ASL 1 Class Summer 2011 Family & Friends Ask & give information about the family & relationships Indicate past, present and future tenses Use FINISH Personal pronouns incorporating 1+ persons (TWOOF-YOU, THREE-OF-US) Culture: Hearing Status, Deaf Family ties FAMILY SINCE GATHER-TOGETHER TWO-YEARS TOMORROW DEAF NOT-YET PARENTS SISTER BROTHER HEARING OF-COURSE Dialogue, p. 97 A: MY FAMILY GATHER-TOGETHER TOMORROW. NOT-YET GATHER-TOGETHER SINCE TWO YEAR. B: FAMILY DEAF? A: PARENTS DEAF, SISTER DEAF, TWO BROTHER, ONE DEAF, ONE HEARING B: BROTHER HEARING, SIGN? A: OF-COURSE! Culture Notes: It is a common cultural and social practice to give information about whether one’s family members are hearing or Deaf. Deaf people make connections through understanding an individual’s relationship to the Deaf Community. It also tells something about the individual and their experiences. Understanding whether or not the hearing members in a Deaf person’s family sign contributes to understanding the Deaf person’s life experiences. Practice A, p. 98 Ask your partner if these people in his/her family are Deaf or hearing: PARENTS, MOTHER, FATHER BROTHER SISTER AUNT UNCLE COUSIN GRANDFATHER / GRANDMOTHER Ask your partner if these individuals can sign. YESTERDAY HOW-MANY MEET YEAR HUSBAND TWO-OF-US TWO-OF-YOU REALIZE MARRY CHILDREN DAUGHTER SON #ALL Dialogue 2 A: YESTERDAY I MEET-HIM YOUR HUSBAND. TWO-OF-YOU MARRY, HOW-MANY YEARS? B: TWO-OF-US MARRY 6 YEARS. A: WOW! I NOT REALIZE SINCE. HAVE CHILDREN? B: TWO DAUGHTER, ONE SON. A: DEAF, HEARING? B: #ALL DEAF. Grammar Note: Introduce PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE tenses at the beginning or end of the sentence. Ex: YESTERDAY, I MEET HIM. Or: I MEET-HIM YESTERDAY. Once tense has been established, it does not need to be repeated in each sentence. Common Tense Signs: Present Tense Future Tense NOW TOMORROW TODAY WILL LATER Past Tense YESTERDAY BEFORE RECENT LONG-AGO AFTER-A-WHILE FAR-IN-FUTURE Phrases Using Tense TODAY MY BIRTHDAY I BEFORE MARRY. NOW DIVORCE. MARRY AGAIN WILL I. TWO-OF-YOU MARRY, HOW-MANY YEAR? US-TWO MARRY 6 YEAR. YOU-TWO MARRY RECENT? Plural Personal Pronouns Some personal pronouns can incorporate number, as in TWO-OF-YOU or TWO-OF-US. This works for numbers up to 5. Other examples: TWO-OF-THEM THREE-OF-US FOUR-OF-THEM FIVE-OF-YOU Practice 2, p. 102 Follow the examples in your books on page 102. Please ask if you have questions. FRIEND NO SEE-YOU FINISH GOOD-FRIEND LOOK-LIKE GROW-UPTOGETHER GO-TOGETHER BOYFRIEND WRONG Dialogue Practice A: YESTERDAY I SEE YOU. WITH FRIEND? B: TWO-OF-US GOOD-FRIEND GROW-UP- TOGETHER. A: BOYFRIEND? B: (gesture no) FRIEND FINISH. A: OH-I-SEE. LOOK-LIKE YOU-TWO GOTOGETHER. I WRONG I. Note FINISH is used in these ways: To indicate extent or limit. Ex: WE FRIEND FINISH. Or I TAKE-UP ASL FINISH. Before or after the verb to show completed action. Ex: BOOK I FINISH READ I. Or BOOK I READ FINISH I. By itself to mean, “Stop it!” by using a sharp, single movement. FINISH Practice 3, p. 105 Tell your partner you have completed the following actions: Ex: Seen your friend. FRIEND I SEE FINISH I. FRIEND I FINISH SEE I. Refer to p. 105 for the prompts. VOCABULARY Family Members Relationships FAMILY PARENTS / MOTHER / FATHER GRANDMOTHER /GRANDFATHER AUNT / UNCLE COUSIN HUSBAND / WIFE DAUGHTER /SON CHILDREN NEWPHEW / NIECE MARRY SEPARATED DIVORCE BACK-TOGETHER FRIEND GOOD-FRIEND GO-STEADY, DATING BOYFRIEND GIRLFRIEND ROOMMATE GROW-UP-TOGETHER Vocabulary Tense Indicators Other Vocabulary NOW, TODAY, PRESENT TODAY YESTERDAY, PAST RECENT, RECENTLY LONG-AGO BEFORE, PAST, AGO TOMORROW WILL, FUTURE LATER AFTER-AWHILE FAR-IN-FUTURE #ALL SINCE, UP-TILL-NOW OF-COURSE, NATURALLY REALLY REALIZE, REASON LONG, LENGTHY SHORT TIME BIRTHDAY SEEM, APPEARS WITH, TOGETHER FINISH MOVIE SONG PRACTICE/ FOLKLORE PRACTICE SONG 2Xs REVIEW FOLKLORE STORY 1-2Xs. That’s it. Next week we’ll work on the Folklore story & song. You MIGHT have a test. Our final day will be a pot-luck silent dinner – just us – to practice what we’ve learned in a social setting. Please sign up to bring something. Silent Suppers is having a meet-up on August 13 @ 6:00 here at the church building (FLC). It’s a “Murder Mystery Dinner.” If you want to go, please let me know & sign up.