Metamorphic Rocks

Metamorphic Rocks
Metamorphic rocks
• Subjected to heat (and stress)
• Results in changes in the appearance
– Mineralogical
– Textural
• Any rock can be metamorphosed
• But rocks that show metamorphic change
best are:
– fine grained clastic sedimentary rocks
– mafic volcanic rocks
Metamorphic textures
• Foliated
– Rocks have some sort of alignment of minerals
– Physical alignment of platy minerals gives a
rock that tends to split more easily in one
– Foliation may also be just layering of light and
dark minerals
• Non-foliated
– Rocks are “massive”
Foliated rocks
• Foliated rocks result from heat and directed stress.
– Heat causes minerals to grow – either get larger or react
to form new minerals
– Stress causes mineral to become oriented
• Because heat and stress cannot be imposed in
small areas, foliated rocks, where they occur,
occupy large “regions’
• Hence, the term “Regional Metamorphism” for
foliated rocks
• The term dynamothermal is also used (dynamo
meaning pushing or stress, thermal meaning
rock cleavage
Foliated rocks
• Various different kinds of “foliated” rocks
• These rocks are of different “grade”
• Major differences are in grain size, but there
are associated changes in mineralogy and
the nature of the foliation
Foliated rocks
• Slate (low grade)
– Very fine grained (cannot see individual grains
or identify the minerals)
– Have “slaty cleavage” – a very smooth surface
that is not the same as the bedding
– Slaty cleavage is the result of aligned
microscopic grains of clay, and possibly
chlorite or muscovite
Pool table tops made of slate
Foliated rocks
• Phyllite (low to medium grade)
– Coarser grained than slate
– The cleavage is shiny and results from coarser
grained (than slate) muscovite or chlorite (and
possibly biotite) grains
– Cleavage is commonly not as smooth as a slaty
Note the glossy sheen typical of phyllite.
Foliated rocks
• Schist (medium to high grade)
– The foliation is clearly the result of aligned
mineral grains (muscovite, biotite, chlorite, talc,
some amphibole)
– Grains are clearly visible
– The parting (schistosity) is rough due to the
grain size
Foliated rocks
• Gneiss (high grade)
– Layering of minerals (light and dark layers)
– Dark layers usually of biotite or amphibole and
grains are also usually aligned
– The highest grade rocks undergo partial melting
and the rock usually has lenses of igneous rock
(granite) and is called a “migmatite”
Gneissic layering; layers of identifiable
Dynamic metamorphism
• Change of texture but (often) without
significant mineral growth
• Faults/shear zones
• Foliated but othewise appear unchanged
– E.g., sheared granite
• At most extreme: mylonites, v. fine grained
(can’t identify minerals) and strongly
foliated (though lacking the easy parting of
slaty cleavage)
Foliated granite
So sheared it’s hard to tell what the orignal rock was
Non-foliated rocks
• Metamorphism by heat alone produces non-foliated rock
(rocks that lack a foliation)
• Grade of metamorphism is determined by grain size and
• Heat alone can be imposed in small areas as long as there
is a heat source (commonly an igneous body) nearby
• Hence non-foliated rocks are usually the result of “Contact
• But there are some exceptions…where non-foliated rocks
are “regional” in most senses of the word
Non-foliated rocks
• In some cases stress (in regional
metamorphism) may not produce much of a
foliation. This commonly occurs in rocks
consisting of a single mineral particularly if
that mineral does not typically grow as
inequant grains.
– quartz sandstone becomes a quartzite
– limestone becomes a marble
– basalt becomes an amphibolite (though
amphibolite is usually weakly foliated)
Doing the lab
• Fill in the six columns
Other textures/structures
Identifiable minerals
Rock name
Original rock type
• Foliated or non-foliated
• Does the sample show:
– Tendency to split
– Layering of minerals
Other textures/structures
• Relict bedding (in most slates): usually
visible as colour banding that is different
from the tendency to split (cleavage)
• Porphyroblasts: larger crystals in a finer
groundmass (i.e., the metamorphic
equivalent of the igneous term
Relict bedding in slate; colour banding, v.f.g., no
identifiable minerals
Identifiable minerals
• Write down the names of the minerals you can
identify (visually or by specific properties)
– Do not use the term “mica”; be specific and write
muscovite, or biotite
• There are a few new minerals that you have not
encountered in the minerals lab (lab 1).
– Andalusite, kyanite, sillimanite (all different forms of
Al2SiO5, just like graphite and diamond are forms of
– Staurolite, cordierite
• All are found in metamorphosed clay rich rocks
and are on display at the back of the lab
Andalusite and staurolite
Rock name
• Use the handout table
NOTE: The handout is a modified version
of Table 8.1, p. 190 of your textbook.
• Identify the rock on the basis of the grain
size and mineralogy.
• Table 8.1 (and modified) gives approximate
grade ranges for the common metamorphic
• The second table (back of handout) gives
slightly more detailed estimates of grade
depending on mineralogy
Original rock (protolith)
• Tables also give likely “protoliths” for the
common metamorphic rocks.
• However several different rock types have a
number of possible protoliths. It is possible
to distinguish which protolith is involved
from the mineralogy of the rock
– Gneiss rich in quartz and feldspar (little
biotite/muscovite) is likely derived from felsic
igneous rock or arkosic sandstone.
– Gneiss with abundant biotite/muscovite is
likely derived from a clay rich sediment
Some points
• Use the hand-lens
• Write neatly
• Use a PENCIL (and eraser if necessary)
– Starting this week, marks will be deducted for
sloppy work.
– If we can’t read your work we can’t grade it.
Field trip next week.
– Keep and eye on the weather
– Often cold (may be rainy)
• But on and off the bus
– Dress warmly (layers)
– Bus leaves promptly at 1:30 pm