Cell Parts Analogy Restaurant - NylandBiology2012-2013

By: Sean King
• The Cell Membrane is a thin semi-permable membrane that surrounds the
cytoplasm of a cell. The function of a cell membrane is to protect the cells
interior and only allowing certain substances into it. Restaurants have doors
and walls to let people into the restaurant to enjoy their meal, but the doors
and walls also keep some people from getting into the restaurant, which is
the similarity between a cell membrane and a restaurants doors and walls.
The cytoplasm is found in eukaryotic cells.
• The Cytoplasm is clear with no color, and has a gel-like appearance. The
Cytoplasm consists of all the contents outside of the nucleus. In other terms,
the cytoplasm is the atmosphere of the nucleus which is containing all of the
organelles in a cell. The atmosphere of a restaurant compares to this due to
the customers of a restaurant just being inside of the restaurant. The
cytoplasm can be found in eukaryotic cells.
• The Nucleus is a membrane that holds the cells heredity, information, and
controls. It controls on how the cell grows and the reproduction of a cell.
What the nucleus does is tell what the cell does and how it will function. This
relates to a manager, because of what the manager does which is tell the
waiters what to do and basically controlling them. The nucleus can be found
in eukaryotic cells.
• The Endoplasmic reticulum usually surrounds the nucleus. It is made of a series
of membranes in eukaryotic cells. Endoplasmic reticulum's are tubular
networks that stores, separates, and serve as a cell’s transport system.
Waiters are similar to these organelles because of how waiters transport
food to customers in a restaurant and separate foods so that each food that
someone orders goes to them.
• Ribosomes are very small and create proteins for the cell, they also consist of
RNA. Their function is to make sure that proteins get assembled for the cell.
Ribosomes compare to Ovens and other kitchen appliances since ovens
create food(a chef could also count) and then that food gets served to the
customers of the restaurant. Eukaryotic cells contain ribosomes in them.
• The Nucleolus contains all of the DNA that a cell may carry. It is
used as the instructions to create building blocks of the cell. It
can also be used for cellular reproduction. The reason why a
Nucleolus is similar to a assistant manager is that the nucleolus
also controls a certain amount of organelles in the cell just not
as much as the cell making the Nucleolus the assistant manager
for the nucleus.
• The Mitochondria serve as a engine house for the cell. It converts energy to
forms in which that are usable by the cell. You can find the Mitochondria in
the Cytoplasm, mitochondria’s are sites for cellular respiration. An energy
source like a generator would be comparable to a Mitochondria since they
both generate energy for places. Mitochondria’s are found in eukaryotic
• The Golgi Body sends and receives material in a cell. It can be found in
eukaryotic cells. A Golgi body can be compared to a packing department
because of how a packing department receives items from manufactories
and then send items to restaurant, stores, etc.
• A Vacuole serves as storage of materials for the cell. Vacuoles
have many functions one of them is maintaining an acidic
internal pH, containing small molecules, exporting unwanted
substances from the cell, and containing water in plant cells. A
freezer or a storage room would be very comparable since
they both store items that may be used for later. Vacuoles are
found in plant cells(eukaryotic cells).
• "Nucleus." About.com Biology. Regina Bailey, 10 Sept. 2008. Web. 23 Oct.
2012. <http://biology.about.com/od/geneticsglossary/g/Nucleus.htm>.
• "Quizlet." Cell Organelles and Their Functions Flashcards. N.p., Sept.-Oct.
2011. Web. 23 Oct. 2012. <http://quizlet.com/410483/cell-organellesand-their-functions-flash-cards/>.
• "Key Concepts:." Nucleolus: Structure and Function. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Oct.
2012. <http://www.els.net/WileyCDA/ElsArticle/refId-a0005975.html>.
• "Cytoplasm." Cytoplasm. Evan and Melanie, n.d. Web. 23 Oct. 2012.