) 3. Build a Foundation – vocabulary and background knowledge 4. Work from the texts to create speaking and writing prompts Issue: What are sources for writing thematic units? Answer: “I can” statements National Council of State Supervisors of Foreign Language (NCSSFL) – Linguafolio http://www.ncssfl.org/LinguaFolio/ind ex.php?checklists Issue: What are sources for “I can” statements? Answer: Jefferson County (KY) Public Schools http://www.jefferson.k12.ky.us/Depart ments/Gheens/CurrMaps.html From: Jefferson Co. KY World Languages: Level 2 Conclusions: 1. Language Proficiency is JOB #1 2. Stick with LOTE “best practices” 3. Base your units on culturally authentic documents. 4. Share what you know about teaching listening and speaking! 5. Contribute to foundational skills for research (without spending too much time)