Sixth Grade FCS UNIT: Nutrition & Wellness LEARNING GOALS: Define calorie. List factors that affect one’s calorie needs. Explain the calorie needs of a middle school student. Locate and explain calorie and serving size information on a package. Explain the importance of exercise. Define nutrient. List the 6 essential nutrient groups and explain their basic functions. List foods high in each nutrient group. Explain the nutrient section on a Nutrition Facts label. Locate an ingredients list on a package. Does it really make a difference what we eat or drink everyday? Does it make a difference if we exercise routinely? Think of your body as the only vehicle you will ever own to get around in. Would you treat that vehicle carelessly? Would you put the cheapest low quality fuel in it? Would you ignore trouble signs or never take it in for a check-up or inspection? If you can’t get another vehicle……… you REALLY need to take care of the one you have! Fuel, or gasoline, for a car is measured in gallons. 1. Fuel for your body is measured in ________________. 2. Calories are _____________________________. Calories are needed to fuel all body functions and activities. We even burn fuel when we are sleeping! 3. The amount of fuel your body needs is dependent on four basic factors: YOUR ACTIVITY LEVEL- it takes calories to support activity YOUR GROWTH RATE - it takes calories to support growth YOUR GENDER- in general boys need more calories than girls THE SIZE OF YOUR BODY- bigger bodies need more than littler bodies 4. The average teenager needs between ___________and _________ calories a day. 7:00 AM Breakfast 11:30 AM Lunch 400 calories 500 calories 3:30 PM Snack 200 calories 6:30 PM Dinner 9:00 PM Snack 750 calories 150 calories Nutrition Facts labels were designed by our government to tell us the most important information about packaged foods. Remember calories (fuel) are essential for our bodies to function, for activity, and for growth. This is why calorie values are required on the label. The calorie value must be related to a suggested serving size. This is why serving sizes must be clearly stated. 1. SERVING SIZE All the values on the label relate to the stated serving size. Pay attention to the weight of a serving- it will help when you are comparing products. 2. SERVINGS PER CONTAINER This number tells the consumer how many suggested servings are present in the package. 3. CALORIES PER SERVING The calories in a serving must be stated on Nutrition Facts near the top of the label. Exercise plays a big part in ___________________________________________. Extra calories we consume are stored as body fat. Some stored fat is healthy but too much has serious health consequences. Obesity is a growing problem among children and adults. Exercise has many health benefits besides weight control. It builds and tones muscles, especially our heart muscle, improves our mood, lung function, and makes us more flexible. CHOOSE HIGH QUALITY FUEL! CHOOSE QUALITY CALORIES! High quality calories come from foods rich in positive NUTRIENTS! Nutrients are: essential chemical substances found in foods and beverages. The human body needs over 45 different nutrients, and they are called “essential” because we cannot make them internally and they are necessary in some way to our health. Some nutrients are involved in chemical reactions in the body, some growth and repair, and some for energy or fuel. We need more of some than of others, and some can be over-consumed and actually harm us. The 45 nutrients fit into 6 main groups: 1.___________________ 2.___________________ 3.___________________ 4.___________________ 5.___________________ 6.___________________ Protein Fats Vitamins Minerals Carbohydrates Water Carbohydrates Vitamins Minerals Protein The government feels that besides calorie and serving size information, we should be aware of some, but not every nutrient that is in our packaged food. There are certain nutrients that we need to be cautious with. In excess they can cause our bodies harm. Those “caution” nutrients must be on the label. There are certain positive nutrients that we tend to skip or not get enough of. They are VERY healthful! Those “go get’em” nutrients must be on the label. 1 _______________ 2 _______________ 3 _______________ 4 _______________ 5 _______________ 6 _______________ 1 _______________ 2 _______________ 3 _______________ 4 _______________ 5 _______________ 6 _______________ COMPANIES CAN APPLY FOR EXCEPTIONS TO LEAVE OFF “GO GET’EMS” OR “CAUTIONS” BUT THEY MUST PROVE THE VALUES WOULD HAVE BEEN ZERO. QUESTIONS FOR THE DAY LABELS: REVIEW QUESTIONS True or False ____1. Nutrition Facts must state a serving size. All other values relate to eating that suggested serving size. ____2. Nutrition Facts must list every nutrient present in the food. Explain:____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ____3. Companies can lie on the Nutrition Facts to sell more products. ____4. Companies can put additional nutrients on Nutrition Facts. Like Vitamin E, Phosphorus, Poly Unsaturated fat, Magnesium……. YES!!! AS LONG AS THE COMPANY IS TELLING THE TRUTH! Help! The Nutrition Facts label won’t fit on the package!!! The company must provide a 1-800 phone number so we can get the information or they can try to change the shape or condense the information a bit! check out this special note Food labels must also list ingredient information. The ingredients are what the food is made of. Every ingredient or substance used MUST be on the list! NO INGREDIENT CAN BE LEFT OFF! WHY? Find the word “INGREDIENTS:” on the Keebler label to see what the product is made of. There can be quite a few ingredients in a product! UNIT: Nutrition & Wellness LEARNING GOALS: Define calcium. Identify foods that are high in calcium. Explain why calcium is important in our diet. Explain the consequences of not getting enough calcium in your diet. Why is calcium important? • Calcium is a very important mineral because it serves many functions in the body. Without calcium, our bodies would not work properly. 1. Muscle contraction and relaxation 2. Regular, steady heart rhythm 3. Nerves to send messages to the brain 4. Blood clotting And……. • Teens need about _____ 1,300 mg of calcium daily. • What is a serving size? • How much calcium is in one serving? “We might be cool, we might be nerdy, but all of us need 130!” __________________ Vitamin D is necessary to absorb calcium into bones. Vitamin D is also known as the sunshine ________ vitamin. HEALTHY STRONG DENSE The disease associated with weak and brittle bones is osteoporosis _______________. POROUS WEAK BRITTLE Dairy foods provide calcium but so do – leafy green vegetables, beans, canned sardines and salmon, and calcium-fortified foods Fortified: Values Are “Pumped Up” DENSE STRONG _________BONES WEAK ________ ________BONES BRITTLE POROUS What did you learn today? QUESTION OF THE DAY UNIT: Nutrition & Wellness LEARNING GOALS: Define digestion. Explain the basic process of digestion. Digestion is the process of breaking down food into its simplest parts so that the essential nutrients within the food can be absorbed and used by the body. Digestion begins in the __________ where your ____________ chew the food and your ____________moves the food around. Your salivary glands produce _______which moistens the food making it easier to swallow. The soft moist food is swallowed and travels by way of the ________________ to the ______________. The stomach contains ___________ ________ which continue to break down food until it is moist and smooth enough to pass into the ________ ___________. This is where the nutrients in the food are primarily absorbed into your blood through thousands of tiny finger like projections called _____. Once in the blood the nutrients travel to your liver where they are made ready for travel and stored until they are needed. The parts of food that cannot be absorbed are called________. The waste travels from the small intestine to the ________ ___________ and then finally leaves the body routinely as liquid or solid matter. Most people can eat enough food daily, but does that mean they are getting enough nutrients? We also might over-consume foods with too many calories! A high calorie diet is linked to___________. Obesity is linked to many serious health problems. A nutrient dense diet contains the right amount of calories and all the essential nutrients. UNIT: Nutrition & Wellness LEARNING GOALS: List the sections of the CHOOSE MY PLATE. Identify foods that fit into each plate section. Explain what a “whole grain” food is. Foods that contain the bran, the endosperm, and the germ, are called WHOLE GRAIN. Grain foods that are not whole grain contain only the endosperm portion of the grain. Half our grain foods should be whole grain. Whole grain foods have all the fiber, healthy fats, and positive nutrients grain foods can offer! Name the four factors that affect an individuals calorie needs. Why is it important to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables each day? Question of the Day Answer this Nutrition Riddle: I am a member of the “Go Get’em Team”. Like my friend Iron, I come from the Earth’s crust. What am I?