The Importance of Food Unit Review Sheet

The Importance of Food
Matching: Match the following terms and identifying phrases.
_____ 1. The physical need for food.
_____ 2. A psychological desire to eat.
_____ 3. A state of being in overall good physical, mental, and social health.
_____ 4. Mental tension caused by change.
_____ 5. The way a person usually lives.
_____ 6. Influence that comes from people in a person’s social group.
_____ 7. A practice that is very popular for a time.
_____ 8. A mistaken belief.
_____ 9. Interrelated factors, including air, water, and soil, that ultimately affect the survival of life on earth.
_____ 10. The use of knowledge to develop improved methods for doing tasks.
A. appetite
B. culture
C. environment
D. fad
E. fallacy
F. hunger
G. lifestyle
H. peer pressure
I. stress
J. technology
K. wellness
Chapter 2
_____ 1. The study of how the body uses the nutrients in food.
_____ 2. A purified nutrient that is manufactured or extracted from natural sources.
_____ 3. A compound from plants that is active in the human body.
_____ 4. A food to which nutrients are added in amounts greater than what would naturally occur in the
_____ 5. An indigestible material in plant foods that provides bulk in the diet.
_____ 6. The process by which hydrogen atoms are added to unsaturated fatty acids in liquid oils.
_____ 7. A fatlike substance found in every cell in the body.
_____ 8. Protein that contains all nine essential amino acids in adequate amounts.
_____ 9. An inorganic substance that becomes part of the bones, soft tissues, and body fluids.
_____ 10. Waves of muscle contractions that push food through the digestive tract.
A. cholesterol
B. complete protein
C. dietary supplement
D. fiber
E. fortified food
F. hydrogenation
G. mineral
H. nutrient
I. nutrition
J. peristalsis
K. phytochemical
Chapter 3
_____ 1. Cherries
_____ 4. Swiss cheese
A. fruit group
D. meat and beans group
_____ 2. Tortillas
_____ 5. Eggs
B. vegetable group
E. milk group
_____ 3. Bagels.
_____ 6. Spinach.
C. grains group
F. solid fats, sugars, and oils
Chapter 5
_____ 1. The amount of energy the human body needs to stay alive and carry on vital processes.
_____ 2. A unit used to measure the energy value of foods.
_____ 3. The body’s ability to meet physical demands.
_____ 4. An abnormal loss of body fluids.
_____ 5. The use of resources like food choices and physical activity to reach and/or maintain a healthy
_____ 6. A condition characterized in an adult by a body mass index of 25 to 29.9.
_____ 7. A condition characterized in an adult by a body mass index of less than 18.5.
_____ 8. A condition characterized by excessive deposits of body fat.
_____ 9. A mathematical relationship used to evaluate body shape.
_____ 10. Abnormal eating behavior that risks physical and mental health.
A. anorexia nervosa
B. basal metabolism
C. calorie
D. dehydration
E. eating disorder
F. fitness
G. obesity
H. overweight
I. underweight
J. waist-to-hip ratio
K. weight management
Chapter 6
_____ 1. Place the injury under cold running water or in a cold water bath.
_____ 2. Use the abdominal thrust.
_____ 3. Cover the injury with a sterile cloth and apply pressure to stop bleeding.
_____ 4. Avoid moving the victim if a broken bone is suspected.
_____ 5. Disconnect the power source and begin rescue breathing.
_____ 6. Call a poison control center and describe the poison taken.
A. broken bones
B. burns
C. choking
D. cuts
E. electric shock
F. falls
G. poisoning
Chapter 7
_____ 1. A person who has influence over others.
_____ 2. A business in which food is prepared for parties and other social functions.
_____ 3. A health care professional who has training in nutrition and diet planning.
_____ 4. A person an employer can call to ask about a job applicant’s capabilities as a worker.
_____ 5. A series of related jobs that form a career.
_____ 6. An aim a person tries to reach.
_____ 7. A meeting between an employer and a job applicant to discuss the applicant’s qualifications for a
job opening.
_____ 8. A person who sets up and runs a business.
A. career ladder
B. catering
C. dietitian
D. entrepreneur
E. extension agent
F. goal
G. interview
H. leader
I. reference
Multiple Choice: Choose the best response.
Chapter 3
_____ 1. The highest level of daily intake of a nutrient that is unlikely to pose risks of adverse health
effects is the _____.
A. Adequate Intake
B. Estimated Average Requirement
C. Recommended Dietary Allowance
D. Tolerable Upper Intake Level
_____ 2. Which of the following counts as one serving of fresh, frozen, or canned fruit?
A. ½ cup
B. 3⁄4 cup
C. 1 cup
D. 2 to 3 ounces.
_____ 3. Which of the following points would best help consumers follow the Dietary Guidelines
message to make smart choices from every food group?
A. Focus on fats
B. Vary your vital nutrients
C. Get your protein-rich foods
D. Make half your grains whole
_____ 4. Which of the following preparation tips will not help reduce fat, sugars, or sodium?
A. Use mayonnaise instead of yogurt when making dressings and dips.
B. Flavor vegetables with herbs and lemon juice instead of salt and butter.
C. Dust cakes with powdered sugar instead of spreading them with frosting.
D. Use evaporated milk instead of cream.
_____ 5. Which of the following menu terms indicates a food may be high in sodium?
A. Breaded
B. Fried
C. Served with gravy
D. Smoked
Chapter 5
_____ 1. How much daily activity do experts recommend for children and teens?
A. 15 minutes
B. 30 minutes
C. 45 minutes
D. 60 minutes
_____ 2. Which of the following is not a benefit of physical activity?
A. It keeps skin healthy.
B. It reduces the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes.
C. It slows metabolism.
D. It tones muscles.
_____ 3. About which of the following nutrients do athletes need to be most concerned?
A. Calcium
B. Protein
C. Vitamin C
D. Water
_____ 4. Which of the following factors contributes to overeating?
A. Emotional need to relieve frustration or depression.
B. Illness.
C. Physical need for food.
D. All of the above.
_____ 5. A list of foods and beverages a person consumes that can help him or her identify eating
habits is a(n) _____.
A. eating habits survey
B. eating inventory
C. food log
D. food record
_____ 6. Which of the following does not affect a person’s daily calorie need?
A. Age
B. Body composition
C. Eating habits
D. Gender
_____ 7. When planning a weight management plan, keep in mind that 1 pound (0.45 kg) of fat is
equal to about _____.
A. 1,200 calories
B. 1,600 calories
C. 2,000 calories
D. 3,500 calories
_____ 8. For greater success in maintaining a weight goal, experts recommend people lose weight at
the slow, steady rate of _____.
A. under 1⁄2 pound per week
B.1⁄2 to 1 pound per week
C. 1 to 2 pounds per week
D. 2 to 3 pounds per week
Complete each statement by filling the proper word, phrase or number(s) in the blank.
Chapter 1
1. The ____________________-____________________ ____________________ is a method for thinking
about possible options and outcomes before making a choice.
2. ____________________ are the various options from which you might choose when making a
3. ____________________ is the physical need for food, whereas _________________ is a psychological
desire to eat.
4. The three areas of ____________________ are physical, mental, and social health.
5. One sign of good mental health is an ability to handle ____________________.
6. ____________________ is the customs and beliefs of a racial, religious, or social group.
7. Because immigrants tended to settle together based on nationality, many foods are typical of
particular ____________________ of the United States.
8. Some foods have symbolic meanings for members of certain ____________________, such as the
bread and wine used for communion in Christian churches.
9. Denying oneself food, or ____________________, has long been a religious custom.
Chapter 2
1. Doctors suggest some people take ____________________ ____________________ to help make up
for nutrient shortages in their diets.
2. The nutrient that serves as the body’s chief source of energy is ____________________.
3. ____________________ is a form of complex carbohydrate from plants that provides bulk in the diet.
4. Sugars, syrups, soft drinks, jams, jellies, and candies and other sweets are all sources of
____________________ carbohydrates.
5. Breads, cereals, pasta products, and rice are sources of ____________________, which is the most
abundant carbohydrate in the diet.
6. Fatty acids that have as many hydrogen atoms as they can hold are called ____________________
fatty acids.
7. A fatlike substance that is found in every cell in the body and occurs in foods of animal origin is
Chapter 5
1. Carbohydrates and proteins provide the body with _____ calories per gram, and fats provide the
body with _____ calories per gram.
2. When the energy you obtain from food ____________________ the energy you expend, your body
weight remains the same.
3. Physical activity contributes to overall ____________________, or the body’s ability to meet physical
4. Experts recommend children and teens get at least _____ minutes of moderate activity daily.
5. ____________________ activities speed your heart rate and breathing and promote cardiovascular
Chapter 6
1. Most foodborne illnesses are caused by ____________________, or substances that may be harmful
that have accidentally gotten into food.
2. Always keep hot foods above _____°F.
3. Keep cold foods cold—below _____°F.
4. When cooking for a large crowd, divide food and place it in small, shallow containers for quicker
____________________ and ____________________.
5. Most of the foodborne illness cases reported each year occur in ____________________
Short Answer:
Chapter 3
1. Give three tips for making healthful food choices when shopping for food.
2. Give three tips for healthful food preparation.
Chapter 5
1. List three tips for successfully following a weight management plan to reduce weight.
2. What are three strategies that can help a person gain weight?
Chapter 6
1. Give four guidelines for keeping yourself and your kitchen clean when preparing food.
2. Give four guidelines for preventing cross-contamination when preparing foods.
Bonus: Draw and label the graphic organizer for the various classifications of vegetables (please us the
back of this page).
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