• Review: • What decision is made by a neuron? • At what location the decision is made? • How the decision is made? • Simple decision rule: if Em > threshold (-40mV) fire an action potential Inject current Measure Em - Let us simulate excitatory input by injecting positive ions (electrical current) into neuron • After action potential is initiated, it propagates to the axon terminal in all-or-none manner Peak = +30mV Threshold = -40mV Em Inject current Resting Em= -80mV 2. Presynaptic neuron 1. Synapse (Greek “syn”= together + Greek “hapto”= to clasp) 3. Postsynaptic neuron What happens at the contact between two neurons? Let’s start with something simple: The only monosynaptic reflex in our body • Stretch reflex or Patellar reflex or knee-jerk reflex • Why doctors check for this reflex? • Decreased kneejerk reflex is a clinical sign of demyelination of peripheral nerves as occurs in untreated syphilis infection • In patients with cerebellar disease, the leg can oscillate up to 8 times • Dorsal root • From Latin Dorsalis = Back • Ventral horn • from Latin ventralis= belly, abdomen • SAME DAVE Sensory – Dorsal Afferent – Afferent Motor – Ventral Efferent - Efferent Dorsal Ventral • In both spine and the brain: the back (posterior) is always sensory • the front (ventral) is always motor • Sensor: Muscle spindle is a stretch receptor = the length sensor ΔL Frequency (rate) of action potentials Em Fmax Stimulus = ΔL • Conclusion: Information is coded in frequency of action potentials (firing frequency): the higher the frequency the stronger quadriceps muscle would contract Reflexes • We talk of a reflex when consciousness is not involved. • A patient could be unconscious, but the reflex will work • Other examples of a reflex? • Crossed extensor reflex (a withdrawal reflex) after stepping on a nail • Note that the firing of the motor neuron can be inhibited by the brain Types of synapses • The problem: we need to transmit signal from one cell to another • In the stretch reflex, the signal needs to be transmitted: – from stretch receptor axon terminal motor neuron – from the motor neuron axon terminal the muscle • The first type of connection that evolution tried was an electrical contact: gap junction • Ions and small molecules (up to 2nm) can diffuse without leaking to extracellular space • A kind of local plumbing system • Most cell in the body are connected; except red blood cells, neurons and skeletal muscles. • Gap junctions couple neighboring cells in the heart, smooth muscles, in glands, liver, epithelia; at some stages of early development of an embryo, they couple all cells. Electrical synapses also connect some neurons in some animals: • Example: crayfish giant motor synapse, that mediates emergency tail flip – the escape reaction of crayfish. • 4 giant axons of the ventral nerve cord make contact with axons of giant motor neurons in each segment all abdominal flexor muscles become activated simultaneously and without delay • • (b) Photomicrograph of cross section of ventral nerve cord in abdomen of crayfish made near the level of the third root (arrow in a); the largest axons near the top are giant fibers used in escape responses (c) Relationship between lateral giant and motor giant axons as they make electrical synaptic contact near the third root of an abdominal ganglion in the crayfish • A gap junction can be regulated: • 1. by a number of small molecules • 2. by insertion or removing gap junctions from the membrane Electrical synapse Chemical synapse • Until 1920 scientists did not know how neurons communicated. • Scientists formed two camps: they called themselves soups and sparks. Soups were in favor of chemical transmission and sparks were in favor of electrical communication. They were arguing for 50 years and before 1920 sparks seemed to be winning. • The solution came to Otto Loewi in a dream in 1920… Loewi’s Experiment Demonstrating Chemical Transmission • Stimulated vagus nerve slowed heart A • Injected solution from heart A into heart B Heart B rate slowed • Stimulated sympathetic nerve sped up heart A. • Injected solution from heart A into heart B Heart B rate sped up • Loewi’s conclusion – Heart uses chemical messengers, not electrical signal to control heart rate. – Loewi got a Nobel prize in 1936 A B Which synapse is electrical? chemical? Electrical synapse • Electron microscopy of synapses Chemical synapse Electrical synapse • Why wasn’t evolution satisfied with electrical synapses? – – • PROBLEM: Gap junctions are straight forward transducers of electricity: – – • Gap junctions synaptic transmission is fast They can be regulated Presynaptic cell depolarized Post is depolarized; Postsynaptic cell depolarized Pre depolarized It is impossible to build a highly compartmentalized system with just electrical synapses Chemical synapse • Evolution favored more complex systems. It is easier to build a complex system with chemical synapses: – – – – neurons are electrically isolated; chemicals (neurotransmitters) are used to transmit signal between neurons. Some neurotransmitters depolarize the postsynaptic neuron; some hyperpolarize Some neurotransmitters have only transient effect (1ms); others long-lasting effect (100ms) Electrical synapse A Differences between chemical and electrical synapse Chemical synapse A B B Em cell A Action potential in cell A Em cell A delay Em cell B Em cell B No delay Electrical synapse A Differences between chemical and electrical synapse Chemical synapse A B Action potential in cell A Action potential in cell B B Em cell A Em cell A Em cell B Em cell B Em cell A Em cell A Em cell B Em cell B From now on we’ll be talking about chemical synapses only. Rules of the game at a chemical synapse 1. Excitatory synapse always depolarization Em 2. Inhibitory synapse always hyperpolarization Em Excitatory synapse Action potentials in the presynaptic cell 1 are 100ms apart no temporal summation Action potentials in the presynaptic cell 1 are 5ms apart temporal summation of EPSP results in action potential in the postsynaptic cell Simultaneous action potentials in presynaptic cell 1 and 2 spatial summation of EPSP results in action potential in the postsynaptic cell Inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) reduces the probability of action potential in the postsynaptic cell action potential Summary Postsynaptic potential 1. Postsynaptic potentials last longer than action potentials 2. Postsynaptic potentials are local potentials – they are not usually amplified 3. Postsynaptic potentials are graded potentials: the more APs arrived the greater EPSP (as opposed to all-or-none APs) 4. Since they are not amplified, postsynaptic potentials are decreasing in amplitude as one measures change in Em away from a synapse: Em 10mV 5mV 3mV 1mV synapse dendrite AP in presynaptic cell axon • Usually one finds a number of inhibitory synapses right at the axon hillock • So that even if there are a lot of excitatory inputs, the inhibitor can decide whether to fire AP or not The mechanism of neurotransmitter release • Let’s look at the neuromuscular junction • The goal of the neuron: to depolarize muscle so that muscle fires an action potential • Transmission is chemical neurotransmitter has to be delivered to the surface of the muscle • Neurotransmitter is stored inside synaptic vesicles • What triggers the release of vesicles? • Increase of Ca++ concentration from 0.0001mM to 1mM in close vicinity to vesicles triggers exocytosis • Neurotransmitter packed inside vesicles at high concentration is spilled on the postsynaptic cell • The number of postsynaptic receptors is very large • These receptors can be coupled to ion channels or to other proteins that transmit the signal to the postsynaptic cell • POSTSYNAPTIC RECEPTOR: In the case of a neuromuscular junction (nmj), ACh receptor itself is a channel • Following binding of two ACh molecules, the channel opens • Sodium enters the muscle and ….what happens? • Positive sodium depolarizes the muscle, making it more likely to fire an action potential. +30mV ? – – – – – + – - -40mV - + + - + + + + + + • • • • • • Na+ + + + - + - - + + - - + + + + - - - + - + - + + - + - + + - - + - + + - + + ++ + ++ - + + + + + - + ++ + + - + ++ - +- + -+ + -+ + - + - + + - + + + + + +- + + + + + + + + + [K ]=150mM [Na ]=15mM Na+ - + + - - + + + - + + - + - - [K+]=4mM [Na+]=145mM Positive sodium depolarizes the muscle membrane potential becomes more positive more sodium channels open Even more sodium ions enter the cells membrane potential even more positive and so on == Positive feedback loop == explosion == gun powder • The release of one vesicle usually is not enough to trigger AP in a muscle. • Many vesicles at many release zones have to exocytose to result in muscle AP and a corresponding twitch. • Each neuronal AP releases MANY vesicles, • Each neuronal AP normally results in a muscle AP • If Ach is allowed to hang around ACh receptor for too long new signal will not get through. • Therefore ACh has to be quickly removed from synaptic cleft • Name several possible mechanisms? Inside axon terminals: choline + AcetylCoA ACh + CoA ACh is then packaged into vesicles Choline transporter AChR AChR AChR AChR AChE AChE • • • • AChE AChE AChE ACh is broken down by ACh esterase (AChE) AChE is located in postjunctional folds (AChR are on the surface) ACh is broken into choline and acetate Choline is transported back into the neuron by choline transporter • • Electron microscope autoradiograph of the vertebrate nmj, showing localization of ACh receptors (black developed grains) at the top one-third of the postsynaptic junctional folds. AChE is at the bottom of postsynaptic junctional folds Find two errors Find two errors Disease: Myasthenia gravis • G. myo=muscle + asthenia=weakness • Severe dropping of eyelids • Patient cannot move his eyes to look to either side • Severity varies within a single day, day to day… Disease: Myasthenia gravis • Autoimmune disease in which antibodies are produced against the nicotinic AChR • Viral or bacterial antigens may share epitopes with the AChR • This reduces the number of receptors, increases receptor turnover and degradation Disease: Myasthenia gravis • Normally an AP in a motor axon releases enough vesicles to induce muscle AP. • In fact the number of vesicles can be reduced by 25% before it fails to initiate AP • In MG the number of AChR goes down and infoldings are reduced more ACh is broken down by AChE Disease: Myasthenia gravis • The weakness is reversed by drugs that inhibit AChE • E.g. neostigmine block the breakdown of ACh by AChE and temporarily increases the levels of ACh at the neuromuscular junction Types of neurotransmitters (You are not responsible for learning different types of neurotransmitters, their function, and location) Neurotransmitter Function Biogenic amines (contain NH2 amino group) Acetylcholine (Ach) Neurotransmitter at the neuromuscular junction; in brain, involved in learning, etc. Dopamine (DA) Involved in reward circuits in the PFC. Abnormalities in DA system are implicated in schizophrenia and Parkinson’s disease. Cocaine blocks DA reuptake. Attention deficit disorder drug Ritalin also blocks DA reuptake. Amphetamine (Adderall) modulates DA as well as 5-HT and NE). Serotonin (5-HT) Involved in regulation mood, sleep and arousal, sexuality, aggression, body temperature. Abnormalities in 5-HT system are implicated in depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder. Psychedelic drugs like LSD activate 5-HT receptors as well as some DA receptors. Norepinephrine (NE) Released during stress. Neurotransmitter in the brain to increase arousal and attentiveness to events in the environment. ADD drug Strattera affects only NE. Epinephrine (Epi) A stress hormone related to norepinephrine. Also called Adrenalin. Histamine (His) Modulates sleep: antihistamines induce sleepiness (Dramamine) Amino Acids Glutamate (Glu) The major excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain and spinal cord. Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) The major inhibitory neurotransmitter. Its receptors respond to alcohol and the class of tranquilizers called benzodiazepines. Deficiency in GABA or receptors is one cause of epilepsy. Glycine (Gly) Inhibitory neurotransmitter in the spinal cord and lower brain. Works by opening Chloride Garrett: Brain & Behavior 4e channels that hyperpolarizes the cell. The poison strychnine causes convulsions and death by Neurotransmitter Function Neuropeptides Endorphins (over 85 different neuropeptides) Endogenous opioids (5 amino acid polypeptide) reduce pain and enhance reinforcement. Exogenous opioids: morphine, heroine. Substance P Neurotransmitter in neurons sensitive to pain. Neuropeptide Y Initiates eating and produces metabolic shifts. Gases Nitric Oxide Viagra enhances male erections by increasing nitric oxide’s ability to relax blood vessels and produce penile engorgement. CO carbon monoxide • Every molecule of neurotransmitter has a number of different target receptors, increasing the system complexity Regulation of the synaptic strength • • • • • • • • • Presynaptically Transmitter release facilitation Depression Calcium channel regulation Autoreceptors provide feedback mechanism AP duration (AP longer more Ca++ in more release Regulate the number of active zones per synapse Regulate the number of synapses between the cells Modify recycling of neurotransmitter • Postsynaptically • Modification of receptors via ligands • Modify receptor subunit composition • Change number of receptors Regulate the number of synapses between the cells: grow dendritic spines Sleep and memory • Sleep is good for memory consolidation (conversion of memory into permanent memory). • Memory improvement is most dramatic for procedural memory (riding a bike, skating, playing the piano). • Even a short nap can really improve memory. Example: growth of neuronal connections Within the first day after plating one of the short processes of a hippocampal neuron becomes defined as the single axon of the cell that grows out very rapidly. Both rate and direction of outgrowth are influenced by the nature of the substrate the axon encounters. This movie follows the elongation of the axon on a uniform substrate over a period of 16 hours. Note how the axon elongates in spurts. Time lapse: 16.5 hours (one loop of movie) Poisons • Botulinum toxin (from Latin “sausage”) fusion protein are cut vesicles are not released • Most potent toxin on the planet. Medial lethal dose 1ng/1kg (compare to strychnine 1,000,000ng/kg) • You only need 300gram to kill every person on earth Botulinum toxin cuts Syntaxin, SNAP-25, and Synaptobrevin Clostridium botulinum • Canned food creates ideal anaerobic environment for the bacterium Clostridium botulinum allows the spores to germinate, after which the bacteria can multiply and produce toxin • Do not eat food from cans that are swollen! • The spores survive boiling at 100°C • To kill spores canning companies use high pressure to raise temperature to 121°C for 3 min • Bottox Poisons Botulinum toxin Choline transporter AChR AChR AChR AChR AChE AChE AChE AChE AChE Black widow spider toxin Cobratoxin Organophosphates Why all victims die? • Botulinum toxin (from Latin “sausage”) fusion protein are cut vesicles are not released • Black widow spider toxin vesicles are released without Ca++ • Cobratoxin binds tightly to nAChR, preventing activation of nAChR • Organophosphates (biological weapons): irreversible inhibitors of AChE ACh is not broken down desensitization of AChR Conclusions • Most interesting staff – short-term memory – long-term memory – learning happens at the synapses.