Common Core State Standards An Introduction April 2012 Today’s Presenter Marsha Tokuyoshi ELA/Common Core Standards Coordinator Contra Costa County Office of Education Common Core State Standards The Standards DO… The Standards DO NOT… define what all students are expected to know and be able to do define how teachers should teach focus on what is most essential describe all that can or should be taught establish a baseline for advanced learners define the nature of advanced work Common Core State Standards Internationally benchmarked to ensure students will be globally competitive Fundamental knowledge for College and Career Readiness Shared, rigorous academic content with clear expectations for students Consistent across states (allows for collaboration) 4 Common Core State Standards 1. Only the important material 2. Supported by research 3. Vetted by MANY in the educational community 4. Include higher order thinking skills 5 Common Core State Standards 45 States, DC, & the Virgin Islands have adopted the CCSS 6 Where did they come from? Council of Chief State School Officers 7 Development & Adoption Timeline for Common Core State Standards Multiple drafts of the standards were developed, reviewed & vetted 1st Round Race To the Top funding awarded CA State Board of Ed unanimously adopts 85% Rule (Addition) 2012 June August 2009 48 States voluntarily join 2010 National Release Common Core State Standards 2011 45 States have adopted CCSS California Academic Content Standards Commission (CACSC) met for 6 days to decide. More than half of this group are teachers8 Common Core State Standards Documents College and Career Readiness Standards Appendix A: Research Supporting Key Elements Appendix B: Text Exemplars and Sample Performance Tasks Appendix C: Samples of Student Writing Appendix A: Designing High School Courses based on the Common Core State Standards Available at 9 Common Core State Standards Documents Includes California’s additional 15% Available at 10 mmoncore.html Adoption Timelines and Gaps Last Textbook Adoption Math 2007 ELA 2008 CCSS adopted CCSS Assessments New Textbook Adoption 2016 August 2010 Fall 2014 2018 12 Two Assessment Consortia Were Funded Assessments that are state-of-theart, summative and formative, and written in multiple formats Assessments that use computer technology to create a faster feedback loop on results Systems that inform teachers of student progress on a frequent basis SMARTER BALANCED PARCC To “go live” in 2014-15 13 The Work Ahead of Us… Get Started, Embrace the Challenges, Unpack the Opportunities Conclusion of our Overview of Common Core State Standards Please join us for upcoming webinars featuring ELA & Literacy Common Core Standards Math Common Core Standards 15 For questions or more information, please contact Marsha Tokuyoshi, ELA/Common Core Standards Coordinator, Contra Costa County Office of Education (925) 942-3385