A meeting of the Executive Committee 2013

A meeting of the Executive Committee 2013-2014 was
held on 2nd December 2013 at 11:00 in the Council Room
of Loughborough Students’ Union
Executive Minutes 02.12.2013
Present: Jennie Cooper, Dave Tingle, Gasim Ibrahim, Tom Parry, Jonti Davies, Paul Nanson,
Natasha White, Paul Barlow,
Late Arrival: Zak Evans, Becky Lauder-Fletcher, Georgia Cheyne and Helen Crossley
Apologies: Sarah Haar
Late Apologies – Nanchella Makhoka, Josh Hurrell and Izzy Ford
Late Reports – Josh Hurrell
The meeting was chaired by Paul Nanson is Josh Hurrell’s absence
Minutes of the last meeting on 27th November were confirmed
Actions from last meeting
All Executive to send required information for ‘help me’ button to HCh - Ongoing
PB to look into the maglock access for the meeting rooms for cost and when it can be done –
working progress, planned completion by Christmas
Items for approval
President Report – By Paul Nanson
Met with LU Arts to discuss how they can support the Union further, had a meeting with
Alison Barlow to discuss the University strat plan, discussed notes taken from 121 meetings,
attended a conference in London, had a meeting with On Your Side campaign team and
attended a University Council
VP Democracy Report – by Helen Crossley
Attended Workshops for career progression and training for trainers, Helped BLF with NSS
video, met with University buddy, held 8 hall elections, passed election packs at Union
Council, sat on the interview panel for new graphic designer, attended Faraday high table and
Faradays Movember social
VP Education Report – by Jennie Cooper
Attended Re-Evaluation Board for the University International foundation Programme and
NSS meetings, held first Programme Presidents lunch with JH and University staff,
completed all focus groups for NSS, finalized University Challenge team, finished planning
Your Education week and visited Bath University
VP Welfare Report – by Georgia Cheyne
Held Loughborough Women’s Network event, ran alcohol awareness week that included
games at the big Saturday night in, had a Better Decisions meeting and planned more events,
had a great AIDS awareness day, also met with the new LGBT committee
VP Finance Report – by Jennie Cooper
Changes to the Discipline policy were passed at Council, Also met with Epona, to decide
what products will be going in the new shop, met with Evo to discuss Nightmaster, attended
University Council, began filming for the 12 days of loyalty, attended Rigg-Rut high table
and the big night in
Community DO Report – by Jonti Davies
Met with Alison Barlow to discuss Community Relations and how it can be improved, also
worked with Alison Barlow to get a report of Know your Neighbour, Has almost finished the
design for LSU Community Calendars, attended the CV workshop with other Exec members
and held the handover AAIR rep meeting.
Alumni Report – by Jonti Davies
Held another AAIR rep meeting, is booking meetings with Bill Mo and Falk Egg with the
Alumni office to go through Strategic plans, had an Alumni events meeting, had a peer review
meeting with JH, and also stepped in as Vice Chair role for Union Council
Post Grad Report – by Natasha White
Had an induction with JH, met with the dean of the Grad School and discussed some future
plans, started work on an objective list for the coming period, updated some of the social
media pages related to the position, also attended Union council and Exec meeting.
Management Report – by Helen Crossley
Assisted ZE with the presentation of budgets to the BOT, moved on to work with Gary on the
development of the new account structure, had a good meeting with Rebecca Bateman and
John Palmer to look at the impact of the brand review, also attended and spoke at the NSS
conference and met with an officer from Prevent who will be giving appropriate training for
Exec and staff.
All items were approved.
Items to note
There were no lates to report this week
JH Welcomed GI to his first Exec meeting!
Items to discuss
1) Finance Sub Committee – Presented by Josh Hurrell
To elect 3 members of the Executive Committee to include VP Finance
Not all of the Executive are present so a decision will be made at a later date.
ACTION -PN to send an email to find 2 more people who would like to sit on the Finance
Sub Committee
2) Hall Socials – Presented by Dave Tingle
At the AAIR rep meeting, negative feedback was received on the recent clamp down of
Hustings and hall socials, some students feel the clamp down is too strong, there has been a
suggestion to use a consent form, and some committee positions have become vacant or are
uncontested due to people not wanting to stay in hallsnext year.
ZE – JH and IF have emailed Manuel about Hustings, what some people were doing was
ridiculous, some halls have had better Hustings because of the clamp down
BLF – Rutherford and Faraday never have alcohol or anything nasty at Hustings and it still
had a good atmosphere
DT – The problem is with Hall socials and not just Hustings
JC – we need to find a way to manage the comments/situation better as a team
PN – socials are harsher than Hustings, this needs to be pointed out to Manuel
There was further discussion regarding the problems with hall socials and Hustings,
It was decided that JH should meet with Dan Thomas, Richard Taylor and Manuel to discuss
ACTION – JH to meet with Dan Thomas, Richard Taylor and Manuel to discuss the problems
with Hustings and Hall Socials
3) Your Education week – Presented by Becky Lauder-Fletcher
Various events happening for Your Education week 2nd-6th December
Some Exec have been booked for helping with the stand in Piazza when there is no student to
Speech Bubble on Monday evening, all Exec to try and attend if available
Tuesday – the great debate, BLF is looking for two more speakers. One to talk against
differentiating fee costs and one to talk for means tested fees, the debate should last for about
30 mins
Wednesday – Programme Rep conference in Fusion 1-4pm
Please re-tweet BLF’s tweets for Your Education Week
Your Education Week – all week
Societies Conference – Tuesday 3rd and Wednesday 4th December
Farmers Market – Monday 9th December
Societies Winter Showcase - Saturday 7th December
Carol Service – Monday 2nd December
Executive Project Budgets
ZE presented the bid on behalf of IF who was not present
Bid for £1000 for Health and Wellbeing Week
Health and Wellbeing Week has the ability to affect everyone, it will run from 27th January to the 2nd
February 2014
Freebies will be given out, T-shirts/Stress balls etc.
A full breakdown was submitted to ZE for anybody who wanted to see it.
A vote was taken, all in favour
Communication Messages
Flash – Winter Showcase to swap with Give it a go, Your Education week to stay up
Exec will make a flash for things they have achieved
ACTION PN – to get one item from all full time Exec for the flash
Website Video – Winter Showcase from Wednesday to Saturday
Social Media – Winter Showcase, Your Education Week
Weekly Email – Winter Showcase, Your Education Week, update on BUCS
PN – Is there a limit to how many items can go in the weekly email as the list can sometimes be too
PB – There is currently no limit
ACTION - ALL to discuss and decide a limit to how many items should be on the weekly email
Governance and Union Council
Next meeting 28th November at 7.30pm in the council room
Thursday 5th December, half day Lieu – Requested by JC
Friday 13th December, half day Lieu – Requested by JC
Friday 13th December, half day Lieu – Requested by ZE
Any Other Business
JC – Met with Michael Caine to discuss Loughborough in London,
2 visits to London to take place on 18th December and 7th February, all Exec to attend if possible
18th December visit
HC and GI
7th February visit
TP, JD, GC, and DT
HCh and PN are not available to attend either date
Mystery Boxes for late apologies
ZE – to help the ladies in the café serve tea and coffee for 30 mins – suggested by JC
BLF – To ask 3 male staff members for a dance at the Christmas party – suggested by PN
GC – to drink no tea for the 2 days of the societies conference – suggested by BLF
ACTION – JH to clarify what the punishments are for late reports and apologies
Date of next meeting
Wednesday 11th December November 2013, 2pm in the Board Room
Staff Matters
Were discussed